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News Item6/2/17 2:03 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Frank wrote:
Matthew 15:26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
Yes sister, I think your admonition is good and well taken. your thoughts coincide with the above scriptures and thanks for your admonition!
Well Frank, if you wouldn't use Scripture for gotcha moments instead of learning from them, you would know the Womans daughter was healed because of her great faith.

Chapter 15 continues....

Matthew 15:27   And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

  Matthew 15:28   Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

News Item6/2/17 1:44 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I really do attend River of Life Church on Sunday mornings. And I really was Baptized via immersion(as a public profession of faith that I gave my life to Christ) on Sunday 21 May after worship. And I really do have a good friendship with Pastor Steve of River of Life Church. Pastor Steve probably figures that your question is nonsensical and that is probably why he refuses to answer your question.
I believe you John, and I think your Pastor is a good judge of character and time management. Being a good Pastor is the hardest job, being a poor pastor is the easiest job

You are very Blessed to have a good Pastor, too many have poor ones and leave the Church

News Item6/2/17 8:49 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I never have been happy seeing International agreements carried out by the executive branch alone. I really never cared that much about the global warming arguments either. It has been plainly seen though that air pollution is a problem. I think the major reason that the Indian and Chinese governments came onboard for this treaty is because of air pollution and not so much global warming.
John of UK, your country knows the problems of air pollution and many people died in London with all the coal burning that went on. But, our country was and hopefully still is working on cleaning up coal plants -- something that Obama ignored.
Yea, China cares. They are the biggest force to encourage smoking on the planet. China produces half the worlds cigarettes and has 350 million smokers

News Item6/2/17 8:08 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Mike wrote:
Anyone notice that among the pro-accord are the worst polluters, like China and India? Why haven't they done something about it themselves?
Because its self policing, they might not had any intention of honouring their obligations in the accord. I haven't read the document, but I don't doubt Trump for getting us out. Like most intl treaties like this, we most often are taken advantage of

And for the Pope. Where does he get off grandstanding on an issue that has nothing to do with him? He should concentrate on getting his own house in order instead of preaching climate worship

News Item6/1/17 11:22 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
...and so would a Muslim farmer be ousted because he would be against homosexual marriages also What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? More importantly what does this have to do with Christianity anywhere?
[URL=]]] (What are the “five solas,” and what do they mean?)[/URL] from which,
'The “five solas” is a term used to designate five great foundational rallying cries of the Protestant reformers. They are as follows: “Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone); “Sola Gratia” (Grace Alone); “Sola Fide” (Faith Alone); “Solus Christus” (Christ Alone); and “Soli Deo Gloria” (To God Alone Be Glory)'
None of the above a Muslim --or Catholic-- believes in!
Don't get jealous Jim. You wont even stop voting for Democrats w/pro LGBT views let alone sacrifice a big chunk of your income on your stated beliefs. Yes a Muslim or Protestant could have done the same, but the story is about a Catholic that put his faith ahead of his own pocketbook. He is an honourable Catholic. Too many Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, just look the other way instead of taking a stand on what their own Church teaches

News Item5/31/17 4:22 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I only adhere to the scriptural Catholic doctrines. So you are going to disagree with Pastor Steve of that Baptist Church I attend on Sunday mornings and believe that you know more about how one becomes saved than he does? He is an ordained Baptist minister who preaches the biblical doctrine of salvation. And when I met with him to request that I be Baptized at that Baptist Church he asked if I had accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord and trusted entirely in Him alone for salvation. When I answered in the affirmative to those questions then Pastor Steve was satisfied that I am saved and was ready for Baptism.
Hi John Y
I am very glad about your good connection w/Pastor Steve at your new Church. There is nothing more valuable than a strong healthy relationship with a sound loving Pastor

News Item5/31/17 9:24 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Evil ones, like the extremists that murdered the Coptic Christians, despise GODs People in the Coptic Church. Its a powerful exhortation to hear men like Bishop Baker support his fellow Saints.

But of course, the evil and wicked will not understand

News Item5/31/17 8:50 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Bishop Baker wrote:
Thank God for True Saints! I pray for the strength and protection
Hmm, not many here realize Apostolic Churches like the Coptic Church have many Saints

News Item5/30/17 9:08 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John for Jesus wrote:
The Reformed viewpoint on salvation is very fatalistic. Scripture teaches God loves the whole world and wants everyone to be saved. However, He has sovereignly determined to give people the choice to believe or not. Like on Pentecost, the people heard the preaching of the Gospel, were cut to the heart by it, asked what they should do about it and we're told to save themselves through repentance and being baptized in Christ for the remission of sins. We are not innocent bystanders of our salvation. We can obey God and He will give us salvation! Salvation is a finished work of Christ that we may have through faith.
Question J4J,
How do you answer for the Gospel not being preached to all peoples? Havent you been asked this by seekers? Without the Gospel, people are lost, right? Do you admit to seekers your god wasn't strong enough to get the Gospel preached to all peoples? Or what?

News Item5/29/17 8:40 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John for Jesus wrote:
We are not guilty of what Adam did. He alone is to blame and we aren't at fault. You won't find Adam's guilt being passed down to innocent people anywhere in Scripture. Reformed Theology is not always sound.
ahem J4J,
You weren't created perfect like Adam. Adam fell, and all his descendants are in misery because of that sin. All mankind is corrupt because of original sin, all offspring of that fallen seed are in the same condition. A seed reproduces after itself, your witness is creation(its Biblical). All mankind is born into sin, save One because of divine intervention. That's why we have to be 'reborn' to that One

I wont force you to accept our theology, just think you have beaten this horse enough. I did like your inquiry into Mary though...but I wont address that topic because some here don't like what I have to say on the issue

News Item5/29/17 6:52 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John for Jesus wrote:
The problem is he will take that and start talking about a Federal Headship of Adam as if Adam was our representative and therefore we are guilty of sin before we sin, which is unbiblical.
Unbiblical? A seed that reproduces after itself is unbiblical? Creation is your witness that thorns produce thorns, good seed produces good fruit. We are corrupt due to original sin. Our mortal bodies die because Adam died. Its not that hard to understand

J4J, why do you continue to try to convince Reformed believers to leave their sound doctrine? This thread has been going on for days now

News Item5/29/17 3:44 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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PCUSA is not just hemorrhaging members due to their unbiblical positions, but Churches as well. They have recently lost several Churches to the ECO

News Item5/28/17 4:04 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Adriel wrote:
"Faith" is provided by God as a gift to His elect. It never fails because God provides the perseverance to maintain it.
The article refers to "religion" not faith. Religion can simply be human convictions or even superstitions like the RCC have.
Religion when a human attribute can just as easily be lost or ditched as borne by the imagination of the person in the first place.
I understand the Reformed tradition on Election as well, but its hardly an excuse for the reprobation of their children during idleness and false comfort of pastors and parents thinking their obligations were accomplished

News Item5/28/17 1:43 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Its easy to blame the Media, Culture or College for the move away from faith, but I see the blame on the shoulders of the Church. Its shocking how many parents and pastors think they have done their job by getting their kids confirmed and not following up on their Spiritual Growth. You know why? Kids arent stupid, they know the truth about the adults in their Churches, you cant fool your own kids, they know too many of the adults are just playing Christian, they know if their parents or pastors are actually faithful or just full of boloney

News Item5/26/17 8:30 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Its the Eve of Ramadan, and this is how Islamic Extremists become closer to their god. While not mentioned here on SA, a convoy of Coptic Christians in Egypt were also ambushed and killed. Among the dead are children

News Item5/24/17 2:25 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well, Mike, several experts thought it was more sophisticated than most attacks. There was planning put into it and the explosive device itself was not that simple. It certainly may have been a family affair in other words when it comes to doing this terrorist act.
--[URL=]]]q (Attack timed specifically to impact people leaving concert)[/URL]
So, SteveR, what you say may or may not be true, but it was done with more sophistication then the latest terrorist attacks have been done with, and with more people involved.
Isnt a sophisticated suicide vest in the UK best for attacking specific individuals? You don't have to be sophisticated to kill 22 kids. This guy could have become a substitute bus driver and killed more kids driving off a bridge. But you are right about the number of people who were involved. It must be frightening for the nay sayers to finally realize that so many muslims were involved and not one alerted authorities to the murder of so many innocent kids

News Item5/24/17 12:43 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Frank wrote:
Carnal women buy wealth/fame with their bodies, men buy beauty with their wealth and fame. A form of prostitution.
Are you implying Solomon was a Male Prostitute? And Bathsheba a female one?

News Item5/24/17 12:23 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Mike wrote:
"Home Secretary Amber Rudd said: "[Monday's attack] was more sophisticated than some of the attacks we've seen before, and it seems likely - possible - that he wasn't doing this on his own."'
Ok, I'll bite. What is "more sophisticated" about a guy blowing himself up in the foyer of a stadium? Even barbarians can figure out if one thing won't work, try another.
imo- It was a sophisticated threat, not a sophisticated attack

The largest terror incident, next to Bishopgate, in post WW2 history occurred in Manchester, when the IRA detonated a 3000 lb bomb in the city. The IRA warned the city, and 75k people were evacuated. ISIL by making this small attack in Manchester is threatening an IRA scale type bomb, but they wont warn officials like the IRA did

imo- that's why the UK pulled the panic button and put 1000s of soldiers in the streets. I think ISIL made a demand, and this is the first of several attacks if the UK doesn't cooperate

News Item5/24/17 10:17 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Youth in Asia wrote:
For me to listen to Joel Osteen is self inflicted punishment, but a few times I did reach the end of his message and he does invite people into a sinners prayer a the end and says "if you prayed this, you are now saved, now go find a good Bible church! " So hopefully some will take his advice and find a good church.
I don't know about now, but in his early days he confessed he really didn't know Scripture well when he gave that advice. But you would think now that he has made a living at it, he would have taken the time to become more sound in doctrine. Or maybe he realized if he became more sound, he wouldn't have as many followers?

News Item5/24/17 9:09 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Chelsea Clinton just linked child marriage with climate change at a meeting at CARE this week. Its just a matter of time before some liberal cites climate change as the catalyst for ISIS
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