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Survey8/31/07 10:02 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Good post, MurrayA. I have been trying to get that same point across to the folks in my congregation. We think we are persecuted when someone frowns at us for praying in a restaraunt, while our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world lose homes, property, rights, they are beaten, imprisoned, tortured, and sometimes killed. We need a good dose of persecution to wake us up and to separate the sheep from the goats (and not in a dispensational way, JD). All to many American christians think we will be zapped out of here before anything to bad happens. I say that we, of all "believers" need to be tested. We are definitely not a better breed of christian than our fellow saints around the world. Thanks for the reminder, MurrayA!

News Item8/31/07 6:46 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious, I agree with what you say about those who teach OSAS that doesn't result in a changed life. THAT slant on the doctrine is not biblical. However, just because there are those who teach the doctrine incorrectly does not mean we abandon the biblical truth. If so, we would have to throw out a whole lot of other great biblical truth because of the error. You are absolutely correct in saying that saving faith WILL produce fruit. But saving faith that produces fruit also is a saving faith that results in the eternal security of the believer. Fruit is the evidence of a true biblical faith.

News Item8/31/07 6:42 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Ernie GI never said Mike V.wasn't saved.What I said was that this whole thing is suspect.My point was to point out the infatuation that people like you have with celebs and their Jesus status.It doesn't matter what they say or do,a simple, "I got Jesus" is enough for you folks!Even Jesus said that it took more than words. Tell you what,let's both give the man a chance to "bring forth fruits meet for repentance" before we go either way. You must,though,quote more than a couple of verses that talk abouot profession of faith because every NT writer concluded (by the inspiration of God) that a faith that does not result in a changed life is a dead faith.Saving faith and obedient faith cannot be divorced from one another!
One other thing,your anger and judgment toward me is hypocritical considering that you expect me to pour out gushing love toward Mike V.Look in the mirror,man.Maybe you will see the beam!!
From what I am seeing from numerous posters is that pastors are supposed to be nice guys who keep their mouths shut!Guess what,folks?Ain't gonna happen!The church in USA is impotent, lethargic,and apathetic.If it takes me being hated by you types,than so be it.My Jesus means to much to me for it to be otherwise!!Stick that in your sloppy agape agape and hug it!!

Survey8/30/07 8:02 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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MurrayA and JD, I have to say that as this discussion goes on, I can understand why people accept covenant theology over dispensational theology. I thought I knew a good part of dispensational theology (I took a course in Bible school), but I had never heard the things that you, JD, are espousing until this forum. On the other hand, because of these threads, I have taken a look at covenant theology, and I notice two things: 1)It let's the Bible speak for itself; and 2) It is much simpler. I haven't changed my position on these things yet, but as this discussion goes on, I will be praying, watching, and studying very carefully. Thank you to each one who has been a part of this discussion. It has caused me to further seek out what THE BIBLE has to say, not just some system that I was taught.

News Item8/30/07 5:26 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Ernie G., I rest my case! If you hurry, maybe you can get him to come to your church and give his testimony! As a pastor, I wish people were half as interested in what the Bible has to say as they are in what the latest celeb is doing! No wonder the church in America is so impotent, folks liek you would rather have Vick and sensationalism than the Holy Spirit and holiness!

News Item8/30/07 5:20 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Popex12, finally, something we can agree on!

News Item8/30/07 11:21 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious Truth, one little verse will clear this whole thing up. In John 10:28, Jesus said, "And I GIVE unto them ETERNAL life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." Notice, Jesus said GIVE, not WILL GIVE, and what does He call it? ETERNAL life! He further states that it will never be lost nor taken from them. Your point about being one of His is important though. This promise is only made to those who truly are HIS sheep. We are called to examine ourselves that we be in the faith. Your emphasis on the outcome of true salvation (eternal life) is the wrong emphasis. We should be sure that we belong to Christ based on the biblical standard of what salvation is, and not some man-made method or formula.

News Item8/30/07 11:14 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Vick makes an interesting statement, " think that's the right thing to do as of right now". Unfortunately, he has done what many people, not only celebrities, do, he is "finding Jesus" to help him fix his problems. Why? Because to many people preach a man-centered gospel. "Come to Jesus, and He will take care of all your problems." And again, unfortunately, he will, except by the grace of God, end up like a lot of these so-called "saved" folks, he will finish his time and just go on doing his own thing, as if he had never "met" Jesus. A man-centered gospel equals no gospel at all. This is why we need to preach the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace. Salvation is all about God; who He is, what He has done, and that the glory goes to no one but Him!!

Survey8/30/07 11:00 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "They are all sheep but they are not all Christ,s sheep. Only his sheep hear his voice and follow him. The other sheep will follow the heirling prophet, a reference to the tribulation period when they will accept the antichrist, who will forsake them." So, if I understand you correctly, the Jews of John 10 are all sheep because the tribulation has not occured yet? Please, correct me if I am not understanding.

News Item8/30/07 10:56 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, "None of us, even Mary, has a right to heaven, and God would be perfectly just in denying it to all." You are accusing God of being unjust in Mary's case if she was perfect because the Bible says that it is SIN that has severed our relationship with God, it is SIN that has caused Him to turn His face from us, and it is SIN that denies entry into Heaven and an eternity in Hell! If Mary had no SIN, then God would be unjust in sending her to Hell. Common sense!
Your Little play with words about "ascend" and "assumption" doesn't deny the fact that you believe Mary was equal to Jesus in a lot of ways: sinless (in birth and in life) and taken up to Heaven in a physical, sinless body. By the way, neither of these "truths" are found in the Bible. You are being duped, Lance, and the price is steep; eternity in Hell!

Survey8/29/07 9:55 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, you wrote, "Jesus said "I came not but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" as he spoke to a gentile woman in need of a blessing. "It is not meet to take the children’s bread". You then wrote, "The children are Israel". I am taking it, then, that Israel and the sheep of John 10 are one and the same? I am trying to trap you, so answer carefully, how much of Israel would be considered "sheep"? All of them? Only those of Israel "elected" by the Father and "given" to the Son? Could you specifically state HOW MUCH of Israel would be considered "sheep", or is it all of Israel as a nation?

News Item8/29/07 9:40 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, I'm sorry that you can't see how absurd your statement is.
The requirement for Heaven is only perfection. If a person is sinlessly perfect, as you state that Mary was, and, I assume, is, then she didn't need a savior. A savior is someone who saves you from something. Being human is not something to be saved from. Did Adam need a savior before he sinned? NO! If he had remained perfect, he would have continued having perfect fellowship with God. Jesus is now in Heaven with a perfect HUMAN body. Doesn't the RCC teach that Mary ascended into Heaven? (Please correct me on that if I'm wrong). But, if she did, then she must have gone exactly as Jesus did. If that is the case; sinlessly perfect, bodily ascended, then she didn't need a savior. Common sense, Lance.

Survey8/29/07 9:17 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I just thought your boasting to Bro. Mark about the wonderful work you were doing was a little immature in itself. I decided to have some fun with your desire to be an English teacher, and the words you spelled incorrectly were just to easy to let slide. I still think you are a bit arrogant, but I will apologize for the venture into childishness. Please, be more careful with you self-congratulating, and try to be a little more humble. You haven't won any wars yet!

Survey8/29/07 9:07 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mike, you don't know how hard I tried to get every word right I do have to admit though, I wasn't the one aspiring to the position of English teacher, and, it was fun while it lasted!!

Survey8/29/07 8:58 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, English teacher?
you: "percieved"
correct: perceived

you: "womans answer"
correct: woman's answer

By the way, you should make sure to fill Bro. Mark in on all of your succes, because you are the only one who sees it. You only prove yourself to be smart to yourself; so pat yourself on the back, but, please, don't break your arm!!

Survey8/29/07 8:46 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, you are quite sanctimonious, aren't you? You are a condescending, arrogant, rude Pharisee who wants to teach English. Tell me, what is a "verd"? And also, you spelled "preconcieved" wrong. It should be preconcEIved. So much for your wanting to be the teacher!

News Item8/29/07 8:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, do you realize the absurdity of your statement, "you're right. Mary herself, although sinless, could not have gotten into heaven without a Savior"? If she was sinless, she wouldn't need a savior! Did Jesus need a savior to get into Heaven? He was (is) sinless! Mary was born with a sin nature, and Mary, I'm sure, sinned, just like every other human being born with a sin nature. Please, Lance, see the foolishness of these teachings, think for yourself, and get away from this false, works based system! For your sake!

Survey8/27/07 6:20 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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This discussion is getting absolutely ludicrous! How do you hold an intelligent discussion with an individual who reverts to the same tactics he accuses others of using, i.e. a matter of interpretation that is based solely on the way HE interprets the scriptures! In this discussion, JD has made the rules, determines how they are to be applied, and decides when others play unfauirly! He accuses Calvinists of doing the same thing with words and verses that he does with words and verses, but that's ok! All we are doing is providing him a place to flaunt his arrogance and superiority in spiritual matters (in his mind) and he thinks he's the winner! Anyone with half a brain can see the absolute nonsense of his stop, drop, and chop method of "rightly dividing the Word of truth". Just as with the Roman Catholics, we need to end these worthless discussions and get on to bigger and better things! I'm sure JD will have some apples of gold to hurl at me for this, but I don't care!

News Item8/26/07 10:18 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hello, Michael! Hope things are going well for you and your family! I'm praying for you as you continue to minister to the Roman Catholics on this site. I'd like to ask you to continue to pray for the church I pastor. God is doing some serious pruning in our midst, and it's ruffling some feathers. Pray that I would stay true to the Word and that the people will have ears to hear. I believe God is going to do some great work through this little church, but He's wanting us to be ready first. Also, I am on some medication to hopefully stop some nerve damage in my right ear. I've got some hearing loss, but the biggest issue right now is the ringing and other noises that make it hard to even concentrate sometimes. Thanks for your fellowship and your prayers!

Survey8/26/07 10:04 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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The hardest thing about hyper-dispensationalism is that there is a nugget of truth in it. Not all scripture is TO us (the ceremonial law of the OT for example). But to shred the Bible the way JD does seems almost sacreligious to me. If so much of it is not for the church, why did God give it to us? What you are basically saying, JD, is that the only writer really relevant to us, as believers, is Paul. Everything else we are to study and learn, but it is only for the Jews. I also have problems with, "The gentiles were not included in the redemptive plan of God until after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and much later even than the Jews." The Bible says, "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:"Eph. 1:14. Notice, these words were written by Paul to all believers in Ephesus. Also note the WHEN of this verse, "chosen us in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD." In your dispy plan, JD, the church may have been a plan B, but not in the Word of God!
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