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News Item10/23/2020 5:17 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Watcher: The conditioning has done its job. No matter what is said here or anywhere else for that matter, it will never change your minds.

Watcher, touche.

Jim, nurses wearing masks while on duty in the hospital still caught the Spanish flu. Historical fact. Easily verified for curious readers. Dentists wearing modern day masks show immunity to that years current flu indicating the masks didn't prevent all particles from escaping. Fact. Easily verified for curious readers.

News Item10/23/2020 5:12 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Watcher wrote: 1)Prove to me that they are lying. That's my point.2) Most of you here are relying on Facebook posts and other questionable information for your confidence......3)I don't trust any government to tell me the truth, therefore I act according to my own conscience 4)and according to the law of the land.5) The point of this article is, remember, churchgoers disobeying the government God put in place. Call it what you want. It's still disobedience, and if you disobey God's ordained government you might as well be disobeying God.

1)Prove they're not lying. Logical fallacy.
2)Strawman. Logical fallacy.
3)Interesting. Your actions make one question this statement. You keep going on about chinas numbers and using them as an example, contradicting.
4)Masks and social distancing are not law.
5)See my previous comments for examples straight from the Bible, inspired stories for the Holy Spirit. Guess God was wrong??? Utter nonsense.

News Item10/23/2020 5:06 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Watcher: If the sick would isolate and take care of themselves, then we wouldn't have such a problem..... Look at Wuhan. They went overboard and welded people into their homes. This seemed horrible when we first watched it, but look at the numbers....Maybe we need respect for authority and do the right thing "

1: As pointed out by Mike that is not what we are doing when we force all to wear mask and social distance. You are taking a guilty until proven innocent view which is backwards and illogical not to mention unloving of your neighbor.

2) Um, welding people in their homes is always bad regardless of numbers.

3) Respecting authority is not the same as blindly obeying every command. Historical and biblical cases offered as an example: disobeying authority by hiding Jews, disobeying authority and lowering Paul out a window, disobeying authority and helping slaves escape, disobeying authority and not killing babies, etc. You'll be hard pressed to find scripture to back up blind submission and obedience to an ungodly government but all this will be ignores because it's easy to do what we're told and not go against the majority. Mob rules.

News Item10/23/2020 4:55 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Russia, Russia, Russia. Nice scapegoat. Are we in the election version of the cold war?

News Item10/20/2020 9:27 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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It's about time someone goes after the monopoly company.

News Item10/18/2020 3:52 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Choose your poison...government control or consquences to your own actions.

News Item10/17/2020 11:20 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Exactly, Neil!

The folly of modern man is to think that our methods are superior to the past. Ever heard of using radiation to cure what it causes..🤦 Read the accounts of those that used mercury and compare it to chemo patients.

News Item10/15/2020 10:01 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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QC, excellent comment!!!

This is an amazing example of a creator! How worthy is He of our praise!

News Item10/15/2020 9:59 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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If these people are stealing and destroying land over land that they claimed was stolen from someone else doesn't that make them hypocrites. 🤔Well, I'll be. By jove, it does!

News Item10/14/2020 2:41 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Jim wrote: Mr. Baret, We should not have laws at the majority won't support, indeed in a democracy those Laws should not be passed in the firstplace And they'll be ignored in the second placeâ—

Lol, reminds me of some mandates.

News Item10/14/2020 2:39 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Watcher, please note where I said, "so says your leftist views " I do not hold to the opinion that a man is unable to speak against abortion. However, Jim's lefty friends do and Jim is in bed with them therefore he should live what he preaches and shut his mouth on abortion. See what I'm saying?

News Item10/14/2020 9:37 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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What disease, Jim? What disease is so life threatening that a woman has to kill her child? What percentage of abortions are performed for life saving reasons, Jim?
You have no uterus. You can't speak on this matter so says your leftist views.

News Item10/13/2020 9:26 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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In obedience to both God and the constitution. 👠Only wrong done here is thr abuse of power by those in authoritative positions.

Hebrews 10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

1st amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."

News Item10/13/2020 9:18 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Ariel, excellent observation.

Well, Dead Nettle and Goldenrod are 2 plants that God designed to bloom at the same time as pollinators. Both plants are excellent for allergies and lack side effects. Allergies hit hard this year, a ton of Ragweed is in bloom, interesting enough both Dead Nettle and Goldenrod were in bloom this fall. Dead Nettle is usually limited to spring/early summer. God designed the plants perfectly. Ezekiel 47:12 - And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

News Item10/13/2020 9:06 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Perhaps more people are questioning their fanatical religion of science worship. It is a constantly changing subject led by men that are constantly trying to deny God and His existence. Oh, how I love science yet, it needs to stay in its humble place, it is not the ultimate source of truth. Data can be bought. Experts can be paid off.

News Item10/13/2020 9:01 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Here's the thing, Watcher, Ragweed is in bloom and that darn mask hasn't stopped all the pollen from blowing into one's nose, etc. All the maskers ended up sick with allergies same as we non maskers. ðŸ‘

News Item10/13/2020 8:58 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Logical fallacy=appeal to authority

Ya Peasants! How dare thou question authority! Yeah, what gives ye the right to believe ye know better than thee when thee has spent years being indoctrinated in only one way of thinking? Does thou believe a book will teach thee? Silly goose. Off with thou head!

News Item10/13/2020 12:03 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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I haven't worn one either, LB. Ended up sick, as expected this time of year, but NOT with covid. Thought this little guy was easy to catch. 🤷

I've dealt with your kind, Watcher. Not pleasant people. Where ever you live that people are "disobeying" in droves is full of freedom loving folks. You should be thankful. Y'all ain't all dead yet so maybe time to question things....

But here we go round the mulberry bush, round the mulberry bush, round the mulberry bush, here we go round the mulberry bush on a cold and fearful morning.

News Item10/11/2020 9:19 PM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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I can relate all too well, John. Virtual communication complicates the matter ever more.

News Item10/11/2020 10:15 AM
HerbalMama  Find all comments by HerbalMama
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Neil, you're right about class division and something that probably played a part in regards to who tried and who didn't. However, the quotation I provided was a direct quote from old classmates so to them it had something to do with color though that is a ridiculious position to take and should be shunned.

A father caring about his son's education sounds like more of what we need.

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