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News Item7/14/07 6:53 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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You conveniently ignored the Scripture in my post. Are you telling Christ that he really didn't save who he came to save. You sound more like the Romanists who teach salvation by works, undermining the Grace of Christ and robbing the sheep of their confidence in the work of Christ.

Like I said, there are false professions--i.e. three of the four soils in the parable of the sower etc.

Why are you so hostile to the Biblical doctrines of grace? Some more sayings from Christ on this matter from the same book. Try these on for size:

"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day." John 6:44

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one." John 10:27-30

No thanks to the Dan Corner website. If he's preaching what you are, it is not truth but Semi-Pelagianism/Arminianism. Maybe even full-blown Pelagianism!

News Item7/14/07 5:11 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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What a wonderful post. Amen! Very simply and eloquently stated.

That line (i.e. between the false, Anti-Christian Romanist "church" and true believers) cannot be blurred but needs to be drawn boldly. And the Word of God is the Sword that does this.

News Item7/14/07 4:44 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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"..., even for a period of a year or more, just for maintaining it's possible for a Christian once saved to become lost."

Just for maintaining...? I don't know that you should have been banned, that's SA's call. But you are a heretic. And if Washer says that, he is too. There are false proclaimers, but none who Christ died for will perish!!!!!

*All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day." John 6:37-39

The Gospel of John is replete with these statements of divine election and eternal security.

News Item7/14/07 4:08 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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The Christian Sabbath has been (from the resurrection of Christ) and always will be Sunday--the first day of the week. Don't confuse that with Romanism!

News Item7/14/07 12:28 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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"Unscriptural parts"? You've just condemned the entire mass, and rightly so. However, showing this discernment removes all excuse for staying in that wicked communion.

Honestly, I'm more concerned for you than for GG. He is a hardend Romanist. You seemed to be both bewitched by Romanism and deceived by the shallow preaching of what unfortunately passes for much of "evangelicalism" and "protestantism" today in America. They say, "Accept Christ into your heart, pray an unbiblical prayer--look to that day that YOU did this. No need to understand your own depravity and spritual destitution. Go ahead and continue to blaspheme the name of Christ by going back to Romanism and worshipping there. Afterall, it only matters what's in your heart."

**"They say continually to those who despise the word of the LORD, 'It shall be well with you'; and to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, 'No disaster shall come upon you.'" Jeremiah 23:17

News Item7/14/07 11:19 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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"Practicing Catholic" and "Born Again" are not compatible. True, many come to Christ (by his Sovereign Grace being born again by the Spirit--i.e. repenting and trusting him alone. Not saying some shallow, unbiblical "sinner's prayer") who were once Romanists. The key is, they don't remain practicing Romanists for long, but submit to the authority of Christ and begin worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth. They repent of their belief in the blasphemous mass and other demonic doctrines of Romanism.

Marks of a "True Church" are 1)Pure preaching of the Gospel 2)Proper administration of the sacraments--two not seven 3)Church discipline.

Rome certainly doesn't meet this criteria. Neither does Greek "orthodox". Mainline protestantism is weak at best and apostate at worst.

You are deceiving and being deceived.

News Item6/25/07 10:34 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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How could you possibly back up that ridiculous claim? The answer is, you can't.

What you call 'orthodox churches', are anything but. Having as much pomp, idolotry and superstition as its Romish sister.

Wake up Lance. Come up out of her in the name of Jesus Christ.

News Item6/25/07 9:58 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Wouldn't you feel more comfortable at Cathlic Answers (lies) or the Vatican's website?

As for using the term "whore" that is how God refers to the apostate in his Word, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Rome leads the pack, because she is the "Mother of Harlots".

The only 'moral high horse' I'm riding is Justification by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in CHRIST Alone!!

I agree with Patrick. You are one hard-hearted Romanist and I think it's time we all said goodbye to you.

News Item6/24/07 8:47 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Systematic torture on racks, iron maidens, burnings at the stake etc. were necessary? Papists weren't just satisfied with killing, they needed to feed their wicked lust for violence and hatred for the truth by drawing out the deaths.

There is nothing to me more wicked and God dishonoring than Romanism--the true heretics and enemies of Christ. You're blind my friend. I pray God grants you repentence and faith in the true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Jesus of Romanism is a sham and cannot save.

News Item6/24/07 3:53 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Whatever you claim to be Roman Catholic certainly was not in the 4th century the same whore of Babylon you sit so comfortably in today! It took some time to degenerate. One thing the Papists can claim is about five centuries of murder and the most sinister ways of torturing the true saints of God, along with others.

If Rome had the power of the sword today that she did during those times--no doubt she would still be in the business of murdering the righteous.

(The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: "Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations." And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Revelation 17:4-6)

News Item6/24/07 12:19 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Not sure what you mean by that comment. I understand that not all protestants are true Christians, but all true Christians are protestants.

Romanism is famous for changing, dropping or adding to the Word of God. But all cults do that.

News Item6/23/07 2:56 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Saved By Grace,

I'm so glad you cited those verses (Luke 11:27-28. I refer to those passages of scripture as "Our LORD Jesus rebukes the first Romanist."

News Item6/23/07 2:43 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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"How can you be sure that you have been 'born again'?"

You'll submit to the Lord Jesus Christ who is revealed in Sacred Scripture and leave Romanism. Something it seems you're unwilling to do, so you needn't worry about being born again.

John Urich is just plain confused. He claims to be born again and a Romanist--impossible!! He defines for himself what the mass teaches--contrary to official Romanist doctrine.

"In this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner." Para 1367 Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994)

Regeneration is the new birth, which is given by the sovereign LORD.

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. John 6:37

News Item6/23/07 2:07 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Well said Patrick!

Bravo, Karen!

News Item6/18/07 11:05 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Greetings and Christian affection to you as well Lurker.

You said it, "prepared unto glory and called in time."! What a Great and Glorious Savior is the LORD Jesus Christ.

News Item6/18/07 10:56 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Thanks Mike.

Are you in Mexico? No matter where you are, keep contending for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.

I don't want to stereotype that part of the world, but it seems there is a huge Romanist presence in Mexico, Latin and South America--or am I wrong?

News Item6/18/07 10:14 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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I was brought up in the Anti-Christian cult of Romanism. Although I was lost and at enmity with God for the vast majority of my life (saved about 5 years ago), I was a nominal Romanist at best. I thank the sovereign God of the universe that the hooks of that wicked doctrine didn't sink into me. However, I can't say the same for some dear family--including my mother.

I had absolutely no axe to grind and didn't feel one way or the other about Romanism until I was converted to Christ by His incredible grace, and was given a love for the Word!!

God bless all you brothers and sisters in Christ that don't compromise the faith. I can't say that for the majority of what calls itself Christianity (Protestantism) in America.

There seems to be few of us who (by God's grace) love Romanists enough to speak the truth.

Beware, all crooked roads lead to Rome!!

News Item6/16/07 11:41 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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All scripture points to the atoning work of Christ.

Another ridiculous statement, like my family records have anything to do with doctrine of God and redemptive history.

I'll stick to arguing from scripture like a Christian ought to. You can keep arguing from vain speculation and perverted traditions.

If Mary were even 1/1000th the goddess the Romanists make her out to be, the Bible would be replete with references to that claim.

Keep believing the LIE at your own peril!!

News Item6/16/07 10:07 AM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Thanks Lurker, you answered that ridiculous question perfectly. I won't dignify it further.

Romanism tries to appropriate for Mary what is rightly Christ's, and therefore robbing him of his glory (although he really WILL NOT be robbed).

Isaiah 48:11-For my own sake, for my own sake, I do it, for how should my name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another.

For the professing Christian,any system of belief or teaching that takes the focus away form the excellency and atoning work of Christ deserves NO LESS than your utter contempt!

Notice I said "system of belief or teaching" and not persons, so save the self-righteous anger and don't accuse me of hating Romanists. These are blinded and chained to superstition, needing to hear the word of God. However, I do hate the Demonic teachings of Rome with every fiber I can muster.

News Item6/15/07 10:40 PM
Tom | Minnesota  Find all comments by Tom
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Any so-called apparition of Mary is nothing more than a lying sign and wonder. Demonic to the core.

Thankfully for her she is present in spirit (her body long ago decayed) with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and unaware that she has been idolized on earth. She would be mortified.

The Roman Catholic "church" is Satan's masterpiece!!

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