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News Item10/25/15 3:15 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK wrote:
literally would be different, and the Sabbath would be mentioned
to everyone, I don't want to muddle this discussion, but I would like to add what I've been studying on this. People say wed, thurs, fri? which day? Mourner has explained that Wed would work timewise.

Reading through John 19-20, I noticed they had to take our precious Savior's life before 6pm because before high Sabbath. My understanding of this is that it was a Sabbath WITH the holy day of Passover.

would've put crucifixtion at Friday, 3:00, the same time they would have been sacrificing the Passover lambs for the feast that evening (6pm Friday night would've been the beginning of Passover/Sabbath)

To add to this the Feast of Unleavened Bread would've been the day before.

With this timing, Christ was sharing the bread at communion during the Feast of Unleavened Bread and would've been sacrificed at the same exact time the Passover Lamb was sacrificed.... thereby showing the completion of the atonement of sins through the shedding of His blood.

Then he was laid to rest for the day of Sabbath, rose third day, Lord's day, His Resurrection brought new day, a high Sabbath now fulfilled by the Messiah, our rest in Him.


News Item10/25/15 9:52 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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good, and while we are at it, why are people forced to buy something they don't want? that's fundamentally inexcusable.

News Item10/22/15 9:10 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. Acts 20:7

When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed. Acts 20:11

News Item10/21/15 11:49 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Bro. McLeod wrote:
Christian from Ohio writes:
who cares????
"who cares????"

the theme song of American Christianity.

and possibly the last song.

News Item10/20/15 10:42 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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love the picture of the choir. keep singing a joyful noise to the Lord, the rich want their sterilized homes and gated communities, but even then, mortality cannot be hid from. The sweet essence of the gospel can be a stench to those who are perishing, but also a witness, there is more to this life than the Marxist world of 5 senses and the strong man.

News Item10/16/15 9:50 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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yet when judge moore was trying to uphold al state law regarding marriage, this moore said he should break it to follow the whims of judicial decisions that were not even in jurisdiction?

so what happens after they've preached on it and the hearts of the people have changed???

then when they do something, be it in their jobs, places in community or step out in someway, will Moore then be there to say the gospel is not about action, just a prayer you say?

what if our men actually showed up to meetings and told the councils, enough, not on our watch?

he'd probably condemn them? I can only judge from actions in the past.

I could be wrong, and would be glad to be shown otherwise, that his only "reaction" besides being "sad" (and the occasional visit to a women's center) is a Nat'l law change.... that's it.

until then, we are supposed to be ok with the shedding of innocent blood in our cities and the covering up of incest, rape through these centers?

its a mystery, more 501c3 talk and no do.

News Item10/16/15 9:27 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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cmmnst sweep

they are censoring lines even in somewhat secular songs to make them communitarian.

its happening folks.

News Item10/12/15 2:51 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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if it wasn't francis it would be masonry, which is a huge influence in the west, or something else.

because people are blinded by sin. they are easily deceived. there are only two destinations for man: heaven and h#ll.

the road to destruction is wide.

salvation is but one way, through Jesus Christ.

there's many a catholic basher who's destiny is shared with Francis, and if they can't stand sharing space here, I'd suggest finding out how one might belong to the Kingdom of God.

will the masons and Vatican still be having it out in h#ll over who gets to reign over desolation?

News Item10/11/15 5:49 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Frank, I agree with you.

Jim, what is balance? What we need is truth. GOP has their hands dirty too. No one disputes it, but the issue at hand is the taking of innocent life. Moyers is prochoice, you seem confused.

for others, there was an interview posted by trunews on Friday from a former Satanist. It is not for the faint of heart to listen to. He discussed how he was drawn into satansim and then participated in abortions. In order to gain power a life must be taken, but murder is illegal so they create pregnancies and then do the abortions, because that is a legal way to sacrifice to satan to gain power.

News Item10/11/15 2:16 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Carl, Jim likes to link up to sites that consider abortion another "choice". You see, you've found another candidate who needs conviction of the Spirit. Holocoaust is a good example. Another was Wilberforce, he took some rich on a boat tour and made the boat stop the tour in front of the slave ship that reaked from human death. they covered their noses.

its no different here. the democrats and others are covering their noses, their eyes, they don't want to see what they really are, they don't want to see the stench of the unborn.

the cost of the truth is too much, so they run and hide.

News Item10/11/15 2:06 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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ironically, the ones leading the charge have continuing court cases such as Benghazi, then you've got fast and furious, which is about mass running of these things.... problem is not the Christian man set to watch out for his family and neighbor. seems to me anyone who wants everyone without recourse needs to be the first to do it. its the same thing as depopulation. the richest, most wasteful of our world, who force themselves into markets and conglomerate those markets under their power, then turn to the poorest and tell them they can't have this or that, or that having children is evil, or they should die instead of getting a treatment. You don't see the elitists lining up for what they force on the masses, no siree. seems to me, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

News Item10/10/15 5:54 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the stumbling stone is not Israel, the stumbling stone is Christ. Christ's Kingdom built through the gospel...

"To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

"Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

"Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

"Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,

"And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:"

The converted Jew and Gentile are the chosen people, the royal priesthood, Christ is the cornerstone, His people He died for are the LIVING Stones.

The kabbalists and talmudists need Christ.

News Item10/9/15 10:23 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Thank God, America is a Masonic Republic!
folks, there it is, and he wants Christians subservient to their mission.

that is to say, they should remain silent.

(Jim, this is why I pray for your salvation, that God will open your eyes, because many will be persecuted, and many who persecute will think they are doing God's will, but were deceived)

News Item10/8/15 9:43 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the scripture clearly states that Paul was physically blinded for three days. He could not see a man and had to be led and he was blind for three days. that's triple confirmation.

We also know he was spiritually blinded when he was following what he thought was the law and persecuting Christians, before his physical blindness.

I'm not sure why this has become a contention?

News Item10/7/15 11:02 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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whatever is of jewish bablyonian or kabbal is not of the Lord, that is clear, as we can see funding for many of these transhumanist meetings today that are spreading over the land are funded by these very same groups.

and as I'm discussing by my lonesome, as per the article is the development of the sciences to merge species and humans.

our food supply is dominated by this. pick up some peanut butter and the oils and sugars in there are genetically modified sources.

we are in a brave new world already.

how many farmers have warned us that their crops have been ruined by the crosspollination from this unnatural seed, the harm on the food system, the animals the humans.... yet the lust for power of a company to dominate over God's seed and own it, and force farmers into high payments and legal agreements (not able to resell their seed, and the seed is genetically coded to not produce)

these are all reversals of creation. as is sodomy.

its as plain as day this new religion. evangelicals are too much in the middle of it to see it.

gates spends his endless money supply to convert African farms into this system.

News Item10/6/15 9:41 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Ricky's ecumenism is a menace to Christianity.
and so is your secular humanism, just another form of ecumenism. The Christian leaves all idols to follow Christ.

News Item10/5/15 10:51 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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just sayin' wrote:
not everybody holds to your view of end times 'penned'.
whatever view you hold, I pray you too have counted the cost. For tribulation and persecution comes to the brethren all over the earth.

News Item10/4/15 10:06 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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exciting text! well here it is from Acts 9...

"And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

"And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

"And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

"And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

"And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

"And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

"And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink."

1- "saw no man", was led by hand, indications of physical blindness

2- filled with the Holy Ghost, three days later, verse 17

News Item10/3/15 10:20 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK wrote:
Dave, check out this hymn and be blessed.
[URL=]]]What did the atonement accomplish?[/URL]
Check out Billy Graham on justification:
Part of Billy Graham's book on Sanctification:
have you seen what he had said at the Crystal Cathedral with Schuller? I would be interested to hear your thoughts on it.

News Item10/2/15 11:33 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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I've decided to announce that I'm trans-racial. I'm simply not what you see. Sorry, but you are being racist toward me right now.... (because I'm in a mood, it must be your fault), in fact I think anyone who doesn't make me feel good about myself today should be locked up (since I am the center or my own universe), so you all better start throwing out the compliments...
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