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Survey1/22/08 9:51 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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When I think of the revelation we have today, and look at the faith the OT saints moved in WITHOUT the revelation we have today, all I can say is our judgement will be serious.

Survey1/22/08 8:07 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Response - sorry. I don't do well when people don't speak plainly. What did you mean then?

Survey1/22/08 6:45 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Response - you have obviously missed the entire point. All that is left in the normal respose is to call me a legalist now

Survey1/22/08 6:43 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Luker - I think, after reading more closely what I wrote, I obviously wasn't clear. I guess in doing the sacrifices, if there was no faith in the voice of God, they wouldn't do them. Like in James, "if a man say he has faith..."
"I will show you my faith by my works"

But when it comes down to it, obeying the voice of God included the sacrifices, although I do understand that only the priests preformed them. But see the typology - OUR high priest performed the sacrifice, and we have faith in that finished work - and ultimately are obedient to the voice of God.

I do also agree that many in the OT had some revelation about the coming messiah, but to say there was specific knowledge who it would be - no. And as for John the Baptist - it was the Holy Spirit who revealed it to him. And the only reason I bring up this point is to counter the notion that salvation in the OT was looking forward to the cross. I just don't think they had that clear of an understanding. But hey - nothing to commit Jihad over

Survey1/22/08 6:31 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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One other thought for you. Some regard trousers as stricktly male (begining with the priests when they made sacrifices, to cover their nakedness), and liken it to an authority issue. I know here in the states women didn't start wearing pants until about WWII, when they went to the factories to work. And to be honest, there is a subtle worldy spirit with some women who are constantly in competition with men. But that is what satan does; cause men to cease being men and taking responsibility for their families, and cause women to cease being a women and attempting to usurp authority from the man (although many women assume authority because the sorry man they are with won't do his job).
The issue really is a deep one when you begin to look into it, and may I say, observe the lost world as they go about in their clothing. But ultimately, clothing identifies us with whom we identify with.

I knew you would look into this...I could tell from some of your posts

Survey1/22/08 7:16 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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MurrayA - you said: "Faith in what? Their own performances? Or perhaps faith itself? Whatever, he speaks with forked tongue: Law then; grace now."
I believe salvation has always been the same - in the OT and the NT. And it is simply obedience to the voice of God. Faith in the Word of God ("For faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God").In the OT odebience came by performing the sybolic sacrifices, not IN the sacrifices, but by faith obeying the Word of God AND doing the sacrifices.
In the NT, nothing has changed. When Jesus was being baptized, the Father said "This is my beloved son..HEAR YE HIM." And Jesus said "Ye must be born again" Still the same - obeying the voice of God, but now it is faith in the finished work of Christ.
I do not believe the OT saints had very clear light that they were putting their faith in the COMMING work of Messiah, which goes against some who say (although I know what they mean, and it's not a bid deal)the OT saints looked forward to the cross, and the NT saints looked back to the cross. It's hard for us to understand the the OT saints didn't have much in the way of revelation, so we like to look at their lives and actions through our lenses with all of the revelation we have today.
Just a thought - not dogmatic though

Survey1/21/08 7:28 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Lisa - sadly only the Church argue if pants are men's clothes. I have read secular articles where unsaved women state "everyone knows we stole pants from the men..."
Concerning Deut. 22:5 - this is a moral law, not a levitical law. And please notice that an moral abomination nevers ceases to be so. BUT, it ultimately comes down to one thing: How much do you or I love Jesus. When we love someone, we try our best to please them, even if we are not totally sure how they feel about a situation. And the better we get to know that loved one, the more we know what they would like. My wife hasn't worn pants for over 20 years, and it isn't something a man has forced upon is her conviction. And to tell (as other could also) the opportunities to witness because someone sees her and my daughters and says "are you all Christians" I always think how much God loves his daughters, when by dressing like a lady, they can be more of an unspoken testimony than any man could. And if most men were honest, they would love it if their wives and daughters dressed like ladies.
But I do agree - it is a gender thing that God tries to keep distinguished. So it is up to us to not blur the lines.
But it seems to me that you have a teachable spirit and would earnestly pray about such a matter.

News Item1/21/08 6:50 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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STE, you said:

"Hi JSL, you must be new in town, for you no not our ways.
Allow me, this is what we do
The second comment above yours (was yours even seen)
I will let William Tyndale do the talking on this one,
(A dead man, not Gods Word
But then you can trust Tyndale, a great man of God, we also like to use other great men of God, like, Calvin, Moody , Weapon of Mass Instruction,
Idiot Files, there words will not return void, for they will cause Division, and you know division is how one is saved, right?
he predated Calvinism, which is an outward shew of deeds, filled with the commandments of men.
(we don't always agree, its more of a down to earth approach to the Gospel, Another Gospel for the most part, thats what we have fun with around here)
man of himself cannot be saved unless he keep the law of God, thorow faith in Christ Jesus
ye cannot find it, unless you have a 1526 Tyndale
"For this cause the 115th psalm calleth all men liars
(We really like to use verses against each other, you know how contradicting the Bible is)"

You made me laugh ( i'm not being facetious either. Very witty - and mostly right too.)

Actually - I'm still chuckling a little...thanks!

Survey1/20/08 10:36 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Thank you Paul

News Item1/20/08 9:12 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Wasn't it brother Clark who did a bio on him in his book about Missionaries? My daughter had to read the book in class once and she came home and was telling me about it. I called and asked Chris about it and he laughed. He said Pastor P was pretty upset about it because he didn' think he should be in a book. I guess Bro. Clark went to mrs. P and asked her all the questions...I'm sure he knew pastor wouldn't give him any answers.

Actually, in some ways I am reminded of Oswald Chambers who never compiled anything of his teaching. It was after he died that people convinced his wife to put all of his lessons and notes together - and boy am I glad she did.

Survey1/19/08 9:07 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Lisa - why a Saturday Sabbath? Jesus came out of the grave on the First Day of the week, and we meet on the Lord's Day, the first day of the week, just like the desciples did when they came to the tomb and found a risen Saviour. And, just like John, who was in the Spirit "on the Lord's Day" I love the symbolism of those who have found the risen Saviour, and come together on that first day to carry on the great commission.
BTW - it was binding to Israel, not to the Church.
Grace doesn't supercede the law - grace enables the law to be our schoolmaster that bring's us to ourselves, and ultimately to Christ.

It's great that you have such a willing spirit to change things and do things in your life - but be careful not to be driven about by "every wind of doctrine"

News Item1/19/08 8:59 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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It doesn't matter who wins because

"The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water, and he moveth it withersoever he wills"

In Isaiah it says

"Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing."

It is only the grace of God that America is not consumed ( and the little light that remains)

News Item1/19/08 8:51 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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WOMI - sorry to butcher pastor P's name. My ancestors were a few thousand miles north of Italy, so the ability to spell some Italian names just isn't in my jeans

Would SA let you put some of his messages on here? Especially the series on demons. Most wouldn't understand I don't fully. My brother would tell me things and I would just think "no way, not in the USA". But then I visited the loving city and the oppression came on me about 30 minutes outside of the city - and I wasn't even a Christian yet, and could feel it!!

News Item1/19/08 3:29 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Yes - I have heard James Knox, and what a preacher!! I wish they would put some preaching by Harold Sightler on this site...he's one of my favorites, along with Lester Roloff.

One of my favorites is Attorney David Gibbs. This man can rip your face of without hardley raising his voice. One of the most convicting messages I've heard him preached was called "That spirit of Jezebel". He said that spirit was sweeping America and the Church.

What "evidence" can be shown of a "blessing": large numbers? emotionalism? Rogers' returning from the dead?

Although a Southern Baptist, Adrian Rogers was a great preacher and a man of God. I wish he would have left the Convention, but he was a preacher

Hinn, Copeland, I agree they are frauds, so please don't put them in the same catagory.

BTW, seriously, what do you think Biblical evidence is of one who is Spirit filled and Spirit led?

News Item1/18/08 6:04 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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nonamenoshame: you said,
where is your great bible non-calvinist preachers today evidencing God's blessing?

1. Sam Davison - Oklahoma City
2. Dominic Pennachetti - Philladelphia, PA
3. Clarence Sexton - Powell TN
4. Johnny Pope - Houston, TX
5. R. B. Oulette - Lancaster, CA
6. Adrian Rogers (recently deceased) - Memphis, TN

Shall I go on?

News Item1/18/08 7:26 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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"Is that why your subjects are under bondage to comply and believe 100% what you tell them to believe and are not allowed liberty of soul and conscience to read scripture and study it for themselves?"

This is an interesting statement, seing I have been told on this site that if one is saved, he is a Calvininst. What if I can't stomach the doctrine of Calvin? You call me an Arminian...but I detest the doctrine that you can lose your salvation ( and actually Calvin called it the Perseverance of the Saints - but WE don't Persevere, JESUS keeps us and presents us faultless before the throne. Sounds like works to me), so how can I be an Arminian. Just like you put God in a box, you wish to put everyone else in a box and slap on a lable.

Also - someone needs to study the actions of the Puritans and PilGRIMs when they came to America. They controlled and murdered many Quakers and Baptists, leaving them to flee to Road Island. Where is the liberty there? The Reformed didn't just bring along their Catholic rituals, they also brought their persecution. Same wolf (Rome), different clothes (the system - not necessarily individual people within the system).

News Item1/17/08 6:19 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Mike - that was absolutely wonderful!!

I have said it seems like a very small God who can not handle the free will of man. Weak people micro-manage and control with their thumb pressed down on their subjects.

And the thing is, is it not so that everyone has the faith necessary to believe (we get on airplanes and sit on chairs and never realize they take faith to do so)?
Where the problem seems to lie is not belief, but in surrender. John 3:19 says:
1And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

It's not because they can't believe but because they won't believe.

News Item1/17/08 12:04 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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"To say that God is love (which is true) "and can do nothing but love" is an error."

How is it an error? Does not love cause God to give space for people to repent? Isn't God's longsufferingness the epitome of love and grace? Isn't God's chastisement love?

I agree that God is a consuming fire, and destroys his enemies, but didn't he even give space to Pharoh to let Israel go before he brought the plagues? Wasn't it love that struck down Nebbuchadnezzer to like like a cow, and brought him to extole the true living God?

The Bible says that God IS Love, just as in the same manner God IS light, and God IS truth. Can God ever be dark? Can God ever do what is not truth? Can God ever not love?

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life"

Does God have a free will?

News Item1/16/08 9:01 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Lurker - I posed that statement because, according to the Calvinistic doctrine, God only calls and saves the elect. And in Matthew it says that many will come to me in that day and say "Lord, Lord, did we not..."

What if I am not one of the elect? Or if I am, what if God does not love my wife, and has not chosen her? He only elects those whom he loves - correct?
I see where this all leads now; and it leads to despair and no hope.

News Item1/16/08 6:33 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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This is unfolding to an interesting subject.
Where do you find the scriptures to show the difference between the general call and the drawing of the Father?
If there is only a general call, and only the elect are drawn, where does the love of God fit in. Just like God IS Spirit, so too God IS love. So if God is not willing for ANY to perish, why wouldn't he choose to draw ALL? The Bible says that God has no delight in the death of the wicked, yet some say he has choosen not to draw everyone?
What is being said is God, who IS love and can do nothing but love, has choosen not to love some of his creation. Because love demands that we always do the best for the one which we have declared the object of our love. And eternal hell is not the best for ANYONE!! We as humans can choose who we will and won't love, but does God? The Bible clearly states that God hates the WORKS and DEEDS of the wicked, but does he hate THEM? I think the attribute of God itself demands that "...God so loved the WORLD...".
I know how you disect the meaning of "WORLD" and "ALL", but you make things too difficult. The love of God does not "mesh" with the supposed election of God.
I have never felt such overwhelming sorrow as I do with this thought:
God may not love me!
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