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Sermon9/12/2023 12:35 PM
Dolores | Hernando  Find all comments by Dolores
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Jesus and The Trolley Problem
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good example of how we think we can actually make the right decision on our own. We need to always ask God for wisdom.

Sermon8/6/2023 3:01 PM
Dolores  Find all comments by Dolores
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You Became an Example
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good word about how all Christians are examples to others.

Sermon7/30/2023 2:28 PM
Dolores | Hernando  Find all comments by Dolores
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When Your Heart Longs for Home
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good reminder that we are pilgrims just passing through..

Sermon7/23/2023 2:23 PM
Dolores  Find all comments by Dolores
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You Are What You Eat
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good word for how to walk this Christain life.

Sermon7/16/2023 6:21 PM
Dolores | Citrus  Find all comments by Dolores
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God's Plan for Your More
J. D. Hatfield
“ Great Sermon! ”
Weighty message

News Item8/20/2020 9:35 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Thanks Carol, I much rather take an herbal medicine than others that cause side effects. Will look into that one you mentioned. Prayers for you and other sufferers of health issues. Stay safe.

News Item8/19/2020 5:26 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hi Carol, thanks so much for the information! I have heard about but wasn’t sure what to ask for. I’ll be trying that and hopefully get my husband to take it as well. He is much better than he was a few days ago. Autoimmune disease runs in his family.

News Item8/18/2020 8:59 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hi Brother JohnUk, thanks for commenting on what I was trying to explain but you said it much better than I did, just like a commentary helps me to see something clearer if it’s somewhat confusing.
Glad you are getting better, surprised they didn’t put you on a 10 day regiment. Understand your joint pain, have that as well especially the knee. I have heard of that herb. Just keep praying for each other is so important as we carry on.

News Item8/18/2020 8:49 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Jim L, news flash, if you were President, anyone of your relatives would tell you to resign as well. I take what any relative writes in a book for greedy agendas, with a grain of salt.😂

News Item8/18/2020 8:30 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Actually the eunuch, was reading the book of Isaiah and couldn’t understand the passage of the Scripture that he was reading that said:
“Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter
and like a lamb before it’s shearer is silent, so he opens not his mouth.
In his humiliation justice was denied him. Who shall declare his generation?for his life is taken from the earth.
Talking about Jesus, Phillip explained everything about Jesus’s death and resurrection, the man believed and wanted to be baptized. Phillip didn’t tell him to stay and just continued on doing God’s work as led to do by the Spirit. Billy Graham was a man of God called to carry the gospel to the world and to me he did it quite well and his son is carrying on quite well.
Hi JohnUk, prayers for you to continue your healing process and God’s blessings this day.

News Item8/18/2020 8:04 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Agree , quite Christian, the fact that Franklin is opposing Biden will go a long way for Trump in this election because thousands trust him, including me and listen to his voice. They were my inspiration ever since I was a young wife and mother and they still inspire me today in the last years of my life.
Someone made the comment that Billy Graham threw his followers to the wolves. No, he preached God’s Word and left the rest to the Holy Spirit. We sow the seed, someone else comes along and waters it and the spirit reaps the harvest.
Phillp was led, By the Lord to go to a certain road and there was an Ethiopian,a eunuch of the Queen puzzled by this he had while worshipping in Jerusalem and was now on his
way back home riding in his chariot. And the Spirit said to Phillip, go and join him which he did and explained Isaiah to him, he got saved, was baptized and went on his way. And Phillip led by Spirit moved on. Acts26-40

News Item8/15/2020 10:53 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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My daughter is a teacher in Little Rock, Ar and is upset also. She has been doing lessons on line which was working really well and now this. She will put a shield around her desk because teaching with a mask on is not workable. Here there have been 5 in one school (both workers and students) and a few in elementary schools, that tested positive. We are given guide lines to help us through this nightmare and I have no qualms doing the best I can to obey the expert advice, just as I took medicine for infectious diseases as well as blood pressure,thyroid and glaucoma to keep from going blind. God gave the knowledge to doctors to heal and use the medication that God gives us to take with faith that He is healing us.You make the final decision of what you are going to do with that information.

News Item8/15/2020 4:45 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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So sorry about your brother-in-law, Tim and will pray and ask my prayer warrior friend, who called today checking on my husband that she was so concerned about and prayed off and on all day for him. She was so happy and gave a praise the lord.
Good to have prayer warriors on here as well. We may not believe exactly the same on everything but I trust their faith in God and answered prayers.

News Item8/15/2020 4:28 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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I agree with JohnUk and Nick and have a Matthew Henry Commentary and always go to that if I need help understanding some passage a little clearer. Never put too much faith into just another person’s thoughts totally even on here. As an example, I don’t expect every single person to agree with every single thing I say or believe to be truth. Like Billy Graham has said, and I agree.
Quote: It’s God’s job to Judge
Holy Spirit’s job to convict, our job is to love.

News Item8/15/2020 9:55 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Good news indeed. I do want to give all those that prayed for my husband that was in so much pain that he stayed in bed mostly, a big thanks and praise to God. He is out of bed and headed to the family farm with his son. I don’t think he’ll do anything to cause another strain. Wants to get back well to go hunting by the time season opens!! Something happened that started the recovery. Too long to give details but had to be God’s intervening.

News Item8/13/2020 9:06 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Trump is unhappy as well and has appointed a new doctor to his team of doctors, don’t know if he’s taken any off.
At our church we have a team of doctors that are members and pastor holds conferences with them and they go by the guidelines of so many feet apart and have 600 that attends spread out in fusion room, gym and atrium. 600 live-streams.Sanctuary still under construction after fire we had recently. Works for us, anyway.

News Item8/13/2020 7:39 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Carol, you are so right about getting old. One of his doctors said that,’ getting old is not for sissies’ 😉

News Item8/13/2020 7:30 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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By the way, John, I have had streptococcus in my throat so painful 😣 that I could hardly even talk, more or less eat or drink. A round of antibiotics and prayers did the trick. That was years ago and haven’t had it since, praise God. Didn’t know you were sick until today.

News Item8/13/2020 7:19 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hi JohnUk, so sorry to hear you are having problems with your throat and the pain involved. Prayers for God to heal with the medicine and knowledge of the doctors as they work with you.
My son’s job is to put patients to sleep during surgery which involved wearing masks, now it’s all the time because of working with covid virus. It causes him to be irritated and raw in places around his nose which is painful but has to wear it nonetheless. So that is why I got so angry at these men that refused to follow the rules for just a few hours, when my son puts his life on the line every day. We stay home mostly but have to go to doctors.
Thanks,to all for the prayers for my husband. He’s beginning to feel better this morning. I am encouraged by some of the things said from those who have back pain and are understanding it. Prayers for y’all as well and God’s blessings and safe keeping.

News Item8/12/2020 10:05 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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May God’s blessings and encouragement be with each and everyone of you as we all fight the good fight of the faith.
1Timothy 6:11-12
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