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News Item7/4/12 1:44 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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How sad, yet perhaps in a way it is a sign of where America and the West in general is heading. Maybe if the nation got back to God, they wouldn't have a cause to fly such a sign.

The wicked are turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

News Item6/26/12 5:00 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Nobody said anything about Bible versions, Jim. You must be seeing things!

Even I know the US constitution says nothing about separation of Church and State. And I'm not even an American. Unfortunately this is another victory for those who wish to have Christianity airbrushed out of US history.

News Item6/23/12 1:13 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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True Judaism is not a religion of Satan. Proper Biblical Judaism is of God. Christianity is founded on Judaism. Proper Biblical Judaism recognizes the deity of the Messiah. Rabbinical Judaism, the type we mostly see today with all its Pharisaical man-made rules and regulations, is not of God.

But Roman Catholicism is in exactly the same position as Rabbinical Judaism today. They have added many man-made rules and regulations to what the Bible says. Worship of Mary, prayers to the saints, etc. How are these things of God?

News Item6/21/12 1:47 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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I think there is a vast difference between assisted suicide and easing the suffering of someone who is terminally ill and who would die without medication anyway. We have to realize the standard of care is a lot higher now than it was hundreds of years ago, and it is only because of this we are now facing the dilemma of having to withdraw medication which could keep a person "alive" indefinitely. It's not a nice decision to have to make, but people do have to make it every day.

News Item6/17/12 4:24 AM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Obama knows the liberal media will support him in this, even if most Americans won't. It's part of his strategy for re-election. The illegal immigrants, and now homosexual marriage. He seems to be getting increasingly desperate.

News Item6/16/12 3:12 AM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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I guess Obama must be really struggling to find new voters for his election campaign

News Item6/15/12 6:25 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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John for Jesus:
Christ said, Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. So how can you have people believing but not receiving God's salvation?

If salvation is all God's work, and man has no responsibility in the matter, then why did God choose so few to be saved? Like the scene at the end of Schindler's List, could He not have saved a few more?

News Item5/31/12 3:39 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the test!

Paul may have escaped unharmed from a snakebite, but I don't think he would have encouraged people to tempt God by taking them up and playing with them.

News Item5/28/12 5:34 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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North Korean people are not stupid. But when you have an absolute dictatorship in power that has nuclear weapons at its disposal, there is precious little you can do about it without putting at risk many more millions of lives. And what is worse at the end of the day, "losing" a few hundred people here and there, or plunging the region into nuclear war?

News Item5/22/12 4:19 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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This is great news. I rejoice with the apostle Paul. As Paul said, some preach Christ out of contention, others in love. But nevertheless Christ is preached!

News Item5/16/12 1:31 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Personally I agree, saying "God bless Britain" would have been a bad idea in this country. But it shows that Blair really craved the presidential "power" George Bush had.

It is easy to criticize. I can find plenty of reasons to do so too. But the Bible says "pray for all who are in authority". Paul wrote that when Nero was emperor. We can look at the negative side of things, how this government and country is in a mess and sit in judgement on it, and sometimes that is needed. But we also need to pray for it and be that light in the dark place.

News Item5/14/12 4:09 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Hmmm. Christian Zionism...
The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob - Ps 82:7

Hmmm. Jewish supremacism...
And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts - Mal 3:12

Hmmm. Easy believism...
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved - Rom 10:13

Hmmm. Imminent rapturism...
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh - Mat 25:13

Hmmm. Prosperity theology...

Hmmm. License to sin theology...

News Item5/12/12 1:43 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Grrr... This makes me mad!

You can affirm all the sins of the day that you want, but don't ever say God made you do it!

News Item5/2/12 6:36 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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According to the Bible it is perfectly Scriptural to forbid it if no interpreter is present.

Secondly, "tongues" in the Biblical sense (as opposed to ordinary foreign languages) was always a sign of judgement to unbelievers. The first mention of tongues in the Bible is at Babel. When it is mentioned in the Old Testament, it refers to the judgement of the nation of Israel, that they would go into exile (I will speak unto this people in a speech deeper than they can perceive). At Pentecost it was a sign to the unbelieving nation of Israel that God was doing a new thing, and their unbelief excluded them from it.

The Biblical gift of tongues (again as opposed to just an unknown language) in this respect has ceased, simply because there is no further need for it. Believers in Christ are not under God's judgement.

News Item5/1/12 2:32 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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We'll all be gay when Jonny comes marching home...

Better make sure he stays where he is then!

News Item4/29/12 12:47 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Homosexuality is a "spirit", not an "orientation". That is why homosexuals like Savage are not satisfied with mere "tolerance" of their lifestyle, now afforded to them by the British and US governments, but to give our full approval of their sin. That is why men like Savage will brow-beat and berate the beliefs of those who hold an opposing view in a matter of conscience.

News Item4/22/12 5:23 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Most Israelis are able to read English, but many still cannot as the article states. Many are immigrants from Russia or Poland who maybe know very little English, and have learned Hebrew to integrate into Israeli society. These people will accept a Bible written in Hebrew much quicker than one written in English.

Is a new Hebrew translation really that necessary? Probably not. What we do need to do is to get the existing Hebrew Bible into the hands of the people. So few Jews have a Bible or are encouraged to read it for themselves.

News Item4/21/12 1:47 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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So let me get this straight. We must teach paganism because we can't discriminate against witches and druids, but it's alright to discriminate against Christians by banning creationism from the classroom?

News Item4/11/12 1:37 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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I wouldn't call them bitter ex-fundamentalists, I would call them what the Bible calls them, apostate. "They went out from us because they were not of us" as John says. "A heretic after the first and second admonition, reject". Don't even debate them.

News Item1/26/12 1:59 PM
Chris Perver | Bangor, N. Ireland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Perver
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Once again the atheists prove how illogical their belief system is...

"God is an imaginary friend"... An unsubstantiated statement. 6000 years of Biblical history prove otherwise...

"It would be better for us all if we chose reality"... Didn't work in Albania. Not working so well in countries like North Korea.

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