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News Item2/11/17 11:59 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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I have read enough expense reports to know this; people who say they are moderate drinkers are heavy drinkers, light drinkers are actually moderate drinkers, and those that say they hardly ever drink, drink the most

News Item2/11/17 8:54 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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News Item2/11/17 8:47 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I would have more problem with him, if he were Catholic, no matter if his priest was politically liberal or conservative. [URL=/j92kld9]]] (The Perils of Popery)[/URL]. The danger is that they are extremist of either the left or right.
What should make most everyone happy here, Is this Episcopalian has been consistently right-wing on his court decisions.
Gorsuch was raised Catholic, and educated by Jesuits, so his views so far reflect his upbringing and not the Church he and his Episcopalian wife recently started attending. But how long can Gorsuch and family attend a pro gay pro choice Church before it begins to influence his legal views?

News Item2/10/17 5:50 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
Richard cranium, you're a scum, you're evil.
You're vile.
You're creep.
Your a liar.
You're a wolf in sheep's clothing.
And you're a pathetic nothing, like me, but I have Jesus.
You joke about child rape.
You should be thrown off site, if it were possible.
Richard Less, its Friday 5pm and I'm outta here. But you stay put and fellowship, its safer for the Kangaroos this way

News Item2/10/17 4:51 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
Dogs return to their own vomit
Don't be so disappointed that you don't have a spouse that you would inflict your presence on a canine that has suffered your time together in the past.

News Item2/10/17 4:37 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Now that most of the women are gone, no one is fighting, and most are warm and fuzzy. Men, get on the phone right now and order your spouse flowers for Tuesday of next week. And don't give me that cheapskate "I wont celebrate a pagan holiday" stuff. You know she wants your attention.
If nothing else, get some flowers tonight and if she asks why? Just say it has nothing to do with that pagan holiday, and you love her.

News Item2/10/17 3:59 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
The wife and children will be brought along when I and the country music/country gospel band are touring around the United States and Canada. So when we are touring the wife's father or another of her relatives will be taking care of the ranch. But when we are home I with the help of the children will be doing the farm chores.
Remember, I get dibs on front row center tickets

News Item2/10/17 3:06 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Kev wrote:
From the start I was talking about obedience hence why I used the word Lord. You seem to think everyone will be saved who makes any kind of profession of faith. That sounds like the broad road to me. Will not true faith bear fruit. Saved unto good works, faith without works is dead.
I'm Reformed. We believe that NOBODY wants to be saved. We believe people are spiritually dead, and cant come to faith on their own. But for the Elect, those given faith like myself, His law is written on our hearts. That's how we can delight in His Law.

I have no idea where you are going with the want stuff, other than you want to use the law to bring JohnY into bondage. And you know who likes to do stuff like that? Dontcha?

News Item2/10/17 2:57 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Adriel wrote:
""Most of the United States’ 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants live in just 20 major metropolitan areas""
Isn't this because the Democrats try to keep all their voters in one area?
Even when refugees are settled outside those metro areas, they often move to those metros when capable. The reason is, they want to be around people of their own culture and religion.

News Item2/10/17 2:43 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Kev wrote:
I guess you missed my point Steve. Maybe this will help clarify it:
1 John 2:4-6
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
Do you walk accordingly Steve?
You are changing gears as you were caught playing word games. The discussion with John dealt with Justification
 Romans 3:28   Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Not to authenticate a Salvation

Careful, you are beginning to sound Catholic {wink}

News Item2/10/17 2:08 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Kev wrote:
The problem with people John isn't that they don't want Jesus as their Savior. If you polled US you would find some seventy percent that 'accepts' Christ as their Savior. The important statement is Jesus is LORD and mean what that statement implies.
Luke 6:46
46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
Salvation is a gift. Evangelists often use the word 'accept,' as in accepting a gift. Its a vernacular in evangelism. Don't get caught up in the accept or want, but rather the Thankfulness of those who have received that gift, like John Y and his father

News Item2/10/17 9:22 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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I would like to see the universe of Churches they used for the study. Sure, out of the way country Churches might be used once a week, but I found Churches in general manage their facilities well to meet the needs of their communities and congregations. I know mine is busy at least 5 days/week, 6 most often and 7 if there is a wedding or funeral. I'm not just talking days, but cold nights our Church(along with a local network of Churches- Catholics are by far the largest participants in the network) will offer shelter and meals for the homeless.

News Item2/10/17 8:37 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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News Item2/10/17 7:58 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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News Item2/9/17 5:26 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Democrats were wrong, self styled Christians of today are like GODs Covenant people of the past, and are far worse than Muslims. Worse because they were told the truth, and they still didn't believe. It was GODs Covenant people that slew the true Prophets of GOD, and ye of this board are of the same wicked heart

Acts 7:51   Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

  Acts 7:52   Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:

News Item2/9/17 3:24 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
False prophets were stoned to death in the old Testament.
Ye know not the Scriptures

Like you, Hebrews loved false prophets and hated the true servants of GOD. They killed the true prophets, mocked HIS people(like John Y), and embraced evil. Generally the LORD executed judgement on the False Prophets, but at times the people did, like when Elijah and the Priests of Baal had their confrontation on Mt Carmel. But their demise didn't come until after they lost, the people wanted the famine to end, and with the implied consent of wicked Ahab for their execution. Ahab was present and never tried to stop the executions.

News Item2/9/17 10:29 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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I wish that article would be more clear, as there should have been more than enough evidence to convict. I wonder if his speech became PROTECTED Speech after he was asked to further explain his Biblical views by the plaintiffs

News Item2/9/17 10:23 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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JuneAnnette wrote:
The U.S. bishops have reported receiving allegations of abuse by 6,427 priests in 1950-2013, or 5.9% of the 109,694 U.S. priests active 1950-2002, according to the John Jay report.
6%? Is that it? When I was a kid, we thought the the number would be like 90%. Just during my time at Public High School, half the male teachers at my school had encounters with students. One was caught in the act, didn't even lose his job

News Item2/9/17 8:10 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Christopher000 wrote:
How ridiculous. Yes, these atrocities began within the church, should end within the church, and should remain self contained, financially. Why in the world would the Federal government penalize any taxpayer to pay for the sins of the church?
You think that Chris, because you are just thinking of yourself. The victims want the State to pay up too. The victims of abuse sought damages from the Government for not protecting them from abuses they knew were taking place for decades

Like I said earlier, where were the parents? When I was a little kid in public school, me and all my classmates knew to stay away from Priests and religious people in general. If people here actually cared about kids, they would look to see whats going on in their own Churches. The leading expert says Evangelicals are worse

AUSTIN, Texas (RNS) The Christian mission field is a “magnet” for sexual abusers, Boz Tchividjian, a Liberty University law professor who investigates abuse said Thursday (Sept. 26) to a room of journalists.
While comparing evangelicals to Catholics on abuse response, ”I think we are worse,” he said at the Religion Newswriters Association conference, saying too many evangelicals had “sacrificed the souls” of young victims

News Item2/8/17 5:19 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Philadelphia wrote:
Don't be vulgate,
You win this round, but only by split decision. I'm gone, CYA tomorrow
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