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News Item2/8/10 5:14 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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yes indeed, but what should we learn from this ? How should we understand Gods providence in this matter ?

Is God revealing the wickedness of the haitans and the us govt, the one locking them up and the other ignoring their plight ? Its hard to imagine this happening 50 yrs ago i imagine that the us govt would have sorted out the haitans PDQ

or are we to understand this another way ? God sent the earthquakes and is angry with haiti so dont interfere ?

or are we to understand this as a comment on mainstream churchianity ? I dont believe this myself but........

i think myself that the wickedness of the us govt and the haitans is being exposed but im open to ideas..........

BTW jpw sorry for picking on you but i must insist on my full nomenclature that is to say prince charles pc really wont do ! someone else who was also very nice called me charles and i let it ride but i feel i must now put my foot down and insist on my full title
His Royal Highness The Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland, Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Honourable Order of

News Item2/8/10 4:52 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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i look forward to that tony dont forget to post it

i subscribe to celente trends journal (he is an american) he reckons the next 'generation ' of attacks will be from unknown individuals without a network behind them

News Item2/8/10 2:29 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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mmmm nice move i just tried it on my son, if someone goes for an elbow strike against you its very easy to turn it into an arm lock - cool !

News Item2/8/10 12:10 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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jpw wrote:
Prince Charles isn't the one I would be calling in time of need! You know that "love your neighbor" line, now who was it that said that?????
im just asking the questions ! what do you think the situation is ?

i saw that hilary clinton witch creature on tele and she isnt doing anything to help them, i think given that the whole island is a nest of devil worshippers that the usa govt should say release those people or else, maybe they were a little foolish and i only say maybe but it doesnt warrant them being locked up the us govt should come to the rescue and demand their release these charges are malicious under the circumstances if i were the president they would be free and home by now !

God will avenge His elect ! even the dumb ones like me !

Survey2/7/10 12:53 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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theoldpathsaffirmed wrote:
Have a study and see what you think
yes very good thanx, its so unusual to find something which im in total agreement with but also informs and gives confidence if i was responsible for a church that would be the template.

thanx mike your very kind i sometimes write a bit tongue in cheek if you know what i mean.

I donnt know if the KJ is without error i dont know enough about it but I am increasingly aware of errors in the niv which are serious im afraid
such as: NIV says abraham was told to kill isaac which isnt true its not a question of traditions but sound doctrine vs false teaching

the NIV emasculates the gospel

Survey2/7/10 7:50 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Michael Hranek wrote:
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
The Tradition of the Pharisee made them imagine they lived for God.
classic bait and switch tactic - michael equates pursuing the word and accurate translations with the traditions of men

a false comparison

but if you like michael you have it your way God gives everyone want they truly want

News Item2/7/10 4:19 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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make your election and calling sure

Survey2/7/10 4:14 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Mike wrote:
So angry! The hostility is not very far beneath the surface, is it prince? Tell me, with all the confidence you say you have in the One Version, and since you think every event that occurs is God's doing, where is your joy in knowing he must know what he's doing, even now?
Thanks for asking (realy !) My joy comes from meditating upon Gods creative powers such as the natural order and the genetic code the astonishing evidences for the genesis flood, The mysterious perfection of Gods divine attributes and the mysteries of His providence working in the lives of all men. I also pleasurably contemplate the end of the age, the new heavan and the new earth and the vindication of the righteous and the end of sin and death. This is all very reassuring

There is a down side, I cant find many people that are like me in the last 3 years and I worry about my 'final exam'

if you mock the translators of the KJV without cause such as suggesting their praying was for vanity cant i employ a similar device ?

or if you caricature KJO churches cant i do the same ?

The church i go to has windows and uses the NIV and even has some free will arminists in it !

I admit i can be short it comes from being self employed 15 yrs

News Item2/6/10 4:09 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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''everyone in the world except those few people who are already well-positioned to be made extremely wealthy by the passing of this legislation, because they already are major stockholders in the sorts of corporations that would see huge income shifted to them by the passage of such a treaty."

This Guy is right but he doesnt say what stocks we should buy ?

Survey2/6/10 3:56 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
I see Charles Spurgeon is an evangelist with [URL=]]]Charity Baptist Church[/URL] which is evidently one of those KJO churches, as it is written into their confession of belief and practise.
Ha ha yes john ! can we get the train ?

Spot on Alan H i would say thats a fair take on the situation im cutting and pasting the

So the KJ translators prayed for three hours so they would look good ! of course and there was me thinking they prayed together so the HS would help them in their work what a gullible fool ive been !

Yes thats us KJ people, a windowless church is a must, i would never go to a church with windows, a church with windows means only one thing in my experience - there will be a sign with the words 'welcome' somewhere on it, it will be packed to the rafters with evolutionists and God loves everybody merchants eager to shake your hand and befriend you - eeeucch !

doubtless were i an unrepentent haughty sinner i would be invited to 'ask jesus into my heart' good ol' God - he loves all the little sinners the concepts of judgement, infinite wrath blood atonement and Hell will not enter my NIV theology until I experienced them first hand.

Survey2/6/10 12:09 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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The NIV is satans materpiece, accepted by mainstream churches universally popular but everyone knows it was translated by a comitee of perverts and lesbians

the kjv was translated by scholars who prayed for three hours every day before they started work

no contest

will the son of man find faith upon the earth when he returns ?

its obvious within the context of 1cor13 that charity is the obvious descriptor, anyway agape means love which overlooks, love despite, such as our redeemer has fastened upon us

in america they have KJV only churches, ive never even been to one here

everyone having NIV is like almost well weve got to have a bible tho we'd rather not so lets have one that tells lies about God

The K J reads, "In whom we have redemption THROUGH HIS BLOOD, even the forgiveness of sins:" Colossians 1:14.

The NIV reads, "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

ONLY thru the shedding of blood is there forgiveness

And JOSEPH and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him." Luke 2:33.

NIV "The CHILD'S FATHER and mother marveled at what was said about him."

BLASPHEMY ! a thousand times NO

I and the father are one, Jesus father was God the father it is essential that Jesus NOT have a biological father !

Survey2/6/10 4:50 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Mike wrote:
Guess the HS wasn't with him.
Charity is defined well enough in the text of the chapter I cant do any better than that

Also Paul uses hyperbole in the text which a lot of folk dont get either for some reason, and they dont like it much when you suggest that paul has used it and even less when you suggest that Jesus used it as well as sarcasm (shock horror !)

King Charles ! Do I have a rival to the throne ?

News Item2/5/10 5:16 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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TBN wrote:
That's right.
Love your pastor, obey your pastor.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
thats pretty funny TBN but it IS the attitude they have all to often - scary when you think about it - the precedents i mean

more i think about these things i think more about doing my own church i begin to see the modern church as doing a great job of concealing the true Gospel, misleading the seekers, codifying and confusing Gods word, excluding the sinners, why are the people in church not the same as the ones outside ? more to the point why arent the sinners in church more like the sinners outside ?

there is a selective church mentality one guy told me that Gomer wasnt a prostitute ! The word clearly says that hosea was told to marry a whore called Gomer to teach israel something but this guy didnt like it cos (naughty ) God isnt suppose to do things like that, well He did so get understand it instead of telling lies about Gods Word
truth is i suspect that churches dont want the unwashed

modern society often sees church as irrelevant half hearted vacuos and insincere but we have the most important message there could possibly be !!! what has happened ! what will Jesus do with us !

Survey2/5/10 5:14 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Charles, I moved over 200 miles to join a church in Wales which was supposed to be a staunch AV church.

p.s. The word is correctly translated 'charity' by our Reformed AV translators, and this conveys the exact meaning of Paul's discourse.

Ouch !! that must have been very dissapointing - there is a lesson for us all there I think.

Why must it be that we must suffer this disapointment when we seek only that which is right and what we hold better than our necessary food ?

We want to feed on Gods word and taste heaven and share fellowship with similarly called souls but we are continually asked to dine upon the condiments and trifles when we want the real thing.

I dunno is it my fault ? Are we being called to be bold and not trusting in God sufficiently ? Its very mysterious and I feel sorry for you being let down perhaps even deceived.

Yes totally your ps you know why is it so obvious to some that charity is the correct word the very word for this teaching but some just dont get it ? Its because God in His providence has safeguarded us with the Holy Spirit, I dont know about you but in teaching the HS has never allowed me to go astray or to be a part of false teaching there has always been a reaction from me

Survey2/5/10 2:17 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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i read the link thanks, i never thought that i would make a big deal out of the av vs the niv but in the last few months ive started to notice every time i compare theres always something disturbing about the niv

most preachers here in uk are throly infected with new age gospel and think u r a nutter if u only want kjv but this is serious business its eternity

God is putting into play the end of the age the end of great purposes but the gospel is spoken of like some kind of lifestyle choice

News Item2/5/10 2:04 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Lurker wrote:
Deu 32:39 See now that I, [even] I, [am] he, and [there is] no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither [is there any] that can deliver out of my hand.
Exd 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name [is] Jealous, [is] a jealous God:
I don't believe these preachers of prosperity gospel have any idea what is in store for them when the time comes that they have to answer to the holy and righteous God for teaching so many souls to trust in a lie and believe in a god other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
totally, Im not looking forward to my judgement but theres plenty I know i wouldnt be in their shoes hawking a cissy baby gospel all their lives some folk i know have read their bible for 45 years and dont believe me when i tell them whats in it until they look themselves they have made a god in their own image. God is going to judge the church I think all the cissy boy half truth lazy dumb dog preachers and wells without water are going to be finished we are well down the road the church is asleep.

News Item2/5/10 1:10 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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no bother barry old chum you missed all the fun so ill get it rolling again ! also there is some posts earlier today about the baptists that got locked up but not many people seem to want to post on that (i did )

It's a faith that leaps barriers: as the Haitian saying goes, people here are "60 per cent Catholic, 40 per cent Protestant and 100 per cent voodoo."

Ha and they called that robertson chappie 'sanctimomious' he is right !

according to the article there is renewed interest in voodoo after the quake

mmmm perhaps maybe the baptist dogoodnicks could say that God sent the quakes ?

rev 9v21

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts

News Item2/5/10 12:50 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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there was quite a bit of discusion earlier about haiti barry

Survey2/5/10 7:33 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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almost everyone i know uses NIV and i always use KJV i thought that as time passed i would have less problems with the niv but its getting much worse i see more and more problems with niv and its getting to the stage where i am all the time seeing the NIV robbing the KJV latest example for me is working thru 1 corinthians 13 in our bible group where NIV uses love instead of charity but within the teaching of the chapter it should be charity without a doubt, its becoming a real issue for me lots of folk seem happy with NIV but for me i see myself seperating in my thinking from them as NIV is fine for the modern church with its cissy bible ignorance they can live with it they dont seem to be to bothred or dont care but with the passing of time im seeing this as a big issue. i dont know which comes first, NIV or aposatsy but im noticing it more and more

News Item2/5/10 4:16 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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most christians are pretty flaky when it comes to a fight, most people are too, powell is a lap dog of the state, daresat nimrod leaned on him to.

how many christians gonna stop gays going into schools ? better to ask the atheists to help you

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