Great Sermon! All glory, honor, praise and thanksgiving be unto our Wonderful Mighty God, Christ JESUS 'The LORD our righteousness" for ever and ever. Grateful for the Gospel message brother.
A MUST LISTEN Gospel Message Outstanding sermon: Christ greatly exalted and His people deeply encouraged and comforted. Hallelujah! The LORD God omnipotent reigneth for ever and ever. Amen.
Great Sermon! Everyone would benefit from hearing this sermon, I have. There is so much misinformation out there concerning these verse but there shouldn't be. Check out the PDF File you'll see what I mean. We need to have a proper response to those who worry about the sin against the Holy Spirit.
Great Sermon! There is a lot I didn't know about the sons of Jacob. It's fascinating to hear about each one in more depth. Thank you Pastor Steve Marquedant.
Great Sermon! I love this sermon because I don't often think of Jesus as fully man, one of us. I need to see Him as He is. I find myself drifting off one way or the other. I love this series in the book of Hebrews. We are fully dependent upon the word of God, the Word of God, Jesus our Lord. Praise to Him for His faithfulness to us through the church and elders, what would we do without the visible church?
Great Sermon! I just listened to this on the ministry web site of Dr. James White, Alpha and was very edifying. We all need to hear this more often.
Great Sermon! The fear of the Lord, it is purifying. That we would see God as He is, absolutely Sovereign. Why is it so hard for us to accept that we belong to God. He created us and He can do what He wants with what is His. I hope this sermon will help us all to understand better that God is our creator, and He does as HE pleases.
Great Sermon! It's true, we either go to one extreme or the other. "That they never happen or that they happen all the time." This sermon is so helpful to keep us on track.
Great Sermon! This is a very encouraging sermon. What this preacher said is true of me and it's the hardest thing for me to overcome. I want so much to touch what Christ has done, and yet I know if I do I will defile the most pure work of all. It is a filthy thing to go there and yet it is so bound up in my old nature. I want so much to please God that I forget the most blessed truth of all, it is all of Christ. I preach the gospel to myself everyday. It's not about me. I am an unprofitable servant, I add nothing to my Master. It is He who saved me.
Great Sermon! This is a go to sermon for me. I listen to it to be remember where the root of sin lies. It's excellent, I'm so thankful for this preacher and this sermon.
Do you have little faith? Do you have little faith? I do. This message is very encouraging. Jesus shows His power over Satan, sickness and death. It's interesting how he wanted all to see the woman's miracle but not the little girls. I had wondered why he told them not to say anything about her being raised from the dead. The end is very good concerning weak or little faith, so encouraging. Thank you Pastor Steve.
Great Sermon! I'm really blessed by this teaching from the book of Acts. In fact the week to week teaching, as it all comes together, has helped me to see what the book is all about. The "This is that" from Acts 2,"But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel...I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh." If we miss this, we miss one of the major points of the book, if not the whole point of the book.