Great Sermon! How can we explain God's promise of "I will never leave you nor forsake you!" while Jesus hung on the cross.
Could it be that Jesus said "My God , My God, why have you forsaken me?" to point to us the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Psalm that begins with the same words?
Response to Lisa Hello Lisa. I agree. There are many so called christians who should help women in your situation but do not. I am sorry for that. But God will never fail you and though you are in the middle of the a storm do not give up on Him. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Press into consistent prayer, no matter how long it takes and be like the persistent widow. God will honor that kind of faith in Him. You don't need a jackpot to get your children back, just simple, childlike faith in your Heavenly Father. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? I will pray for you and your children.
Great Sermon! I didn't really notice these things until you'll pointed it out. Go check out the trailer to the new x-men movie due out in 2016. Listen to what's being said. You will be quite surprised. What should we (Christians) think of these movies? I'm guilty of watching the other x-men movies but won't go see this one.
Great Sermon! Thankf for doing more CCM exposes! Keep them coming! Can you do one on Steven Curtis Chapman. Been to the Grammies 19 times, even took his small daughters to one of the most wicked Grammies ever. He is at the core of CCM and this article shows how his own sons are bearing the bad fruit of it; now in their own openly worldly rock band being loved by the world. STC openly supports and encourages this.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent sermon. Please do more on CCM! Ceck out this link below. It was a concert/dvd/book celebrating 40 years of CCM music, involving all the CCM 'stars' who are the foundations of this movement: Amy Grant, Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W Smith and the likes. So plain to see this and CCM in general has nothing to do with the real Jesus and instead is all about making money and glorying in themselves. By the way, the catch cry of that 40 year celebration concert was "One message, many voices". Sounds very one world orderish and ecumenical! The CCM industry is a disgrace and an abomination to God.
If you think Cruz is any better you are fooling yourselves. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and stop wringing your hands over worldly politics. God is in perfect control anyway.
Great Sermon! Very good sermon filled with truth. Very edifying. However I would disagree with saying the relatives against your stand for Christ are. truly born again. Weigh it against scripture. If they are not taking up their cross daily they are not worthy of Christ. If they are just like the world and love the world they are enemies of God. If they are persecuting those who truly follow Christ, then are they of God? I think not.
You will find a very good series of articles here on 'righteous untruths' . The writer gives many examples from scriptures in the 3 part series and explains the matter we are discussing here very well.
everybody make up your mind what side you will stand on because this day is coming again. I know what side I will stand on and that is on Gods side of defending and protecting the innocent and righteous and oppressed and fatherless and widows and Gods chosen people, the Jewish, even if it means righteously lying to protect them and I would be honored to be killed because I protected their lives, even with a slanderous sign over my grave that said "christian liar"...oh to be persecuted for righteousness sake and great would be my reward in heaven! Amen
manygreyareas: the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. We are not taking about denying Christ. That is a different situation. We are taking about harbouring innocent lives from wicked men.
so the israelite midwives were sinning when they lied and said the Israelite women were lively and gave birth before they got there? Come on. Clearly God does not condemn righteously hiding the truth and lying to save innocent lives or to oerform His clear will on the earth in terms of justice and freeing the vulnerable from oppression. Do a study on this and you will see MANY examples in tr bible of righteous 'lying". To save lives, for deliverance from enemies. This is even common sense. What man would say to an evil man intent on murderig his own child, "oh come on in, yes they are hidden in the cupboard". No, he would lie to protect his child's life and God does not condemn this kind of righteous lying. The bible is filled with it. He even has ordered it in different situations (like Moses deceiving Pharoiah). I know that every courageous person who has defended and innocent life, Jewish life, any innocent life, has been blessed by God, not condemned.
Also another example; God told Moses to tell Pharaoh the Israelites just wanted to leave to go and sacrifice then come back. Now we all know God intended to never bring them back and was delivering them but did He tell Moses to tell Pharaoh that? No.