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News Item1/18/19 10:37 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Read this response to Gillette tonight & thought it worth sharing --

News Item11/8/18 11:53 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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I think after many months of trying to figure out what you are arguing for regarding health care and abortion, it seems like you want to make a tie between Medicaid funding of pre-natal and birthing and the number/rate of children killed in the womb. The issue, it seems that you are arguing, is that more babies are killed because their moms can't afford to give birth.
Is that the case? If so, what evidence do you have to prove your point? And, is there not a place for the church or ministry to step in instead of the government?

News Item11/8/18 11:46 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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The impacts of radio frequency radiation has been a question in my mind for many years. We are bathed in various frequencies throughout every day, from Bluetooth to cell phones to wifi to AM/FM/TV and then various other radios, radars, etc.

I also wonder if the various radio frequencies impacting Creation are also impacting individual objects or parts of objects to vibrate in different ways, now to our transmissions rather than what the Lord is doing directly. If all of Creation sings to the Lord, is a portion now singing for us instead?

News Item6/22/18 9:35 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Another point in favor of homeschooling. Our home is not adorned with the name of a notorious criminal. Our child proudly tells others that he is homeschooled and that he loves his lessons and curriculum.

How could anyone express pride in a school named for a criminal? What is their mascot going to be? The jailbirds?

And since when does someone's unnatural sexual orientation qualify him for honors?

This district is truly making evil out to be good in an attrmpt to make good seem evil.

News Item6/1/18 6:29 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Our child and I were reviewing current news events of the day when we came across the word of the shooting at the school near Houston, TX. We agreed how much safer he was being homeschooled.

It's not just that national news worthy catastrophes that he's safe from. It's the bullying by kids and teachers, the content of the science, sex ed, and social studies curriculums, and the permeated socialism that he is protected.

News Item4/22/18 12:47 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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This kind of nonsense charge against homeschoolers for opting out of the government system should be prosecuted wherever it arises. At a minimum, the school district ought to give this employee for gross child endangerment. I wish we knew the county or school district so that a national outcry against this horrendous attack on this family can be brought.

News Item3/22/18 11:24 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=]]] ('He's Not A Psychopath,' Says Friend Of Austin Bombings Suspect)[/URL]
Something for some homeschooling parents should think about?
Homeschooling parents do think about these things and consider them often. It seems you like links. Here are a few for you to consider:

News Item2/8/18 12:33 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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As for me and my house, we'll serve the Lord. And my wife and I homeschool. This story is yet another encouragement to join us.

News Item2/7/18 2:34 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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We'll stick to Math U See and Apologia, thanks. None of that nonsense and our kid knows his math and science.

News Item1/9/18 5:23 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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JimL, I am not going to avail myself of either. We all know that there is no perfect schooling system because people are involved and every person on this earth is tainted to the core by sin. While there have been documented instances of children not being appropriately cared for by their parents, there are just as many if not more cases of the school mistreating children. Many on this site have already decried the abuse of teaching lies and confusion. Worse than that happens regularly. So the solution your link offers is more parental oversight. There was a saying within a homeschool community we were part of years ago: "Either regulate yourself under God or the government will regulate you instead." I commend to you the website Read the horror stories they publish. Then go to an offshoot of HSLDA, The "need" for government oversight is a very touchy subject for the homeschool community.

News Item1/9/18 12:08 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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"Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou into My rest."

Here's a man who took the talent given him by the King and worked with it so diligently, far and wide, that the return is unmeasurable.

News Item1/9/18 12:05 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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JimL, who's keeping an eye on you!?

We as homeschooling parents don't need government oversight to ensure we are doing right by our children. We love them. They are excelling beyond their peers academically and socially. The public school would indoctrinate them I to believing every form of evil is an acceptable lifestyle choice. They would have them praying to Allah. That may be fine for your family, but for mine and my house, we'll follow the Lord through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.

News Item11/29/17 7:51 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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As a dad, I'm quite a bit apprehensive about a young daughter becoming involved with a much older man. Such appears to be every bit a matter of cohertion, and avoiding such means avoiding every appearance of evil. Meanwhile, I would rather have my children marry earlier than later because it is better to marry than to burn. I have seen strange things in my time, including some very strange marriages - and old men with young women smack of exploitation and self-serving interest which can go both ways. But God doesn't follow what we think because He isn't a man and His thoughts aren't our thoughts. And we don't follow what He says, but are sinners through and through in great need of a Savior.

News Item11/26/17 1:41 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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It is beyond time to escape the liberal establishment and protect our children from their destructive indoctrination and brain washing. Dare I suggest homeschooling as an option? Parental control over school is vital to bringing up children in the nurture and admonishion of the Lord.

News Item11/21/17 12:17 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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The best "program," one thatthat actually works, is for Dad's to come to faith in Jesus Christ, then see how their Father in heaven operates toward His begotten Son and adopted children, and see how that operationalizes thru the words of Scripture. Everything else tends to come into a right priority. As a father, I was never commanded in the Bible to pursue my dreams or desires, but I am commanded to love my wife I a very sacrificial way and my children (Ephesians 5 & 6, others).

News Item11/17/17 3:06 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Thanks, Adriel, for adding the real perspective. Yes, there is profit to bodily exercise, but in comparison with Godliness, not to any great extent.

News Item11/17/17 11:44 AM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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As a homeschool dad, this is readily apparent. Our child does gym by learning and playing sport. We have specifically chosen to not participate in sporting activities on Sunday. Our homeschool community offers sports on weekdays, so we can meet this requirement without impacting the rest of what we need to do while protecting the Lord's day. But there is a lot of pressure to participate more and more. For some of our community, the opportunity to participate in public school sports is being denied them, and they would rather increase government oversight on everyone than lose that opportunity to play at a higher and more observable level.

Then there's the whole professional sporting thing, which must relate to high church. Everywhere we go, our child is asked if he cheers for the local favorite NFL team.

Like any cult, there is a means in which participants through greater training can make themselves "better" and "healthier." Fans can be more devotes than others, gaining status. And all plays into the cult of "Self" in which pleasure or status is gained through working up levels. A piece of this is sexual, both in terms of gaining sexual attention from others as well as the attempts of sexually gratifying or exciting add-ons from cheerleaders and advertising, sometimes f

News Item11/14/17 10:53 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Jim L, I'm completely confused how you can connect young teens being preyed upon by adult men with the homeschooling movement. There is absolutely no connection whatsoever. Many homeschoolers of both genders outperform their traditional schooled peers in every aspect of education. On the contrary, my wife who grew up in only conservative Christian schools was routinely hit on by adult men on and off campus. My dad, who was almost nothing Christian, at least could give me a very valuable piece of advice - leave other people's teenage daughters alone. And where are those kids most exposed without parental protection? School.

News Item11/13/17 2:01 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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Amen,Ivan! That was actually part of my subtle point. We can appropriatrly communicate and interact without being socialists.

News Item11/13/17 12:44 PM
Homeschool Dad  Find all comments by Homeschool Dad
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That's the kind of attitude every professor and administrator ought to have, but surely this strikes at enrollment for those more interested in partying than learning. Of course, for those in social science majors like political science, there isn't a lot of definition so drunkness and laziness is just preparation for political careers.
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