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Sermon Knowing the All-Knowing God | Wayne Conrad
"What a wonderful reminder that knowing about God is not actually knowing..."
-35 hrs 
Sermon READ WITH ME // Philippians 1 // 1 HOUR reading... | Steven Lee
Daniel Chamberlain from Fort worth
-36 hrs 
Sermon 1 Samuel 31 | Rev. Ryan Speck -39 hrs 
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Sermon8/13/2023 2:01 PM
Bob | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bob
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The Lord Who Revives and Slays
Dr. D. Ralph Davis
“ Timing, Responsibility, & Distress! ”
Dr Davis gives us three observations about these two stories and he admonishes us to take home lessons from each. First, let's observe the timing of God's providence. There are no coincidences: God works things in our history to our benefit. (Davis relates a bicycle accident from his youth to illustrate the point!) Give thanks to God for his timing. Second, we have a responsibility to react rightly to the testimony about God. The king of Israel learned about Yahweh's work through Elisha. Did he respond appropriately? We know of the saving work of Jesus Christ--do we respond appropriately? Finally, notice the sad distress of God's judgement. Elisha was distressed that God's righteous judgement at the hand of the pagan Hazael would result in the death of many Israelites. Jesus, too, wept at the coming judgement of Jerusalem. Our God does not take joy in the justice He commands--and so we must have a similar posture. Dr. Davis gives us much to consider about our Creator in these 48 minutes. What a blessing.

Sermon7/16/2023 3:19 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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Church Suppers Can be Dangerous
Dr. D. Ralph Davis
“ Wild Gourds! ”
One can tell Dr. Davis has meditated and studied these texts deeply. He has once again taken a tiny portion of Scripture and brought from it a treasure of truths about our God. Four verses and we see four powerful themes: God's Covenant Judgement (sometimes God's people are brought into the same judgement as a wicked nation), God's Earthy Concerns (God cares about our physical needs), God's Ridiculous Ways (He will *sometimes* give us a physical sign along with a word to show us His in, perhaps, the Lord's Supper), and God's Defective Servants (we can all be as error prone as the "gourd chopper" who put the dangerous veggies in the stew!)... We see even in this small portion of Scripture these great truths about how our God deals with His creation! Amen!

Sermon6/14/2023 2:31 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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A Bit of Remnant Ministry
Dr. D. Ralph Davis
“ 7 Verses, Profound Exegesis! ”
Davis takes seven short verses and tells us how this unnamed widow of Israel's experience shows us the glory of God! Davis begins by warning us how NOT to read the passage, then he dives into the proper way to see what is happening...the kind of person God helps, the need (sometimes) for secrecy, the proper EXERCISE of faith, and how to live and move forward when God provides. Dr. Davis truly knows how to draw so much out of even short passages of Scripture! He is one of my favorite preachers!

Sermon7/22/2022 4:51 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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Trust and Obey
Voddie Baucham
“ Listen, Receive, Love & Treasure...Find! ”
Wisdom spoke at the end of chapter 1, now the father speaks again to the son! We see a pattern here for the son: Listen, Receive, Love & Treasure, Find! Listen: The son is called to listen to his teachers. And he is to listen with FAITH. The objection might be raised, "What if my parents are wrong or sinful?" Voddie reminds us: they are! In fact, all parents fail. We are called to have faith in the God who put our parents in our lives! We teachers/parents must stay grounded in the Word of God to help us guide our students. Receive: the student needs to accept the teaching given by the Word of God. Four things to avoid here! Legalism and moralism (both are covered extensively by Voddie in the series). We also need to avoid procrastination--the idea of trusting God later...when one is done sowing wild oats. Also, those who understand the doctrine of election must avoid a proclivity of doubting one's motives so much that they give up in despair. Love/Treasure: understand the Word of God is worth more than any treasure you might desire on earth! Find: The end result will be a healthy relationship w/your Creator! Finding God is the goal, and that will happen as you pursue Him. Blessings may come but beware they do not become idols! Seek ye first the ki

Sermon5/24/2022 3:56 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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Wisdoms Sermon
Voddie Baucham
“ Lady Wisdom Speaks! ”
Proverbs 1:20-33 There are many sermons in Scripture; the one found in Proverbs 1:20-33 is preached by Lady Wisdom. We are reminded to not read Proverbs in a “moralistic” manner…to do so makes a mockery of the sacrifice Jesus made! Lady Wisdom opens and closes (22, 32-33) her sermon by looking at types of sinners: the simple, the fool and the scoffer (the latter is a type of fool). Voddie gives us numerous Proverbs throughout the book describing each of these sinners. Lady Wisdom’s goal is to persuade the simple man, one who doesn’t know any better, to heed and obey her instruction. “Repent!” she cries out! The one who repents will get to know Lady Wisdom (23)…and we see the call to repent is a message from the prophets, from Jesus as well as the apostles! God’s kindness—His love—allows us to see our sin and to repent. Why repent? Judgement is coming! (24-28) All men will get what they want—the fruit of their ways (29-31). Romans 1 echoes this truth. The end of the matter (32-33)? Either one will listen to the Wisdom of Christ or will turn away to Dame Folly. Those who listen will be able to live without fear…though harm WILL come their way, Christ’s presence will carry them through! Those who turn away from Christ will suffer harm—wrath will be their

Sermon4/28/2022 1:30 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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“ What Distinguishes Lady Wisdom? ”
Voddie's fourth sermon in the series focuses on "Lady Wisdom" who calls out to the young man to learn from her! Sadly, we often have trouble hearing her! Why do we have trouble? Voddie points out four (interrelated) reasons for our problem: Our sin nature alienates us from Wisdom. Add to that the "world, flesh and devil". Sinners also entice us away from Lady Wisdom. We also seek Wisdom apart from Christ--such a search is ultimately futile. So how can we know Lady Wisdom apart from Dame Folly? First, she cries out publicly. Notice that often the wicked will "entice" you (see 1:10)...implying a secretive way of drawing someone in! *Big Warning* though! The devil will often pervert the truth by crying out loudly too! See the recent celebration of unbiblical behaviour in society! Second, Lady Wisdom is distinguished by her motives! She wants to bring life! (see John 10:24-29) *Warning*: this is not the prosperity gospel/"your best life now" kind of stuff. We're talking not temporary but eternal life! Third, LW is distinguished by her path. She leads to the celestial city--the narrow gate, not the worldly one! Finally, she leads us to a different "end"--pointing us to Christ! Application of true knowledge! *Christ* is our wisdom! (See 1 Corinthians 1:20-3

Sermon4/3/2022 4:29 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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“ Parents and Teachers: Here is how to instruct kids ”
Voddie’s third sermon in his Proverbs series begins by reminding us of the difference between legalism and moralism. How do we keep kids from danger? Voddie says the text makes two clear points. 1. We give clear, unambiguous warnings. Verses 10 and 15 especially are prominent in displaying this idea. There is no room for consent with wickedness. We are not to walk with or even imitate those who are enticing us to sin. Our hearts are already inclined to following the wrong path. Do we go around touching walls randomly? Nope. But if you see a sign that says “Wet Paint, Do Not Touch” you’re more prone to do so! 2.We must appreciate the danger being faced! This is a matter of life and death. Of course, the tempter never says “My words are going to lead to your death!” So Solomon gives the real meaning of the words the wicked men are saying. Five points of application from Puritan writer Cotton Mather conclude with the desperate need of prayer for our children. Voddie concludes with a passionate story of his own early life and how he and a cousin walked the same streets and how their lives took different paths. Two sinners but two different results…

Sermon3/20/2022 7:31 PM
Bob | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bob
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Training Children in Wisdom
Voddie Baucham
“ Godly Truth about Godly Children or Disciples ”
Second in hs series on Proverbs, Voddie gives parents/teachers powerful reminders. After a short review on the four rules of 'how to read Proverbs', Voddie reminds us of God's sovereignty in the process. Like the farmer who plants the seed, plows, fertilizes, and waters his land--we are to engage in teaching and instruction but the results belong to the Lord! Four important points: 1. Our goal should be to produce godly sons/daughters (or disciples, students in the case of teachers)! Godly means having the wisdom that loves and worships Christ. Any other measure of success--rich kids, powerful kids, talented, etc. are not the goal. 2. Never forget this whole process is "Dependent"! Our children can (and do) reject the instruction they receive. We must realize we are dependent upon God for the results, so stay in prayer for your kids. 3. This process is "comprehensive": it never ends! Yes, there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, but learning and teaching godliness doesn't stop there. All of our lives we are learning and teaching! 4. The work is "crucial"! The very first illustration in the book, 1:10-19, show us knowing wisdom is not trivial. This is a matter of life and death! Generations not yet born are at stake! Proverbs has much for the parent and

Sermon3/6/2022 3:53 PM
Bob | Florida  Find all comments by Bob
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“ Approaching Proverbs w/Jesus in Mind! ”
Very well crafted sermon by Voddie. Four key points: 1. Wisdom is not Law! 2. Discern between "indicatives" and "imperatives". 3. Christ is the "wise son" of Proverbs! (Key point to remember if you forget everything else) 4. Read the Old Testament in light of the New Testament. Voddie goes through each of these four, providing an example from the book for each. Will change the way I look at Proverbs!

Sermon2/13/2022 1:59 PM
Bob | Mexico  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bob
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The Extent of the Atonement
Dr. R. C. Sproul
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a gifted teacher he was. So much in such a small amount of time. I love to listen to him teach the Bible.

Sermon5/30/2020 10:23 PM
Bob | Fresno  Find all comments by Bob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The cop knew Floyd so it has nothing to do with racism or police state but personal vendetta.

Sermon4/11/2020 9:42 PM
bob | WI  Find all comments by bob
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“ best sermon on election i've evrer heard ”
unparalleld, excellent sermon on Divine, Sovereign, Election

News Item8/8/19 12:59 AM
Bob | Fresno  Find all comments by Bob
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Like the old movie “Surviving the Game.”

News Item5/31/19 4:52 PM
bob | ohio  Find all comments by bob
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This is beyond ridiculous! Rather than being greatful for a movie like this, I can't believe the number of posts I've read slamming this Abby Johnson. You people definitely have free speech, I just hope we don't have more Christians like you. One is too many.

Sermon12/26/18 12:00 PM
Bob | Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by Bob
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“ Really! ”
Mr.White, why even bother debating this. This is the attention the new IFB is looking for. Mr.White I have heard enough of your debates to know you are blindly bent on Calvinism. You keep on talking about people looking at scripture through tradition, which I agree with happens a lot, but you calvinists do the same thing. Go back to scripture and the apostles and you will not find Calvinism. You claim to be a DOCTOR so you should know this. I leave you with 1 John 2:2, “And he Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.”

News Item12/5/18 7:09 PM
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All things in modoration, but, it might just be best to stay away

News Item12/5/18 2:56 PM
Bob  Find all comments by Bob
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Never smoke it

News Item12/5/18 2:55 PM
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Dope should be treated like a medicine, because it is

News Item12/5/18 2:52 PM
Bob  Find all comments by Bob
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They are just know realizing that dope kills your brain??


News Item12/5/18 2:46 PM
Bob  Find all comments by Bob
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We all have this big idea that are founding fathers were sooo great,but,in reality, nobody's perfect, we all make mastakes.
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