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News Item7/3/16 3:57 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I think the Jewish people in the USA revere this man highly, especially if you turn on any PBS TV station for any programs they regularly have on the Holocaust.
It all serves as a reminder to me that a good third of Jews in the USA do not believe in God! Yet, I think 99 of 100 do believe in the Holocaust.
They can practice yoga, transcendental meditation, and other unusual things, but if they become Christian, their families will 'divorce' them.

News Item7/2/16 12:28 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I think there is more Dobson than Trump or Jesus in this story--meaning that Dobson is trying to rescue his own image as an 'evangelical thought leader' when in reality his influence has declined greatly since he left the Focus on the Family business.
Yes, he has his own radio show, but how many stations air it, compared to the F on the F show?
As to the mass altar call and emotional manipulation being used 'today' I would point you back to Charles Finney, famous preacher from the 1800s who promoted the use of the altar call and much emotional manipulation in preaching.
And you could even take it back further, to the Exodus days when there was much dissension among the people 'following' Moses in the desert. What did those people do when Moses went up the mountain? They converted all the gold they had gotten from the Egyptians and made a golden calf, with Aaron, Moses' own brother, officiating!
I think the particular American strain of Protestant religion is the self-help element. You can see it in sermon series on '10 steps to improve your marriage' or '3 ways to get through to your kids' and so on.
Even a program like Focus on the Family is an outgrowth of this self-help improvement ideas clothed in theological terms.

News Item7/2/16 10:56 AM
Barney FIfe | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney FIfe
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Consider the source--the Los Angeles Times, for the reason why they wanted to highlight the Catholic side of the story.
I read another story (or was it based on the same data) that said lumberjacks have a high rate of suicide, while dentists and librarians have the lowest rates.
Why would that be? The experts suggest that lumberjacks work mostly alone and are likely to lose their jobs, while dentists and librarians are very sociable in their work.
I've seen other articles that say that when people retire, they lose that social contact and then decline in health.
Many experts tell older people getting close to retirement to make a plan to stay busy before they retire--and going fishing or golfing is not the answer. They tell them to consider volunteering, but I think this can be very difficult, especially when they have never volunteered. All of a sudden you are telling them to volunteer at a park, or hospital, or even at their church, when they have never done any of this before?
I have seen a story that says retirees watch approximately four and a half hours of TV each day. I wonder if that was done before smartphones and the many online streaming services came about that are replacing cable TV for many.

News Item7/2/16 10:33 AM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Is it just me, or does a lot of all this violence have something to do with them celebrating "Ramadan" when they fast from sunup to sundown, and then drink and stuff themselves after the sun goes down?

News Item7/2/16 10:31 AM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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This sounds so familiar; I think a similar group in the Los Angeles area left.
The key question estate, like Lucy says in that famous Charlie Brown Christmas show. A lot of money is involved in the ownership of the church's real estate.
Even the local govt should sit up and take notice of any transactions involving a church changing the way its real estate holdings are labeled and owned.
I've never heard of this denomination they are moving to, have you? How many other congregations does it have? Number of people involved? Where located?

News Item6/28/16 7:37 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Excellent choice of a news story to post here.
It is a bit hard to believe that any study could pretend to tell us how 'all men' and 'all women' in the country do with their time.

News Item6/28/16 7:29 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Thanks, "Mike" from "New York" for bringing up the remark from "Wayfarer Pilgrim" containing this phrase---'Good riddance in 6 months'
I suppose that refers to the Presidential Election. I also suppose W.P. thinks Trump is going to win. It seems to me that many, if not most of the people here commenting on SA news items will not vote for Trump, so Hillary stands a good chance of winning and continuing the policies you see today.
I am also thinking that what is happening with the Obama Administration is that they are seeking out all the 'hot buttons' of homosexuality, abortion, gun control, to get people in a lather so that it polarizes our society more and reminds their friends on the Left that they better get out and vote for Hillary. I don't see the same response on the Right; instead I see many conservative and Christians complaining about Trump.
If I was an Australian observing this country from a safe distance, I would be happy, because it would mean my real estate value would be going higher because many Americans will be moving to my area and boosting demand for houses.

News Item6/28/16 7:21 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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When I saw this comment--

I'm really curious as to what would constitute mental illness or impaired judgment in this "anything goes" society when there are no more objective standards and everything is relative.

I thought 's c' from 'oh' was asking a question, so I did as most people do and looked it up on the Internet.

News Item6/26/16 4:23 PM
Barney FIfe | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney FIfe
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I guess he won't mind when the IRS comes calling and says his 501 (c)3 exemption is no longer valid, so any members who give to his church will not be able to declare their donations as tax deductions.
I have noticed that Ralph Ovadal over at Pilgrims Covenant Church used to produce a very interesting, educational and frequently political program called "Heart of the Matter" but has stopped doing it for many months now. If you have not listened to any past editions, I urge you to check them out; they are still available here at S.A.

News Item6/26/16 3:43 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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A good move by Trump to smooth the feathers on the evangelical bird.
But I find it most ironic that 'The Blaze' the media outlet of Latter Day Saints Member Glenn Beck is producing this story. I would like it to be Yahoo News or Huffington Post.
James Dobson left the Focus on the Family group; an interesting story in itself--was he fired or was it an 'amicable settlement'
It would be interesting to see what direction change the group has made since he left, and what Dobson is doing these days. I would say his influence has decreased.

News Item6/26/16 2:56 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Sorry, pennelope, but Disneyworld is in ORlando area, not South Florida. The case I refer to just happened June 21, as noted on the CBS 4 News: MIAMI (CBSMiami) – While rare in South Florida, a confirmed case of measles has been detected in a child in Miami-Dade.

The state’s Department of Health in Miami-Dade County has confirmed a case in a child who was not vaccinated. Health officials said they are working to limit the exposure and make sure it doesn’t spread.

News Item6/26/16 2:23 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Franklin is pointing out the obvious, but I wonder who is listening. Since both candidates are so disliked, I wonder how many voters will show up.
Here's one scenario: a lot of people love Trump and will vote for him, no matter what. Many others who dislike him will not vote for Hillary; they will stay home, unless there is a local race or issue that interests them.
(Also, in terms of voting, many--if not most--states allow early voting, so we are not talking about turnout on Election Day, and some have very lenient absentee ballot rules.)
As to Hillary, I don't think there is a large group of any voting 'bloc' that is enthusiastic about her.
When the conventions start, and we see Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders pushing the Democrat Party platform more to the left than what Hillary have in mind, then Trump will have more reasons to oppose her, and get out the vote.
One issue we already know about is gun control, and the effect of replacing judges on the Supreme Court who may decide on the issue. That is not to say that a judge appointed by a Republican President will always vote one way; even Roberts made a big mistake in allowing Obamacare to stand.
Also, keep in mind that the Fed Govt is like a huge cruise ship--it takes a long time to change directions!

News Item6/26/16 1:43 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Thanks 'sc' from 'Oh' for posting so that i could respond to you and correct my earlier post: 1. International Living is the website I was referring to, and Mexico is still on the list, along with such 'wonderful' places like Ecuador, Colombia, and Nicaragua (sounds like the friends of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders compiled the list). Spain is not in the top ten for them; it must have come from another website.
As to your question at the end of your post, here's the answer:
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States.
This is the manual that used to contain homosexuality as a mental illness until the leaders in that 'movement' found out a way to change the manual to make their behavior acceptable.

News Item6/26/16 1:26 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I guess they weren't reading Isaiah 54:9
"For this is like the days of Noah to Me, When I swore that the waters of Noah Would not flood the earth again; So I have sworn that I will not be angry with you Nor will I rebuke you.

News Item6/26/16 1:21 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I read that there was a measles case in South Florida from a child that was not vaccinated.
I guess if a few more children or adults get measles from this child, it won't matter much, right?

News Item6/25/16 4:39 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Of course there would be no mention of Trump or the Bible as reasons for voting to exit. I doubt few people in Britain have any idea of what the Bible teaches. It kinda makes you wonder about the inheritance that former English preachers, some of whose sermons are read aloud here on S.A. It looks like someone didn't preach the message about 'these principles you shall teach to your children'
I have heard that it was a close vote.
Everyone will read into it whatever they want to see in it. Great Britain is so different from the US that I doubt we can even find the truth after the fact. Perhaps people saw it as a way to get back at Cameron, or that new mayor of London. I think the most of G.B. that we know is from the PBS programs like "Keeping Up Appearances"

News Item6/25/16 4:22 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Another reason for less racism in Brazil is that the races mixed over the years, so they have many different categories (and words in Portuguese to describe them). The same happened in the Dominican Republic, where some govt. forms don't ask for race but what kind of hair you have (good hair=straight, bad hair=curly).
You may have heard of Dr. Howard Sala of Guidelines MInistries with his main emphasis in Phillipines. He was asked by someone in the US how do you tell the different Asian groups apart? He said, if they are interested in the hard sciences and tech, they are Japanese, if business and making money is their focus, they are Chinese, and if they want to drink and party all weekend long, they are Phillipines.
What is ironic is that the Japanese are complaining about the US Marine base in Okinawa, without realizing that if they left, the Chinese would start installing their military bases on some other reef (see the Spradly Islands issue being debated there).
Bottom line: no one likes anyone else. Must have something to do with Adam and Eve, a fruit eaten in some garden a long time ago.

News Item6/25/16 4:15 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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We haven't even seen the conventions, so it will be interesting to see what elements the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will get to install in the party platform to make it more left-leaning.
At the Republican convention, it will be a 'kiss and make up' session for all, and Trump will announce his Supreme Court picks, which will give him more voters. The Second Amendment will be under fire if Hillary gets elected.
I guess a lot of conservatives are already talking to their local realtors and checking the Internet for different countries' immigration policies. There already is a website--INternational DEstinations (?) for retirees, and I've seen Ecuador and Spain mentioned as possible places. Mexico used to be on that list but it is getting so dangerous with the teacher protests and criminal gangs taking over the countryside.
OF course Spain is in the European Union, so are you making a better choice there?

News Item6/25/16 12:31 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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THe PBS business show, NIghtly Business REport, last night did not mention anything about Trump in their full-on coverage of this story.
I think it's a case of 'is the glass half full or half empty?'

News Item6/25/16 12:27 PM
Barney FIfe | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney FIfe
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Well, said, W.P.
Who will be the next President?
Hillary? do you think she will change anything the current one is doing?
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