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News Item11/20/17 11:48 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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John UK wrote:
One question needs to be answered before considering this. The OT nation of Israel, were they all saved and are now in heaven? If yes, then limited atonement is true; if no.........
Dear Bro. John,

I think you are missing the point. The OT atonement WAS limited - to the nation of Israel. Moabites, Amorites, Philistines, etc. were not included. Certainly, you do not intend to make the assertion that the OT atonement was made for the whole world.

As to your point that not all of those Israelites were saved and on their way to heaven (I agree, they weren't), we must remember that all of that was a PICTURE of Christ and His bride, the church. Did the high priest always and in every way perfectly represent Christ? No. Many of them were scoundrels. Was the lamb a perfect and complete representation of Christ? No. The Lamb of God is infinitely more holy, spotless, worthy, etc. Was the nation of Israel a perfect depiction of the Church? No. But we still see in the picture a distinction between those for whom the sacrifice was made (Israel), and those who were passed over (Gentiles).

News Item11/18/17 7:29 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Dave wrote:
Ya reckon, peanut
Hey, Dave!!!
Hope things are going well for you, my friend.

News Item11/18/17 8:53 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Mark 10:
26 And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?

27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can't tunnel thru?
God specialises in things thought impossible.
He does the things noone else can do.

It took a miracle to put the stars in place,
It took a miracle to hang the world in space;
But when He saved my soul,
Cleansed and made me whole,
It took a miracle of love and grace!

News Item11/18/17 8:11 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Sounds like this dude regrets not consulting the folks around him. He SHOULD have consulted Scripture.

These things rarely develop in a vacuum. I'll bet there were warning signs. I hardly believe that he went from solid Biblical preaching to apostasy overnight. (Actually, I would be surprised if he EVER taught Biblically.)

With that in mind, let me share some good news (it is good news to me anyway). This past week, our state convention [URL=]]]broke fellowship with a church that called a woman pastor[/URL].

I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that that church turn out to be a homosexual affirming church in the not too distant future.

Now, I pray our convention will do something about the professors at Carson Newman who attended there.

News Item11/18/17 7:22 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Good morning, Bro. Saint Christopher!

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I hope you are doing well. I still pray for your wife's salvation. What a joyous thing that will be! Grace and peace to you, bro.

News Item11/17/17 11:54 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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John UK wrote:
I don't think I've had a harsh word from you ever.
I wish my wife could say that.

News Item11/17/17 11:39 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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friendly bump

News Item11/17/17 11:19 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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News Item11/17/17 9:23 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Good comments, Chris.

News Item11/16/17 5:23 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Got to remember, we are not God! We do NOT know whom the elect are. Once we have told a sinner he is lost and under the condemnation of God for his sin, then we let them know that a loving God in mercy has provided a way to flee the wrath to come.
The biggest demonstration of God’s righteous angry and wrath on sin is the same place as His greatest demonstration of His love!! The cross of Christ
Paul gave two motives for preaching the gospel. Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men and the love of Christ constrains me. I would venture that after tell people of their condemnation (Romans 1-3), he would also personally tell them of His love (Romans 5)
We were at one time objects of His wrath but God be praised became recepients of His undeserving mercy and love. Hallelujah

News Item11/15/17 3:34 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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John UK wrote:
Kev, it's always good to have something to look forward to.
Stay warm, Bro. John!

News Item11/15/17 11:55 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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ladybug wrote:
To the elect of God
I have good news, I just received an e-mail from Bro. Observer, he is well and prospering in the Lord. Here is a snippet, "I continue to pray for many of the friends on SA, though I have little to do with many of them anymore. I've not visited the site since I announced leaving and am not even tempted to visit ... the place is rife with people who are pretty clueless ... the blind leading the blind ... and the few who do really know the grace of God are ridiculed and treated with derision. I fear it will only get worse."
Our dear brother is right. Such is the times in which we live.
Thank you for the update, sister. It's good to know that he is doing well.

News Item11/15/17 11:46 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Another Michael wrote:
Rodney K. in Tennessee

I basically like them, but then I am not in the SBC so my interst was more for the Gospel's sake than SBC politics

And yet you continue to bring them up. I have decided to go through the articles point by point. I don't know how long it will take me (I'm slow). If you would like to know what I come up with, feel free to email me.

Another Michael wrote:
Even "Calvinists" have problems with some self-identifying themselves as "Calvinists"...
We all recognise that there is such a critter as hyper-Calvinism. I don't know of anyone on here that falls into that category.

Another Michael wrote:
So, IMHO Sola Scriptura is great and wonderful

Another Michael wrote:
How to Read The Book: Thoughts & Counsels on Better Bible Reading by Brian Borgman here on SermonAudio
I have downloaded this. I'll listen to it later. (hopefully this evening )

News Item11/15/17 10:38 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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I thought that I had made myself clear concerning the 10 articles. But since you are asking again, let me try again to make my position clear.

1. The SBC already has a confession - BF&M2000.

2. BF&M was written by men from both camps (incl. Adrian Rogers) & adopted by the SBC - something which could not have happened if it only had the support of the Calvinists.

4. As I pointed out earlier, Connect 316 is a group that wishes to eradicate the hated Calvinists from the SBC. The existing confession doesn't support their agenda, even though it was drawn up by many of their own. They need to draw battle lines, and since the liberals are (almost all) gone from the SBC, the Calvinists are the next obvious target.

5. You have asked that folks read and consider the "10". But... The "10" STATE the views of Connect 316. They do not ARGUE for the views. It’s enough to let us know what they believe. It's not enough to change anyone's mind. Let me see if I can give an example. If I were to affirm that Oswald shot Kennedy and deny that there was anyone else involved, you would know WHAT I believed, but not WHY I believed it. Nor would you have any reason to change your opinion based on my affirmation/denial. “10” is not intended to be an argument, but a confession.


News Item11/14/17 9:31 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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@John UK:

I for one don't believe that unsaved mankind has free will.


I don't have time for a lengthy response tonight. I'll do my best to get back with you tomorrow.

News Item11/14/17 1:38 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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MS wrote:
Thanks again Rodney.
Have skimmed through it before, will perhaps start to dig more deeply into it.
If you are in contact with Observer, please give him our best wishes and that he is missed on this forum..
Hey MS,

I haven't heard from Bro. Observer in quite a long time. I need to get back in touch with him. When I said I was going very slowly through the book, I didn't mean to imply that I was doing a thorough study - only that I'm a slow reader. I'd be interested to hear your take on the book though.

Sis. Ladybug, Looking forward to your report about Bro. Observer.

Blessings to you both.

News Item11/14/17 12:21 PM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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Another Michael wrote:
Dear Ladybug
You have already expressed how you are unwilling to be corrected by someone you (in my words) you deem inferior and not sufficiently educated
So, would it please you to tell us about the brazen serpent that was lifted up that Jesus referred to in John 3?
The people were bitten correct
The people were dying correct
And if certain chosen ones looked?
Or if anyone looked?
Please do check carefully, I think if memory serves me, it was for anyone who looked, that they would be healed
How in the world have people missed this?
The invitation to look was to all.

Only those who looked were healed.

Only those who willed to look, looked.

Only those who believed, willed to look.

Those who did not believe - did not will to look - did not look - were not healed.

How does this correspond to the gospel presentation:

The invitation is to all.

Only those who come to Christ are saved.

Only those who will to come, come.

Only those who believe, will to come.

The problem is, men are born unbelievers. Unless the Holy Spirit grants them faith, they do not believe - they do not will to come - they do not come - they are not saved.

News Item11/14/17 11:44 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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ladybug wrote:
'sins of the whole world'- does not mean every person ever born, for if it did, ALL would be saved. Christ died for his 'sheep', he gave his life as a ransom for 'many', not 'all'.

Notice who the high priest offered atonement for in the OT:

And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness:
(Leviticus 16:21)

Notice who Christ makes atonement for in His High Priestly prayer:

I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.
(John 17:9)

But... Is it wrong to tell a lost person, Jesus "is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world"?

News Item11/14/17 11:04 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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John UK wrote:
Ah Rodney, you are following this through?
Well, as long as I continue to have a few slack moments here at work.

I think that the main point in this conversation that seems to get missed at times is the distinction between the outward (general) call and the effectual (inward) call. I think we all believe that the gospel should be preached to all men everywhere without exception. I agree with your approach not ot tell lost folks, "God loves you and Jesus died for you." But can we tell them what the word of God says? That "he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." Certainly! That is the truth. And we believe that the Holy Spirit can cause faith to spring up in the heart of the hearer to believe what they have heard. Awesome stuff!!!

And, believing in the general nature of the outward call in no way diminishes the particular nature of the inward call.

I've rambled enough. Here's a quote to chew on:

"The extent of atonement is defined by the intent of atonement."
- Steve Lawson

News Item11/14/17 10:18 AM
Rodney K. | Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rodney K.
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John UK wrote:
The outward call is the same for all men.
Amen. (bump)
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