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Sermon10/7/19 12:58 AM
Allan | Ohio  Find all comments by Allan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon, thank you!

Blog7/18/19 12:48 PM
Allan | Alberta Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Allan
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Hello Pastor Mike,

This week I meet a cousin of mine she is 13 years old and needs serious prayer. Her Name is J I ised just the letter to protect her name. She is on that snapchat, & other social media she is on it more than 40hrs a wk.
This wicked platform is nothing but a way for Pedophiles to connect with little girls. And is turning a young generation into prostitutes.
She had a incident with this Victory church where a older male, the man has been charged. I had the opportunity to spend some time with her, and it is breaking my heart. If you all could contine praying for her.

Allan Revoy

Sermon7/28/17 10:48 PM
Allan | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Allan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My wife of 26 years has a mom and a dad born in Scotland. My mother in law, Mrs. Carol Dickson, is from Airdre. My father in law is from Dundee. Anyway, I attended along with My wife the masters college under John MacArthur - enjoyed your teaching and know you are being used to spread a gospel message few these days even hear at all.

Sermon3/17/16 1:24 PM
allan | ND USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by allan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Baptists could not have been descended from Montanists...The Montanists believed serious sin permanently cuts a Christian off from salvation(no return,repentence) Baptists believe.."saved no matter what you do"(security of believers)

News Item10/24/15 6:03 PM
allan | ND USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by allan
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As far as making a "Sign of the Cross: Romans 3:4 let God be true but every man a liar only God is 100% correct.....a mortal Christian can be mistaken...However, some take Timothy 2:8 to heart and lift up "Holy Hands" through the Spirit of prayer..(others claim use of the signing of the Cross is not pagan but a symbol like kneeling,etc.

News Item5/24/13 12:35 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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Since he has no God given authority or ability to exercise a deamon this doesn't really get my attention. Whether he did or didn't the result would be the same.

News Item10/23/12 3:30 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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And that puts tv gays (5%) at a much higher percentage, almost 200% more than real life gays (about 3% in america as I read the other day).

Sermon10/21/12 11:05 AM
Allan | North Dakota  Contact via emailFind all comments by Allan
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01 - Romanos Lección #1
Dennis Rokser
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you.....

News Item10/21/12 5:12 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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By the way the media and politics portray them you'd think over 50% of Americans were gay. Or any other secular country for that matter. Totally disproportionate media and law biased against the majority opinion.

News Item7/7/12 9:09 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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In this case he is in the wrong. Simply because he built a church and didn't get the right building code for it. He pretty much lied by the sounds of it when he got consent for a "gaming room".

Had he kept the meetings inside his house then the issue of building permits wouldn't be much problem. That's what got him convicted, not his beliefs.

Not everyone is equiped to raise a man from death after he falls out of a window in a bible study in an overcrowded room. That's why we have restrictions on how many can be in particular places at one time. It's a safety issue.

That said, he only had at most 20 people originally so it souldn't have been a technical problem. Firefighters were called because of safety issues but aparrently they were only warned and then ignored for a further 2 years until he built his church building (complete with signs out front).

He was in the wrong here and not for his beliefs.

Sermon1/27/12 11:13 AM
Allan | Africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Allan
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Satan's Great Lie About the World
Rev. John Wagner
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the faithful preaching of the Word of God!

News Item11/26/11 8:30 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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Well since some of my esword pluging are only compatable with version 8, and some I no longer have the keys for, I'll be unable to use this. Just as I'm unable to run esword 9 or 10. Esword is a great program and this is a nice feature but a shame that esword saw fit to not make the older plugins which many people rely on able to be upgraded to the new format without buying plugins all over again - some of which simply are not available for the new version.

News Item8/4/11 10:51 PM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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TLC. As I have said many times of other posters, or your aliases... not really sure which... most readers of the internet do not read block caps. It is like writing a childrens book in fancy colours. People wanting serious information will look for serious posters who use real words.
On a computer block capitals are either a heading or when in chat format like this they are considered RUDE SHOUTING!

I don't listen to rude shouting people on the street, and I don't read your posts either. If you want people to listen, stop shouting in their ears/eyes and maybe they will give you some attention.

It's called good manners.

News Item7/16/11 2:28 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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Does the pastor with fits of anger deliberately defend his sin as a human right and claim he was born that way so it must be ok with God?

To occasionally sin and feel bad for it is totally different from actively persuing and promoting the sin as acceptable.

So Example 3: Elton John decides to become a Christian but at the same time continues to promote homosexual agendas and live with his male partner in open sin.

Is it possible for this to be a Biblical example of salvation?

News Item7/6/11 3:06 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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News Item:
Selling God
I'm not even going to bother reading the other posts. Street-Preacher ruined the whole thing by shouting block caps all over the place. Anyone who spends regular time on the internet ignores such ill mannered posting.
Learn some netiquette please.

The same goes for all you other posters who assault my eyes and the reading voice in my head that shouts when you type like that.

News Item6/24/11 9:31 AM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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Two words:

Flight mode. Most phones have it. Means they don't receive calls or txts but built in functions like bibles still work.

Sermon6/15/11 2:46 AM
ALLAN  Contact via emailFind all comments by ALLAN
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Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
You must decide how sovereign is God, as revealed by the Bible. Absolutely sovereign or with a reduced sovereignty You must decide when and where and if the more limited sense of otherwise universal terms apply. You must, especially decide if they apply to the substitutionary of Jesus Christ. Such a decision will greatly color your perception of the Cross and if it really can save your soul from hell or can be frustrated in its design by the fickleness of the human will You must decide how effective the Cross was meant to be. Where do you want to limit the Cross - in its scope and so be able to say that it was 100% successful in its power or do you want to severely limit its success and confess that there are men now in hell suffering for sins for which Christ has already suffered You must decide whether God or man effectively makes the first move in salvation. Calvinists start and finish with God. Non Calvinists start with man. You must decide whether man can freely of his own free will decide for Christ or is he totally helpless - really blind, deaf, lost etc., - and must altogether rely on the free grace of God.

News Item2/14/11 4:58 AM
Allan | NZ  Contact via emailFind all comments by Allan
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"No one dies of nailing on the cross."

Not the nails themselves no. It's the process of holding ones arms outstreatched supporting your entire body weight on the nails through the feet and ankles that wears a person out. When they relax they fall lower with their arms above head height with all their weight streatching them out, causing them to be unable to breath. In order to breath you must again put the tension on the ankles, causing more pain. Eventually the person cannot hold themselves up and so they die of suffication. That is why in the Bible the soldiers who wanted to hurry up the execution broke the legs of the theivs, so they would not be able to support themselves any longer. A brutal way to die. Death was it's purpose. The chant in the Bible was "Kill him" not merely hurt him.

K Sudershan doesn't even know how crucifixion works. I doubt his knowledge of christianity and buddhism based on inconsistant statements he makes about them.

News Item11/29/10 4:29 PM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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"restricts necessary intel"

Is it ever OK for someone to sin in order to maintain the greater good?

Tho many will try and argue that it is acceptable, before God every sin holds the weight and punishment of death.

Wikileaks probably shouldn't have released the intel, knowing it would harm. But at the same time the government is guilty of the sins that are being exposed. For a greater good or not, it's still wrong.

News Item11/10/10 8:29 PM
Allan | NZ  Find all comments by Allan
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Well of course... God's first command to humans was to be fruitful and multiply.

How many multiply? It takes 2 parents to start a family, and you need at least 2 kids just to break even let alone multiply.

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