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News Item3/3/19 10:13 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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isn't it something that evangelicals laugh at the liberals for believing the myth of carbon credits when they've promoted the very shots filled with fetal cell lines?

and what if the human proteins put into human blood, bypassing the digestion of the stomach, causes an autoimmune reaction against human dna???

and what if it goes further?

what if these autistic children then go to school and are led to believe that they are another gender?

for this father was told by supreme court in canada that he can not intervene...

Title: Canadian judge rules father has no parental rights to stop daughter’s male hormone injections

and yet what child would be more persuadable than...

TItle: Autistic Children Pushed to Become Transgender?

maybe we'll get another ice age.

we'd certainly deserve it.

time for dinner and a movie.

News Item3/3/19 6:30 PM
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Stevenr wrote:
the population already turned on its own. there's millions who were not born and those millions did not have millions and large percentage autistic or autoimmune low functioning because of aborted fetal cell industries that are well celebrated even still.... we talk of a CW as if it hasn't already happened.

walk the streets of the neighborhoods that were once filled with two parent families, the neighborhoods built in the late 50s, where the moms stayed home and the baby boomer children played in the forest and neighborhoods until towards dark.... and today you will find..... working class families with few to no kids, and those on gov assistance having them with broken up families..... streets empty and those same baby boomers living alone with manicured lawns.... seen a lot of it.

there's a song, where have all the cowboys gone?

should be, where have all the children gone?

number one name for children in london is muhammed.

CW already happened.

west is a cooked goose.

News Item3/2/19 8:40 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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it already happened.

the unborn and the young against their elders.

40-50 million plus an autistic generation

its already happened.

News Item3/2/19 8:39 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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its medicine, right? gotta be good. for an entire generation, evangelicals have been told of these things.... they just said it was "conspiracy theories".... and here it is out in the open, just as it was said.

where's the repentance?

Title: Vaccine Industry Drives Trade in Aborted Baby Parts

"The cell lines she is referring to — MRC-5 and WI-38 — propagated from lung tissue of mature aborted fetuses, are used in the current manufacture of a number of routine vaccines, including those for measles, mumps and rubella (MMRV), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio, (DTaP-IPV), Hepatitis A and chickenpox."

News Item2/7/19 12:41 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
In penned’s theology it is the fault of Christian conspiracies, carnality in the church,, and misguided eschatological teaching.
Scriptures tell us to avoid men who come to us with their endless geneologies....."But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." Titus 3:9

dipsensationalism is based on this foundation.

do you not know when you take on people groups into your religious fold that are not CHristians you take on their religions?

is this not Solomon did? did not the hebrews of old get told by God not to bring in foreign gods into their religion?

is there no shame?

News Item2/7/19 12:28 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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still hearing crickets around here, this article already 3 years old. no response. just continue on as always...

Title: Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments

its the evangelicals that participate in this.... ya.... blame the democrats. no wonder they are laughing.

News Item2/7/19 8:53 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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and why not? are we not filled with pride?

spiritual sodom has been named in revelations 11:8.... the great pride of evangelicalism.

Jesus sat under the fig tree and then cursed it for it produced no fruit.

it was created to produce figs but did not.

News Item2/7/19 8:41 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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these perverted generations were told for decades that the shots had fetal cell lines in them and that it was these that had the most autoimmune reactions (autism) in children. now we see as a norm children with neurological disorders, brain disorders, etc.

and now that it is in vogue to criticize PP as being on the "left" we find stories like how researchers take aborted fetal organs and blend them with rats making chimeras for scientific experimentation.

then we wonder their obsession with taking a baby even after birth, and many surmise it would be to keep the organs alive, that this would be good money.

and after these horrors, do we see evangelicals repenting and re analyzing their endorsements?

or just blaming the democrats?

now that statistically there's at least an autistic kid for every classroom....

... who is going to take care of them?

are evangelicals really feeling what is on the land or the recent upsurge in the stock market giving them confidence?

if there was judgment on the land, would they even recognize it?

does God shield some from the effects of sin as a form of judgment?

do we not see in the old testament so many examples, when they had fallen to sin, the effects were on the young and innocent (ie those who could not speak for

News Item2/7/19 8:34 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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until Christians can name the lobby that has the political and judicial power to bring lgbt (and now p) into every aspect of society.... they will keep it coming....

and there's nothing the prez can do.

its a spiritual battle within the evangelical churches themselves.

the military hand of spiritual sodom.

giving legitimacy while their male children come home in dresses.

soemthing is askew.

and where is the shame?

the SBC and the PCA -- and revoice and big money come to play. denominations splitting in half?

and when jmac is interviewed by shapiro his greatest concern is smashing down "antis..."

no one can name the lobby.

they will be labelled.

though they worked with the previous admin and brought g marriage to the world as a contractional obligation in order to buy and sell with this nation.

drip drip drip of articles, where's the leadership? CHrist said, "You will be my Ambassadors"... for His Kingdom.

pastors, who bend the knee for spiritual sodom and then blame the democrats. the democrats.... are the judgment.

News Item2/5/19 11:04 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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so Brother John UK was run off now?

so much like the state of churches.

where false kingdoms (ie spiritual sodom, rev 11:8, kingdom building through violence of wores) and cultural marxism reign.

is there not a denomination falling to this?

as the mobs collect to persecute the brethren.

Lord lift up and preserve the remnant.

if there was ever a time to leave the idols and prepare one another for these dark days, it would be now.

Lord forgive them for they know not what they do.

News Item1/28/19 2:24 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Sure, for instance because you have the presupposition that the church replaced Israel,
I'm starting to find humor in the whole "replacement" thing. I mean, I"ve read the bible all the way through and the historical accounts show a time of judges with more years of rebellion than anything else, they begged for a king and got Saul, later Solomon with hundreds of concubines and then there was the Moloch worship, child sacrifice, and the major minor prophets foreshadowing the taking away of both the northern and southern kingdom and then years of zealot wars that got them nowhere and then Christ coming to a temple with utter corruption and debauchery within. essenes made accounts if Christ's words and experiences not enough.

He declares Himself the temple, the curtain torn in two, Paul brings back gentiles.

is that not enough to paint a picture of a remnant? the samaritan women was told those would worship in spirit and truth.... descendent of the israelis (northern kingdom) who had no temple.

Jerus is called "The place where all the prophets were martyred" in revelations

Christians are to be truthtellers.

let's not replace biblical teaching with pop theology.

sow spirtual sodom, then reap spiritual s

News Item1/28/19 2:03 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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one might argue that a nation who's children are showing up in the grip of spiritual sodom, which is identified as a very popular city among evangelicals (revelations 11:8)... is already in judgment.

it should give grievious pause, in the least.

anything that steers from the truth, even appearing to be light is not the light.

counterfeiting the truth.

left behind series.... and generations left like silent sheep.

not raptured.

News Item12/9/18 11:40 AM
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John UK wrote:
Not only were the Jews a picture, but the city of God also, Zion, Jerusalem.
Zion always has been and always will be the epicentre of God's people. Physical in the OT and spiritual in the NT.
John 4:20-21 KJV
(20) Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
yes, dear brother, what a glorious gospel.

"In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." Hebrews 8:13

one covenant.

one people.

one Messiah.

News Item12/8/18 11:05 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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if our posters are here to serve Mount Zion, this is where they can find it.....

"But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

"To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

"And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel." Hebrews 12:22-24

.... among those who follow Christ. has nothing to do with real estate.

"Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded." 1 Peter 2:6

not only is the gospel racially neutral. it is also geographically neutral.... so are the terms zion and Jerusalem. not about place and race but grace.

News Item12/8/18 10:56 PM
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Wilson wrote:
This makes me sick, I thought the left wanted separation of church and state?Im seeing a double standard here
a free church is made up of individuals who have constitutional rights.

a corporation does not have constitutional rights but is subservient to non discriminatory code and restricted to the public good under the headship of the state that incorporates it.

a church that signs itself up as a non profit must abide as such to keep their non tax status.

if they choose to leave their agreement, in order to dissolve they might need to pay back taxes as did bob jones university.

the glaring hypocrisy is modern evangelicalism that gladly converted their free churches to corporations of the state and remained "politically neutral" (ie quiet about moral issues) in order to keep it and now the chickens are coming home to roost

News Item12/8/18 10:10 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
That you hate the people that God loves

the gospel of Christ is racially neutral.

its for the love of God and the love of GOd's people the brethren, both Jew and Gentile that I post.

a completely racially blind message is the gospel of Christ.

News Item12/8/18 9:30 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Yes, penned, you have made your point about Jerusalem—over and over again. May I remind you that God was willing to spare Sodom if certain conditions were met (Genesis 18:23-32). Don’t you is even more willing to spare the very apple of His eyesuppose He
I think you just called spiritual Sodom the apple of God's eye.

there's nowhere for you to go with this.

the foundations of JMacs religion on display here.

by breaking up God's people into two groups, with two covenants, and that being the hermeneutic for reading the text.

you are left calling Sodom God's greatest pleasure and joy.

yet the text isn't saying that, is it?

and yet, that defies the whole message of the gospel, doesn't it?

such wayward evangelicals.

rejected the remnant teachings of Christ

and the crucifixtion the curtain torn open.

no longer the dividing line.

but one people.

one covenant.

one Messiah.

and they are His bride.

the beloved.

the apple of HIs eye.

not spiritual Sodom.

but new Jerusalem.

coming down from Heaven purified.

News Item12/8/18 8:43 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the autists will rule the elderly now. the effect of not heeding what has been said for a generation now.

News Item12/8/18 8:39 AM
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Connor7 wrote:
@Allie, Penny made a public accusation, she has accused a pastor, and she is morally responsible to provide documentation. Accusing a pastor is a serious thing.
please explain. what did I accuse anyone of? have you been a good berean and found the information for yourself?

News Item12/8/18 8:29 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
John UK...
“And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.â€
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21:2‬
yes JforJ, the new Jerusalem is not from earth up. it is holy and from heaven brought down.

now, if you have the courage to do so, read, revelations 11:8 and you will a see a contrast in the text.

the city where Christ is crucified is called spiritual Sodom.

what is more important, how we view esrthly and new Jerusalem or how God does?

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