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News Item7/12/10 7:47 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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Let's see... you can't put a puzzle together without a male and a female end. You can't run a vacuum without putting the male end into the female plug. Cows and all the other farm animals understand simple logic and can figure out what body parts are for. All other entry ways have entrance and exits... so what's all the confusion about??

News Item6/29/10 8:20 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Planned parenting is equal to abortion because whether you abort one or refuse to have one the motive is the same - unwanted children! You have heard what was said of old thou shalt not murder but I say to you if you wish someone not live then you are a murderer at heart.

What is worse than a woman not wanting children? Dead beat men who lack skills to be a father, husband, provider, protector, andleader. If I was a woman and had to pick from the sports playing, Wii playing, immature sex driven boy whether this boy is 11 or 32, I wouldn't get married either. The problem is dead beat Adams not surviving Eve's. It's sad when men become nothing more than a private part. The women get educated and provide for their families while men stay at home uneducated playing sports every weekend and their Wii game all week. I wouldn't have children and marry a child either. When will men become men and be someone a woman would want to marry. Woman are judged because of abortion and then men who got them pregnant get a free pass. Why would any woman want to be with a man after we treat women so unjustly. The world won't change until men change. God created a patriarchal society and society will fail when it become matriarchal because women will then stop having babies and you need babies.

News Item6/29/10 8:05 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Good! Now all people can sit under the word of God and hear and believe. I hope many gays will come to these groups hear the Gospel and repent. The problems come when they begin to dictate what we can teach and what we can't. I have no problem with gays coming to church or a church group to hear the word of God. I am sure this is not the motive behind the ruling but praise God none the less - All gays can come and hear the word of God!! There is nothing wrong with men loving men. I have several men that i love dearly. The issue is sexual sin and the lust in their heart and that includes gays and heterosexuals.

News Item6/16/10 9:35 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I must admit that after I've graduated from a SBC Seminary I had the sense that God loved the lost more than he loved his own children. I met a local Pastor who boasts of persecution because he was fired for being evangelistic. He said the congregation confronted him because he never took care of their needs and was always preaching evangelism and trying to reach the lost. The congregation said "It seems you love the lost more than you love us." To which the Pastor replied, "I do." What grows the church and the big head of the Pastor? Numbers... Baptisms... Evangelism is used more for the ego if the Pastor than for the knowledge of the Glory of God. It is hard to find a healthy balance between evangelism and discipleship.

News Item4/16/10 8:46 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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The Catholic Church should repent and denounce their works based religion and turn from their evil ways. The Pope should excommunicate every pedophile and every Catholic should renounce the Pope and their priest and bishops for allowing this to continue. They should pull all their financial support of the church and allow the Vatican to pay it's own court fees and law suits. They need to renounce the requirement of celibacy so priests may marry instead of having uncelibate secret lives. Catholics need spiritual discernment these last days as many are being seriously deceived by a church that does not renounce these acts of sin. The Pope should not bring American pedophile bishops to Rome to live in the Vatican to avoid church discipline. St. Peter's cathedral was built with the false doctrine of tithe money for the release of loved ones in purgatory. The toe of St Peter in the Cathedral has been replace many times because Catholics kiss the toe of Peter as they enter the Cathedral. It looks like the Catholic Church is still being built on corruption and many are still paying homage to the Pope. Repent and turn to Jesus Christ.

News Item4/16/10 8:33 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I listened to a KJV only guy preaching once and he was spouting off about using only the King James and all other translation are wrong. He was preaching from a text and he began to give a meaning of a word in the King James. He used several synonyms and I wrote these words down. I went home and compared my translations and found these synonyms in my other translations. If you believe in KJ only shouldn't you preach in King Jmaes only? What's the difference between having other translations to give meaning to Scripture and preaching against other translations while using the words of those translations in your sermon?? See any contradictions here..

News Item4/16/10 8:23 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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It is incredibly funny to watch atheist who think there is no God fight so hard to get rid of something they think does not exist.

News Item4/16/10 8:16 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I spanked my kids early on and when they learned to fear Dad's discipline I never had to spank them again. I haven't spanked my oldest two kids in over six years (oldest 12). If spanking causes more aggression then why is it that a culture who spank less is becoming more violent and more aggressive? The problem is not wrong discipline the problem is no discipline. Children are dropped off at the daycare where there is no spanking and then they are dropped off at schools where there is no spanking and now we are dropping off those same parents in the nursing homes where there is no love. Our whole society is becoming institutionalized. Women are out working. Men are out playing sports and our kids are becoming more and more angry and violent. Until we get back to the the home and raising kids our culture will continue to be more violent and aggressive. Our churches resemble the world because children are sent to childrern's church and children's choir the youth go to the youth group and for the most part children grow up without parental guidance. The responsibilites are given to the government and the church. I'd rather spank my kid to discipline then have them later go to prison for life without parole.

Sermon3/13/10 8:15 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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It's Just the Truth
Paul Washer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Paul Washer preaches more in five minutes than most Pastors preach in an hour.

News Item3/6/10 9:31 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Jesus would say the same thing as he said in Matthew 23.

News Item3/6/10 9:25 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Thanks Neil, I thought i was commenting on the legalization in Washington D.C. Just change America to England and the call for repentance is equally important. The whole world is about to come unhinged.

News Item3/6/10 9:20 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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All the blood should be set aside for the 18 Senators and their families. I go to India every year and I am not able to give blood because I go out of country. It's a safety precaution. If you live a risky life the rest of us should not have to take the risk of using the blood whether it is my risk of being out of country or their risk of attracting AIDS. God cried out, get in line for brains and politicians thought they said trains and missed out.

News Item3/5/10 6:27 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Barry, great observation, Jesus did scold the religious leadership and establishment but he did not let up on the Gentiles either. He asked the Gentile woman I wouldn't take the food from my children's plate and give it to the dogs. The woman responded, yes but even the dogs get to lick up the crumbs. Jesus was calling Gentiles dogs!! Matthew 7 speaks of swine and dogs certainly you would not limit those comments to the Scribes and Pharisees? I think we need to be "full of grace and full of truth" just like Jesus. Truth should not be sacrificed for the sake of love and love should not be sacrifice for the sake of truth. The challenge is balancing the two.

News Item2/20/10 8:24 PM
Tom | CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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Most protestants there only have one version of tranlation and its pretty well translated according to many theologians. There is no need to have another version. The Chinese version that is used by the protestants was translated directly from the original text. That version was used for more than 100 yrs and it's still good because and I believe if im right, the translation involved many European missionaries and theologians who had spent so many years in China. And there is no such thing as KJV in chinese because no body translates the bible from an intermediate language such as English. But Of course, there has been some Christians other than the protestants having another version of the bible, such as the "Local" churches established by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee, and also there is the Catholic Chinese version.

News Item2/19/10 10:55 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I was wondering... if he is a Christian all is supposed to go well health wise and prosperity wise. Is a good home included? If he is right with God then isn't everything suppose to be grand and wonderful in this life? Maybe it's his lack of faith. He must not be naming it and claiming it. Perhaps his 24 hr binding Satan in Jesus name ministry ended and Satan got lose. I wish his followers could see through his hypocrisy but its not the ability to see through hypocrisy its the ability to see the truth and the ability to discern spiritual matters but carnal minds do not see or understand the things of the spirit. Apart from regeneration there is simply no hope for him or them.

News Item2/19/10 10:48 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Do you think heterosexual sex is sin? Do you think pedophile sex is sin?
Do you think homosexual sex is sin?
Do you think beastiality sex is sin?
Do you thing girlfriend boyfriend sex is sin? The Bible is clear... God thinks every sexual relationship other than one man, one woman married for life is sin. The problem is we've exchanged the glory of God for the glory of self. We've exchanged the truth of God for a lie. We've exchanged what is normal for what is abnormal. We've exchanged the Creator for the creature. God has given us over to accept and believe anything but the truth and the wrath of God is against us. My heart grieves for those who can not see the truth. Notice I did not say anything about homosexuality. My comments are about all forms of sinful sexual behavior. The fornicator and adulterer in the church is equally guilty of sin.

Sermon2/14/10 7:59 AM
Tom | Sligo  Find all comments by Tom
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The Sea is Stilled
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good expository preaching on Mark's account of the miracle of the calming of the storm.

Sermon1/3/10 7:28 AM
Tom | Sligo  Find all comments by Tom
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Ministry because of Mercy
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good description of the mercy of God by Mark

News Item1/1/10 8:19 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Where do all the procedes from all the books go to?? I wonder how much money all of our megachurches are spending on marketing and production? I wonder how much money is going to help people in need compared to the big buildings and big salaries? I bet more money is spent on giving candy to all the kids on halloween and costumes for Easter and Christmas plays than what is spent on actually helping the poor and needy? I would be embarrassed if there were such a statistic.

News Item1/1/10 8:06 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Maybe the King James Onlyist are stealing the Bibles! I heard a King James Onlyist preach once. They were expounding on a text and gave the synonyms of the King James word. I wrote them down and went home and found those same synonyms in my other translations... Hmmmmm! I thought... they read in King James and preach in NIV, NASB, NKJ, ESV... etc.
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