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News Item10/10/16 3:24 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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"Trump is a crazy candidate, yes. But Clinton is a really poor one. Any other Democratic nominee would’ve had the wit to put Trump down with ad libs. She couldn’t do it. You might say that she’s trying to rise above Trump – but just by being on the stage with him, which is unavoidable, she has come down to his level. Because she wouldn’t fight back, it looked like Trump had made legitimate points. Punches unguarded against her hit home. His argument could be summed up as: “You’ve known her for even longer than you’ve known me, and you like her just as little.”

"So the evening began with Clinton in control. She made her pitch to be a healer; she ran off a checklist of people Trump has insulted .....
But when the debate moved on she didn’t seem to keep up. Her answers on medical reform and foreign policy were good, but there was too much smiling and listening to Donald rant with weary patience. All the while that she spoke, he prowled around the room like a caged tiger – which meant that even when Hillary was talking, one’s eyes were on him. And when the moderators took it upon themselves to start fact-checking his statements – and Trump feigned outrage – the debate turned into “An Evening with Donald Trump.” (

News Item10/10/16 3:06 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
There is no such thing as the Christian left(Christian Liberal). It is impossible to be a Christian and be Liberal simultaneously.
But John;
The Liberals believe they came to Christ in the same way you did. They also believe that they chose Christ as their personal saviour. And they teach that anyone who confesses and declares that HE is their personal saviour will be saved.
That's the doctrine you teach us on these posts.

News Item10/10/16 2:58 PM
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Has the Washington Post embarrassed and shamed America?

News Item10/10/16 2:45 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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The whole world is watching America at this very moment in time. Following every detail of election. The presidential election has become a huge focus for people everywhere. The election of the Leader of the free world, the president of the United States the most powerful country on earth. WOW!!

The election candidates surely represent the BEST of the American nation, put forward to lead all Americans for four glorious years.

So the question we must deal with is; - 'Is America telling us that Hillary and Donald are the BEST that they have to offer and whom, they will follow to the very end?'

The good ole American way!!!

Keep watching folks.

Rom 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good

News Item10/7/16 3:41 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
From Whitewater to ???
Hillary Clinton has been involved in scandals before. Here are some notable ones you may have forgotten.

"Chinagate - The Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996 allegedly took bribes from Chinese banks and their government to help their dwindling poll numbers"

"Travelgate Scandal - Catherine Cornelius, a 25-year-old cousin of Bill's was allegedly promised the position of director of the travel office. Hillary Clinton then (indirectly) fired seven employees from the United States travel office and replaced them with associates"

"Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas"

"Vince Foster Jr. Mystery - Questions cloud the suicide of Vince Foster, former colleague, friend, and White House aid  of Hillary’s who had connections to Travelgate, and the Whitewater scandals"

"Filegate Scandal"

"Cattle-Futures Miracle"

"Lootergate - Bill and especially Hillary started to ship White House furniture to their personal home in Chappaqua, N.Y."

"Drug Dealer Donor Scandal"

"Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal"

News Item10/7/16 3:04 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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"“Drug abuser,” for example, should be replaced with “person with substance use disorder.” Even the idea of trying to get “clean” is discouraged;""

These will be the first tentative steps to legalising drugs use. And of course by the Democrats Liberal policy program.

News Item10/7/16 2:52 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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"A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence"

Don't forget that the European Union(EU) is really the Federal Liberal Socialist European State. They now masquerade as a parliament - even though what was voted for in the 1970's was a quote "Common Market" - NOT a political commie style Big Brother!!!

So the "politics?" you get from the EU is Liberal and politically correct Lefty Looney toons!!!

The UK has kicked out this masquerade and lets hope that remains the status quo in Britain; - Even if the Scottish Nat Party (SNP) (Scotland's branch of the EU Liberal-socialists) does try to join this despotic autocracy.

So it is little surprise that the pc Lefty Looney's do not want to upset the Muslim Terrorists. Satan's followers always try to support each other.

News Item10/7/16 2:34 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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These are the end times - What do you expect?

Most of the churches in western nations do not comprehend the truth because of Liberalism ,Roman Catholicism, JW'ism, And all the other heretical religious houses.

Many of the preachers who stand in pulpits and preach fallacy and Disney world do not know anything about theology.
I heard a Church of Scotland minister saying that homosexuality was acceptable because the bible stated that you cannot mix cotton with wool in a garment??? Therefore mistakes were made in writing the Book!!!

The elect were always going to be a Remnant. Today is no different.

"2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."

News Item10/6/16 3:25 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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News Item:
The war on men
" Despite the transgender nonsense, people know—they know—that we remain the sex assigned to us, no matter how much secularists and leftists lobby the government to penalize us for having the nerve to contradict them."

A good article with points that need discussion in society - AND especially in the current generation who seem to be oblivious of these facts.

From article;(2)
"A man’s masculine characteristics are God’s design for His male creatures. God made two sexes for different roles and functions in the world and in relationships. And the marital relationship reflects Christ’s relationship with His church. A husband, the head of his family, is to love his wife as Christ loves His church"

This is the way God created it to be for His disciples. But we live in a fallen world which will continue to disagree with God due to sin and attack all the doctrines of Scripture including man's role and woman's role and how they are different.

Satan seeks to create chaos in the human race at all levels.

Rom 8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God ....

News Item10/6/16 3:04 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Jim: Bad decisions are global decisions as well as national.

"1. Immigration is a natural part of an open economy and society and at Migration Watch we welcome it. The problem is the current scale of immigration, which is simply unsustainable.
2. Opponents of tighter immigration control try and present the debate as being either ‘for’ or ‘against’ migration with a false policy choice of either allowing immigration or stopping it. This is obviously wrong. All countries have border controls and policies about who to admit and who to turn away. The relevant policy questions are around who and how many people are good for the UK. Since, immigration policy, just like any other policy area, should be managed in the best interests of the UK.
3. Concerns about the scale and impact of mass immigration can be dealt with while recognising that migrants come here for a very understandable reason, to try to better their lives.
The Scale of Immigration
4. High levels of net migration to the UK are a relatively recent phenomenon. The UK has always experienced periods of immigration (see here) but never on the current scale." ......

News Item10/6/16 2:55 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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The Muslim take over of the western nations continues apace. The method which GOD used to force the Jewish peoples back to their homeland was the NAZI death machine called Holocaust from the 1930's to 40's. This demonstrates how nations and peoples can be forced to move and thus make a huge culture change and difference to other nations.
The current flood of peoples are predominantly Muslim and will have a cultural and philosophical effect on western nations specifically aimed at reprobates, rather than Christians.
Ultimately the Muslim ideology brings with it hate, hostility and ignorance a concoction which brings slaughter and belligerence. As can be seen looking back at their existing countries.
This is not just about political decisions and blindness it is about the end times.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

News Item10/6/16 2:38 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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"Natural versus Man-Made Global Warming?

"There are indeed natural climatic fluctuations that cause warmer temperatures. A certain percentage of recent global warming is due to long-term natural fluctuations, including effects of the sun. Volcanoes can also cause short-term cooling, but a lack of volcanism can result in warmer temperatures. From about 1400 to 1880, the Little Ice Age occurred, in which practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding (Fig 3). At times people could ice skate on the Thames River in London, whereas that is unthinkable today. The Little Ice Age was likely caused by the combination of slightly less energy from the sun and more volcanism, both of which allow the surface of the earth to cool. There were periods during the Little Ice Age in which the sun exhibited few sunspots. Few sunspots cause a cooler solar temperature and less solar radiation because the stronger compensating effect of solar faculae is also reduced. Before the Little Ice Age, there was the Medieval Warm Period. So natural fluctuations in the past have been significant."

News Item10/6/16 2:34 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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From article:
""the FBI (and other federal agencies) have usurped the power to gain access to entire e-mail accounts from citizens of the United States without the slightest scrap of due process""

This illustrates that the underlying policies of Liberalism are the same as communism/socialism.

The current policy domination in the US is that of Democrat which is just another form of communist/Liberal autocracy.

Hillary Clinton will be an extension of this style of despotic abuse of authority over the US.

Russia and China are examples of this kind of government - a government of tyranny - 'Where some animals are more equal than others.' (Animal Farm. G. Orwell)

News Item10/5/16 3:30 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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The enemies of God and Christ rise up against His Church. Our fallen world increases in iniquity and evil. Satan is the prince of this fallen generation. Sodom and Gomorrah has returned to the nations.

Psalm 58:2 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth.
3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
4 Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
5 Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely.
6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.
7 Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.
8 As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.

News Item10/5/16 3:18 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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""At 42.4 million, there are now more immigrants, legal and illegal, in America than ever before, fueled by a massive flood from Muslim nations""

Islam is taking over the western nations on a gradual basis. Europe has recently been flooded by Muslims and they will breed and grow to become the dominant ethnic group.

And politically correct Liberals think this is "nice"???

Services such as schools and medical support in communities are already being overwhelmed and ultimately - ALL - communities towns and cities will suffer and the muslim culture will dominate.

When that happens western nations will develop into a reflective image of the muslim countries we see on the news today.

All we get from the politicians is more and more and more of the same - and integration is good for us???

News Item10/5/16 2:42 PM
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Disagreements on Climate Change
by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell on June 2, 2012

"A new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change dispels the notion that people who disbelieve currently popular ideas about climate change are scientifically illiterate. On the contrary, ScienceNews reports, “High science literacy actually boosts the likelihood that certain people will challenge what constitutes credible climate science.” The researchers attribute people’s propensity to see climate change as an unsettled issue to “cultural factors such as attitudes toward commerce, government regulation and individualism.” They find that these cultural factors affect “what people accept as truth.”
“Simply improving the clarity of scientific information will not dispel public conflict” about climate, Yale Law School’s Dan Kahan writes."

News Item10/5/16 2:31 PM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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From article:
"Benham is urging pastors to speak out against such "nonsense" that seeks to "brainwash" kids."

There are those in society that would call our nation a quote, "civilised Christian society".

But reading about this type of morally corrupt activities and other facts about our western nations what we see is satanic and evil.

"Brain-washing" is absolutely correct not only for transgenderism but also for homosexual behaviour in society. The new up coming generation is inheriting a very dangerous brain-washing (or is it brain-soiling) custom which is aimed at diminishing morals in schools, families, colleges, universities, and the work place.

Liberalism as a philosophy in modern western societies is being applied to all people groups with a view to destroying all authorities.
The first authority attacked is of course the Bible, followed by our churches, community institutions and moral teachings.

Satan is in control of our nation, our government our institutions and obviously our schools.

Come Lord Jesus, come soon.

News Item10/5/16 10:48 AM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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""It states that soldiers are permitted to undergo “gender transition” after receiving a gender *DYSPHORIA* diagnosis and treatment recommendation""

"Dysphoria - a state of dissatisfaction, anxiety, restlessness, or fidgeting"

If you become dissatisfied with how God created you then change your being?
Problem is that human change never accomplishes re-creation therefore you will remain the basic same. Seeking 'THAT' change does not change the basic self you are!

If you are anxious about how God has created you then seek God and shalom from Him the only source of inner peace.
Human peace can only be temporally and insufficient. Inevitably you will find human peace is part of the problem not the solution.

If as you have been created by God you become restless or fidgety with your being then seek to apply such energy in a productive way. Question before decision.
Beware of an evil heart making an evil choice. Learn of the truth that iniquity is the very nature of human existence. Therefore seek to find a way beyond the wickedness of mankind and todays corrupt society.

"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

News Item10/5/16 10:01 AM
B. Warely  Find all comments by B. Warely
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""A new poll has reaffirmed Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump among Catholic voters in the US presidential election.""

Roman Catholics always support Satan's candidate therefore always go for Democrat. The Democrat ~ lefty - Commie - Liberal - party is the sort of politics that heretics, idolaters and religious reprobates go for.

Therefore real Christians should find the opposite to vote for.

Democrat is where we will find the politics of the antichrist.

As for Trump? - He's the peoples statement that Washington and Whitehouse are incompetent, corrupt and useless.

And why shouldn't the people make a statement?

News Item10/4/16 3:25 PM
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""The Rev. Gretta Vosper is a dynamic, activist minister with a loyal following at her Protestant congregation in suburban Toronto. She is also an outspoken atheist.""

The mindless rubbish of Liberalism comes to the fore again.

And of course a woman stands in its pulpit. God does not use women in the pulpit.

As for being an atheist God states :-
Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.
3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD.

Psalm 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.
3 Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one."

So according to GOD - Gretta is a fool and corrupt!!

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