Great Sermon! I’ve read some articles by some Primitive/Hardshell Baptists, they do not believe in assurance of salvation. Their main points to the question of assurance of salvation are thus:
“21. Can you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are saved?
Answer: In response to this question we would ask another; does any man have access to the Lamb's Book of Life? Of course there is but one Answer:. No man knows the names which are recorded there, so we must say with Paul, "In hope of eternal life" (Titus 1: 2) .We are confident that the God Who cannot lie is going to save those He loved before the world began, and we have the sweet hope of being in the number. When Jesus said one of His disciples would deny Him and was a devil from the beginning, they all asked, "Lord, is it I?" We must acknowledge that if some can be deceived, thinking they are a child of God but are not, we could be in that number. A humble expression of hope in the mercy of God is far more befitting the little child of grace than a presumptuous boast that he knows he is secure.”
What would be your opinion of their view in light of scripture?
This was all during a pandemic when people were supposed to stay home, but abortions continued. How sad to see our nation go this way, but we are due for judgement. We as the church have been silent to long about life and need to speak the truth to this lost world.
This was all during a pandemic when people were supposed to stay home, but abortions continued. How sad to see our nation go this way, but we are due for judgement. We as the church have been silent to long about life and need to speak the truth to this lost world.
Call to holiness This sermon shows how merciful God is to run after us when brake the covenant. He put an hedge so we run into it and we come to our senses by the grace of God. In pastor McCurley’s closing minutes he focused on that true happiness is holiness. Happiness is not found in the world, flesh or our lusts, but in being holy as God is holy. Holiness is happiness!
Worth listening too A Call to live for God and to watch what we do in the world. Watch what we do in the world and watch how we act in this evil world. Only God has free will! Must submit to God’s will and Word.
A convicting sermon A wonderful sermon on the fact that everyone is a slave to someone, and of the encroachment of the world, The fact that the church is not far behind the world; a scary reality. Thank you pastor McCurley for an great sermon!
Great Sermon! Well put!
It's not so much about what songs we sing as meaning what we're singing, and not letting ourselves just go through the motions.
I love you bro, remember: Christ First Addressing the end of the sermon:
Acts 17:11
1Corinthians 4:6
1 Corinthians 10:15
Phillipians 1:9-11
Proverbs 28:7
We are not to take what you say as absolute truth, you are not God. If I took what every preacher said as absolute truth there would be so so many contradictions.
Addressing 1 Corinthians 14:34:
When speaking of the law Paul was referring to
the Roman law, and that we are to obey the laws of the land (Romans 13:2). It is also speculated that this and Parts of Romans 11 were added later.
I agree with you that we should not conform to the patterns of this world (aka sin). But where do you draw the line? The music behind hymns was originally bar music... So if we are to be avoiding creating music that sounds like secular music, we should avoid hymns too. I believe that no matter what genre of music you play you're gonna find a secular counterpart that sounds the same but has ungodly lyrics. Personally I listen to a lot of Christian Metal and what I see again and again is nonChristians making comments like "I love the music but I hate the lyrics". The world hates it for one reason and one reason alone, because it glorifies God. Is it wrong to make good sounding music? God wants our best right? Shouldn't we give him our best music?
Definitly a nice step up for keeping in touch with broadcasters from far-afield. I am very glad it is standard enough to be compatabile with the Anroid browser.
I would be interested in seeing podcast feeds for your broadcasters show up in google-listen. This would make it even easier to keep up! Right now they do not show up searches at all.
Great Sermon! What an encouragement. No matter what your situation, if you are a child of God you can rejoice in this, "that your names are written in heaven." May we all meditate on this and what it means more! We would have much more joy and perspective if we did!
I think it good to have a blend for all types of people that come to church, wether it be Christian rock for the youth or old hymns others. There needs to be a balance for all. God cares about where our heart is at with him and if we lose that all praise will become just noise to his ears.