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News Item3/15/18 6:41 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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"Part of our scholarship does deal with dogma but the students who come here and the faculty that teach here are not asked to adopt a single religious perspective. They're asked to understand multiple religious perspectives. And on the basis of their engagement with multiple religious perspectives to be able to articulate their own views," Stone said.

"Religious diversity is a hallmark of our school, we're very proud of it, we think that's the future for theological education. And we are very proud to be associated with Rev. Walrond."

The above quotes are the key to their drifting away from what they've heard. They are fellowshipping and exchanging ideas with unbelievers in a religious scholastic setting. It is one thing to work with unbelievers but to mix the Truth (what they call "dogma") with error is a recipe for compromise and disaster.

Instead of saying: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?  (15)  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 KJV

Alas, they have made shipwreck of their faith.

News Item3/9/18 11:46 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Romans 10:13-14 KJV  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  (14)  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Paul, in the above passage, asks some important questions that is important to this discussion. And I have an honest question of my own that is not meant to be divisive, incite confusion, nor instigate anger. The question is: If one is to call on the Name of the Lord to be saved then why would a translator use the KJV as a source when it consistently mistranslates the Name of the Lord as "LORD" instead of His Name.

I say this is because just last night I was at a Bible Study where a kind and gentle Hispanic first lady of that church translated "The LORD is my Shepherd" into Spanish as "Jehova es mi Pastor," which is correct (per Spanish RVG Bible). When I pointed out to her that the translation accurately used the Name instead of "LORD" she said, "No, Jehova is translation for 'LORD.'" However, the translation for "LORD" is "El SENOR." My point is that using the KJV as the only source for translating Scripture into other languages seems to me a huge mistake. And how can one call on a Name that is mistranslated?

News Item3/9/18 7:12 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Ezekiel 9:4-7 KJV  And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.  (5)  And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:  (6)  Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.  (7)  And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slew in the city.

One of the scariest events in Scripture! God has given a command to slay those indifferent to sin and to mark for safety those "that sigh and moan" over the evil done in their midst. The "sanctuary" in verse 6 is the temple; the judgment is to begin there among the religious leaders. To get proper context read chapters 8 - 10. God eventually leaves the temple.

My point is, one does not have to be an active participant of evil to be condemned; but to simply witness it and do or say nothing to God about it. Thumb twiddling is not an option.

News Item3/8/18 10:41 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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This is child trafficking for the highest bidder!!! You folks in Washington need to wake up and call Olympia en masse and scare reason into the hearts of your lawmakers. I know apostasy has caused your numbers to shrink but I believe there are still enough believers in the Northwest that can stop this abomination if you only come together as one. Don't think some mother will not be tempted to put her baby up for sale because of that law. Wake up Church, the land needs healing!

News Item3/6/18 5:06 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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My Sister Dolores: Let not your heart be troubled and neither burdened concerning posts here. It is Jesus that walks in the midst and He knows our works and our words (spoken or posted). Nothing catches Him by surprise and He is not without remedy; His counsel is always sound for those who truly have ears that hear what the Spirit is saying to the CHURCHES.

Notice the plural: It is not one letter but 7 letters that were dictated. One Body but many assemblies. Each has its own cultural identity with different praises and problems (from within and/or without) specific to those cities. My point is that the Philadelphians are not to come down on the Ephesians and even the Laodiceans because of their failures but to take heed lest they fall into the same condemnation; but most of all to pray for the deliverance of her sister assemblies.

Ironically, Jesus dictated these rebukes to John. Remember, it was John who tried to stop a person from using Jesus' Name for a work of righteousness simply because he was not in their group. That sometimes happens here. Instead of praise for an obvious work of righteousness in Jesus' Name we sometimes bite and devour each other. I beg you to continue to dictate Jesus words on SA because your words are gracious and relevant.

News Item3/5/18 5:59 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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"Despite Dr. Graham’s praise for the Roman Catholic Pope as “one of the greatest moral and spiritual leaders of this century” (The Saturday Evening Post, Jan 1980)..." Considering the date, I believe this quote was concerning John Paul II. The statement in itself is solid however what is missing is an adjective like "for good" or "for evil." "Ye will know them by their fruit." It is only Jesus who will ultimately judge him (and us) as a castaway or not.

I do want to add that it is amazing how much envy and jealousy has come to light as people opine about the passing and legacy of Evangelist Graham. Many of the commentators I have heard concerning him on SA are sadly seasoned with gall instead of the salt of grace. Many critiques but scant celebrations for the work of an evangelist, a husband and father dedicated to family, and a nearly scandal free life. The criticisms reminds me of Rep. Pelosi's "Crumbs" comment; insinuating that the ignorant masses (numbered not in the hundreds but the hundreds of millions) who heard him proclaim the Gospel were really being fed a false Gospel. His repetition "The Bible says..." stands in stark contrast to the man-made doctrines and confessions which others quote. Jesus: "Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another."

News Item1/10/18 2:16 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Does that make them serial killers?

News Item1/9/18 9:31 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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I hope this means a favorable ruling for brother Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, at the Supreme Court.

News Item1/7/18 4:33 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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That world view is very dangerous so no one should take it lightly. This student has been taught, thus the student has a teacher; a salaried teacher with classes full of fellow students. Not only that, this teacher has comrades who are teaching their students that same idea in other schools.

Again, that world view is dangerous! It is not only two year old infants that are not able to communicate well or take care of themselves.

News Item12/30/17 9:33 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Jim, when you quote someone who begins "One could imagine a scenario..." then any imaginative source to back up your world view becomes fair game. Those who can not discern fact from fantasy and Truth from imagination are labeled "Delusional."

News Item12/10/17 11:23 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Luke 6:43-44 KJV  For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.  (44)  For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

This is the only legitimate way to properly discern human beings. Look at ALL of the fruit.

Jesus even asked us to discern Him by those standards: John 10:37-38 KJV  If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.  (38)  But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

And: John 14:11 KJV  Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

Remember that public opinion was partially responsible for Jesus' death.

And of course Paul warns of the "Say everything but do nothing": Titus 1:16 KJV  They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Allegations are not deeds. I am sure that if the President is indeed born again then his conversion is recent. So if he (or we for that matter) are judged by our past deeds prior to our conversion then that's one thing. But what fruit has he born lately? Judge him on t

News Item12/9/17 12:12 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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They are going about this all wrong. They are rewriting fact and history if they change their birth certificates many years after birth. I wonder if they could be liable to a lawsuit if they not only change their identities mentally but also physically and then go and have new birth certificates created and the old destroyed. It is probable that these liars and pretenders could then marry and not tell their spouses and the family of those spouses what their real sex is; even adopt and make a family. Then for them to find out some time later that what they have been married to was an abomination. The innocent would be devastated.

It won't be long until some "Dr. Frankenstein" will transplant a uterus into a male and then implant an embryo for him to give birth.

What these states should do is not tamper with the original birth certificates but issue an addendum that states that the individual has chosen to change their sexual identities.

News Item12/8/17 4:10 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Australia had a great spiritual awakening in the 1980s and 90s; but now, an entire continent lost! The "Land Down Under" has gone down under.

Matthew 11:23-24 NRSV And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will be brought down to Hades. For if the deeds of power done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. (24) But I tell you that on the day of judgment it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom than for you."

News Item12/6/17 7:19 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Without question nor debate Ravi Zacharias is the real deal. From suits against Christian businesses to accusations against those in authority the current tool to attack good moral character is to allege sexual misconduct. Their strategy is to take advantage of the many legitimate revelations of misconduct coming to light against real predators by throwing those whom they disagree with into the mix. Today, truth and opinion can carry equal weight. I echo the quote of Chris G P from England of our Lord (Himself a victim of public opinion over truth) saying to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Two good things to take from the behavior of a serpent is to be still and observant in dealing with persons you don't know or have no reliable source concerning their character.

One more thing; to echo the Apostle Paul: "1 Timothy 5:19 BLB  Do not receive an accusation against an elder, except upon two or three witnesses."

For the enemy to put Ravi Zacharias' head on his mantle would be a very big deal. He is and has been one of our best apologists in modern times. His comments in the article are well worth receiving; especially when someone brings up a false accusation against YOU.

News Item11/22/17 3:46 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Thanks Jim. I would rather him be in Alabama than in North Carolina.

News Item11/22/17 6:33 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Love that quote from Psalm 35:11.

I wonder if Sean Hannity is going to have one of his forums with these people. If that happens Judge Moore might win by double digits. The Soros/Obama/Clinton/Allred smear machine should have waited a week before the election to release the hounds.

Jim, you've given us many a link with interviews and quotes from Goodbye Charlie Rose. He already said that he was "embarrassed" at the revelation. What's your take on this serial abuser?

News Item11/21/17 8:06 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Absolutely no abortion is true universal health care. Liberals know that if our schools return to the ideals of free speech and open debate the consequence would be that all of their leftist reasonings would be rightly scoffed at and trampled under foot. The result would be less millennials indoctrinated to socialism.

That is why I give props to Jim for his courage to continue sharing his thoughts here at this free speech forum. Ironically, I think if a Thatcher-like person monitored our threads here at SA then we would not see most of Jim's hilarious comments and links. And "bystanders and observers" would have a clear choice of what is and what is not sound reasoning.

News Item11/18/17 8:34 AM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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Yep, text book case. Here is the text out of the book: 2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV  For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

News Item11/17/17 1:40 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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A few minutes ago I watched the Women for Moore press conference and, I tell you, it was powerful. If you get a chance check it out on Youtube:

The final speaker was the judges wife. Her most memorable quote was "He will not step down!"

You know, I and others have staked our life on a man who refused to "step down." He was accused and charged of being a terrorist plotting to destroy a temple. There were witnesses come forth to testify under oath that he had said this. Who was this man that people had 3 1/2 yrs to witness his character? Well, he was a nobody from a small town that was not known for its good hospitality. The town was not Bethlehem which should have disqualified claims of Messiah. So the governing establishment decided to step in and save the people from this hoodwink. And of course the young man was soundly exposed for the charlatan he was and was handed over to the hated Romans who rightly gave him a public execution to end the cult.

And I (we) stake our lives on such flimsy evidence. We weren't there because this was nearly 2000 years ago. That 3 1/2 yrs of public ministry convinced me that his character was real, despite the testimony of his accusers. And Judge Moore has been on the scene much longer.

News Item11/15/17 2:59 PM
Carl in Greensboro | North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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61.6%... in favor. I really thought (wrongly) that it would have been completely the opposite. I guess a big chunk of the voters were those with 4 yr degrees.

I don't know if evangelicals actually stayed home. I believe what happened there is happening all over the world and it involves millennials. A huge chunk of them are apostate children of evangelicals. The motto "As for me my house" is no longer emphasized, thus we have a generation who don't know Jesus like those generations of Israelites after Moses and Joshua who did not know the LORD. We know how it ended at the end of Judges with the civil war which began with the perverse actions of a Levite in the territory of Benjamin (Judges 19-21). Today, will it be revival or revenge at the hand of the LORD.

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