Is that 10% before or after tax? In the OT the tithe was the ONLY tax!
If we had the option of giving time instead of $ would the church accept it?
Despite being in a salaried post I am just keeping my bank balance in the black. Utility bills, insurance and government taxes are going up all the time. In the UK we work for the Government from 1 January until 1st June. Only after that do we start to earn for ourselves (
Does this seem right to you?
Paul was a tent-maker/preacher who I don't believe ever charged expenses.
What running costs did the primitive church have? Looking after the orphans and widows - have we not handed that over to the state?
In my experience most churches are seeking government handouts to take back some of this work! To "qualify" for charitable status we need a social outreach programme.
Tithing is Old Covenant. As a NT believer I am responsible for how I spend all 100% of my salary NOT 10%.
Church I am in now has ~25 households and a full time Pastor who cannot visit them on an annual basis. NT Paul/Saul was often part time (tent making)but you bet he would have visited us at least once in 12 months if he was my Pastor!