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News Item4/22/2020 10:36 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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B. McCausland wrote:
Good insight.
Please, use valid logic in interpreting intend. My response to QC was to avoid unnecessary repetition of what had been already stated.
People like yourself relying on internet sources heavily to defend presuposed assumptions without practical insight of correlating issues of history, tend to err at the expence of biblical truth.
Only Scriptures can be depended upon without error and that only of its original underlying uncorrupted texts.
BMcCausland you obviously believe you have superior intellect and reasoning abilities and your are more than welcome to that viewpoint. I would certainly agree that you have a very good intellect. As usual when you cannot refute a point you state that those (in this case me) have issues with logic, facts, and conclusions. Thus saying that because you are you, you are correct and others are incorrect. It's a pattern with which I am all too familiar. Thanks for sharing your opinion. Have a good day.

News Item4/22/2020 10:02 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, +++or prohibiting the free exercise thereof+++; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; +++or the right of the people peaceably to assemble+++, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

wonder what Constitution these judges and Jim from Lincoln are reading?

News Item4/21/2020 1:16 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John, my misunderstanding and my apologies

News Item4/21/2020 10:15 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Bro US, you're doing it again.
I have to go out on my prayer walk just now, but if you would care to show me where I said that the cross was an invention of the RCC, I will consider your statement, and if necessary, apologise.
Your 4/19/2020 5:22 PM post and you seem to be implying, my apologies if I am wrong, that the reason that "deception" of a cross instead of a pole is due to the Christians adopting the views of the RCC.

News Item4/21/2020 9:29 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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When John persists the cross was an invention of the RCC when it can proved it isn’t is that not moving the goal post?

When John UK says people think the way they do because they believe that they’re ok, their church is ok, their worship is ok, etc when it has nothing to do with the subject at hand, is that not moving the goal posts?

When sister B answer to QC is to discredit him by saying “Perhaps you should re-read the posts below and read history broadly rather than depend on private understanding or on a single opinionated source” is that not moving the goal post?

When Adriel says Christians think taking up cross means walking around with a plank of wood in tow and he has probably never met anyone who told him that, is that not moving the goal post?

When it said you cannot count on history, archaeology and quotes from people who were born in the first century then it looks to me as if we are moving the goal posts simply because it doesn't agree with our thinking.

Folks if we going to offer criticism of others we more than likely should start by looking at ourselves first.

News Item4/20/2020 4:40 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Could you please elaborate Adriel on what group of Christians think that? I never met one and the only people I have read about doing such a thing neither one of us would say they are Christians

News Item4/20/2020 6:09 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Thanks John for your response. I have a great deal of respect for Vines.

I must say that history, archaeology, and the following previously cited quote that cannot be said it was just someone mistranslating it with their understanding and that was said by a person who died long before the 3rd century began means that Vines is expressing his opinion

Pseudo-Barnabas, A.D. 80 - 130
You have Jesus [the first two letters of Jesus in Greek, which is Iesous). And because the cross was to express grace by the letter Τ (tao), he says also, "Three Hundred." He signifies, therefore, Jesus by two letters, and the cross by one (tao, shaped like a cross).

Finally, my brother, where in my post did I castigate you for not answering my questions I posted 4/19/2020 8:02 PM. ?

I do find it interesting that no one can say why saying it is a cross and not a pole is somehow dubious and leading Christians astray.

News Item4/19/2020 8:02 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Thank you John for taking time to respond, hope you had a good night’s rest.

Your assumption is that the reason we have a cross is due to the RCC, I do not think your are correct in your thinking as the language precedes it. You asked did you get what the cross looked like from say pictures. Yes John, we use pictures. the Bible speaks of things we see in pictures. It talks about the serpent, probably something you knew what it looked like from pictures before you experience it in real life. We are visual people. The list of examples go gone on and on.

We certainly use history to enhance our understanding of Scriptures. Are you saying we should not?

Does your fellowship practice foot washing? More than likely not because we understand in that day the few roads that were available were dirt and shoes as we know it did not exist, so it was customary to wash people’s feet. Thus we understand the words Christ said to Peter apply to us, our sins have been cleansed by His blood but we need daily cleansing from the filth of the world the flesh and the devil.

Satan is trying to deceive us by saying a stake is a cross. Not sure how a cross is a counterfeit that distorts the truth, maybe you can elaborate. Thanks

News Item4/19/2020 4:47 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Still more evidence that y’alls view doesn’t have any historical/archaelogical backing

(with the possible exception of the use of ropes also)

See also

A look at the Pagan Christianity book

Nevertheless, my question has not been answered.

Why do you think the “church” decided to change it from a stake to a cross, what would their motivation be?

News Item4/19/2020 1:37 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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First, from my 4/16/2020 9:25 AM post

"so while it could mean pole it also had different meanings, not uncommon with Greek words"

So I was by no means trying to be deceptive.

So to you and those who hold your view. Why do you think the “church” decided to change it from a stake to a cross, what would their motivation be? There are several statements using the word cross long before Constantine and/or the Catholic “church”.

Clement of Alexandria, c. A.D. 190
We have as a limit the cross of the Lord, by which we are fenced and hedged about from our former sins. Therefore, being regenerated, let us fix ourselves to it in truth, and return to sobriety, and sanctify ourselves. (The Instructor III:12)

Pseudo-Barnabas, A.D. 80 - 130
You have Jesus [the first two letters of Jesus in Greek, which is Iesous). And because the cross was to express grace by the letter Τ (tao), he says also, "Three Hundred." He signifies, therefore, Jesus by two letters, and the cross by one (tao, shaped like a cross).

Clement of Alexandria, c. A.D. 190
We have as a limit the cross of the Lord, by which we are fenced and hedged about from our former sins. Therefore, being regenerated, let us fix ourselves to it in truth, and return to sobriety, and sanctify ourselves

News Item4/19/2020 12:38 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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For your consideration

News Item4/19/2020 11:44 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John, if I gave come across as saying you shouldn’t hold to your understanding in this matter, my apologies. My issue would be that you are trying to bind the conscience of other believers to your thinking when not only is it not dogmatic in the Scriptures but history (not just church but secular historians who have studied this period of time) argues against your understanding

News Item4/19/2020 9:11 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Bro US, you are being economical with the truth making a bold statement like that. Naughty naughty.
First you ask for sources, so I gave you some Then you say I am making a "bad statement"

G4716 (Strong)




From the base of G2476; a stake or post (as set upright), that is, (specifically) a pole*** or cross ***(as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively exposure to death, that is, self denial; by implication the atonement of Christ: - cross.

But I do agree the cross is an invention of man.

News Item4/18/2020 10:18 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
, so why not supply you and good why not supply you and others a good source a material
Have you changed what you've been doing for over a decade and decided to give us information from a good source? Probably not still using bad liberal sources with misleading information.

Remember folks, for the most part if you want accurate information, read Jim's sources and the opposite of what they write will be where you will find the truth.

News Item4/18/2020 6:01 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Far too much doctrine has been arrived at through watching religious films rather than lengthy study of scriptures.
Is that not right, St James?
Sory if I a missing your point. We should have a good understanding of what a cross is and for what purpose it was used.

We are told to take up our cross daily and Paul said God forbid that I should glory except in the cross of Christ Paul talked about the offense of the cross and enemies of Christianity are called enemies of the cross of Christ. We are said to have made peace with God through the blood of His cross where He nailed the handwriting of ordinances that was against us.

We would all do well spend much time meditating upon the cross and the events that happened there. It will help. us not to trample under foot the precious blood of the covenant and do despite unto the Spirit of Grace.

John, history says your thinking on this is inaccurate but you can have the last word.

News Item4/18/2020 5:23 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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(3) the ordinary Roman cross †, Cruz immissa. Our Lord suffered on the third description, the Roman cross. This consisted of two pieces, the one perpendicular (staticulum), the other horizontal (antenna). About the middle of the first was fastened a piece of wood (sedile), on which the condemned rested. This was necessary, else, during the long torture, the weight of the body would have torn the hands, and the body would have fallen. The cross was not very high, scarcely twice the height of an ordinary man. Strong nails were driven through the hands and feet

News Item4/18/2020 5:23 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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The Cross was not carried in the manner with which pictures have made us familiar, but either in two separate pieces—the body of the cross (staticulum) and its transom (antenna); or by tying these two pieces together in the shape of a V (furca). The Cross was certainly not the crux decussata (X) or St Andrew’s Cross; nor the crux commissa (T St Anthony’s Cross); but the ordinary Roman Cross (crux immissa. See Matthew 27:37 ). The Hebrew word for Cross is the letter Thau (Ezekiel 9:4 ), which gave abundant opportunities for the allegorising tendency of the Fathers. On the body of the Cross was certainly a projecting piece of wood (πῆγμα, sedile) to support the sufferer, but there was no suppedaneum or rest for the feet; and from Luke 24:39 it seems certain that one nail (if not two) was driven through the feet. Nothing could exceed the agony caused by this

News Item4/18/2020 5:22 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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We’re both dealing in speculation

Strongs says cross

The following 2 commentaries, first from Cambridge Bible for Schooks and Colleges and the second from Pulpit Commentary affirm what historians have also said.

News Item4/18/2020 3:21 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
The problem with your point Mike, is that Jesus carried his stauros for part of the way to Golgotha according to my text.
So if you were translating stauros in the text, you could not translate it as 'pole' because you say that was already in place. Which only leaves the crossbeam, but it does not say 'crossbeam' it says 'cross'. But stauros actually means 'pole' or 'stake'.
Can you see the problem?
John your oft quoted verse demonstrates the cross was in two pieces. In more than one gospel it is noted that Simon bore part of the cross and in John we see the following verses

John 19:16 Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away.
John19:17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha:

If our Lord bore His cross to Golgatha and Simon also bore part of it, then it would suggest there were two different pieces, one heavier (the pole) and one lighter (the cross beam)

Brother Frank. having been praying for the pastor with the cancer.

Good to see sister MS post!! My wife and I social distancing policy seems to described in Job 41:16

News Item4/16/2020 9:25 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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n first century Palestine, where most crucifixions are believed to have taken place, there were various kinds of crosses that were used for crucifixions. There was the “crux simplex,” which was a simple lower case “t” shaped cross that had a footrest on it, there was the “crux commissa,” which was a capital “T” shaped structure, there was the “crux decussata,” which was the “X” shaped cross that St. Andrew is believed to have been crucified on, and then there was the “crux imissa,” the lower case “t” cross with no foot rest, the kind of cross that Jesus Christ is believed to have been crucified on. The crosses made in Palestine were mostly crafted from pine, cedar, and cypress trees, with pine made crosses being the most prevalent in Jerusalem.

If you go with the interpretation John seems to be implying you are taking the JW's view.

see also Wikipedia article on crucifixtion section on shape of cross, it is documented

so while it could mean pole it also had different meanings, not uncommon with Greek words

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