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News Item8/10/2020 10:35 AM
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James Thomas wrote:
guess .. the verse that speaks of the effects your referring to and that the virus is one of those plagues?
Good Morning James,

No, your guess is based upon what you think I am saying, that I'm not. I wasn't looking for proof texts on plagues? Holding an historacist interpretation of prophetic scripture, I was looking at the time line of history. I believe the 6th trumpet (civil judgments on usurpers) and 6th vial (judgments upon false churches) is now effecting the eastern section of the former R. Empire, places visited in Paul's missionary journey's there. But that is why you ended your sentence with a ? isn't it?

On the Lord's day the topic's under my consideration began in Ezekiel 9 and Isa 6 but the application was relative to 1 Co 11:3,10 as I was trying to understand what the LORD was showing me in answer to prayer. The loss of the visible church Ephes 4:1-13 is the real judgment in the west, but that started long before the "virus".

I post here because of loneliness and a want of fellowship but not unlike other matters of choice it the best of 2 evils. Evil is not a choice for a Christian. There are many precepts violated.

Forgive my lack of modesty as the weaker vessel. I will trust the Lord for 1 Pete

News Item8/8/2020 12:01 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Per Ezek 37:22 those two are spoken of.....neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:
Sorry James, I am not disagreeing exactly only expanding upon what you are saying further down the prophetic time line. I believe we are still under the effects of the sixth trumpet and vial. That is in shorter range agreement with what you are saying. Who was Paul writing to? To them only? What I am saying includes what you are saying as well. I replied earlier but was thought a bot.

Farmers in this valley are being pushed out. My second gen dairy farming neighbor is down to 5 acres. I homestead and feel the push too but not for the same reasons. Spoke to a friend yesterday who is seeing the same, it's not in an agricultural area, rather tourist lake front property. Out of town money coming in and buying out and increasing it's value. They brought the first covid to the county.

Covetousness is idolatry. Idolatry divides nations and a nation divided against itself cannot stand.

This morning I cut open a neighbor's heirloom pepper and clearly it wasn't. Another neighbor bought seeds not heirloom and grew something all together different then the packet. Happened more then once.


News Item8/6/2020 10:39 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Here are some references from the prophets concerning the two...
James, I did reply at length and thought it unwise so I cancelled it.

I will simply state I do not agree that Paul is speaking here of the divided kingdoms that took place in Solomon's son reign, seeing he speaks here of strangers to the commonwealth of Israel, before it was a divided nation. The division was the consequence of Solomon's leading the nation into forbidden idolatry.

What Paul is stating in verses 11 to the end of the chapter, is important because it interprets the OT prophets' use of far off/afar off used in v.13,17 as an apostle who has come under the greater clarity of NT revelation.

Appreciated your time spent and the conversation.

News Item8/6/2020 11:34 AM
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James Thomas wrote:
Isa 62:3 ...I agree it is a reference but for who?
Good Morning James,

Leaving private worship from Jud 20 and Ps 5 I find this consideration to be necessary for balance. This portion in Judges is very sobering,the bad fruit of a want of *godly* national leadership. Ps 5 convinced me if a busy national leader/head of household like David saw the necessity of dependent prayer all should. Ps 110:1

It would seem to me to best understand what the prophet is declaring as God's messenger context is essential. The later part of the prophetic book was yet future hope to him.

The word crown brings to mind headship/kingship and glory brings to mind God. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost have essential reigning glory as The Lord God Omnipotent, but the Son as Mediator, the God/man has been given a donative headship/glory over man as the last Adam 1 Co 11:3

Rev_20:6  Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God (1Pe 2:5)and of Christ, and shall reign with him a 1000 years.

Interestingly a crown is on a head and a diadem in the hand. It is certainly a contrast to the mark of the beast.

See Rom 11; Ephes 2:11-22 regarding who?

News Item8/5/2020 11:46 AM
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James Thomas wrote:
With Gentleness and with meekness are we to share the gospel as well as differing positions.
Also, God promised only one new name per Isa. 62:2 and that would be the name of "Christian". Why would any other name be desired?
James, I am sure that most posting here believe they are Christians, and that we are following the teachings of the apostles and prophets. We can all be wrong but we can't all be right.

See Mat 24:11-14

Is not the text you are referring to in Isaiah referring to national Israel's new name? Is it not in reference to Isa 62:4  Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married. 

If you use e-sword and have it available see JFB on this portion.

Appreciated your input.

Off to a neighbor's farm for fertilizer since God so graciously gave rain to my wilting garden. It is just beginning to fruit in most cases and I'd all but given up. So on my way singing: "Lord bless and pity us shine on us with thy face that the earth thy way and nations all may know thy saving grace." Psalm 67

News Item8/5/2020 8:43 AM
FYI | Ephes 4  Find all comments by FYI
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Ladybug wrote:
1. ... Infants can neither hear nor comprehend the preaching of the Gospel, which is the means God uses to bring his elect to Christ.
Can God work with or without means?

Are you saying that all elect infants that die in infancy are not elect and therefore cannot be save or said another way; no infant can be saved till he is of the age of comprehension?

As you see it sanctification is done once for all at conversion? Just forget about
Php 2:12,13  Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. 

Rom 12:1,2  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

You may refer to me as a Calvinist where as I might refer to you as a John Reisingerist as opposed to his RB brother. Which dates me I'd imagine. What that means is we have embraced the teachin

News Item8/4/2020 10:49 PM
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ladybug wrote:
"because the Heavenly Father loves the human race, and wishes that they should not perish."
This is not a Calvin quote rather a paraphrase from Cross-way something about walking with the dead guys whereas Jesus arguing with the Pharisee's states Mat 22:31,32  But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 
  I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Calvin himself gives a better explanation.

Infants according to you cannot do anything therefore God cannot? Yet you yourself argue salvation is of the LORD. John Baptist jumped in his mother womb for joy see Luke 1:41-45.  One commentator states: babe leaped — From Luk_1:44 it is plain that this maternal sensation was something extraordinary - a sympathetic emotion of the unconscious babe, at the presence of the mother of his Lord.

Do you differentiate then between justification and sanctification? Justification is an act of God's Spirit, but sanctification the work of God's Spirit, for it is written: Rom_8:13  For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

News Item8/4/2020 7:13 PM
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ladybug wrote:
I despise hyper Calvinism, Arminianism, Reformed Theology, Calminianism, creeds, confessions, etc. anything and everything that tweaks the word of God.
For clarification concerning the following?

Tweaks the word of God as you see it?

I understand "Reformed" to mean to correct, amend, restore to a good state

"Theology" the science based on faith in the facts that God has revealed in his word, that teaches the existence, character,and attributes of God; concerning his law, government, doctrines, and worship, as revealed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Churches reforming from popery, prelacy, sectarianism, schism and error. Is that what you are saying you despise?

Does Ephesians 4 sound adverse in anyway to creeds and confessions that have been given not as Scripture, but rather for the express purpose revealed in Ephesians 4 as helps to the saints to bring a unity of mind from Christ's gifts to the Church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to reform particular churches from error, schism, popery, prelacy, and sectarianism.

If you would, argue your point using Ephes 4 I could better understand what you are or are not saying regarding reformed theology, creeds and confessions.

News Item6/30/2020 2:57 PM
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From the Texas Tribune: "At First Baptist, Pence is participating in an event billed as "Celebrate Freedom Sunday." The church says it will feature an "annual fireworks celebration, patriotic music and a special message" from Pence. The church has also said Pence will be joined by Abbott and U.S. Housing Secretary Ben Carson."

Just curious, anyone see anything wrong with this picture? It reminds me of searching for a hidden picture within a picture. Look closer

You'll find it, if you know what your looking for.

News Item6/9/2020 5:44 AM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
What I read of the article focused on RC churches. The point was that the Presidents insistence on upholding the First Amendment's guarantee...
Up in the night watches, I listened to a teaching given in conjunction with I book I am reading,'Godly Prayer And Its Answers' by J.B. of Wamphray.

I believe the church which is one, holy, catholic (meaning universal) Church is neither Roman, nor papist. That visible church is being corrected by God's holy, wise, and powerful, preserving and governing of all his creatures and all their actions. Concerning his children however, he is correcting them in Fatherly love for their former negligence of 1st table duties due Him.

Listening to and being corrected and instructed, several posters here that the LORD in his mercy has used for my good in isolation (which for me began long before Covid) You, James T, and Carl..NC came to mind. It is my prayer for you all to God, that at this time & beginning with yourselves in your households, that what is explained in this study & proved in Scripture would be for your blessing, the neglect of which will bring the rod. God knows you, I cannot. I barely know my own heart.

News Item6/4/2020 8:36 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
The edition consisted of ten thousand copies in which, *****as was the custom in small King James version Bibles*****, the books of the Apocrypha were omitted...
Thank you for that, isn't it amazing that the more you learn the more you realize all there is to learn and what you don't know.

What I meant by quoting Psalm 14:1 was that we know our founding father's were not fools but we also know all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. it is a little more difficult in a time when many were rather fluent about fundamental Christian teaching, yet they were for granting a freedom to continue in the myriads of differences, contrary to Scripture. It would seem that would make it more difficult to define membership in the visible church, Yes? A member of the invisible church is known only to God and the man himself who, as Paul instructs; is to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Php 2:12,13

I believe our founding fathers were fluent in Christian fundamentals but I understood most of them to be deists. Yet they were men in trying times and men are more sober then.

Thanks for your info & kindness it is apprecia

News Item6/4/2020 2:34 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
He was simply a printer and not a translator. The printing he did, which was the first on American soil, was that of the KJV translation.
Here are a few links for you to take a look at.
Thank you sir. I actually began there and confused what was said about the father with what was said of the daughter "As a curious side note: Robert Aitken’s daughter, Jane Aitken, went on to become the first woman in the history of the world to ever print a Bible. Jane published a translation into English done by the Secretary of the United States Congress, which was itself actually the first non-King James version English language Bible ever printed in America (or the Western Hemisphere for that matter)"

Sorry for the confusion. So what you are saying is that he reprinted the KJV. Did you look at the history recorded on the site I mentioned? That history was a little difficult to weed through in a timely manner. I was trying to beat the heat of the day with outside work.

News Item6/4/2020 10:52 AM
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James Thomas wrote:
The only Bible ever authorized by the United States Congres was one printed by Robert Aitkens. He was commended by President George Washington for providing Americans with Bibles during the embargo of imported English goods due to the Revolutionary War. Hardly the act of a "Satanist".
Of these things I was unaware. I found this

I am still unclear as to who translated the Aitkin's Bible for that is more important then who printed it. It was not a KJV. Do you know who translated it?

It would appear this establishes what our founding fathers were not. Psalm 14:1
However that is as far as it can go, since there is much more at stake in making other determinations based upon the veracity of the word of God as a whole.

News Item5/23/2020 10:29 AM
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Oh...and he’s quite the straw man builder and would argue with a fence post till the cows come home.
But, I’m sure that’s apparent to all.

News Item5/23/2020 10:19 AM
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He does take a break now and then from his bashing of the USA to pontificate about what miserable Christians we all are and how ungodly and disobedient to their husbands and government women are.

News Item2/7/2020 8:09 PM
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Charles Ryrie passed in 2016.

News Item7/19/19 3:26 PM
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Douglas Fir wrote:
John, try looking up the City of Miami Beach website, checking the pictures of the city commissioners, and examining the one for district 6. I don't think the name is spelled incorrectly, nor the picture misplaced.
"A native Floridian, John was born in Tampa and raised in Sarasota. John’s mother is the original “Girl named John.” Her mother was a special education teacher who died unexpectedly when John was 14 years old. John's maternal grandfather, Dr. William Fitts, promised his World War II buddy and fellow Army medic to name his second child in his memory. John's parents chose to continue this legacy and named their second child, also a girl, the same way. John is proud of her name as result of this tradition and she and her husband continue the legacy."

News Item1/17/19 6:32 AM
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Looking for information on Early Rain Covenant Church I came across the following speaking of a dialogue between the imprisoned and the imprisoning from China Partnership: "The officer said: 'Security is more important than anything'. I responded, 'The value of a soul is greater.' After completing the record the officer asked, 'What doctrines do you all teach?' I sat up straight and recited, Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death? A. That I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death - to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ."
1Co 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
1Co 7:23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
Rev 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

News Item12/17/18 10:51 AM
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News Item1/20/18 12:53 PM
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