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News Item9/22/16 7:43 AM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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Hate speech never won a soul to Christ.

News Item7/16/16 9:49 AM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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God forgive our nation for allowing such depraved actions. 50 years ago a womans life was ruined if she became pregnant out of wedlock. Now there is no societal stigma yet abortion is more widespred. So infants are sacrificed on the altar of convenience while we are off saving baby whales. God forgive us we are at the place where evil is called good and good is perceived as evil.

News Item6/4/16 7:56 AM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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Just like early nazi Germany where inroads into free speech & individual rights were incremental & insidious. By the time the Germans understood where it was leading it was too late. God bless C and his mom for living Christ in the midst of a dark place and may we all do the same. Religious tolerance seems to be for everyone except Christians

News Item6/4/16 7:50 AM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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News Item5/17/16 10:01 AM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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Well Rodney until the return of Christ it's only going to get worse...where perversion is perceived as a right and Godliness is considered a perversion!

News Item5/17/16 9:38 AM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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A single stall unisex bathroom in every school would solve this issue. This way most people can attend their own ladies or mens room but those who are confused as to their proper gender can have a private bathroom. This would protect all our young people without caving to an agenda

News Item2/28/16 8:04 PM
Watchandpray | New York  Find all comments by Watchandpray
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Just read an article in word magazine re: trumps atlantic city empire where several of his casinos went bankrupt
..first his business capitalized on the gullability of the poor of atlantic city secondly how many small businesses, suppliers, and employees were left hanging for their money when he bailed? Want to make America great again? Pay your bills like everyone else!!!

News Item8/29/15 9:42 PM
Watch and pray | Rock  Find all comments by Watch and pray
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(From 1st link)
Genesis 4:8-12 In this passage, Scripture records the first murder wherein Cain killed Abel. That Cain must have used some sort of weapon to kill Abel is evidenced by the fact that Abel was bleeding (he was not strangled). Notice how God responded to the killing. He did not institute some sort of weapon-control, rather, He punished the one who committed the crime.

Exodus 20 and following In His holy Law, which God decreed at Sinai, nowhere do you see God outlawing weapons in regards to the various crimes which He prohibited in His legislation. He always punishes the perpetrator. He never disarms the citizenry.

Exodus 22:2 In this verse, God declares that if someone breaks into your house at night and you kill him, you are not guilty of murder. This verse makes clear that you have a God-given right to defend yourself and to defend your family.

Deuteronomy 22:23-27 This passage deals with rape. Notice that verse 27 ends with the words "but there was no one to save her." What is the implication of such a statement? The implication is that had someone been around to hear her cry out, they had a moral duty to intervene and protect her from being raped. To stand by would be immoral. We have a God-given right to defend not only ourselves, but also others.

News Item8/29/15 11:07 AM
Watch And Pray | Rock  Find all comments by Watch And Pray
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[URL=]]]What the Bible says about Arms[/URL]

Just because we have a lock on our door or a gun in our closet does not mean we are trusting in them to protect us with the same trust with which we’re to trust the Lord.

Rather, we simply see the wisdom and prudence of having such things in order to be good stewards in protecting our belongings and our families.

The psalmist understood that there was no contradiction. The psalmist (David) who said in verse one of Psalm 144 "Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle" said in verse two of Psalm 144 "My lovingkindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the one in whom I take refugee.

Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the temple with a whip and overturned their tables (John 2:15). The book of Revelation defines Him as a King who does what? "Judges and makes war" (Revelation 19:11). The Scripture declares that Jesus Christ is "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). God’s character? not a pacifist.

Sermon2/1/15 7:14 PM
Watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by Watch and pray
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How Proud are You? Why People Don't Believe
Pastor Edward Donnelly
“ Solid and Sound ”
Great investments are made in meeting physical needs. Too often, spiritual needs go unacknowledged. Sinners need to be saved. It's an offensive message to many. The gospel message is essentially simple but pride often blocks a response.

News Item11/10/14 11:05 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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This pope has not been well-anchored to the historic positions of the RCC.

This pope gives new meaning to the old question: Is the Pope Catholic?

News Item8/18/14 7:37 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Barry from KY wrote:
Thank you so much watch, these statements are so true. Maybe, we are in this pickle BECAUSE the churches got overtly involved in politics and quit preaching the Word. Going out and hawking for any candidate or party IS NOT spreading the gospel message...
Barry, thx. Michael, ...duly noted. JL, hello.

Around 1980, some American Christian churches began to move away from English "R" words like ruin, redemption, regeneration, repentance, return of Christ and give more attention to "R" words like Ronald Reagan, Rush, Religious Right, Republican Party.

A return to the earlier themes would be good.

News Item8/18/14 6:42 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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The Jesus Movement Revival of the 1970's was sustained during the Presidencies of Nixon, Ford and Carter. Presidents Nixon and Ford were not overly Christian.

Around the time that Ronald Reagan (and Rush Limbaugh) ascended into political prominence, I would say that the revival came to an end. Around the same time, use of the NASB Bible declined and use of the NIV expanded.

In my view, the revival was expressed most fully in Southern California and the Calvary Chapel churches (and churches most influenced by the Calvary Chapels). For better or worse, Christian contemporary music largely replaced more traditional Christian hymns around that time. The evangelistic focus and focus on the spiritual new birth from that era have largely been lost. Prayer and the Spirit of God can provide revival and religious awakening. Partisan politics and legislative enactments cannot provide church revival and religious awakening.

News Item8/18/14 12:29 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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The most overtly Christian occupant of the office of US President in recent history was a Democrat named Jimmy Carter.

Despite expectations, Presidents Reagan, Bush and Bush did not bring in anything resembling a golden age of evangelical Christianity. President GWB even denied that Christianity was different from other religions (and oversaw a new constitution in Iraq that affirmed Islam rather than freedom of religion or separation of church and state).

As affirmed from Scripture in Handel's Messiah and the Hallelujah chorus, the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our LORD and of his Christ...and He shall reign forever and ever. Seek ye first God's kingdom which is forever.

News Item7/16/14 10:28 PM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Jesus Christ is the Redeemer for sinful, guilty human beings but not for any alien beings. Alien beings could sin if they existed and had free will.

Could Jesus ever atone for any other race besides the human race?

This is unlikely.

For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit. (1 Peter 3:18)

News Item7/16/14 3:48 PM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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beloved wrote:
Read colossians 1:12-17...
In Colossians 1:12-17, Jesus is the source of redemption and forgiveness of sins. Jesus is the one by whom all things were made in heaven and earth, both visible and invisible.

If alien life beings have free will, then we can expect that they will sin (and need a Redeemer).

If alien life beings have free will and somehow don't sin, then we might expect the alien life beings to teach us their music where we sing a chorus together like: "Praise the LORD".

News Item7/16/14 7:51 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Who would atone for the guilt of any such alien life beings when they sinned against the eternal, Holy God who created everything?

News Item7/8/14 2:54 PM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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If you follow Phillipians 1:10, then you will make your own statements of commendation concerning things that (and persons who) are excellent.

News Item7/8/14 8:39 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Hooray for recognition of influence and excellence (Philippians 1:9-10)!

News Item7/8/14 8:21 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Magicians have been known to pull rabbits from hats and cards from sleeves.

Contrary to science and reason, atheists have been known to assert that something (the universe) came from nothing. There seems to be a faith in magic even if the Master Magician is denied.

Spiritual forces do exist. Some are angels. Some are demons. Almighty God created both.

Almighty God created all things and will triumph over all rivals ultimately in His chosen time. We can't force God to show his hand or force God to show his cards.

Rival spiritual forces may even show "lying signs and wonders" and miracles.

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