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Sermon4/3/15 8:23 PM
Phil | Shingle Springs, California  Protected NameFind all comments by Phil
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“ Great message! ”
Vital Bible teaching on Proverbs 22:6 - Is this a guarantee that children will walk with the Lord: "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart"? Dr. Street exegetes and explains this often misunderstood verse and exhorts parents in a balanced biblical way

Sermon4/3/15 8:18 PM
Phil | Shingle Springs, California  Protected NameFind all comments by Phil
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“ Very important message for adoptive parents ”
Pastor Borgman offers transparent wisdom that every adoptive or foster parent would be wise to consider. While every story is different, the help and hope will apply to many, and will help us understand more of God's adoptive love for us.

Sermon6/18/13 5:47 PM
Phil | Placerville, CA  Protected NameFind all comments by Phil
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“ Made me say amen when I wasn't saying ouch ”
Multiple people after hearing this message in person said what I was thinking, that every parent needs to hear this message. I have heard many messages on parenting, even gospel-centered messages, but this may be the best one that says it better than anyone I've heard. But it's not just for parents, it's for grandparents, and people in general who are looking for formulas for the Christian life. I cannot too highly recommend this message that resonated with me and my own experience. Toes may be stepped on, but there's healing in the gospel

News Item6/4/13 7:09 AM
Phil | Bronx  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phil
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Sorry I saw a lot of typos.

This women doesn't to understand mental illness which is not something that is testable. Psychologists and psychiatrists only evaluate it because thier feild is not a hard science. The way it works is that in a room a panel of people vote to create the DSM so insurance companies will pay for treatment. Homosexuality was removed but apparently Christianity will be placed on it. It doesn't surprise me, "Woe to those that call evil good, and good evil.". Check out Voddie baucham sermon who preached an amazing messages on Nebuchadnezzar loses his mind.

News Item6/4/13 7:05 AM
Phil | Bronx  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phil
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This women doesn't to understand menta illness which is not something that is testable. Psychologists and psychiatrists try to evaluated because there feild is not a hard science. In a room the panel votes to create the DSM so insurance companies will pay for treatment. Homosexuality was removed but apparently Christianity will be placed on it. It doesn't surprise me, "Woe r the thr call evil good, and good evil.". Check out Voddie baucham who preached an amazing messages on Nebuchadnezzar loses his mind.

Sermon8/21/11 6:50 AM
Phil  Find all comments by Phil
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Blog3/20/11 6:26 PM
Phil | Grand Rapids  Find all comments by Phil
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Hi Guys,
Trying to listen this evening at home while watching the sick kids. Volume on the prayer is very low. Am hoping the sermon is louder. The singing was great.

Sermon1/3/11 12:19 AM
Phil | Aurora, CO  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phil
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“ Harry in college ”
Well, there is at least one Christian college in California offering a Harry Potter course.

Sermon1/6/10 6:24 PM
phil | michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by phil
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Keep Me Back From Presumptuous Sins
Rev. Michael Voytek
“ Great Sermon! ”
after listening again, it inspired me to do some soul searching, and I found this: "As understanding is acquired by right living, difficulties become fewer, and perplexities fade away, like the perishable mists which they are. How then, can two people of the opposite sex, be ultimately happy when they disobey the commandments, especially that of presumption? Without God' blessing in a union, there is nothing. Love therefore, can only be, a four letter word that means 'work for God' ". I will pray for all of you, that you may continue your work, so that when someone else like me starts looking for answers, you'll be there to provide them!

Sermon10/2/09 10:38 PM
Phil | Aurora, Colorado  Find all comments by Phil
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National Blasphemy Day
Kevin Swanson
“ Public School Teacher comment ”
As a school teacher of 16 years trying to transition to another way to support my family outside of the government-funded schools, I concur with your frontal assault on us Christian teachers. And I believe there are a disproportionate number of Christian teachers in the public schools “working” very diligently and praying the Holy Spirit touches the children but doing so in silence. It seems the evil one has set a trap for this large number of Christians who have just decided to follow the state. And we have bought the lie that we are doing a good service for the children in the schools. May God have mercy on our lack of speaking out and give us the strength, wisdom and power to move on or speak out (which would probably be the quicker way of moving on).

Survey4/28/09 8:36 AM
Phil | Virginia  Find all comments by Phil
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comments is the best site for listening to sermons! It's been such a great tool for me to learn more about the Bible and to hear some really good preaching.

News Item2/28/09 5:18 AM
Phil | Philippines  Find all comments by Phil
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GG, it is sad if those are your thoughts. CJW should continue his work as he is leading people through the power of God and the Holy Spirit to Him. That is much more important as just a thought has stated as this is far more important to do that to do good works. GG, maybe a start will be by reading Romans and start at chapter 1 and when you get to 10 then come back to this discussion. Lyn, I think you are blessed with a great ministry of words and writing, I hope you use this for His glory and to edify Him.

Sermon11/19/07 5:47 AM
Phil | Newtownabbey  Find all comments by Phil
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“ Clear and understandable ”
Pastor Dowling could have preached this message with a lot of hate and anger. But he did not. It was balanced, clear, and stuck close to what the Bible says. In one sermon it is hard to cover ALL of the ground on this topic and Pastor Dowling didn't elaborate on some of the practical issues of relating to family and friends who are 'gay'. But he did give us a framework upon which we can hang other structures in regard to this issue. Even if science established the reality of a 'gay gene' that does not solve anybody's problem. You are called to obey God, not to indulge what you really, really want to do - even if you are genetically predisposed to it. I would recommend two books for further study: 1. The Same Sex Controversy by James White and Jeffery Niell 2. What some of you were by Christopher Keane

News Item5/22/07 9:50 PM
Phil | Caribbean  Find all comments by Phil
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Mary is dead,awaiting judgment like all of us!

News Item5/20/07 8:00 PM
Phil | Colorado  Find all comments by Phil
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Do not all government sponsored "museums" teach evolution as a FACT based on their biased interpretation of the evidence? Why are evolutionists so afraid to acknowledge a creator of the universe? I don't think that the issue is that they are concerned about our children. More likely they are fearful that if they acknowledge God, then they will have to concede that what follows is a responsibility to submit to Him. This would be a serious threat to their way of life and their desire to decide for THEMSELVES what is right or wrong, moral or immoral.

It has been rightly said that creationists have the same facts that evolutionists have. The facts are not what are being disputed here, but rather the interpretation of those facts (which, by the way, are being presented as facts themselves by these museums). There are a multitude of facts which limit the earth's age to a few thousand years.

Sermon2/20/07 2:11 PM
Phil | Florida  Find all comments by Phil
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An Amazing Testimony
TonyMac McMullen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Deep,touching, what a blessing to hear the life changing power of Jesus

Defending The Faith
Dr. Curt D. Daniel

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