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News Item4/17/16 4:56 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@Ozzie Won Daveobi
G'Day! Will pass on the Get Well Wishes, and hope you get better as well! Don't generally fight 'em anymore- at 5'3" it's a losing proposition! . If the links don't work we could use their long arms! They're great allies, (and the best of brothers) so I'll stop teasing them!

News Item4/17/16 3:53 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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They're fine- I made sure to clear it with them first!! They're both over 6', rather hairy, and get hungry very easily! They're affectionatly called my "Bubby Guards"!

News Item4/17/16 2:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@JayJay Solo
I can sympathize fully- I've got 2 tall, furry, brothers with amazing appetites!!!

News Item4/17/16 9:51 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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How do I get a Skeeter? Sounds like it would be a great help for shopping trips! I think the term "Slithy Toves" was invented to describe the Jiggly Shape-Shifters you encountered. Just make sure you steer clear of the Environmentalist Minoks when visiting the coastal regions- they're always trying to chew on the power cables!

News Item4/17/16 9:46 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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While it is true that we have no crystal ball when it comes to a Trump Presidency- there are some things you can know with out that! Political office does not change a person's fundamental character. IMO, Power simply magnifys what is already there. We know for a fact that Trump lies. And then lies about his lies, while calling other people liars. That's not likely to stop. We can also see that Trump's gut reaction when making decisions on the fly are Big Government, Liberal solutions, followed by more Conservative-sounding Mop Up Jobs from his Campaign. We can see the quality of people he surrounds himself with. IMO, Having a Shameless Liar with Liberal leanings and his own Goon Pack as our Standard Bearer can't do anything but hurt our reputation! Again, hope you and your's are well, and have a Blessed Day!

News Item4/17/16 9:46 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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(Didn't have time to respond last night, and that thread has dropped off- so I thought I'd respond here. )
Hope all is well with you as well! Rather nasty Head Colds are circulating in the family- but other than that we're fine! My post's goal was just to point out that Cruz did, in fact, drop everything and fly to DC for the Main Vote. Most bills have multiple related procedural votes- but the actual yes or no vote on the legislation he did attend. But even if he had missed ALL the votes related to that bill, that would not make him guilty by any logic. Geff did not criticize Trump for missing an opportunity to hurt PP. He criticized him for actively helping PP. Missing a long-shot opportunity to help a cause that you have aided in other ways is not the same as publicly defending the enemy and planning to fund them. That is a clear case of Apples to Oranges.

News Item4/16/16 5:13 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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FYI, You've confused Rubio with Cruz. Cruz voted no on the Bill- Rubio skiped the vote to campaign.
12-18-2015 The Consolidated Approprations Act, 2016- Nay

News Item4/16/16 2:57 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Excellent comment!
The thing I find most revolting in the whole Trump/PP connection is how he dismisses it. What kind of man considers Funding Baby Murder a "Cost of Doing Business"? I understand repentance but to say that you no longer hold a belief while simultaneously defending your former actions is more than I can wrap my head around.

News Item4/15/16 4:08 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Washington to the Deleware Indians, May 12, 1779-
"You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all the religion of Jesus Christ."
Henry Muhlenberg, Pastor near Valley Forge-
"I heard a fine example today, namely, that His Excellency George Washington rode around among his army yesterday and admonished each and every one to fear God, to put away the wickedness that has set in and become so general, and to practice the Christian virtues. From all appearances, this gentleman does not belong to the so-called world of society, for he respects God's Word, believes in the atonement through Christ, and bears himself in humility and gentleness. Therefore, the Lord God has also singularly, yea, marvelously, preserved him from harm in the midst of countless perils, ambuscades, fatigues, etc., and has hitherto graciously held him in His hand as a chosen vessel."

News Item4/15/16 4:08 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Washington's orders, May 2 1778-
"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distiguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to laud the more distinguished Charachter of Christian. The signal instances of Providential goodness which we have experienced and which have now almost crowned our labors with complete success demand from us in a peculiar manner the warmest returns of gratitude and piety to the Supreme Author of all good."
Washington's letter to Brigadier General Nelson, August 20 1778-
"The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this (the course of the war) that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more wicked that has not the gratitude to acknowledge his obligations; but it will be time enough for me to turn Preacher when my present appointment ceases."

News Item4/11/16 1:21 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@Justin Ty Me
I use the SA App. It let's you post multiple times, but you can't remove or edit your posts and there seems to be a shorter word limit. Not SA partiality at all! If you are posting from the website and need to post more than your limit, just ask other posters for a Bump! Have a nice day!

News Item4/10/16 6:52 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity."~ George Washington

"The only foundation for... a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments."~ Benjamin Rush

"Religion and virtue are the only foundations, not only of republicanism and of all free government, but of social felicity under all governments and in all the combinations of human society."~ John Adams

News Item4/10/16 6:38 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... I hope, for all our sakes, that if Trump becomes President he will learn more about and fix those things that we are both concerned over (Jobs, Vacc., UN, etc.). But Trump's mind boggling relationship with the Truth makes me think that he's just playing to the crowd:
I understand getting things wrong now and then- but stuff like the winery show that it's all about ego rather than fact.
"the vaccines you all push here have fetal cell lines."
I have many concerns about Vacc. as well- but I don't recall everyone pushing for them on here. And to be 100% fair, not all Vacc. have the Fetal Stem Cell lines- keeps a list of those that do and those that don't. Did Trump ever say more on the issue than not having too many at the same time? I know he talked about making sure his children had them spaced out, but he's also got Carson onboard now, which concerns me.

News Item4/10/16 6:37 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"If you read the OT Prophets, you will see the Baal worship (child sacrifice) and usery and land grabs and the rich stealing from the poor, and arrogance, and perversions."
In my personal opinion, all of the above are reasons to avoid Trump.
1. Child Sacrifice= Funding Planned Parenthood.
2. Usery and Land Grabs= Support of the Kelo Decision and attempted Eminent Domain of a Lady's Home here and a Village overseas.
3. Rich stealing from the Poor= Manipulation to receive funds set aside for "Small Businesses" impacted by 9/11.
4. Arrogance= Goes without saying.
5. Perversions= Again goes without saying. ...

News Item4/9/16 7:45 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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...I never said I agreed with that Church's theology- I said that Cruz didn't refer to his son at all, let alone as a King anointed to redistribute wealth, which is what you kept saying he did! Also, while Heidi was raised by SDA missionaries, she currently attends a Baptist church. And how does a Pastor inviting Beck to speak have anything to do with Cruz's beliefs?
As I've pointed out before, the standard for a Civil Magistrate is not the same as the standard for Elders and Deacons. A Civil Magistrate must Fear God and Rule Justly. I can disagree with a Candidate on various points of Theology, but that doesn't mean they don't Fear God. I cannot, however, believe that Trump does when he says he has no need for repentance. That's kinda step #1.
Aside from that, Trump doesn't even stand for the things that generations of Conservatives have sacrificed their time, reputations, and careers for.
For me, the Biggest issue is that we keep things above board. We can disagree with each other and criticize political figures. But I don't feel gossip and misrepresentation are appropriate. It kind of kills honest discussion and can create frustration and hard feelings. Hope you understand! Have a Great Evening!

News Item4/9/16 7:45 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"I sat through many minutes of that disgusting sermon."
Did you see that it isn't in reference to either his son or the election?

"the false teacher Kenneth Copeland who has been remerging with the Pope."
Did you know that Copeland also Laid Hands on and Blessed Trump?

News Item4/8/16 7:02 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Thanks! This whole thing is rather frusterating and depressing- but at this point I'm thinking the best we can do going forward is Pray for Penny and post the truth for everyone else to see!

G'Day as well! All "Grouse" in your neck of the woods?

News Item4/8/16 6:47 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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...Russia is playing a very dangerous political game, is not our friend, and is currently playing an infiltration game on the internet to curry a better opinion of themselves. Please don't get taken in by this.
Penny, I care about you more than the election. That's why this whole train of posting manipulated video and gossip articles is very disturbing. Simple lapse in source vetting? Fine. Repeatedly posting lies after it's been proven false? Troubling. The last few days you've been killing your own credibility for a moot point. Why?

News Item4/8/16 6:47 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Have you taken the time to actually watch the entire sermon?
Or do you simply not care that you are spreading an extremely edited and twisted version of this 4 year old non-Political sermon and telling people lies? "The kings" means every non-Pastor Christian. Did you read the above article you are commenting on?
Of course I don't think children should be told they are Greater than anyone else. I do think that a responsible Christian parent of a child gifted in any area of life should tell them they are gifted. Far better for praise to come from parents who can temper it with the fact that such giftedness is ultimately from God and is to be stewarded as such- than for the world to be the first to notice it. I have zero problem with Rafael's statement to his young son.
"Neocon" is a word and has a Dictionary definition. Definitions are not "doublespeak". Trump supported the Invasion of Lybia, and was also tepidly for the Invasion of Iraq at the beginning. Those are facts. ...

News Item4/8/16 5:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Anyone who wishes to see the video Penny is talking about can view it here:
"When he was four I used to read Bible stories to him all the time. And I would declare and proclaim the word of God over him. And I would just say, 'You know Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know and God has destined you for greatness'."
The full transcript is also on the site. What I would like to know is how discipling your son, reading him scripture, and telling him that God has a pupose for his life, is considered "crazy" by a fellow Christian? I, for one, wish more fathers were that involved- our country would likely be better off.
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