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News Item3/25/16 7:17 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Of course, I and my family will pray! That is so Horrible! What disease is taking over our people? How can we be "Great Again" if we cannot value each other's Freedom of Speech, (not to mention Freedom of Religion if your conscience demands you can't vote for Trump)? Have you contacted the FBI? Internet based death threats are within their jurisdiction. Those who do such things should be held accountable. However, our Ultimate Protection is from the Lord: "After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward."~ Genesis 15:1

News Item3/25/16 3:30 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Geff
Have a Blessed day as well!

News Item3/25/16 3:23 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I'm sure Cruz would prefer to stick with actual issues as well. As for Trump, when you add this to his long history of remarks and actions, it's pretty clear that he never learned how Gentlemen treat Ladies. Sooo not a role model for our society!

Had to edit out most of my post 'cause you beat me to it!

News Item3/25/16 2:23 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"That's what disapoints me about Cruz. I thought he had more integrity than that, but he's engaging in the same childish behavior. I expect it from Trump, but not Cruz."
Sad thing is, Trump's put him in a tough spot. Accuse him of the actions of a non-affiliated Anti-Trump PAC, and then malign his wife. If Cruz responds he can be painted as stooping to Trump's level. If he doesn't then he comes across as weak. Either way, the only winner is the media.
As for the story you read: it comes from the National Enquirer! (Sidenote: They also ran a story about people living in the Titanic at the bottom of the sea years ago). The Daily Mail has a good piece on it:
Trump's admitted affairs that he braggs about should have finished him.

News Item3/24/16 4:40 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... Obviously, we disagree on whether Cruz is a Constitutionalist (I think memorizing it at 13, giving speeches on it through High School, and defending it at the SCOTUS; are all good indicators, but that's my opinion). However, is Trump a Constitutionalist? His talk about opening up libel laws sounds just like the Adam's Alien and Sedition acts, Lincoln's prosecution of Copperheads, and Wilson's WW1 media crackdown. All of the above are on my "Most Threatening Moments to Freedom list" so I find it quite concerning! Sorry for the many posts, but it is quite refreshing to talk out our differences and figure out where we agree!

News Item3/24/16 4:40 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... I did know that about Baldwin, as my family supported him in '08! I read his Pros and Cons article from when Cruz announced. Mrs. Cruz did, indeed, work for the CFR for a short time. However, as Baldwin noted, not all who work there are on board with the agenda. In fact, when questioned on it some years ago Cruz said that his wife joined to slow them down- not speed 'em up! As I said, I prefer record to rhetoric, so Cruz's actions that same year (2005) of going against his former boss (G.W. Bush), Heidi's former boss (C. Rice) and the World Court (one of the biggest threats our Constitution faces) reassure me on that point. The ability to do what's right when it's not in your best interest is, IMO, the biggest character mark you can look for in a politician. I disagree with some of Baldwin's speculation on Cruz's foreign policy. Cruz is very clear in his book "A Time for Truth" that Israel should be supported because they are our best ally in the region- not because of Dispy stuff. He also thinks we should support Egypt, and does NOT think we're supposed to be the world's police force! His approach is Speak Softly, Carry a Big Stick, Use the Stick only when Absolutely Necessary, and then get outta Dodge! No more "Nation Building"! ...

News Item3/24/16 4:39 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... I must confess, that I thought Trump chalking his audits up to his "Strong" Christianity since the early '90s rather disingenuous! And while he may indeed audit the Fed- he has felt comfortable in the past with the Government taking over all banking. I can't imagine an audit will be of much help if that happens: . ...

News Item3/24/16 4:39 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Blessings to you as well! The Church has indeed neglected it's duty. The way the Lord split up authority it is the Church's role to help those who are needy or have been abused- not the Government's. The Church is actually in the trenches- not just flinging other people's money at the problem! "Charity" with money forcibly taken from other people is called Theft! God is totally Sovereign over all that we face- but we can't neglect the command to "weep with them that weep" and sometimes the Truth is dished out in a thoughtless way. The problem with the EU is that, historicaly, their solution to left-induced chaos is either Communism or Fascism- making the cure just as deadly as the disease! I can't make out what you meant by "Cruz is funded them". Could you please clarify, and perhaps, footnote? Here's the reporting from last year on Trump raising taxes on the rich: . ...

News Item3/23/16 7:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I greatly appreciate the work the Swansons put into Generations Radio. We could certainly use more Christian Radio shows that address current events and I hope their work encourages others! The Worldview in 5 Minutes is excellent and I especially like it when Bill Jack co-hosts!

News Item3/23/16 6:54 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Penny
Hadn't heard it before, but looked it up and I think I understand his position. Agrees quite nicely with what another pastor I know of has said- "The Church isn't tax exempt, the Church is tax immune!". 501c3 was set up as political revenge- similar to how the whole IRS has been deployed- even by FDR! Been reading a fascinating book about FDR called "New Deal or Raw Deal" by Burton Folsom Jr. I know both Paul and Cruz want to abolish the IRS for good- thus making the 501c3 history. I've only heard Trump talking about raising taxes on the rich- does he have any plans to get rid of the IRS?

News Item3/23/16 4:55 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... There ARE pastors who speak about these issues. Not all churches are 501c3 and even among those that are, the fact that it has never been tested in court has led some pastors to deliberately preach on politics, record the sermon, and mail it to the IRS. Hundreds have done this for multiple years now and there has been zero push back! Trump's non-PC ways can seem like a good thing- but his lack of respect for Constitutional limitations and Blasphemous attitude towards the Lord make it impossible for me personally to support him. I am curious however- how do you judge candidates, and what led you to choose Trump after Paul dropped out? Hope you have a wonderful day!

News Item3/23/16 4:55 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Yes, the corruption is quite out of hand up there. That's why I always prefer someone with a record, so I can see how they've handled the pressure. Of all the candidates this time, Cruz and Paul had the best long term records. Paul, while he has a good record and is a Christian, concerned me a bit with his support of Mitch McConnell and his statements to liberals over the past few years that conservatives need to get over social issues and expand the tent. I can't support the Libertarian party because of their pro-choice platform, so that kind of language raises red flags for me. That said, Paul was my back up plan if Cruz dropped out. I knew I couldn't in good conscience support Trump because: A) He has no fear of the Lord. "The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God." ~ 2 Sam. 23:3. B) He doesn't have a standard outside of himself. Both Cruz and Paul believe in the Bible and the Constitution, Trump believes in his own brilliance. C) He doesn't have a record- just contradictory rhetoric. ...

News Item3/22/16 10:23 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Mike
Aren't kind words always an encouragement? That's what John 8:32 was referring to and was encouraged by- more than simply the votes.

News Item3/22/16 12:35 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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So how will Trump's Progressive ideology fix any of that? Progressives gave us Eugenics in the early 1900's. Margaret Sanger was the biggest advocate of Eugenics via Sterilization, Infanticide, Birth Control, etc. How would vetoing any attempt to defund her organization stop the Eugenics they engage in? The same folks who love the Guardasil vac. agree that PP does "wonderful things". Trump now has Ben Carson (who wants mandatory vaccinations) as part of his campaign, supposedly in an advisory capacity! How can we trust a Crony-Capitalist (who has made millions "playing the game") to stand up to the Crony-Capitalist GMO, Monsanto, Big Pharma, group? How can we trust a Progressive who thinks government is the answer to our problems, to rid us of Progressive ideas like Eugenics?

News Item3/22/16 7:46 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Praying for Brussels. May the Lord send His Truth there to comfort them.

News Item3/22/16 7:44 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Dave
So terribly sorry to see you leave! Your comments display a "grouse" attitude, and your exchanges with Christopher000 and John UK are quite delightful and a good model for the rest of us! . May the Lord bountifully dispense His Grace on you and yours!
P.S. Won't it be wonderful when we're all perfectly sanctified in Heaven? We'll certainly be in one accord there: Praising our Lord!
P.S.S. Will you consider coming back at some point?

News Item3/20/16 8:29 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Penny
"if a kid survives pregnancy and is ruined by a shot or (fill in blank), I don't consider it a prolife victory, but rather, another form of eugenics."
Being ripped limb from limb is a far cry from living with Autisim. Your conflating the funding of murder to the off chance that a shot will cause a disease. It's also worth noting that News With Views contributors have called Trump God's "Chosen Vessel" and you have called him "Balaam's Donkey" (aka: God's mouth piece). Also please provide unedited footage of Cruz's father saying that about his son in context. All I have seen is a clip of him reading Proverbs 13:22 "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.". Hardly Communist in origin. Have a good evening!

News Item3/19/16 9:58 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... I agree 100% that it is wrong for Women to speak in the Church- but I also think that sometimes peoples' zeal for the truth sort of outstrips their diplomacy. We do catch more flies with honey- don't we? Can't we hold to the Truth while still extending Grace to a Brother or Sister in error? After all, won't "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"? While it is good to gently point out error, the Holy Spirit may decide to only let you plant seeds on an issue- which may or may not bear fruit right away.
"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy."~ James 3:17

News Item3/19/16 9:58 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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How do you tell if someone simply hasn't been sanctified up to your level on an issue yet? For example: If you meet someone dressed immodestly, smoking cigarettes, and covered in tatoos and they tell you they just became a Christian the day before- how do you respond? Do you tell them they couldn't possibly be a true sheep because they are doing things which displease the Lord? Or do you try to feel out the state of their heart and pray for their further Sanctification? Do you seek to come along side them as a fellow sinner in need of grace, knowing that only Christ can further their Sanctification? Or is it better to tell them they are displeasing the Lord and they'd better get their act together because you've pointed it out to them? ...

News Item3/19/16 8:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Any time people view one man as the arbiter of God's word there are bound to be problems. (Be that man Bill Gothard, John MacArthur, John Calvin, or Martin Luther) There are problems both for the man whose sense of importance gets inflated and for some of the people who may stop verifying what the man says with Scripture. I think that one of the roots of Gothard's problems was his background as an Armenian Youth Councillor. The "Free Will" concept made a formula for perfect kids possible and his mixing in of psychiatry made it plausible. Reformed parents are forced to rely on the Lord's Grace for their children's salvation and should be more likely to engage in personal discipleship rather than sending them off to "How to Fix __ " camps! That said, not everyone who listened to or used a Gothard resource participated in a "cult" mentality. I think there are people who can make a "Pope" out of anyone, and there are people who can be around "Spiritual Leaders" and still focus on that leader's clay feet.
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