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Sermon9/8/19 1:38 PM
Cheryl | Florida  Find all comments by Cheryl
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4-The Concerned Conscience
Dennis Knowles
“ Great Series and Preaching ”
Thank you for preaching this four-part series on the conscience mind. Great eye opener. It helped me tremendously. Always appreciate your hard preaching. ~ Blessings

Sermon8/27/19 10:46 AM
Cheryl | Florida  Find all comments by Cheryl
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God's Strength For The Weary
Dennis Knowles
“ Beautiful Message ”
Thank you for preaching this message. I also find the following scripture relevant as I wait on God. ~ Blessings Matthew 11:28 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Sermon5/24/19 5:35 AM
Cheryl | New Jersey, U.S.  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Overcomer? Not! ”
Was Billy Graham an overcomer? According to the biblical definition, no. Paul worried that his flock could be overcomers, while he himself could make shipwreck of his Christian life; an apostle whom Jesus handpicked. If there could've been a condition of once saved, always saved, I think Paul would've met it. I stopped listening to Billy Graham when I heard him say,Don't leave here today without knowing you've taken care of this;then you won't have to worry. Don't worry about your friends, they'll wait for you! it'll only take 5 minutes! He supported Pope Francis who said, shortly after being nominated, " It is not necessary to believe in Jesus to get to Heaven. Just continue doing good". Most Orthodox Catholics think he's a heretic, but Graham approved! I believe he did start out running well; but desire of worldy gain took over;So he said what people wanted to hear and got famous. Lloyd Jones said after hearing him,I don't see the Holy Spirit, only charisma. The churches in the host cities of his events saw no rise in church attendance, and why would they? It only takes 5 minutes! Graham said himself, he would be surprised if 4% of those altar calls were real converts, (yet 100% believed they were saved, and Graham's ministry pocketed the $$).If that isn't shipwreck, what is?

Sermon4/16/19 3:45 PM
Cheryl | New Jersey, U.S.  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I totally agree about letting the world in. We are supposed to be a peculiar people. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. For those defending loudness, rock music, etc. I have this to say. When I was young, music in church was us, the congregation, singing praises to God, or singing the Psalms. It was worship. It was never a concert. Now it's a worship band performing. The congregation usually isn't singing. It's not worship, it's entertainment. Also, when choirs sang, they sang together. When I see worship leaders and their band perform, they are facing the audience not the altar. They are performing for the people. That's the difference. It also seems to produce a lot of pride. If you criticize volume, song choice, anything, you get usually the same reaction as if you criticized a rock star. To them it's a performance, and they aren't humble. Their pride is in their performance. The fact that its God's house, and it's for His glory, not theirs is forgotten. God doesn't have hit singles, or platinum albums

Sermon2/11/19 8:54 PM
Cheryl | New Jersey, U.S.  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
This sermon needs to be heard by all evangelicals. I, too, am glad to see Billy Graham called out. Especially with his recent death, he is being practically immortalized. We must remain constantly on guard against non Biblical teachings. One of the hallmarks of the last days is deception, and unfortunately, if we are unaware of what the Bible says, or we feel it is o.k. To change the biblical message to get more parishioners, we are well on our way to being deceived. Our only safeguard is sola scriptura, and this cannot be set aside for any reason. We have always been a peculiar people, and this will not change. Jesus did not change his message to accommodate the listeners, and if He did not, I don't see how anyone can make a valid argument for it. Times may have changed, but there is NO evidence to indicate, as many evangelicals have implied, that God understands this and that He finds our changing of biblical truths permissible. People today, especially biblically illiterate people, need to understand how far we have strayed from early Christianity

Sermon2/6/19 7:21 PM
Cheryl | New Jersey, USA  Find all comments by Cheryl
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Revival On The Isle Of Lewis
Rev. Duncan Campbell
“ Great Sermon! ”
I never tire of reading and hearing about real revival...not a man made presentation with a choir, worship band, power points, and a group of ministers who have to use crowd psychology, and charisma to psychologically convince people to come to the altar. Imagine what would happen if we all took this to heart, instead of just saying Great Sermon! Does not the Lamb who was slain deserve the full reward of his suffering? If 4-10 prayer intercessors from each county could commit to this prayer twice a pray until God came down, imagine what would happen? We wouldn't need to hand out tracts, knock on doors, have the goats fill out questionnaires to find ways to bribe them into church. They would be rushing the church as if their lives depend on it, as it in fact does. Let's all try to do whatever we can do to pray for God to step down. It is one thing that we can all do, my brothers and sisters.

Sermon7/29/18 10:32 PM
Cheryl | U.S.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cheryl
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“ Best sermon Tim Conway has done! ”
I have probably heard hundreds of his sermons, but this had me transfixed. His unusually quiet delivery in this, coupled with his descriptions of the wrath of God, literally make your hair stand on end. This is the current version of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God for our time. If he delivered this live in a church filled with the Holy Spirit, people would be holding the edges of the pews to keep from sliding into hell, like they did with Jonathan Edwards. You can tell the Holy Spirit was speaking through him on this one, because he sounds so different. ( Not trying to imply that the Spirit never speaks through him at other times. Only that his normal distinctive speech patterns are missing)

Sermon7/29/18 8:14 PM
Cheryl | U.S.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cheryl
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Getting Out of the Boat
Tim Conway
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is so true. Some of the biggest disputes I've had with believers were over their unbelief that something was possible. We SAY I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but for most it's just a cliche. I was raised in a family that believed deeply in God's sovereignty. The problem was, this was the excuse for never praying anything but the most routine of prayers. Ex: we wouldn't ask God to heal someone, because He knew they were sick and if He planned to heal them, He would heal them. Listening to George Mueller changed all of that for me. God started to answer prayers. Then, Christians would get angry, and say, You can't ask God for that! Why not? He can always say no. If we started asking God for things expecting He might do them, how might our lives change, and what glory might we see? God wants to use us to gain glory for Himself. How can He do that if we are always secondguessing what kinds of ways God will use to gain glory? He will sometimes answer a prayer and do something extraordinary, just so other people know beyond a doubt it's a miracle! Or to enlarge someone 's faith. Let's be honest with ourselves. Are we really afraid of presumption or do we just lack faith God can do it.

Sermon7/28/18 7:36 PM
Cheryl | U.S.  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a convicting sermon; one that could be heard again and again. The saddest thing about it though is that Leonard Ravenhill preached in America for 40 years and did not see revival. Why? Because most people approach church and sermons as if they are television: entertainment. Of all the congregations he preached to, of all the people and ministers who have downloaded his sermons, he could not find one group of people, like in the Isle of Lewis, who were so convicted, that they said, "We will pray and keep praying until we see revival." I mean, we're good for an hour, maybe even a few weeks, but the time of travail necessary to see revival? No. I have been trying for years and have not been able to find a group of committed Christians willing to pray for revival until it happens , despite approaching several churches and ministers. They can't make time to pray, because they're too busy.

Sermon5/10/18 8:57 PM
Cheryl  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Fantastic Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for this brilliant sermon. It saddens me to see our human race being increasingly led to the grips of digital technology instead of being led to the word and the hand and the wisdom of God.

Sermon2/6/18 3:17 AM
Cheryl | California  Find all comments by Cheryl
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Simon the Cyrenian
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! Thank you, for this and all of your sermon/studies which are so informative, biblically deep and sound.

Sermon5/21/16 11:55 PM
Cheryl  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Can I start with Wow-wee!? I have been reading the Kings and just started this week with Hosea! I am convinced that the LORD has lead me straight to this teaching. I have already listened to it twice and will listen again in the next day or so to get all the scripture references quoted! I really need a Shepard like you but not having any success in my town in Grayson Ga. The Lord has given me your teachings and I am thankful. I love to turn those pages and find the nuggets! This is definitely a teaching for all who has hears to hear. Praise the Lord for your voice.

Sermon2/15/16 11:21 PM
Cheryl | Florida  Find all comments by Cheryl
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Beware of the Snare Part 4
Dennis Knowles
“ Great Series! ”
Thank you for this wonderful series and for pointing out through various Scriptures how snares can so easily work their ways into our lives, often times without us even realizing they are here. A wonderful and much needed wake-up call and a series in which I will be returning to listen to on a regular basis. Amen ~ God's blessings!

Sermon1/29/16 8:35 PM
Cheryl | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cheryl
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“ Thankful For You ”
Pastor Knowles: As a disabled person, my mobility is limited and it is difficult for me to sit and stand for periods of time. Also, as you know, finding a good church is very hard to come by these days. As such, as I am predominantly homebound. I read my Bible each day and listen to you preach on Sermon Audio. I rarely listen to anyone else. I like your style of reading verses of Scripture and then going on to explain them with examples relating to everyday life. Your motivation and spirit uplifts me, and I also appreciate how you utilize your keen sense of humor to drive certain messages home. I pray that what I am doing with my reading the Bible at home each day is acceptable in the Lord's eyes, even though, at this time, I do not attend church physically, as I would like to be able to do. I just wanted to let you know much I enjoy your sermons. They are so inspiring to me, and I am so thankful to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, for allowing me to be able to listen to you and to continue to learn from you. In my eyes, even though I am not physically present in your church, you are my church. I pray that you will continue to be able to keep preaching your beautiful messages. Again, thank you! God's blessings to you and yours.

Sermon11/25/15 9:17 PM
Cheryl | Fair Oaks CA  Find all comments by Cheryl
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The Gift Nobody Wants
Paul Washer
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon8/15/15 12:03 PM
Cheryl | New Jersey  Find all comments by Cheryl
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The Coming Final Persecution
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Sermon!,,, This is already happening today. Not in the U.S. yet, but we must not lose sight of the fact that this is already a reality. There are Christians being killed in China, India, the Middle East, and other places. I have heard many Christians in the U.S. Think that we cannot possibly be in the End Times because this isn't happening yet. We in the U.S. Are so polarized that we are judging these words just by what we see here, not taking into consideration the big picture. We in the U.S. And Europe must be ready, and hope that when our time comes we can acquit ourselves as well, and stand as firmly for our faith as our brothers and sisters for whom this is a present reality. Look up, for our redemption draweth nigh.

Sermon8/6/15 2:26 PM
Cheryl | NJ  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I loved this sermon. I would definitely recommend for anyone undergoing tribulation or hardship, and for anyone who is trying to swim against the mainstream in this day and age. It's a reminder that the basis of becoming Christian was never to enlist Gods help in our ambition, but to turn over our life to God because we over Him everything. I especially loved the line about gold having no more use once we get to Heaven. They use it as asphalt for the streets there. I'm adding this sermon to my favorites.

Sermon7/13/14 8:37 PM
Cheryl | Florida  Find all comments by Cheryl
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Don't Be A Stumbling Block
Dennis Knowles
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
Excellent yet very sad point regarding how selfish and self-centered people are. I see this happening more and more, especially as times are becoming increasingly difficult, and it really breaks my heart. Thank you for this beautiful message, Pastor Knowles.

Sermon5/31/14 9:20 PM
Cheryl | Florida  Find all comments by Cheryl
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Don't Mourn the Thorn
Dennis Knowles
“ Amen! Beautiful Message ”
Although not physically present in your congregation, I do know I needed to hear this message. Thank you. By the way, I loved the story about your rose bush. God's blessings to you. I so love listening to your sermons!

Sermon4/19/14 9:15 PM
Cheryl | US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cheryl
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your sermon Kevin. As a 23 year old woman, I just wanted to explain the "Fear" of submission to women. I have to say this isn't a woman's fault totally when she says she wants to back off from family life. The reason why I say this is because how many mothers ended up single because the man didn't take responsibility? How many stories and lifestyles did you see that the wife had 80% of the work shoved on her while the husband just works and does nothing when he comes back home? Its not that women want to have more freedom because she can get a extra Starbucks coffee and head to the spa every week. Its because woman is fearfully scared of a irresponsible man. She'll turn into a slave with regrets having children if she gets with a man who has authority but no responsibility. And how many times I heard from a man's mouth that he just wants the body of a woman and no kids involved in his life is totally off the charts. How many male friends and even random strangers I hear just say they don't like kids, but want a girlfriend. Man is scary to me when he acts like he can do whatever he wants to a woman but takes no responsibility for his actions. You can see why some women don't want a family. There are too many pigheaded selfish men out there who aren't godly at all
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