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News Item7/15/07 5:31 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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savedbygrace leaps in logic to say: "You have YET to deal with the present tenses in John 10:28, "...ETERNAL LIFE..." and "NEVER PERISH"!"

Eternal life and never perish are to the believers, those who hear the voice of Jesus and follow him.

"Eternal life, never perish" is the prize we receive at physical death, if we die a sheep who hears the voice of Jesus and follows Him.

Scripture says not to "shipwreck your faith" "as some have" it says (ie Hymaeneus and Alexander, the foolish widows, Judas, others)and to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.

Jesus told about the backslidden servant who began to beat his fellow servants while his master was away, thinking he had time to "get right" before the master's return. But the master came home early, and the wicked servant went to Hell.

OT says the good that we do is forgotten if we turn to evil, and the evil that we do is forgotten if we turn to good.

The Bible is a big book. You need to put the pieces of the puzzle together, harmonize scripture. Nobody goes to Heaven with a flash of faith, unless that flash of faith happens just before they die. We must die full of the Spirit, else we will not be raised at the Second Coming (per Romans 8).

Not space to discuss this. Go read Dan Corner on the Net.

News Item7/14/07 8:27 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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savedbygrace, wanting the last word, playing dumb says re John 10:27, 28: "The context never says that God's sheep will not hear His voice unto damnation. Eisegesis. Adding to scripture context."

No, it says that God's sheep do hear his voice and do follow him. Jesus makes plain who his sheep are. If you fit this definition, then you are one of his sheep and you are safe from anybody or anything snatching you away.

Therefore, those who do not hear his voice and do not follow him are not his sheep. The Bible says to examine yourself to see if you be in the faith. Are you?

Those who hear Jesus' voice and follow him can never be snatched away by any outside force.

This is the exact same thing I said in my last post, and I'm not going to repeat it again, because it's stupid. That's what the people are doing on this forum, going aruond and aruond and aruond and around.

Utterly, utterly stupid, and I won't do that.

News Item7/9/07 3:48 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Savedbygrace: To interpret John 10:28 you also need the verse before:

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Salvation is conditional on continuous hearing and believing. So who does Jesus give eternal life to? His sheep which hear his voice and follow him. So what if you DON'T hear his voice and don't follow him? What gives you the right, then, to say Jesus gives you eternal life (as in verse 28)?

As to 5:24 this verse promising eternal life is also conditional on "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me," hearing and believing being present tense and continuous. It's not a one-time deal, if you believe for a brief moment you're saved forever.

Jesus doesn't say, He who listened and heard and believed at one time is now saved forever. Instead, Jesus tells us that the hearing and believing must be ongoing and at the present moment.

We even know further that hearing and believing is directly tied to obeying, to walking in the Spirit, that it's impossible for faith to exist without works, for Jesus to be Lord without doing what he says.

This understanding is crucial for anyone who wants to go to Heaven, who wants to break through the deceit of antinomian OSAS lies that will lead anybody straight into Hell.

News Item7/2/07 4:59 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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savedbygrace, Yes I do believe a believer can become an unbeliever, or at least an unbeliever the way Jesus defines one, and as James says, even the devils believe and tremble.

Nothing can snatch us out of God's hand except us. We can snatch our own selves away from God by failing to walk with God, to obey, and we can forget God, fail to crucify our flesh, to become dead to self and alive to God.

When Jesus said, "It is finished," he meant his job of atonement was finished, not that now all a whole lot of preordained "elect" were all set and good-to-go. In other words, the churches you have been in told you a lot of lies. Best you learn that now and seek revival while there is still time. Look what happened to Annanias and Sophira, and we are warned in Scripture that our God is a consuming fire who hates evil.

What you've been learning regarding Once Saved Always Saved and eternal security is nothing but Antinomianism disguised as pious love for Jesus. Read your Bible and you'll see that instead of nothing being required of Christians, everything is required, everything.

It doesn't matter if Satan manages to corrupt the entire Church, we are still responsible to read the Scripture and follow them, to obey God rather than man.

News Item12/22/06 9:21 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Name Tagger, have you ever lost yours?"

I don't take my salvation for granted, examine myself to see if I'm in the faith, and try to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. I don't want to discuss my personal spiritual condition on this public forum. I take enough abuse as it is.

My personal walk with God is incidental to the truth of what the Bible says, and it's crystal clear to me that the Bible teaches a conditional salvation.

Do you ever surf the Net, read books? Have you ever perused Dan Corner's website? He's got the best religions/spiritual website online, bar none. You will want to spend a month on it once you get into it.

God bless Dan Corner. I think it's called -- something like that. You should give it a read.

News Item12/22/06 8:58 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"However, schools like Moddy Bible Institute, Dallas Seminary, Talbot School of Theology, Grace Seminary, The Master's Seminary, All of the Southern Baptist Schools/Seminaries, PCA Prestbyterians, Knox Seminary, Reformed Seminary are all Biblically Sound and Theologically correct! And this list is just the tip of the iceberg."

Correct according to New Age Reformed Baptist Antinomian theology. Not according to the Bible and the way the church believed until they started hanging around with the Reformed. Baptists were pure until after the Reformation when they let their guard down and started adopting heresies of Augustine and the rest of Plato's minions.

The church's (I'm speaking not of the Catholic, but the pure church that stayed out of the Catholic church) only debate for over 1000 years was whether once someone had lost their salvation if it was even possible to get it back. That's the only debate on salvation until the church started hanging around with the reformed.

Big mistake trusting the reformed. History shows they were as treacherous and cruel as the Catholics were to the believers.

News Item12/22/06 7:02 PM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Now Tim LeHaye may be an Arminian, but his books are ok, I would suggest that you look at the site,"

Tim LaHaye is NOT an Arminian.

Tim LaHaye is an Antinomian.

Tim LaHaye believes one can never lose their salvation under any circumstance no matter what they do or don't do.

And his books are not okay at all. His book Act of Marriage was nothing but Christian porn, corrupted married Christians into doing the things to each other that homos do, the things that spread death and disease and destroy the love and respect between married people.

News Item12/22/06 11:25 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Matthew -- My understanding is that in the upper levels Christians are killing. I don't know if they are using guns or "prayer power" or what. I've not played the game myself. I know if the game is true to the Bible, it will portray the Christians being killed, not doing the killing.

Why are the Muslims protesting the game then if there is no killing of them by Christians in the game?

Survey12/22/06 10:10 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Arthur, are you loony? Believe me, it's not hard to figure out who is behind the aliases on this bulletin board.

It's not hard. For one thing, your punctuation gives you away. There's many other things you do also that let's me know it's you, no matter what alias you use.

If you made a concerted effort to change all your spelling, aliases and manner of writing, I could still tell, because there's still other ways to know.

Why would SA want to tell me what all your silly aliases are? They probably don't know (or care) what they are themselves.

And I don't care either. I was just trying to needle you because you're always trying to "out" me, so if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Survey12/22/06 9:51 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Prayerful -- I don't know what Yamil told his audience, but if all he did was tell them they were sinners, and that Jesus died for their sins, and they could find forgiveness, be saved from their sins -- well, that's a good thing.

If he told them that this would mean they were forever saved if they would just do this one little thing (ie raise their hands) then that was a lie, a false promise.

We can only pray that God will send someone else along to witness to these people and fill in the gaps or straighten out the mistakes.

Surely God does want all those people to be saved, and God can certainly use Yamil along the way to get the job done. I think saved people need to be warned and discipled if possible, at least give them your business card and e-mail address, get theirs, follow up.

But it has to be a good thing when a Catholic decides to turn his faith away from trusting in his church or Mary or the Pope (ad nauseum) and turn it straight to Jesus for the salvation of his soul. We're told to witness and preach Jesus, and Yamil did as Scripture commands in the Great Commission.

News Item12/22/06 9:41 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Dessie, check out Texe Marrs website:

Read his latest articles he's put up. Look at the pics of the children who have had their brains shot out, the little children all covered in blood, dead, in a stupid war that we started, and we are keeping it going.

The whole plan was to create civil war there, build a base, and take over the world using Iraq to spread out

It's just wrong. There's nothing Christian about it.

If people would turn off their televisions we might have a chance to return to sanity. It's nothing but lies and brainwashing on the tube!

News Item12/22/06 9:35 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Our loyalty ought to be with Jesus Christ, whom they hate. For that matter whom the world hates too. Second we ought to be honest. Islam is quite the violent false religion and deserves absolutely no white washing."

I'm going to be blunt with you because this truly is a matter of life and death, and I'm trying to wake people up to the concentration camps and the horrors awaiting Christians around the bend.

Nobody's white washing Islam to say this Left Behinder game is from the pits of Hell, should be pulled from the shelves, put in a huge pile and burned. Christians should distance themselves as far away from it as possibly can.

We are not the ones being bombed into the Stone Age. The Arabs are. When games like this come out, they are justifiably alarmed. I don't blame them a bit.

You should look at the pictures Texe Marrs has posted on his website of the young mothers and their sweet children in Iraq who are DEAD. Thanks to our "Christian" president and his lies and his warmongering.

Same with Afghanistan. The Bush Crime Syndicate just wanted to kick the Taliban out so they could get the heroin trade going again.

If you want Christianity to stand for this kind of evil, you are no kind of ambassador for Christ and with friends like you who needs enemies.

News Item12/22/06 9:21 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Who do they think they are??? Such

Dessie, I think you have it backwards. We are bombing the Muslims into the Stone Age because we don't agree with their philosophy, WHICH WE'VE BEEN TOLD (by the NeoCONs and their minions) that the Muslims want to take over the world and kill anybody who won't convert to be a Muslim.

So if "Christian" Tim LaHaye is selling a "Christian" game that has Christians killing anybody who won't convert to Christianity (and "Christians" are buying it like hotcakes) --

then just who is the hypocrite with a capital H?

Even if a nice Bible is included with the Left Behinder video game, if you get the $59 super special instead of the plain old game for $39.

After our "Conservative Christian President" Georgie Bush gets through turning the planet into a complete Hell hole, who do you suppose will get blamed for all this? Especially if we have these "nice" Christian games for the Christiain haters to point to?

II Pet. 2:2,3 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of which the WAY OF TRUTH SHALL BE EVIL SPOKEN OF. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Survey12/22/06 9:02 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Arthur, you are hilarious.

My alias is about the mislabeling of the designation "antinomian" to the OSAS people.

I'm not a name tagger so I can "out" everybody's aliases. It's just that yours are obvious. I have good discernment. You are always trying to out me on my alias, so why are you going crying to Sermon Audio! I'm sure they have better things to do than reveal what people's monikers to the rest of the posters. I don't even think they know who the posters are themselves most times!

So you can relax. Your silly aliases are safe, but now you'll have to think of all new ones since you outed yourself.

Survey12/22/06 8:53 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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DB, you said moral behavior is "applicable" in the "life of the believer."

Are you ready to define what you mean by the vague word "applicable?"

Applicable in what way?

If you have no answer, you could at least be responsible and polite enough to say so, instead of just ignoring the question that has been asked five times of you.

Survey12/22/06 8:50 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"OOPS, the devil is not a believer. He denies Christ as his Lord."

Exactly. The devil believes and trembles, but does not submit.

The devil is an Antinomian, one who does whatever he chooses as it suits him.

It's one thing to believe (and not even tremble in the belief). It's another thing to believe and submit.

Talk is cheap. God knows who are his and who are not, and God is not mocked.

Survey12/22/06 8:39 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"I might suggest think again before continuing your criticism of a brother who dares to preach things such as John 3:16 at a furneral so the living might come to repentance and faith and be saved."

I agree. I think Yamil did a very good thing. He saw a good opportunity and he took advantage of it. The Bible says some plant and some water. You just witness wherever and whenever you can, and one person can't do it all. Better to do what you can. We can't as individuals do everything, but we can each do something.

Survey12/22/06 8:14 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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This is a repost. I forgot to put quotes around somebody else's statement, and I didn't want anybody to think it was mine!

"Way you go dunderhead from the land of the fanciful arminians!"

Please. Yamil is not an Arminian, and he said as much himself.

Arminians believe you can lose your salvation. Antinomians believe you can never lose your salvation, no matter what you do or don't do.

News Item12/22/06 8:09 AM
Name Tagger | KJB  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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"Would CAIR be happy if Wal-Mart replaced the game (I also don't agree with the game) with one about Jihad, Jihad, Jihad???"

The point is, the game is NOT about Jihad for Muslims. It's about Jihad for Christians killing people if they don't convert.

This game is a trap, it was made by Tim LaHaye, also the author in the '70s of the book Act of Marriage on how to sodomize your wife and other sick perversions. Christians will be blamed for GWB and games like this Left Behinder game will be used to justify renewed blood sport games as in Gladiator.

Tim LaHaye is part of the Illuminati, the controlled opposition, a servant of Satan to corrupt and destroy Christians.

So is Pat Robertson.

So is Jerry Falwell.

So is Georgie Bush and his White House full of sweet homosexuals.

The only thing we can trust is our King James Bible.

Stop listening to New Age liars preaching Antinomianism, ear-tickling lies about easy believism, salvation in sin, and no suffering for Christians. To teach Christians to be apathetic on purpose as a measure of piety, lest they think they can "work their way to Heaven" -- who else but Satan would spread that kind of a lie?

Survey12/22/06 7:49 AM
Name Tagger  Find all comments by Name Tagger
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Way you go dunderhead from the land of the fanciful arminians!

Please. Yamil is not an Arminian, and he said as much himself.

Arminians believe you can lose your salvation. Antinomians believe you can never lose your salvation, no matter what you do or don't do.

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