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News Item5/18/11 8:00 PM
Randy | Chicago  Find all comments by Randy
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I agree Frank. Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus.

News Item5/18/11 7:58 PM
Randy | Chicago  Find all comments by Randy
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God continues to work in great ways through Samaritans Purse and BGEA

News Item5/7/11 9:59 AM
Randy | Chicago  Find all comments by Randy
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Sad and true. I work for one of these Universities as a new employee. I hope to make a difference as they are now in an identity crisis brought on by their lack of holding fast to the truth.

Sermon4/1/11 3:51 AM
Randy | Colorado, USA  Find all comments by Randy
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ God Bless!! ”
Greetings and blessings to you from across the pond. May God richly bless you and keep you.

News Item2/26/11 10:47 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Sorry; I thought this was the 'Marriage’ erased from official conception statistics"

I didn't reqalize it was the Russian Communist, Socialist name calling debate.

News Item1/31/11 5:38 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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I think it's amazing how an issue of such importance: Mohler, defending the six day creation, against theistic evolution, got turned into a debate on whether or not God used deception, and if it's alright to use deception in order to promote God's purposes.

Time and again, normaly intellegent people will get caught up in Straing at a Gnat and Swallowing a Camel. Talk about Adventures in Missing the Point!

What's worse, is when someone who has not got caught up in the fiasco, points out what's going on, they get attacked, and treated like morons for not having the intellegence to pick up on the "Subtlties of the Issue".

It really doen't take a lot of intellegence to extricate a Secondary, or Tertiary matter and beat it to death while ingnoring the main and more important issue, therby making the secondary issue the New Issue.

No doubt someone will do that with this post. Or even less creativly, try to point out that this post itself is off topic.

This post is Off Topic from Mohler, and evolution. It is so of Necessity.

Now back to the topic: Mohler's position is right. Even Theistic evolutions treatment of Gen. undermines the rest of the Bible!

News Item1/29/11 10:36 AM
Randy | Phoenix  Find all comments by Randy
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Isa 66:4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

2TH 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Sermon1/26/11 8:07 AM
randy  Contact via emailFind all comments by randy
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“ Great Sermon! ”

News Item12/31/10 3:49 PM
Randy | Indy  Find all comments by Randy
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This has Got to be the most rediculous exanple of a thread getting off topic as has ever been. Seriously; your'e Debating the old "If a Tree Falls in the Wildrness" question?

If you want to discuss Epistimological Dualism, e mail each other. Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel....

I really though you two were too intellegent to get caught up in such a silly trap. You have too much to offer to discredit yourselves with this petty argument.

News Item11/23/10 9:36 AM
Randy | Phoenix  Find all comments by Randy
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""At a certain point, you are who you are," said Swilley"

Yea, at a certain point, by God's grace you come to recognize yourself for the sinner you are. Then by God's grace you repent. Then by God's grace who you are is a sinner saved by grace unto a life of holiness. No longer a servant of sin, but a servant of righteousness.

News Item11/11/10 3:00 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It seems like a tolerant policy to me, In the article they used as another example of a school in West Virgina, which allowed everyone to pass out literature. I wonder how happy the parents of those children would be if it were Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, or for that matter [URL=]]]Muhammad[/URL]ans passing out their religious literature? I would think there would be enough parents to make sure nothing was passed out in the West Virginia school after that.
Let's stop Christin web sites as well, just in case some cult groups may get on the net. Sometimes Jim you have a seperation of church and state mentality that resembles the Clinton Left more than the Christian faith. Hve you forgotten that many of the tax payers are born again christians. If you side with those that are against getting the bible in schools, you will recieve the same reward from the Lord that the anti bible people will get.

News Item10/31/10 8:52 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
God bless!
It is wrong for people to bully others: It is The Love of God that brings sinners to repentance. I am certainly pathetic: And am just a mentally ill, head injured, cripple. But I have this to say: People who are hostile toward homosexual people are not sharing Jesus. We have no right to try to force people to live under rules that they haven't agreed to, we have no right to shame people. Shaming someone sexually is abusive: And those who are abusive to homosexuals, should not be assumed to be Christians. Sharing that there is a better way to live, is different than a bully who speaks abusive language and physically assaults someone.
All well and good Jessica. However; This article is trying to say that Homosexuals are commiting suicide because Christaians are saying that homosexuality is sin. The next step is to silence christians, calling it a hate crime to state what the bible says. In some countries it is considered a Hate Crime even to quote what the Bible says in Lev. and Romans.

So the Real bullying is the Gay Agenda and Gay friendly groups bulluying Christians into silence on the matter.

News Item10/25/10 8:33 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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I was hoping for a Rocky VII, where Rocky and Bullwinkle fight it out at Madison Square Gardens

News Item10/13/10 2:58 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Unfortunately, in America they are always inventing something new, either new Judaism or "new Christianity" and both are false of course, However, [URL=]]]Theonomy[/URL] isn't new to this country and someone should point out to this huckster just [URL=]]]How the Church Relates to the Kingdom[/URL].
While America may have had a veneer of Christianity and Christian influence has been strong in American history, you really have to stretch your imagination to ever call America Christian.
I wonder if this huckster had anything to do with the PBS series "God in America", probably a link is provided in, [URL=]]] A Closer Look at the Influence of Religion in America[/URL]
Actaualy this guy is the polar oppisite of Theonomy. He is an Emergent

News Item9/27/10 11:23 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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If the milk is Pastorized will it make you preach better?

News Item9/17/10 11:25 AM
Randy  Contact via emailFind all comments by Randy
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Baptists teach that salvation comes by praying to Jesus and asking Him to become ones Personal Savior. And the Baptists derive that teaching from what Jesus told Nicodemus that one must be Born Again in order to be saved. That is not a commandment of men but is a commandment of Jesus. In otherwords you believe that all Baptists are not saved because they teach that salvation comes by praying to Jesus and asking Him to become ones Personal Savior? And you believe that anybody who does what the Baptists teach about how to get saved is not saved either?
John; while you and Michael have some important things that need to be discussed, it would be better if you could discuss then through e mail rather than have this thread dominated by the topic your trying to deal with.

After all the Thread Topic is Clowns doing a church service, not How to get saved.

If you would like, you could e mail me my hitting the envelope icon. I would ber happy listen to what you have to say. You could probably contact Michael by asking for an off site e mail exchange as well. I think I know where your coming from, and maybee I can offer you some helpful direction.

News Item9/13/10 8:12 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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John UK wrote:
Hi Randy, it's so good to hear from you again.
I hope Horn hasn't seen your post, because he's likely to have a go at you for saying that a spirit is teachable. To him, that is mysticism in its purest form. (Quick, edit it and change spirit to mind).
Actually John, I think he had a point. You are probably also guilty of being a Blackaby supporter:

[URL=]]] Non Sola Scriptura: the Blackaby view of God's will — 1[/URL]

It would be well to the rest of the series.

News Item9/13/10 3:49 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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John UK wrote:
I do not accept that I have ever been OFF topic.
Whose side are you on?
It doesn't matter much if you are correct on your posts (which I believe you are)your comment reveals an unteacheble spirit. Your personal feeling about being off topic is irrelevant. The moderators run this site and they will close this thread as they have others if it remains off topic.Check out all of the moderators posts. What is the number one reason they close threads? Getting off topic.

You have too many good things to say to stoop to the tactics of Tony, and Jim.

News Item9/10/10 4:41 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Randy wrote:
You guys have gotten so far off topic that this thread will not last much longer. Why don't yopu just hit the little envolope icon and e amil John. Instead of clogging the whole thread with your debate?
Hey, I just realised that my post was also off topic!

Sincere apologies to y'all!

News Item9/10/10 12:14 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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HornNest wrote:
You read all that into the passage?!!
Conversion was a radical felt change, but is not a daily experience
I don't look to "feel" the Lord near me. I seek to believe his word and obey him. And guess what? He proves himself to me, by giving me understanding, proving faithful to his promises, giving deliverance from sin, giving a love for spiritual things, answering prayers etc. It is this way that I have a relationship with him. Out of love for him I do the things that he wants me to do, and he for his part does loads more for me. Like in a marriage where the partners love each other. They don't bang on about their "love" as a feeling, but they show their love by actions! That is the union, that is the fellowship (or sharing)!!
What you're banging on about is some sort of mystical "felt" spiritual union! Some sort of felt Spirit to Spirit communication. QED you're a mystic!
You guys have gotten so far off topic that this thread will not last much longer. Why don't yopu just hit the little envolope icon and e amil John. Instead of clogging the whole thread with your debate?
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