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News Item5/24/2020 6:22 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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I am sorry but I missed the Bible verse that speaks out against the use of medicine

News Item5/24/2020 1:42 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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MS, I did think of that for an answer, very funny of you to bring that up :;

John you can’t get off that easily. You presented a scenario that didn’t allow forcc v avoidance. Would you take it?

News Item5/24/2020 11:54 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Although I am against governmental abuse of power and them forcing vaccinations on those who don’t want them. I am not against vaccinations and would take it. How about you?

News Item5/24/2020 8:55 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
In times past, Christians in the UK have suffered persecution from the guv (at that time aligned with the RCC) and rather than rebel and fight against them, they chose to leave the country and find another place to live where they could live happily under a different guv. Biblically, this is called fleeing persecution.
Did not the pilgrim fathers do this?
You mean like Wycliffe, Fox, Cromwell, and Tyndale?

Did not John Bunyan write the classic Pilgrim's Progress from an English prison?

John if you recall your history there are many, as you mentioned the persecution under the RCC, who we’re imprisoned or killed for their faith by the government in charge

News Item5/23/2020 4:58 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Adriel wrote:
Seems to be a local problem in understanding the Sovereignty of God, around these parts.
Perhaps this explains why human 'responsibility' has a higher place in the scheme of things???
Adriel you cannot point to one post that said a thing about human responsibility has a :higher" place in the scheme of things.   

What you don't seem to accept is that humans are responsible for any of their own choices and the ability to make that choice does not impugn or diminish the sovereignty of God.

the Bible teaches both.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (a command for the believer to do) for it is God that works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.  Both concepts, no contradiction.

But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.   Both concepts, no contradiction.

News Item5/23/2020 1:36 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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This site has hundreds of broadcasters who more than likely represent churches and their people into the thousands if all added together    There are undoubtedly many of whom it can be said they are walking in the light because He is in the light and they have cleansed their hands and purified their hearts that they may drawn nigh unto God.  They’re not perfect but they walk in the fear of God and crucify the flesh with its lusts as they endeavor to walk in the Spirit.

It is easy to be negative and there is need for that as the Scriptures were not only given to edify but to reprove and correct.  Preachers are said to reprove and rebuke with all long-suffering.  Yet the body of Christ is built up a holy temple and the church is   “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:”   We all need to be balanced in our thinking, not ignoring the things from which we need to repent or bypassing the work of God that  is doing in molding us into His image for His glory.

News Item5/23/2020 1:36 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
1. If it be for judgment, then he appears to be wasting his time; I don't see any repentant on account of covid19. .

2. Either way, God is ignored, which is just the way it is in most all of the churches anyway.

1. Rev 9:20  And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
Rev 9:21  Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts

2. John it seems too often you paint all of Christianity with a rather broad brush that all have the attitude saying they are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, not knowing they are literally wretched, poor, miserable, and blind.   You seem to have the Elijah attitude that is found in I Kings 19:10 but may have forgotten about God’s answer in verse 18.  I personally reject that the vast number of the redeemed represent failed Christianity.


News Item5/19/2020 8:45 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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James Thomas wrote:
Bro. US,
That's a good observation and if Genesis 4 is all we had I would have no reason to think otherwise. I agree, God set a mark on Cain so no man would kill him. But why would God protect one who was clearly His adversary?
“Vengeance belongs to me” said God.
Deut 32:35 *To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence*; their foot shall slide in due time...
And furthermore...Deut. 32:43 ..... *he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries*, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people.
I think you would agree that Abel was a servant and Cain was an adversary right?
Thank you James for your answer. I don't know why God did what He did, I could conjecture that we don't see the death penalty implemented until after the flood. The mark was clearly crime prevention, the mark of the beast is clearly commerce participation. God gave Ahab (His adversary)victories in battles and saved him out of the hand of his enemies. He didn't save Josiah from his deadly error. I really leave those things in His hands.

Brother Lurker thank you for your response

News Item5/18/2020 3:55 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Lurker wrote:
...gaps of up to 2500 years which should be an indication that something is amiss... or the Author of the bible is not that great an Author. Regarding the interpretation of the Revelation ...such speculation begins with the assumption that the book must be interpreted post 96AD. How are we to know if this assumption is correct?
Brother Lurker, I trust all is well

A couple of questions.

1. Without questioning whether your understanding of the timing of events is accurate, how does the belief that there is, as you call it a 2500 gap in the fulfillment of prophecy, some how impugns God? Is there not a 4000 year gap between Genesis 3:15 and its fulfillment? A nearly 700 year gap between Isaiah 7:14 and its fulfillment? A nearly 600 gap before the fulfillment of Joshua’s prophecy about Jericho? the Bible reminds us that God inhabits eternity, time is not always a factor in His economy.

2. Revelation 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter

At no point do the words, “which have been” appear in the verse.

Whether seen as literal or figurative, these things are said to be future.

Thank you for your time in responding, appreciate you.

News Item5/17/2020 9:53 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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James Thomas wrote:
As far as the mark of the beast,
I think the worshipping the creature passage in Romans is not different than the worshipping the beast in the Revelation. And furthermore the mark set on Cain in Genesis 4 is one in the same as the one mentioned in the Revelation.
Brother James, hope all is well.

Gen 4:14  Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, ***that every one that findeth me shall slay me***.
Gen 4:15  And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. ***And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.***

God clearly stated the mark on Cain was in response to Cain’s concern that every one that found him would slay him and it states the Lord set a mark on Cain lest any finding him should kill him.

Is there a reason to find a hidden meaning when the passage is clear? Do we not both believe that the best interpreter of the Bible is the Bible? I really see no need to render the mark on Cain as any relation to the mark of the Beast in Revelation 13.


News Item5/8/2020 9:32 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Not sure how Nivevah relates to Wohan. The book of Nahum was written more than 100 years after the book of Jonah. The book of Jonah indicates the entire city (3:5-10) repented and turned to God, so that would put that population in heaven. Even our Lord said the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment and condemn those that lived in His day.

News Item5/7/2020 10:38 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Frank wrote:
If I were president, I would do an executive order cutting off all of their government funding. They still get over 500 million of our tax dollars.
My decision would be reversed by some court and if I didn't change it, I would be removed from office.
But just think, by the time I was removed how many little innocent babies would have been spare such a cruel death.
But to the article; no they are not a small business.
Revenue bills have to start in the House actually. The President has no line item veto, so an executive order would not only be unconstitutional but could not be enforced. Congress has to defun PP and even when controlled by Republicans it never happened. It would take the electorate voting in people who would act on that. Sadly, cannot see that happening.

News Item5/5/2020 5:47 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Stevenr wrote:
So, my understanding is that 501c3 is more than just allowing givers to write off their donations—I believe it also exempts Churches from property tax. Can you imagine what the property tax bill for your average CC Church would look like?
If you do the research you will find that the IRS considers all churches 50c13 whether or not they have applied for it or not. So churches and their contributions are not taxed regardless of whether or not they are 501c3. This action by the city has nothing to do with 501c3.

Just to be clear I am not advocating 501c3

News Item5/3/2020 8:00 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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I see you christian wrote:
John from the uk, you epitomise the attitude of the Pharisees.
The chirch has not replaced the Jews and God has not finished with them..
Both the Jews and the Muslims are Loved by fhe Lord Jesus Christ ...
A broken Jew snd
Muslim He can work with.....a self righteous Christian....He cannot
Forget not, that you where once a regenerate....o you hypocrite
I fail to see why calling an unregenerated person, unregenerate makes one hypocrite. Paul used the term ungodly and reprobate, John the Baptist called them vipers as did our Lord. The word heathen appears 150 times in the Bible.

News Item4/28/2020 9:58 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Men think differently than woman. Not as good with multitasking as our female counterparts. Many a time if the ladies make a statement/request and the man is paying attention to something else also at the time, it will not register. Thus it has to be repeated. So, here is somewhat a need to nag us men.

We all need to become swift to hear and slow to speak and remember that in In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.

Also Proverbs tells us as the virtuous woman that the law of kindness is in her tongue.

I am thankful to have a wife who will speak wisdom to me and make sure she has my attention.

News Item4/25/2020 10:04 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Work at grocers and have not seen lately any shortage of meats.

A shortage of supply means the price goes up, that is not price gouging that is the law of supply and demand.

News Item4/24/2020 9:10 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Pretty sure, Carl, it’s a funding issue. More Covid 19 deaths bring more federal money.

News Item4/24/2020 6:19 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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B. McCausland wrote:
Some Americans treat their constitution as if were the Bible itself.
Thank you sister BMacCausland, a statement with which we both agree. It would be a terrible mistake on one’s part to think that the U.S. legal system as expressed in the Constitution has equal footing with the Holy Word of God.

Just wondering, in this thread was there a specific comment that raised this red flag for you and caused you to share your concern or were you words just a generic warning of something that needs to be avoided at all cost?

Thanks for your response

News Item4/23/2020 9:59 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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My response to QC was to avoid unnecessary repetition of what had been already stated.\\

BMcCausland. 4/22/2020 12:26 PM

John, amother description parallel to the stauros is the 'tree', which comes with another Greek term, xylon, meaning a wooden pole as in,
"... When they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre."
The crucifixion mode might be considered as the Roman version of the death penalty by hanging on a stake described in the OT.
BMcCausland. 4/18/2020 8:47 a.m.

However, every time the word crucified, or even cross, appears in NT the corresponding Greek term is stauros, a pole, and the idea is to impale
BMcCausland 4/1/2020 6:47 a.m.

Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words says:
"STAUROS....denotes, primarily, an upright pale or stake.
John UK 4/20/2020 2:42 a.m.

You are calling it a cross. I am calling it a stauros (pole, stake).
John UK 4/18/2020 4:46 p.m.

But stauros actually means 'pole' or 'stake'.
John UK 4/18/2020 12:04 p.m.

Seems like we have a double standard here(or one might say a moving of the post), Sister B, which goes again to prove the truth of what I have shared.

News Item4/23/2020 8:57 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Sister BMcCausland

I point out your own thinking

The true issue is integrity of thought and reasoning which follows after valid patterns of logic, without guile, misrepresentation, wrong assumptions, or twisted presumptions.4/22/2020 11:32 AM
B. McCausland 

(this is saying that your thoughts, reasoning, logic , etc is correct while others who don't share your views, are inaccurate)

And what. you practice

My response to QC was to avoid unnecessary repetition of what had been already stated.
4/22/2020 12:26 PM
B. McCausland

(Who are you to say what a person should or should not post and whether is is worthwhile?)

And because I point this out I am being insulting and shameful? You can say that I and others have poor patterns of logic, twisted thinking, have guile in our posts, don't understand, use misrepresentations, etc and that somehow is not insulting but to point out that is what you do is?

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