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News Item12/1/2020 10:23 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Even though Biden is a left wing politician, there is probably a little old school in him. IOW, like Trump, he will say something and not mean what he is saying. So, I’m not convinced as to whether he will meet the wishes of the LGBT community or just give lip service. But just as soon as he is removed from office and Harris takes over, all of these abominations will become a reality. If they do, churches will be removed and many will be fired from their jobs if they outwardly object to this movement.

IMO, most churches will cave to Harris’ demands and most workers who interact with the LGBT community will yield. Yielding to her demands is sin; not yielding will mean we are going to be persecuted.

Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

We must as individual believers stand strong.

News Item11/30/2020 10:32 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
I wonder if SA will be forced one day to censure any posts which speak negatively about the religion of Islam out of concern for reprisals like this.
Good morning brother! When these times come to our doorsteps, I think all of us are going to be amazed at who submits to the demands of the antichrist and who doesn’t. That includes which individuals, churches or Christian organizations. I always like to imagine it being a time when the true wheat will be separated from the tares.

Muslim bakers who refuse to bake cakes for homosexuals are never sued.

We rarely if ever hear public harsh criticism of that evil religion.

So, fellow Pilgrim, only the Lord knows what is going to happen on SA when this comes to our doorsteps. I do know they will be shut down if they speak out.

The antichrists of this world already own the Muslims.

News Item11/30/2020 12:37 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
But I recall, Brother Frank, that the two faithful witnesses who were murderd and left to lie in the street were resurrected and taken to heaven.
Or as that old mountain hymn that Bethel co-opted says, "there ain't no grave that's gonna hold my body down."
I agree brother. Any Christian that dies is taken directly into heaven. Praise the Lord for His grace. And those that murder us will be held accountable.

News Item11/29/2020 3:56 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

One day the murders will come to our doorsteps. Those who choose to worship the beast and take his mark to show their allegiance will be safe until the return of the Lord. Those who do not will be hunted down and murdered.

News Item11/29/2020 11:52 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Well since I have biblically separated myself from John Piper because of his comments regarding Rick Warren, I didn’t read the article. But from the title it sounds like he is giving justification for all the riots and division that is taking place.

Simply said, all genders and all races are equal in God’s eyes. And neither of these groups will tell God at the judgment; but I was born a female or I was born black. IOW, no one will claim they were victims in this life.

News Item11/29/2020 11:39 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
I'd never really thought about it, but it must be true. This is how the latter day churches will end up falling away, by watering down God's message to the world, and thereby preaching a false simplistic gospel with no commitment, no genuine God-given repentance, no turning away from sin, merely a 'join the club' scenario and have a great time, with BBQ's, superbowl church, get rich quick, and all that sort of nonsense. The falling away church must never think for one minute about self-sacrifice, or the great commission, or loving people. It must exist for its members and look after its members and keep its members happy. Be an all inclusive society. Don't talk about sin. Ignore the epistles of John. Ignore God's command to be holy as he is holy. Just do your own thing.
Yes, antinomianism is more rampant than I thought. And they need to study up on what God thought of 'sin in the camp' in the OT, and then read Acts 5.
Yes brother, on one side of the coin we have antinomianism and on the other legalism. One side preaches an incorrect grace and the other side preaches an incorrect obedience to God. And let me add that both of these sides dummy down the gospel of Christ. Even on a forum like this we can clearly see this.

News Item11/28/2020 6:03 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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I of course agree with this decision.

But IMO, they get no Christian fruit. A Christian will speak truth for the right reason with the right intent; whereas an unsaved person will speak that same truth for the wrong reason and with false intent.

News Item11/28/2020 5:56 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
A walk out in these circumstances would be the best thing to happen in the CoE. Unfortunately, these lily-livered Anglican prelates will cave in and continue to support every demand of the sodomites, and knock another nail in the church's coffin.
I agree completely with you brother. Any church that allows homosexuals or LGBT supporters to join their church really isn't a Christian church.

Now antinomians might accept them as long as they also say they are saved by grace.

News Item11/28/2020 5:51 PM
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Dr Roger Clark wrote:
not "doctors" but rather "paid assassins" -
"Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay the
innocent" (Deuteronomy 27;25)
may the LORD change their hearts.
Yes brother, thanks for your comment. Coming from a Christian medical doctor adds weight to your thoughts. Yes, when they decide to play God then this form of murder becomes more prevalent.

What a sick world we live in.

News Item11/28/2020 11:49 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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HerbalMama wrote:
Frank, I have family that are in the 1% too. We take care to not go around when we're sick (and not just for covidl!) but when we're not sick we hug them and continue our lives as usual embraced and encouraged by them as well. Justify your personal decisions, that's fine. They are your choices and I respect that. However, you can't (and I havent necessarily seen you do so) demand others live like you.
Yes, I have never suggested to anyone what precautions they should take. I have frequently said that if someone believes God is saying something different than the authorities, then we have a mandate to obey God and not man. And I have been consistent in saying we should not look at this virus with the perspective of our own neighborhoods. I am one who never discounts conspiracies without much thought, so I have simply said that we should look at every country in the world. If it is a conspiracy, then the governments of the entire world are complicit.

News Item11/28/2020 12:55 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Dr. Tim wrote:
If someone really, truly, sincerely and with all his heart believes a lie, that doesn’t stop it from being a lie. If someone tells a lie thinking it’s the truth, that doesn’t stop him from being a liar. If someone tells slanderous lies, in writing, then no matter if he “means well” (which, incidentally, is highly unlikely), that still doesn’t stop him from being a libelous liar. But enough of this. As QC has rightly pointed out, the article was about a whole different subject. Perhaps some folks would like to comment on that for a change.
So, you are saying that if someone doesn’t understand a particular truth and speaks out against it, then they are a liar. I tend to think that a liar is someone who knows a truth, but intentionally states something differently.

News Item11/27/2020 10:25 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Frank, your dear brother accused Independent Fundamental Baptists of being a legalistic, brainwashing cult. That is not one, but three outright and vicious lies. Since these defamatory falsehoods appear in print, they constitute libel. I don’t know what you call liars who commit libel, but I call them libelous liars.
Well Tim, I started off by saying I wasn’t personally familiar with the IFB. I googled them and put the word cult in and there were lots of people saying they were in fact cults. But, I personally could care less what those articles said.

All I was trying to say is that if John says they are a cult, then he believes what he is saying. If memory serves me correctly he has actually attended IFB churches. Now that might make him wrong, but not a libelous liar.

I remember once disagreeing with you about the KJB being the only bible we should use. Before going after John's tact perhaps you should consider yours.

News Item11/27/2020 7:42 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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HerbalMama wrote:
Lol. You mean people are tired of being jailed in over a virus with a 99% survivability rate....
The audacity of someone to gather with their family and hug them without the authority granting them permission to utilize their God given rights.
My children are around 50 and they come around rarely and they always wear masks. I have never said they can’t come or that they would put me in harm’s way if they did. It is and has always been totally their choice. One is a teacher and the other works at a fire department and both come into contact with lots of people. And both know that I and my wife would be in the 1 percent you spoke of.

News Item11/27/2020 7:13 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
So speaks an elderly IFB preacher.
Did you see the psychological manipulation there. Make your own minds up. Does he speak with grace or with venom?
Where there is no grace in the speech, there is no grace in the heart. And if there is no grace in the heart......
Well brother, I know that you aren't a libelous liar. Like me, you have strong viewpoints on the subject of Christian denominations and theology. I don't know anything about the IFB, but I do know that one of their members told me he could care less whether I read the Koran. IOW, he didn't believe I was a Christian so what difference would it make. One of our evangelical feminists has also told me I was not in the faith. Remember Ahab and Jezebel.

But throughout the years only those two and SteveR has actually said I wasn't a Christian. Remember SteveR actually said you, me, and U.S. made up the unholy trinity.

P.S., I can't imagine taking the time to defend my faith in the Lord with any of these 3.

You are not alone Pilgrim!

News Item11/27/2020 7:00 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
We opted to change our plans due to the neighboring state's restrictions rather than a fear of the virus. Our plan was very "socially distant," yet we opted to remain inside the boundaries of that state's laws by remaining out of the state rather than enter without a recent negative COVID test. It wasn't the health was the mild threat of prosecution, if caught and convicted, that kept us home. Most of those we know across multiple states were either guests ot hosts of multi-household affairs.
So one has to question what people believe is both the boundaries of their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and the state's right to regulate how life, liberty, and pursuits may be pursued.
My sense is that most didn't feel the government had the right to "cancel" holidays.
I agree with what you wrote brother. My wife and I are as locally active as we ever were; shopping, eating out. Face masks and hand washing and we also try to social distance. In Florida there are very few restrictions. We haven’t travelled any distance because like you, we don’t have any way of knowing what “their” restrictions will be. Perhaps an entire plane is quarantined or a hotel somewhere.

News Item11/26/2020 11:25 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
I read the words 'full pardon' and immediately thought about what the Lord God Almighty has done for me, in pardoning all of my sins, past, present and future. The blood is sprinkled on the heavenly mercy seat, the debt is paid, and I am free. No wonder I am so happy.
Jesus paid it all
All to him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washes white as snow
What can wash my sins away
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
The vilest offender who truly believes
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives
There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel's veins
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains
Mine, mine, mine
I know thou art mine
Saviour, dear Saviour
I know thou art mine
Joy unspeakable and full of glory!
Do you long to be saved? It is far simpler than you think. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved:
1. From the consequences of your sin
2. From the dominion of sin
3. Eventually even from the presence of sin
I serve a risen Saviour
He's in the world today
Above him there's no other
For Jesus is the way
Oh happy day that fixed my choice
On thee my Saviour and my God
Amen and amen brother!

News Item11/25/2020 4:00 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
That's an excellent point Brother Frank. Her opponent is rabidly pro-abortion and all else associated with the Progressive Left, marking him as a heretic despite his ministry affliation. So either it's a vote for the RCC woman or the heretic man.
I always appreciated your rationale for supporting the current President. Would that same rationale apply here?
It's not just abortion but pulling the last safety stop before the nation slides off into the abyss of outright Socialism.
Hey brother! I recently voted and if there was a woman on any republican ticket, I simply did not vote. My rationale was that a president could influence the number of abortions, but I didn't feel those lower had much influence.

IMO, the demonic influence is having a woman on a political ticket; republican, democratic or independent.

Thanks for the question!

News Item11/25/2020 11:53 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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I praise the Lord that none of God’s children will perform, undergo or promote abortions. I praise the Lord that unlike some countries, there are no forced abortion in the U.S. at least not at the present. Satan literally desires to murder all.

John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

But, with that said, I am against literally all abortions regardless of who gets them or for whatever reasons they give.

"When the life of the mother is truly threatened by her pregnancy, if both lives cannot simultaneously be saved, then saving the mother’s life must be the primary aim. If through our careful treatment of the mother’s illness the pre-born patient inadvertently dies or is injured, this is tragic and, if unintentional, is not unethical and is consistent with the pro-life ethic. But the intentional killing of an unborn baby by abortion is never necessary."

News Item11/25/2020 10:40 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Loeffler is Catholic.[40]

In 2004, she married Intercontinental Exchange founder and CEO and Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange Jeffrey Sprecher.[15] They live in Tuxedo Park, Atlanta,[77] in a $10.5 million, 15,000-square-foot (1,400 m2) estate named Descante, bought in the most expensive residential real estate transaction ever recorded in Atlanta.[12] In November 2020, Newsweek reported Loeffler's and Sprecher's combined net worth at $800 million, making her the wealthiest U.S. senator.[78][22]

From the above, I understand why FG thinks this lady should be elected. He is a media/political christian and she is a catholic/political feminist. IMO, the demonic influence is having a woman on a political ticket.

News Item11/24/2020 3:51 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Amen brother! I realise how deep this could go, and I prefer the simplicity that is in Christ. I have one exhortation that I remind myself of continually, and if I could only do this one thing without wavering, it would make me a very happy man.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
(18)  In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
It reminded me of a woman I read about once, whom the Lord seemed to have gotten into a position of peaceful resignation, and to all intents and purposes she seemed to be able to give thanks to God, not only in all circumstances, but even for them, seeing every thing as an expression of God's love to her.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
(18) In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

What a wonderful verse to meditate on. Thanks fellow Pilgrim.

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