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News Item4/8/16 8:31 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"his father "the Great King" when they would take the wealth of the rich and give them to the righteous? (does that not sound a bit Castro like?)"
I know you know this is false- why keep talking about it? I honestly don't understand- I've read your posts for a long time, and while I agreed with some and disagreed with others, I didn't think you would spread something you knew wasn't true. Lord willing, both of us will be posting on here long after this election. Is it worth all this? I get that you don't agree with Cruz and that you like Trump. I just wish we could have an honest discussion about policies. I don't expect to agree with Cruz 100% of the time, so I don't mind valid criticism. I do mind lies. I do mind malicious gossip. I do mind comparing a Brother in Christ to the Communist Monster who tortured said Brother in Christ's sister. Penny, I love you as a Sister in Christ and I care about you. Please stop this.
P.S. In case anyone wishes to check it out themselves:

News Item4/7/16 2:43 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I think it's likely everyone in Cleveland will need Helmets!

Seriously though, I think something we can all agree on, is that it would be well to start Praying for both the GOP and Dem. Conventions this Summer- that the Lord's will will be done, and that no one gets hurt.

Wonderful News!!!

News Item4/7/16 1:41 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"What is this, dog pile on the cheeta?"
Ever see Brad Stein?
Hope you have a Wonderful Day!

News Item4/6/16 3:30 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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We live in a Constitutional Representitive Republic- not a Democracy.

News Item4/6/16 2:25 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Agree 100%!

News Item4/6/16 2:12 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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The Trump Campaign isn't even showing up to try and get Delegates. Heard on Radio that after a State is done they're Firing their staff there- the staff that would normally handle Delegate vetting, which is a key part of this process. In Colorado they hired a guy to handle Delegates- and then fired him the day BEFORE he was going to meet with them! In North Dakota they didn't even attempt to show up. Pennsylvania's Delegates are completely unbound and they can vote for who ever they want, regardless of the election. Cruz was out visiting them over the weekend, no other Candidate did. If Trump wants this, then he needs to start following the rules and stop sitting on the sidelines whining about a "Big Steal".
Has anyone else heard what Roger Stone said? He's a former Trump advisor now running a Trump Super-PAC and talked about holding demonstrations in Cleveland and releasing the Hotel Room info of the Delegates so people can "talk" to them. He's also dubbing the plan "Days of Rage". If it's anything like the 1968 "Days of Rage", I doubt that will end well.

News Item4/5/16 6:23 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... Mrs. Hoge is woefully mis-informed on S. 306! HSLDA has been leading the charge against Common Core for years. (You can see just some of their work to educate people at They would never support something that would inflict Common Core on Homeschools. You can read their summary of the bill here:
Also included on the page are links to the Thank You Letters they sent to the Senators who sponsored it, an Explanation of the Accounts discussed in the Bill, and a FAQ page about the Bill. IMO, the folks over at NewswithViews could use a little more fact, and a little less un-informed speculation. Mrs. Hoge is not a lawyer and obviously has a political ax to grind. (She lays the whole bill at Cruz's feet, ignoring the fact that Sen. Mike Lee was the main sponsor; Her sub-title is "How Can Donald Trump Crush Ted Cruz in Wisconsin?"; and she only started talking about this when Cruz started doing well.) Again, a little homework is helpful- has proven it's self to be a nest of speculation and sloppy research. Hope you have a Blessed Evening!

News Item4/5/16 6:22 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I have seen that clip. (I think you'd have to live under a rock not to have! ) Fiorina interrupted multiple times and Cruz himself said it was false and utter garbage. I certainly wouldn't accuse Trump of "hiding" if one of his supporters interrupted and challenged the legitimacy of a question. Either way, he has since said that he has never committed adultery, which you can watch below, and that was the point I was making.

You did not address my question. The article you posted was pure speculation as to whether Cruz has been faithful to his wife, and whether Kasich is secretly gay. Is an article that smears people with zero evidence appropriate for a Christian forum? Is that how we would like others to treat us? Aren't we commanded against both gossip and bearing false witness?...

News Item4/5/16 4:26 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... Cruz's Mom was not a "Registered Voter" in Canada. The document she appears on:
is just a Preliminary list that was compiled by two people going door to door in that district. (Kind of like a Census.) There was to be a hearing for correcting it, so errors were expected. Furthermore, it's worth noting that even if she HAD become a Canadian citizen by 1974- she could not have been when Ted was born in 1970. Canadian law dictates that one must be a resident for at least 5 years before applying for citizenship. Mrs. Cruz had only lived in Canada for 3 years when Ted came along!
I hope all this is helpful to you! Have a Great Day!

News Item4/5/16 4:26 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... I can also quote from the Naturalization Act of 1790 which gives us a very good idea of the Founder's Original Intent when they said "Natural Born":
"the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond the Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."
Cruz's Father was a Legal U.S. Resident for a decade before they moved to Canada. ...

News Item4/5/16 4:25 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"It is possible to be a citizen but not a natural born citizen."
Yes, indeed! But one must go through a naturalization process. A Non-Citizen cannot just waltz in and run for Senate. Cruz has not gone through any such process. There are public records of such things and we would have seen it spread around the internet long before now!
2 of my Great-Grandfathers were born to American Citizens in other Countries- they were not born on US soil and they were both considered Natural Born Citizens. You said you don't want opinion. I linked to the Harvard article- not for their opinion, but so you could look up the documents posted along the side. Those are the legislative and judicial definitions of "Natural Born" going back to the Founding Era. ...

News Item4/5/16 3:32 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@T. Dawlish
"According to his father and Huch, Ted Cruz is anointed by God to help Christians in their effort to “go to the marketplace and occupy the land … and take dominion” over it."

Complete and utter falsehood. The entire sermon is watchable here and politics was not the topic, nor did Rafael Cruz ever mention his son:

News Item4/4/16 7:21 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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All you and are doing is spreading speculative filth with zero evidence! I don't say anything about Trump that I can't solidly back up with multiple sources or actual audio or video. The author of the article you posted, on the other hand, can't even figure out what a "Natural Born Citizen" according to the Founding Fathers is, let alone have the decency not to speculate about who a DC Prostitute's clients were. Also, just for the record, the National Enquirer did not claim to have any proof- they just claim to be reporting on a rumour being spread by others. Furthermore, Cruz has absolutely denied ever being unfaithful to his wife- he is not "hiding behind Fiorina's skirts" as your author put it. You've posted things that turned out to be false because you didn't either 1. Have actual proof or 2. Do your homework. Don't you think it's important to vet your sources and only link to things you know to be true? I think this is quite serious and we should all, as Christians, make sure that we do not falsely accuse people.

News Item4/4/16 7:07 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... Hope you have a Wonderful Day!

News Item4/4/16 7:05 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I greatly appreciate your heart on this issue, and you should certainly follow the dictates of your conscience! However, I view the incremental laws differently. I have supported both Personhood legislation and a "Heartbeat Bill" that would ban the killing of any child with a Heartbeat. IMO, all bills set before legislators pose moral questions. Is x, y, or z right or wrong? Yes or No? There isn't a "kinda" vote! If someone asked me "Is it wrong to kill Children who can feel pain and aren't threatening the life of the Mother or the Result of Rape or Incest?" I would emphatically answer "Yes!". I think that killing any child not threatening the Mother's life wrong as well, but that is not the question being asked. The fact that a single bill only covers part of an issue does not justify the rest of an issue. For Example: Would voting for a proposed law making it illegal for Drunk Minors to Drive mean I've legalized Minors getting Drunk? Or if the law said "No Minor shall be drunk in public" does that mean they can be drunk in private? That particular law only covers a portion of the problem- it does not logically follow that it is thereby endorsing the part of the problem not covered. Anyhow, those are my $0.02, and how I view the issue! Hope you have a

News Item4/4/16 12:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Question
The meaning of "Natural Born" has been well defined since the Founding Era. This article provides an excellent, well footnoted, overview:
By even the strictest historical interpretation Cruz is qualified.
Something people forget when this comes up is that if Cruz is not a "Natural Born" citizen- then he's not a citizen at all. He's never gone through any naturalization process. And if he's not a citizen he would not have been able to drive, vote, or be a Senator. As one of the most hated men in the Senate this would have come up looong before now, but it hasn't.

News Item4/1/16 8:37 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Went to see "God's Not Dead 2" today! Very timely message, showing different characters struggling through various forms of opposition to their faith, some stuggling with their faith, and others coming to faith. IMO, the plot line, arguments, and realism are all better than the first one!

News Item4/1/16 12:36 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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1. The amount of Jobs in this Country is not fixed. In trying to "save" the jobs in one industry the Government generally crushes a new industry that would have created more jobs than the one being "saved". Government regulations and higher taxes kill jobs before they can be created.
2. Free Trade helps all Businesses. Think of Micro-Businesses like Etsy shops. Those businesses thrive because they can Import materials to turn into a product that they can then Export. I've both Imported and Exported things myself, and the process generates revenue for me, for the gas station, for the store I will spend the money I made in, and for the shipping company. No losers- Everyone wins!
3. The biggest killer of jobs is not "Greedy Corporations" but rather "Corrupt Government". Obamacare is a classic example. Another is the regulation passed by Un-elected DC goons after Lead was found in Chinese toys. Now a crafter at a craft show can't sell Doll Clothes with Buttons unless they can afford to send the buttons to a Government-approved lab to be Certified that they are Lead-Free. Our Big Government has killed our jobs- not Free Trade.

News Item4/1/16 12:35 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"and you've got a businessman who has had to deal with these regulations for 40 years, knows how other countries are laughing at us, and you want to argue with him on this Christians?"

I will argue with anyone who thinks more Government is the answer. We have apparently forgotten Reagan's line about the most terrifing words in the English Language: "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help". Free markets are the foundation of Capitalism. Government "fixing" the market is the foundation of Socialism. Trump has zero experience in Capitalism. He took the Millions he inherited from his father and paid other people to deal with the regulations. The net result of his "brilliant" business moves would have been exceeded by an average stock portfolio. What he does have experience in is Soft Socialism- that's why Goverment is his answer to everything. I'm busy this weekend and don't have the time to explain the ins and outs of Free Economics, but here are a few points to consider:

News Item3/31/16 8:48 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Free trade doesn't work when Governments move to "protect" the economy and only the Big Businesses can afford to send Lobbyists to DC for Relief and Favors. High, Wide-spread Tariffs (as Trump supports) kill Small Family Businesses, Increase the Cost of Goods at the store, Force Manufacturers to decrease their workforce and wages, and Undermines the Competitiveness of American-made goods in the World Market. The Middle class suffers the most, the Corporations you want to stop only get bigger as they swallow the little companies that couldn't handle it. Look into the Smoot-Hawley Tariff- it was one of the key contributors to the Great Depression.
As for Trump being a Psychopath- I've never said that, though I do think something's off about him- even Ann Coulter, who supports him, says he is "mental".
Hope you have a Good Evening!
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