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News Item1/23/12 1:40 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Sigh... if only Obama's mum had an abortion...

...that sounds terribly crass, but think about it for a second. Is it any more crass than Obama "celebrating" a law which has resulted in the deaths of more people than the second world war?

News Item12/31/11 12:10 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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The printed KJV will never be redundant.

1) it never needs recharging
2) it's much cheaper in the long term than an electronic Bible
3) much of the developing world do not have access to electricity, never mind computers
4) there are still many people in this country who do not have a computer

electronic Bibles are useful. but they will never replace the printed page.

News Item12/10/11 1:15 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Why is Sermon Audio republishing articles from the Huffington Post, a liberal Israel bashing,Christian hating website? They don't deserve the publicity.

News Item12/2/11 1:40 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Hmmm let's see. His demand that Israel end natural growth in east Jerusalem effectively derailed the negotiations, giving Abbas the greatest excuse yet not to make peace with the Jews. His call for the establishment of a Palestinian state in a 2 year time frame brought about the current crisis at the UN. His speech recognising the borders of a Palestinian state within the 67 armistice lines undermined Jewish sovereignty in east Jerusalem....

Exactly how has he helped Israel's security again?

News Item11/22/11 5:44 AM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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I sincerely hope the Egyptian army do prevent "democratic" elections from taking place. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate... a dictatorship governed by the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law can only increase persecution for Egypt's 10 million Christian copts, and set Egypt on a path of war with neighbouring Israel. Islam and democracy do not mix.

News Item11/15/11 6:42 AM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Are Liverpool City Council declaring that these streets effectively "belong" to the homosexual community? Will they become no-go areas for people who disagree with their view point? Or when will they put up the street signs in support of other parts of the community? Like the signs with the Shield of David for the Jewish community, or the cross for the Christian community?

News Item11/4/11 2:24 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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I can't seem to find that verse in the Bible, "The Lord helps those who help themselves". Maybe this President who trusts in God, who champions abortion, who promotes the homosexual lifestyle, who bows before Muslim leaders, who gave his oath of office without putting his hand on the Bible, find it for me?

News Item10/22/11 1:17 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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“Even though it’s kind of chaotic, kind of wild and crazy, I see it as very successful,” Chambers said.

Let's see...
Chaos - the absence of order
Wild - the absence of decency
Crazy - the absence of rationality

If that's his definition of success, then I think he better be looking for another job.

News Item10/22/11 1:16 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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“Even though it’s kind of chaotic, kind of wild and crazy, I see it as very successful,” Chambers said.

Let's see...
Chaos - the absence of order
Wild - the absence of decency
Crazy - the absence of rationality

If that's his definition of success, then I think he better be looking for another job.

News Item10/19/11 1:41 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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This is blatant propaganda courtesy of the homosexual rights lobby. I don't ever recall hearing in school that all the important people of history were heterosexuals, or that their sexuality had anything to do with how they lived their lives. So why should it matter that Joe Bloggs who fought in the first world war as left-footed. It's indoctrination!!! Designed to try and normalise the homosexual and lesbian lifestyle in the eyes of the public! At least if you are going to indoctrinate people, do it openly and don't pretend you are doing it just to be politically correct.

News Item10/19/11 1:30 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Without a father for a role model, no wonder the kid is confused. I think the governments who are pushing through the gay rights laws have a lot to answer for, and that it does matter that a child is raised by a mum and dad and not two men or two women.

News Item10/15/11 1:21 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Is this not good news? I mean, Al Gore says that the world is getting too warm. Maybe Columbus actually saved the world by cooling it down a few degrees? Maybe we should send over a few more Columbuses over there?

This is nonsense. If Columbus is to blame for the Earth cooling, who is to blame for Mars warming?

News Item9/20/11 10:50 AM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Will the British government now legalise polygamy for all the Muslims living in the UK who are discriminated against because they can only wed one wife? Will the British government legalise paedophilia, and end discrimination against those who are attracted to people under the age of consent?

You are hypocrites, because you portray yourselves as the champions of equality, when you are only prepared to grant your idea of equality to a limited minority of people because it is politically expedient. The whole lot of you ought to be tried for treason.

News Item9/17/11 2:10 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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What I don't understand is why these atheists are so hung up about Christianity. Do they feel that they have to prove their atheism by going around attacking people who believe in God?

I think maybe the reason for that may be that atheism is not merely a rational belief in science as they claim, but an anti-Christ spirit that seeks to oppose anything to do with God and Jesus Christ.

News Item9/7/11 2:03 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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That's why they dropped the NIV 1984, so that people would be forced to change. They didn't do that with the TNIV, and it was a disaster. They didn't tell anybody the NIV was changing this time, so nobody knows the new ones are different, and won't be put off buying it. Whole churches are going to have to change all their NIV bibles just so everybody is reading from the same book. It's one big money making racket.

News Item9/7/11 1:08 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Street Preacher, we are proud of the KJV and it is still the best selling Bible where we are. Our KJV range is at least 3 or 3 times bigger than our modern versions. We have stickered all the "new" NIVs so that people will know they are different. Thanks to Hodder and Zondervan for not letting people know they are different.

News Item9/6/11 7:29 AM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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I work in a Christian bookshop, and I must admit most people I have come across have never heard about the new NIV. We are selling both at the minute. In some verses the new NIV is actually closer to the King James translation, which is the most accurate word for word translation. But the gender neutral aspect is an issue that needs to be considered. In some verses it does not read well. Better sticking to the original Hebrew version .

News Item8/1/11 1:00 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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The atheists say you can be good without God. But then who defines what 'good' is? Evolution is an amoral theory, it knows neither 'good' nor 'evil'.

Maybe what the atheists really mean is that you can obey your God-given conscience without believing in God.

News Item6/28/11 12:23 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Man's free will and God's foreknowledge are not mutually exclusive. God knows the choices that we will make, long before the thoughts enter our head (Psalm 139:2). Because God knows my thoughts, knows what right and wrong choices I may make, knows what I will do tomorrow and the next day, does that mean I have no free will any more? Simply because God knows in advance? I do not deny that God can work things according to His own purpose, but that does not mean to say I have no free will. If I have no free will, then I cannot be held accountable for my sins. And worse, it makes God responsible for them, since He "ordained" it.

News Item6/28/11 12:10 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Christ gave an answer to God for the sins of all. "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world", 1st John 2:2. Christ gave an answer to God for the sins of the whole world, whether they will avail of that or not. God is righteous and provided a way whereby all could be saved. All will not be saved, but all can be saved if they believed. Calvanism asserts that He provided a way whereby only some can be saved. That would make God unjust. I don't think there is a single example of God in the Scriptures providing a way where some can be saved and not others, e.g. the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Nineveh. Provision is always made for the whosoever will.

Of course those who are saved think election is wonderful. But this teaching is a big problem for those who are not yet saved. Wondering whether or not they are part of the "elect", wondering whether God is willing to save them or not. My own mother wondered for a long time whether she was part of the "elect" before she finally decided to trust Christ for salvation. I believe in election, but I don't believe God elects people to be lost.

As for Israel, yes God chose Abraham. But Abraham also had to obey God (Genesis 22:18).

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