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News Item12/8/18 5:12 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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I was thinking the most popular Bible verse--for people who don't have the Bible on their smartphones--would be the one that says, 'God helps those who help themselves' followed closely by 'A penny saved is a penny earned'

News Item12/8/18 4:02 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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I wonder what the study means by excessive.
Maybe more than sixty one minutes per hour!

News Item12/7/18 4:02 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Liberals screamed when the new head of the Dept of Education was announced, because they knew she was not going to follow the previous regime.
Voting has consequences, though I don't think changing the Dept of Education was high on anyone's agenda. The wall, immigration reform, yes, but not this.
Another point is that homeschooling does not automatically mean Conservative or Christian or Republican. Many in liberal places like California and Vermont are home schooling from a leftist viewpoint.
Still, it's not a significant portion of the kids being schooled today--I think a SermonAudio news item said that in North Carolina, homeschooled kids exceeded kids in private schools, which means a lot for churches that depend on those schools to help pay their own bills.
Too bad the Atlantic magazine wouldn't assign a reporter to cover that issue--why are so many kids being homeschooled instead of being sent to private schools? What does this say about the parent that has to stay home to do the homeschooling?
But--alas!--liberals like the editors of the Atlantic do not see any issue there because they only see what other liberals are talking about, and probably in this kind of story, there isn't anything negative to say about our current President Donald Trump.

News Item12/2/18 1:50 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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This study will be attacked in the mainstream media, if it gets to see the Light of Day at all. So true what it says, that Democrats--liberals all--consider minorities (meaning blacks for the most part) as not very smart people. They have a condescending attitude towards them, knowing they can depend on their votes if they continue to speak at their churches, and on the Sundays of early voting, pay for lunches and charter buses to take them straight from church to the polls.
And liberals in general think they are doing a Great Thing by treating blacks as dummies, constantly in need of Affirmative Action programs, set-aside contracts, and Diversity.
Ask yourself--does the NBA practice Diversity? Is there a white set-aside quota in the NBA?
And what about other minorities, like the Asians, who are doing better in schools than even white elites. Harvard is facing a lawsuit right now that says they discriminate against these very smart Asians, so as to prevent all Harvard from becoming one Super-Smart Asian Colony!
Boy, if I ran a college, I would aim to get that, and then boast of it all over the world--the smartest college in the world!

News Item12/2/18 12:50 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Atlantic is a secular publication, and same website shows an article about the death of restaurants. So maybe their editors are creating a theme of 'death of'
I wish they would do one on how Liberals Love Death, like abortion, euthanasia, etc.
Again, dealing with secular people means they don't understand the fine points of religion, much less theology that interest many posters here at SA.
For them, those big buildings with steeples, bell towers, crosses on top sitting on prime real estate, in very visible locations in town and city downtown areas, are all the same as The Church, and that is represented by people like the Pope, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, etc. They could not tell the difference between any of them.
The article seems to be about one initiative of the United Methodist Church to get churches to do more community development and maybe even commercial uses of their dying sites. I think a city zoning official would want to look into this to see if they are violating any laws.
I know of their locations that occupies half a city block, land is worth millions.
Around the corner is a Christian Scientist Church that razed the 2 story apartment buildings that I think were used by elderly members. They now have a big hotel there.

News Item12/1/18 3:51 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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What a great story, and source--the Jewish News Syndicate! I never knew that evangelicals made up such a large proportion of the Brazilian society (and conversely, that they make up so little of the US).
Of course, none of this you would know from watching your local news or reading local newspapers.

News Item12/1/18 3:41 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Interesting comment about abuse of the word "Christian" because this is the world we are dealing with, with the media who have very little contact with churches of any sort.
They think those big buildings occupying prime real estate in key locations around their towns and cities are The Church, so naturally they like to do stories like this one.
Another angle they do is to consider the wealth factor--how each denomination represents different classes, with Episcopalians and Presbyterians being at the top, and Pentecostals and Baptists being at the bottom.
That makes a lot of sense when you look at those buildings around your own town. Baptists may occupy a couple prime locations, but many of that denomination are located in small, out of the way locations. Episcopalians are generally not and even have private schools attached to their real estate. That brings in lots of $$.

News Item12/1/18 3:21 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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A quick news search says that it was from an underwater volcano, as reported in the Irish Sun esteemed publication.

News Item12/1/18 3:15 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Good points made by previous entries here about the Bush family and the Skull and Bones group. Many think of them as Texans, but they are very much the elite Northeast liberal family like the Senator from Massachusetts (who parks his yacht in another state to avoid his own state's taxes, and no one cries 'hypocrite').
The scion of the family had a high leadership position in the government.
So, at 94, he lived as long as wealthy people in the US live, which is longer than the middle or lower classes can expect to live to. News stories, even in liberal organs like the Wash Post, highlight this difference in 'health care outcomes'

News Item11/27/18 3:27 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Juanita...sounds like Barney Fife's sometime girlfriend..could it be?

News Item11/27/18 2:41 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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I wonder if this will unleash the dogs of war that filled hundreds of comments about the worth of Billy Graham after he kicked the bucket, and even the kind and good editors had to issue an official statement of this website.
Who knew that BG, who most media types consider to be the Imminent Christian of Our Time, would raise such a stink!
I actually told friends to check this website out to hear an 'alternative opinion' that they would never read anywhere else.

News Item11/27/18 2:37 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Why don't they work on something really important, like making a small machine to enable you to make Frosty's at home? That would be much better than the coffee espresso machines and those Belgian waffle makers, and the soda-stream ones.

News Item11/25/18 4:55 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Yes, it seems like the church in the UK is not doing the basic job of teaching correct doctrine. Or have the people thrown up their hands when confronted with Muslims holding different beliefs, atheists with theirs, Hindus with theirs. I think there already was a certain respect for gypsies, even a superstition about them, if the TV comedies I see on PBS are any indication.
I think the Supreme Value today is Get Along, or Teamwork. But when you throw in a guy like 'Wally' from the Dilbert comic strip, you wonder if teamwork is best. Firing him would be best, and then working back from there to fire all those who do not want to work.

News Item11/20/18 1:52 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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This also makes me think of Paul's address to the people in Athens. He said they were very religious, though he knew that all those 'gods' they worshiped were false. Maybe he was speaking in sarcasm, but we can't tell from the context.
So he pointed to the statue for the 'Unknown God' and said he had come in the name of that God, and that was the real God. So in effect, they were OK because they were covering all bases.

News Item11/19/18 4:05 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Chris from England makes an excellent point earlier about taqqiya, the Muslim principle of deception, lying.
I think many Democrat Party members will always vote for their party, no matter who it is. Thus it was that blacks in Michigan did not vote for the black Republican candidate. I'm sure the black churches had a lot to do with that, since the Democrat Party paid for buses and barbeque lunches on the Sundays before Election Day (if they have Early Voting in Michigan).
Also, you can look to the Lutherans who resettled all these Somali Muslims in Minnesota, where they have not assimilated. Anyone who knows a Lutheran needs to ask them about this.

News Item11/17/18 2:05 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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This reminds me of Robert Putnam, the Harvard sociologist, who wouldn't release his research on people living in communities with various racial and ethnic groups are not as happy as others who live in more homogeneous ones. Seems like 'birds of a feather flock together' and are happier than birds mixing it up with other birds.

News Item11/17/18 1:35 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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This so reminds me of the National Socialist Party in Germany of the 1930s dealing with Jews. And that old saying, 'They came for the Romanians, but I said nothing because I am not Romanian. They came for the Mormons, but I said nothing because I am not Mormon. They came for the Jews, but I said nothing because I am not Jewish. Now they are coming for me, and there is no one else to defend me!'

News Item11/17/18 12:50 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Find all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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Since when did he become some kind of expert on the economy? Has anyone followed what he said last year and seen how his favorite stock picks have done? How about those from the year before that, and so on going back a good 5 to 10 years?
No, as usual, what we see here is the usual mainstream media (CNBC here, a group of leftists who hate America and chortle gleefully when they can think up bad news) coming up with an anti-Trump story, Does anyone remember them saying anything negative during the Big Ears Barry Obama Regime (yes, that's the one with the white mother, 2 white grandparents, 1 African father, who all refer to as black when, in places like Brazil and the Dominican Republic, he would be mulatto or white)

News Item11/17/18 12:43 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Go to homepageFind all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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This all reminds me of the old hymn, "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place" with the first verse:
My faith has found a resting place,
Not in device nor creed;
I trust the Ever-living One,
His wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument,
I need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.

News Item11/16/18 2:06 PM
Hal C. Ondays | Isles of Langerhans  Find all comments by Hal C. Ondays
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I wonder how many people who are warming the pews are in complete agreement with this pastor and only are there because their parents or spouse make them go.
At least, I think that in the good ol' US of A, we have gotten away from that 1950s style of church-going, seen only in situation comedies of that era like the Andy Griffith Show, where everyone went just because everyone went, and not going made you stand out. Of course, those were segregation days, though it doesn't seem the Church hasn't changed that much in that respect.
I was thinking of the black churches when they were analyzing the results of the recent elections. It seems that blacks, especially in Florida, did not vote 99 percent of the time for the Dems. I thought this might be from the weakening status of the 'historic black church' that just does not hold sway like it used to. I've also seen a nationally televised preacher from Houston with lots of blacks in attendance. I wonder--did they have buses at this church round up all the congregants on the Sunday before Election Day to take them to the polls (to vote for Dems, who probably paid for the buses and the barbeque lunch afterwards).
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