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News Item1/28/2020 12:35 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I found it interesting that this was "discovered " in the UK...

Chances are, we Americans have discovered a cure to cancer, but big-pharma won't let them use it...

The UK and the rest of Europe will get things like this, but America won't until the big drug companies stop holding hands with the FDA...

News Item1/27/2020 2:14 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The great modern destroyer of people, societies, and freedom. The most advanced system of control we have ever experienced in earth's history. And what do they do in a great crisis like this? Do what communist have always done. Hide the truth and proclaim lies...

I appreciate your comments YIA, as they are a small glimpse into to the unproven yet obvious truth of communist China...

People seem to have this false idea, that China is the first successful communist state. In reality, they have just been able to suppress the truth longer than Russia, Cuba, or the other communist countries did. It will all come out in it's miserable, and horrible truth someday...

Amd America will probably elect a socialist president the next year...

News Item1/26/2020 11:22 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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When I a thread reaches 45+ comments I get to thinking its a debate...

Yall have fun...

News Item1/25/2020 1:16 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Great idea Joel!

He could set up universal health care, force everyone to elect Democrats, and get to troll hundreds of websites using his liberal minions...

I guess it wouldn't look very different than it does now, in that case though...

News Item1/25/2020 12:35 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I don't think Mexico would want California back QC...

The major (Democrat controlled) cities are becoming such scum pockets that they probably see it as a relief that they lost the Mexican American war...

News Item1/24/2020 2:20 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Down in Mississippi we celebrate "Get Your Roadkill" day...

Once a year, on February 31st, all us kin clean the roads up as a way to fill the pantry and celebrate the bounty given to us each year...

News Item1/24/2020 2:13 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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One big step in fighting a centralized, one government system...

The EU and the UN really have no purpose except to destroy the cultural, and economic values of it's nations...

How can a system like the EU be able to successfully manage the Scottish sheep farmer, Italian Baker, and German hotel manager? How can they protect and defend the rights of such vastly different people, and societies? The answer is, they can't, so instead they simply try to force everyone to follow their own invented system...

Local government is the best way to ensure a people's freedom and health as a nation...

News Item1/23/2020 12:07 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Man has gone to much greater lengths in support of sin...

They know stopping a single chick-fil-a won't affect their company. It is all about the "principle" of supporting the sodomite community...

News Item1/21/2020 10:10 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Not me...

I believe at least 8 hours of sleep is very important to having a successful, clearly thought out day. Many long term health effects can come from a lack of sleep over a long term period...

Being well rested has made me have much more successful days, and be able to avoid bad decisions...

Good food is just as important, as it gives your body a excellent way to combat all of the stress we experience. Opposum steak with Kinfolk Sauce is the best way to start a day...

News Item1/20/2020 12:05 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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*praising ungodly writers or figures)...

There are ways to gain massive amounts of knowledge and economic stability in a culture that wants to have some type of work assurance before they hire you. You can also get good grades without having to comprise your convictions (mine is a 3.3 GPA), and you don't have to spend huge amounts of money living on a campus to get the same exact education as they do. Online college is exploding in growth for this very reason. I should be able to graduate with the same type of degree, with the same type of knowledge, but without the on campus sin problems that so many of us young men fall into. I know within myself it would be a very hard task to avoid sin and study. So instead I think I'll just stay home, and study the same stuff through an online degree...

News Item1/20/2020 12:03 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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YIA says...
"I understand you don't become a doctor through home schooling, and must learn from secular professionals."

Well now, I guess we can discuss the college issue...

"Homeschooling" is only referring to those learning in high school and below. It has nothing to do with college, however, there solution to that as well...

The main purpose in avoiding government controlled education, is assisting the next generation to be free thinkers, trying to avoiding epi-centers of sin (drugs, immorality, and the other common public school issues), and learning in a Godly environment. I believe college or some type trade/licensing education is very important today, to be successful in our society...

I personally have chose the college route, and have never stepped foot on a college campus for learning purposes. I am working towards an engineering degree that is fully online, with the exception of going to a library/college testing bulding for midterm and final exams. It has worked very well, and I am learning from the same textbooks for chemistry, trigonometry, and geology as the students on campus. Back to your question on avoiding the wrong material in the textbook, I simply study extra to avoid having to answer problematic questions in my exams (evolution, supporting wr

News Item1/19/2020 7:01 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Adriel said...
"Governments are under the "authority" of God."

Don't tell that to Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, president Xi, or Ho chi Minh...

I don't be so apt to support the government's of today that are not that far off..

News Item1/19/2020 10:01 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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My point is this...

Never in the history of the world, never in the history of the Scriptures, and never in any command of the Scriptures is the government given the responsibility to educate the children...

Because as we see today, when a secular government teaches the children, you get secular children. It is the role of the parent to train their children. This is seen in the same light as feeding, and sheltering your children in the Bible...

If you are not "emotionally and spiritually" equip for such a thing, then any future parent should consider waiting to get married until they are ready...

For those who are already parents, they should start to learn and grow themselves to be prepared to instruct their children under their own guidance. It may take a while to be ready for such a big step, but it is one that must be taken to ensure your children are truly "yours" and not another ignorant minion of a wicked government...

And concerning your point that they may not be able to read or write,
unfortunately, thousands of children in the USA have graduated high school without knowing how to read. When education becomes a conveyor belt filled with dumbed down children, and disconnected teachers your not getting anywhere...

News Item1/19/2020 9:19 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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There should be no prayer, no bibles, no teachers, or students in any public school...

Because public schools shouldn't exist...

News Item1/19/2020 9:16 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I agree with them...

Every generation (without exception) since Christ, thought they were the last generation, and in the end of times. This world is not near as bad as it had been during the days of Noah, where there was only eight righteous. Of course there will always be more than eight righteous people on earth for the rest of it's history, but we still have aong way to go to reach such a point as Noah did...

The main point in the Scriptures discussing the "end times" is not for us to try to guess how many milliseconds we have left here. Rather we should focus on being ready for Christ return and preach to those who are not!...

News Item1/18/2020 11:34 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Taking the life of another person is never "safe and simple"...

The haters of God are so desperate to continue their course, that they don't even care if their rebellious acts are done under their "safety"...

Abortion is so terrible for the mother and the child. Not one moment in the whole murder is the mother safe while allowing others (or herself in this case) to kill her very own flesh and blood...

News Item1/17/2020 4:21 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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That is some news Doc!

A can't wait to watch it. I'll get meself a big bag of pop corn and opposum jerky, and relax...

This will be the first time Jim Lincoln has left his parents basement trolling
this forum, in...well his whole life...

Hopefully he will be so busy getting all those plastic Golden Globes, and Ocsar fish, he won't have time to disrupt edifying conversation...

News Item1/16/2020 10:43 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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You see an interesting pattern in the downfall of nations...

Never has a nation gone from being Godly and pious, to being wicked and evil the next day...

It is a slow (but very steady) fade. Then, it reaches a point were it becomes a spiral effect...

This same scenario is happening here. "Well a baby in the womb, isn't really baby". Now "well toddlers could be beat of it the situation calls for it"...

The slow and steady fade is happening right before our eyes. Just compare today to 1776 and you will see that it took 200+ years for the fall to be near complete...

News Item1/15/2020 10:30 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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So now, people have to take very active and careful roles in protecting their property...

Somehow the basic idea that "what is your is yours", has been exchanged for "what is your is your if you can keep it"...

News Item1/14/2020 11:35 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Of couse they are against it...

The Government would love nothing more than to mostly control the healthcare industry just like they control the education system. When a system is not uniform and tightly packed, it's harder to control...

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