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News Item10/19/2020 10:27 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Repentance is granted by God to the sinner to turn from sin to Christ.  It is not a bargaining chip whereby I will give up this or that to be saved,  As the song writer said it Just as I am without one plea but that Thy blood was shed for me.   If we have to clean up our lives to be saved, we are all doomed.   Transformation in character is a result of the new birth not the reason for it.  

There are more Scriptures I could use but two will do the job.   In discussion the conversion of Cornelius and those in his house, note what they said about those who were saved in Acts 11

Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?

When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

Please note repentance is considered to be a defining part of  their salvation

In II Peter 3:9 note how the unregenerate are contrasted to the regenerate

not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Perishing describes the lost, repentant describes the saved.  

No matter what we say or think God Himself says repentance is part of salvation.

News Item10/19/2020 10:25 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Now to be clear, the Bible in II Timothy 2:25  and elsewhere clearly teaches that repentance is something granted to individuals by God not something that comes from fallen human nature.  If God does not grant repentance then it will not be found.  So, we are definitely talking about salvation by grace and solely proceeding from the in wrought work of God not the outworking of man without Divine intervention.

Repentance is never defined as stopping sin.  How oft shall I forgive my brother, every time he REPENTS and asks for forgiveness.  Not sinning is our goal, (I John 2:1) and as the Lord’s people we should desire that we would not see root nor fruit of sin in our lives.  We want it by the grace of God, through the power of the Spirit to be put to death. (Mortified).   Repentance is also not defined as fleeing sin, if we would flee sin then we would avoid it, pass not by and not partake, and thus have no need to repent of it.

News Item10/19/2020 10:24 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Come back to our Savior’s words about the men of Nineveh in Matthew 12 and note He said that they repented at the preaching of Jonah.  Well, what exactly did they do? (Jonah. 3:8-10). They turned from their evil way, our Lord called that repentance.

Look at Pau’s testimony of his conversion and commission in Acts 26

God said he was sent to the Gentiles to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light,  how did Paul interpret that command?  He preached (v20) that they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance   Was he preaching a works salvation?

What evidence is offered in in Revelation 9:20, 21 and 16:11 that men had not repented?  It was because they continued in their sins.  

In Ezekiel 14&18 we find the words. Repent and turn from (idols, abominations, transgressions). Turn and live
What words did Paul say to the people of Lycaonia (Acts 14), turn from these vanities unto the living God.   

Paul commended the Thessalonians because their salvation was seen in that they turned from idols to serve the living God.


News Item10/19/2020 10:21 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Let us examine what we find in Scriptures

The Lord Jesus said to a group of Galileans two times

Except ye repent you will likewise perish

First we will establish that those commanded to repent were the people to whom He was speaking.   Except YE repent.  In the Greek this phrase is in the active voice which means the subject IS the doer of the action.   

Now from what did they need to repent.  Again context is important. In both cases he stated that those upon whom the previous judgments had fallen were sinners.  He was obviously correcting their misconception that their sin wasn’t as bad as those whom the Lord mentioned.  Repentance thus was from sin.  No other explanation makes any sense.

Christ came to call sinners to repentance (Luke 5) not to just inform them about it, there is definitely an expectation of a response.
Go to Acts 2 and find those whom God’s Word who were pricked in their heart said what must shall we do?   Peter’s first response was Repent   If repentance is not part of salvation then the Apostles got it wrong and Luke was incorrect to say 3000 were saved.   

Go to Acts 3 and in the midst of Peter’s salvation sermon we find the words Repent and be converted.
Again showing repentance to be an integral part of salvation.


News Item10/13/2020 3:52 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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A democracy is essentially mob rule. The majority dictates the law of the land. We were not founded as a democracy but as Ben Franklin stated a “Republic”, governed not by the will of the masses but by the rule of law as expressed in our Constitution

News Item10/12/2020 5:04 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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So are you saying churches concerned about paying their bills are just being greedy? Or that JMac’s only desire for church meetings is just monetary? Not accusing just asking for clarification please

News Item10/12/2020 12:04 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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One, churches need money to operate and two, Christians need to give

That being said there are ways to donate online so to say a church is only wanting to meet for the money is wild speculation.

News Item10/12/2020 12:55 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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No one is disagreeing with you Watcher about the truth or the importance of the gospel. We are saying that Christians standing up and pointing out wickedness that needs to be stopped is just as Scriptural a duty and you have not shown that to be unBiblical. Any problems you and John UK have with social media can be said of the internet in general yet here you are. We appreciate your reminder that ultimately what solves issues is redemption and we put no faith in politics. That doesn’t mean we don’t use means given us by God to do good to all men by resisting evil Thanks for your thoughts

News Item10/11/2020 6:09 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Where’s the command to post our thoughts about the news?

So far I have yet to see rants on her part

There was no redress of grievances to the government in Biblical times so of course it doesn’t speak to it.

In loco paresis is a Latin term that describes what a teacher does. So yes the parents have every right to speak out against what is being taught.

Read your Hre Testament and tell me where Paul said the world is to go to hell in a hand basket.

I Corinthians 5 does not mean we are to ge silent at all the evil about us. That’s hiding our light under a bushel

Be so kind as to share a link to her anger/ ire because I can’t even find on pro LBTQ sites about this incident. Thanks

News Item10/11/2020 4:42 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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So who is supposed to speak against the indoctrination of children with the sodomite agenda? The teachers aren’t supposed to say anything? The parents are supposed to be silent? Christians are not to speak against wickedness? What exactly are you saying? What does it mean have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them?

Sorry John you must be privy to far more than what is stated in this article for your statement to even make sense

News Item10/11/2020 2:50 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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So what are you saying John? In order to speak against evil you have to ge perfect? Some of the most accurate assessments of who the Lord was were made by demons. Who they were did not make their statements inaccurate. If a godless Fireman tells you not to go into the burning building because you’ll be killed do you criticize him for saying so because he’s not redeemed?

The Bible says be angry and sin not. If God’s angry at sin, shouldn’t we be as His followers?

Wow into them call evil good and good evil. Was she wrong to criticize the curriculum or not?

News Item10/11/2020 2:24 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Watcher if you think the LBTQ agenda is just about social injustice May I recommend not only Romans 1:18 but read to the end of the chapter

News Item10/11/2020 2:17 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Please read the first sentence of the article. This is not about preaching the gospel (she would have been criticized as a woman preacher had it been). It was about criticizing the teaching of godless propaganda to young children

John I will let you contemplate Romans 1::18 and the fact the Lord looked on the room of religious crowd in anger (Nark 3:5) to see if all anger is wrong

Agree with MS. that her career choice is questionable but her stand against evil should be praised not put down

News Item10/11/2020 11:11 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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If you have not seen her FB page you have no idea if she had shared the gospel. Last I knew it’s good to be angry at sin

News Item10/11/2020 10:51 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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What is ludicrous is to condemn a believer for taking a stand against evil

News Item10/11/2020 10:48 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Watcher has no clue whether or not this teacher shared the gospel. Christians are stands as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. Not hide our light under a bushel You don’t know the Scripture if you think God did not address social injustices

News Item10/11/2020 10:25 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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And your point is?

Our sisters in Christ should not speak against wickedness? Chapter and verse please

News Item10/11/2020 9:45 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Yup in the John UK and Watcher world John the Baptist should have kept his mouth shut. It landed him in jail and eventually cost him his life. It stopped a thriving ministry in the wilderness. That’s the Biblical model don’t say anything about evil practices because it might have negative consequences.

News Item9/4/2020 9:34 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Only Congress can defund PP. Appropriation bills must originate in the House. The President has no power to defund. Pp

Furthermore it is an nieve comment to say that Trump and Biden are the same Having the Lord Jesus as our king and living for things above does mean that what happens here is to be ignored or that our actions here are meaningless

News Item9/2/2020 2:59 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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IF you watch the video, President Trump asks a local pastor to pray, he doesn't say any prayer. Gotta stop watching the MSM version Jim.
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