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News Item2/21/10 6:32 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
[URL=]]]Christian Voice[/URL]
[URL=]]]Christian Watch[/URL]
I might be wrong (so better to make sure), but I think the second makes a strong Protestant stand, not sure where Christian Voice stands with working with Roman Catholics...better to ask both for their views
thanks, that is an important point worth asking about i ought to think about several questions like that

News Item2/21/10 6:21 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Yes I've seen Christian Voice in the past, . ...............................
There's no doubting it. Departure from the AV always leads to modernisation, worldliness, and sloppiness.
i dont know maybe it is reformed originally i only know there are arminist sentiments because some of the people were from those churches, i dont know about steve green
yes im not keen on parachurch organisations and have steered clear in the past as the biblical model is for a church

however under the circumstances i see a model for a church affiliated to christian voice

it needs to be church based tho

I like going to church but i dont see existing churches in my area able to deal with the challenges to come.

the only reason i go to church is for fellowship with the few reformed i can find, i dont like being with practicing atheists i especially dislike the universal acceptance of the NIV which in my view is the number one fatal mistake which will guarantee the church remains innefectual and under judgement. Ive been reading ezekiel this week, the 'universal christian ' church is undoubtedly guilty of idolotary, devil worship and all the crimes of israel in ezekiels day - id rather seek out some infidels and see............

News Item2/21/10 5:16 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Notwithstanding, I think it true to say that EVERY Bible Society in the world bar one have succumbed to the ECUMENICAL AND ARMINIST VIRUS, which is leading them to seek to bring in the NEW AGE, along with their ecumenical and arminist new age "Bibles", and which is NOT Christianity.
The Chinese brethren have a Bible which is 100 years old which,
Totally, its nice to know that they have a traditional bible, I see Gods providence in this

are you a member of christian voice john ?i got my news letter yesterday, its very good im thinking of starting a branch in anglesey ( a reformed one of course !)
The chair steve green seems very clued up and i enjoy his writing he seems to do the whole magazine himself - a doer of the word - they are a bit arminist but you wouldnt know unless you met them and they are very bold with proclaiming the gospel

News Item2/20/10 4:35 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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good links jim, you are fourtunaye to have such a good church

i was talking to an elderly friend recently and she told me that biblical history seems to go in cycles or phases of 14 generations or about 500 years, yesterday i was listening to a discusion on economics by a research institute and they said the same thing ! and they believe we are in the midst of one such transition which will see the centre of gravity in power go from west to east, its obvious to us i suppose but interesting that the secular mindset can sss it also

News Item2/20/10 2:39 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Mike wrote:
The persecuted church in China has more important things to worry about than translation battles. Can you imagine a Chinese Christian rejecting a Bible because it wasn't authorized by a former king of England?
he would if he had a choice

Survey2/20/10 2:05 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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this ones easy, the attributes of God by a w pink a slim volume easily read in the bath one chapter at a soaking

News Item2/20/10 1:46 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Mike wrote:
Another powerful defense of the faith from the C of E. thumbsdown:
ah i had a dream..........

The singer also told Parade Jesus was "coming soon", ''ready to forgive the repentant'' and "understood human depravity".

A spokesman for the Church of England said: "Sir Elton's reflection that Jesus calls us all to believe and repent is one shared by all born of the spirit Christians."

" needless speculation into aspects of the historic person of Jesus are perhaps best left to hirelings, apostates and academics," he added.

Sir Elton said in the interview: "On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him knowing the terrible judgement that was soon to come upon them. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving.

"Sin and rejection of the creator makes people so cruel. Try being a fudge packer in the Middle East - you're as good as dead," he added.

News Item2/19/10 12:55 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Alan H wrote:
Did you ever think that maybe your cat, batman, might get raptured, leaving you behind?
ha ha ! no i never worried about that he is a very wicked cat on the quiet and would be sure to suffer with the unrepentant

he has been guilty of consuming two of my budgies and indirectly causing the death of another thru loneliness - its the bright colors set him off also he really hates birds for some reason i mean really hates them

also he ate my sons hamster and tried to eat the degus. he is a serial offender toward the other pets he is also very sly and will secret himself within striking distance of food laid on the table

no batman is an extremely wicked creature although i mostly overlook this

News Item2/19/10 12:34 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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'7But the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee; for they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted'

ezekiel 3v7

Survey2/19/10 12:25 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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mmm yes i see john, thats kind of you to remember.

Happiness, the cause of much distress in the world it seems to me ! well the pursuit of it.

how often have we heard our friends say i only want to be happy ? or said it ourselves. it sounds like a simple modest request but i observe its the most elusive substance as if people had a right to be happy or its a normal state of being but its not

i have very seldom if ever been happy in my life tho things are better now but i understand better now that i am wiser thru the knowlege of God.

the world is pursuing happiness but it cant be found without the knowlege of our creator and its not a worthwhile pursuit anyway,

as we all know here if we seek the kingdom all things will be added unto us

God Himself is our reward as God said to Abraham 'I am your exceeding great reward' genesis 15v1

Thank God that the Gospel has set us free from the vain worldly pursuit of happiness !

News Item2/19/10 6:23 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Guinness wrote:
I'm sorry the limited time offer on our $220 sign-up sale has expired. 72 minutes was just too long.
I can do you a deal for $330, and we can extend the contract to 15 years.
P-A-M Wow!
Engineered in Germany!
Augsburg Confession—Art. XVII.
whoa ! Im beggining to see that this deal is a little to good to be true !

Theres a 15 year contract ? hmmm surely only seven years is required and some say 3.5 ?

you may be able to sucker most people most of the time but youve gotta get up pretty early in the morning to get one past pc !

now i see how you can offer such a huge discount get the money for 15 years up front when at the most you only need outgoings for 7 hmmmm

just like the banks here in the uk,

1. get billions from the tax payer
2. take deposits at 0 %
3. lend at 6 %
4. sweet

News Item2/19/10 4:32 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Guinness wrote:
Email ME in the next 20 minutes and we'll double the price!
But hurry we CAN do this all day and every time we repeat the commercial.
For your pet's Millennium Experience call ME!
Wow id better be quick ! did u get the cheque yet ? Curse that postal service if only i could buy on line using my credit card!!!

man ive NEVER given a thought to my cats amill experience i cant believe ive been so selfish its been a one way street for 13 years ive enjoyed having him around and in recent years have been anticipating 'taking off' suddenly without warning and just leaving him behind. I feel really guilty about this and im willing to spend a few quid to salve my consience

is that phone A-MILL-2050 ?

Hi Alan, yes he really is called batman on account of his special powers which mainly consist of being able to scale high vertical walls also he is black he always sits with us on a chair at mealtimes and watches us eat never misses it.

Neil my thoughts on the rapture with yours in so far as it will hardly be noticed by the rest of them ! There will be so few that itll be put down to a mystery virus and the corpses will still be here. Itll be a mystery for a day or two then everyone will lose interest.

Survey2/19/10 4:14 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Charles M
You remember bro when you first deigned to mix it with the peasants here, and appeared on the forums, you were so happy and joyful because you had just got married and allowed us all to listen to the service. It was lovely, a happy day brought about by the charitable God who was merciful unto you and blessed you.
i dont like the 'were ' john, not sure where you are going with this ?

News Item2/18/10 2:16 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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whiskerswarnings wrote:
Batman, nice cat! Needs a Left Behind lined paper basket so he says in his email to me
Thanks ! add a gross to my shopping cart !

worryingly, weve just moved in to a house which does not have a catflap to allow batman free ingress and egress to the house in the event of my / our removal.

If he is stuck inside he will starve to death within reach of abundant supplies of whiskas which even he will be unable to access, if outside he will be cold and have to defend himself which is already becoming increasingly difficult as most of his teeth have fallen out.

1. all pretribbers should regularly test the operation of their pets cat / dogflap

2. pretribbers should make at least one reliable friend amongst the amillenial brethren who will in the event be able give succour to deserted pets

3. failing this - befriend an infidel !
your absence and forward preparation will be a tremendous Gospel witness and the grateful animal will be a constant reminder that you escaped and a comfort to them during the awful events to come.

4. leave a tract in a silver cartrige around their collar, go easy on the 'i told you so' and allow them to swop the silver for food if they will refrain from eating your pet

News Item2/18/10 8:24 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Scott McMahan wrote:
I disagree. The problem is not secularism as much as "non-doctrinal" Christianity.
yup thats pretty much it exactly, my own thoughts have been leading in this direction for a while now, we are in a sea of deception and NIV apostatsy soem a very few are waking upi was reading 2 cor 2 this morning

14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. 15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: 16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

News Item2/18/10 8:17 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Whiskerswarnings wrote:
If you live in the UK that translates to £350 per delivery at very special price. (John and Charles-as you both live in Wales I can do a deal for £200 each)
wow this is a great deal ! Is this a extrabenefit for being on SA ? will you take a cheque ? I can pay up front - no on second thoughts ill send the cheque now before you change your mind ! Ill have a crate for john as well i dont know if he has a cat but at that price id be mad to look this once in a lifetime gift horse in the mouth - cheque on its way !!!

i am a pretribber but i must confessed i never gave a thought to my cat (batman) does this make me uncaring ?
I wont get any more pets after him

News Item2/17/10 6:25 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
For God to intimately know every single act of wickedness throughout the world 24/7, even every wicked thought and evil motives, and yet not instantly demolish this world of people in the fiercest of wrath, is yet another example of his grace, mercy and lovingkindness
bless you brother an edifying and fearful post, and how know ye my given name

i have some islands named after me and discovered by one of my illustrious ancestors james mortlock on a voyage from the australias to britain at a time when our brethren on this forum were yet within the embrace of empire and the blessed johnathan edwards could count himself a briton

i should add that i have taken the liberty to advertise my fame in my genesis and geomorphology presentation by including these islands which are the remains of guyots which are truncated volcanoes having had their tops chopped off by the raging waters of the genesis flood and evidence of the sea basins dropping at the end of the genesis flood according to psalm 118

News Item2/17/10 5:08 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Roger wrote:
and at times, I believe, even hateful!
uh oh ! hate speech alert !

News Item2/17/10 4:40 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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my mother had an abortion when i was a young boy

Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb to be always great with me

jer 20v17

its an awful thing to think that a woman will make her womb a childs grave

God must be very angry, I think its impossible to imagine how angry He is

what hypocrites we are, nobody would chop a baby to bits in a pram but they will do worse, the same in the womb !

If a baby is not safe in its mothers womb what hope is there ?

Not many posts from you lately john uk are you feeling ok ?

News Item2/17/10 4:34 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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I see those poor baptist folk are still detained by the demon worshippers in haiti - this is past a joke - they have been there for weeks now, the 'government' has made its point and they should have been released now.

The vindictive nature of this imprisonment is now clear and likewise the wilful disregard by the US govt to secure their release.

God is revealing the wickedness in high places america and haiti will be judged for this

God shall speedily avenge his elect it his treasure stored up in heavan

We should pray for their immediate release and the destruction at Gods hands of their oppressors

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