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News Item6/13/15 10:49 AM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Exactly what the Satanic OECD, IMF, World Bank, UN and their blackmailed minions will do to any future countries who oppose their abortionist and fecalist death cult enforcement agenda which will then bring in the final Antichrist. All Christians holding money in offshore centers now to keep it out of funding abortion will be exposed by the new CRS of the OECD starting 2017.

News Item6/12/15 8:40 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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What do you expect from one of the most damned hard core Marxist states in the history of the world.

News Item5/23/15 4:49 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Ken if you are reading this you need to get the hell out of Babylon ASAP. God does not intervene for us until Jesus returns in this life, you can do something good to help out believers in the last exodus out of the marxist and islamic lands which I help believers in working out for themselves. Move to Paraguay or select few other countries still generally favorable to Biblical morality.

News Item5/10/15 6:40 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Absolute abomination, and he really thinks he is doing this and saying this for Jesus, it is absolutely unbelievable.

News Item5/5/15 10:26 AM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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The damned will always have their way in Babylon USA now, it has been given over to Satan by the will of their people.

News Item5/5/15 10:23 AM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Stooge will be silenced, Kenyan controlling hypocrites "have room" for giving power to Muslims and Sharia law and abortion now in Kenya under Satanic Babylon USA blackmail, mark my word they WILL accept the fecalist agenda in law too like EVERYONE ELSE who bows down to Babylon USA, UN, OECD, IMF.

News Item3/28/15 1:36 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Thanks for posting this. I have moved to south america and this is one of the reasons, I refuse to be controlled and have the threat of violence, prison, forced computer accessing, and or property confiscation put upon me merely for existing in their hellish Satanic Marxist police state.

News Item3/9/15 6:49 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Only war will stop these people. Or leave the country like I did.

News Item3/9/15 6:47 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Burn them alive

News Item3/7/15 2:16 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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I decided a few years ago to get off gmail, hotmail, etc. Never used facebook. I got a countermail email which will become my permanent email. We all have to start building our own networks OUTSIDE of the control of google, microsoft, facebook, etc. And they need to be hosted in Christian friendly countries who will not side with so called "hate speech" laws.

News Item2/11/15 11:54 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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You cannot anymore escape taking part in the forced funding of murder of preborn babies with your taxes if you want to stay living in the USA and Canada. This is why I left since there are only 3 options that exist now:

1) Give in, fund Satan, fund the murder of babies, go with the flow and justify your sins saying it is all "ordained by God" or some other Calvinist bs response.

2) Fight back, go to war, turn such countries into Kingdoms so that Christians can be protected from being forced to take part in such genocidal level sins. Such types War will never happen anymore due to globalist UN control and global military and a pathetic emasculated pacifistic western Christianity

3) Get out. Just like our forefathers got out of Europe under Roman Catholic evil "rulers" who were "ordained by God" if you take such sayings literally, which neither I nor any of North America's ancestors did, THEY LEFT and never came back. In our time there are areas we can leave to and never come back and start new worlds again. This is the only long term solution, otherwise blood is on your hands, or your blood will be split, or like Hovind you will be imprisoned, the second guaranteed outcome of #2 option which he foolishly thought he could fight and win in this modern age of Babylonian S

News Item2/7/15 10:24 AM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Obamanation is such a ______ he invokes the inquisition as being "in the name of Christ".

Trojan Pagan Atheist doesn't understand the difference.

1) New Testament does not TEACH genocide or killing to advance the faith.

2) Koran and Hadiths do TEACH genocide and killing to advance their faith.

Therefore no genocide or forced conversions by people claiming the name of Christ is "in the name of Christ", it is in the name of those heretics. But the same cannot be said for Islam since by the sword is a command from their God.

News Item1/31/15 3:16 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dylan
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" Super Bowl a good idea on the Lord's Day? For some, the game may even take them away from church altogether. We've gone from Sabbath to Lord's day to Super Bowl Sunday..."

Shameless heretic. The only Lord's day is The Sabbath day. Pathetic sickening heretic, you claim the Sabbath Day instituted before sin itself is done away, yet you are so shameless you claim it was changed to Sunday and all the same rules apply to Sunday observance now. Sickening papist tradition propagandists to the end you are, justifying the traditions of men until Jesus returns because you are too proud to repent and admit your sickening error.

News Item12/31/14 7:05 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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"time and chance happeneth to them all"

The law of this world of sin induced chaos and randomness, not Calvinism. Don't look for a reason in this life as you won't find one for any such events, it is all time and chance alone.

News Item12/27/14 12:05 AM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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This law was created to further the globalist's depopulation agenda since they know very few will afterwards take blood anymore if they know it can come from an aids infected pervert, I for one would rather die from whatever I have instead of risking dying over 10 drawn out years from AIDS infected blood lingering me to have a very long torturous death. So more people are going to die, quicker and easier, more money for the health care people to pocket for themselves too while serving the depopulation agenda all at the same time.

Sermon12/10/14 2:37 AM
Dylan | Maryland  Find all comments by Dylan
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How Satan Gets Into Your Head
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
To Mark: That's a good point. I think "a house divided against itself cannot stand" was not a metaphor applicable to the relationship of the human body and the human mind. It was used to illustrate that one cannot "sort of" be on the side of God or Satan. God gives Christians a spiritual awareness when they are redeemed that allows their mind or house to base itself in Him. The spirit will always be at war with the body because of the innate fallen nature of our physical body no matter how pious and obedient we are. "Being divided" against oneself in this instance isn't referring to the war between body and spirit or body and mind but being spiritually on the side of God or the side of Satan. It helped illustrate the illogical accusations of the Pharisees and how if one is truly a servant of God, one cannot also be serving satan. The Pharisees accused Jesus of doing this, but the line "a divided house cannot stand against itself" was to illustrate how such accusations didn't hold their weight logically or spiritually. We will always be at war with our bodies until we no longer are stuck in them.

News Item11/7/14 11:12 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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The Roman Catholic church is little more then a pagan modernized fusion version of the ancient pagan cult of the queen of heaven that was worshiped in Biblical times. In our time the majority of those who used to be protestors against the RC church now accept them calling them part of "the" church as well, thus "protest-antism" is becoming yet another new age fusion "accept-antism" religion. I had one "missionary" say to me recently that he accepts anyone who claims "Jesus is Lord" and he says RCs do that so he does not oppose them, nor does he believe in standing strong for Biblical doctrine claiming in heaven we are somehow going to "see how petty our doctrinal stances were".

News Item11/5/14 8:03 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Even the frothing Pagan worshipers of Diana 2000 years ago could be reasoned with and left Paul alone in the end, Muslims would have burned him to death on the spot.

News Item10/29/14 5:40 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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HAH biggest ironic hypocrisy ever. MUSLIMS IN AFRICA were the direct cause of slavery, enslaving Africans and other groups for CENTURIES before the Europeans ever started doing it and coming to the New World, and when they did start doing it and going to the New World they were buying them off Muslims who already had them enslaved and had an empire of slave trading in Africa already running. Slavery is a major part of the Koran and Hadith, people should actually read them directly and find out what TRUE Islam really teaches in their (un) "holy" books. It will also provide you some entertainment to read them as you will see how pathetic the writing is in their books compared to the Bible, you literally won't believe how people can see their books as "holy", you won't believe it, the books are written like you are listening to a 6 year old son of a donkey herder talking to you about cartoon stories.

News Item10/28/14 3:19 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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