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Survey10/9/08 7:40 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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Back 2 Basics wrote:
I know that both sides claim the Bible as their original source. But as to other sources for my views...IFBs do not operate based on a "Confession" or written standard other than the bible. Everything man writes is flawed. Certainly we read and gain insight from one another. But we do not have an "Independenet Baptist Confession of Faith."
This has nothing to do with historic writings or terminology.

It is the same old.......

Pharisee versus Christ.
RCC versus the true Church.
Arminians/FW versus the Reformed Canons of Dordt.
Liberal versus the Evangelical.
Cults versus the Christian.
Heretics versus the Truth.

All denominations work from a confession, whether written or not.
Writing is simply a means of communication.
To reject historical standards is a theological point scoring based on; a] today we are correct, and b] previous centuries were wrong.

1Cor 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

"As the apostle says to Timothy, so also he says to everyone, ‘Give yourself to reading.’ He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read." (C H Spurgeon)

News Item10/9/08 7:19 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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"... the Bratz came out with Bratz Ponyz. And then, says Scott, an English professor at a small college in Georgia, "I realized porn culture and I were in a death match for my daughter's soul." ..."

Satan starts young today, but then he always has. Souls he can blind in darkness, assisted by the law of sin in mortals, is what his work is all about.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

2Cor 4:4 In whom the god of this world HATH BLINDED the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Eph 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the BLINDNESS of their heart:

News Item10/9/08 7:06 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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"While the Bible has been recreated and repackaged innumerable times, publishers of the newest editions are using some distinctly unique formats to capture the attention of readers. ..."

Iconolatry has never worked.

We can observe that in the papist who is still looking at toast, relics etc for his Dulia worship.

But man made religion has a lot of curious quirks and delusions.

2thes 2:10.......because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

News Item10/3/08 8:37 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
Newcomer *Scholium* misses the point entirely.
And the point?
The point is that GOD PROCLAIMED in His Word, the Scriptures, what HAD TO TAKE PLACE and how He would fulfill His promise of a Redemeer!

So, Poindexter,

"Newcomer" - I've been posting on this comments board since 2005!
How about you?

"Poindexter" - Dictionary definition is quote; "a person who is intelligent but socially inept; a nerd"

Well, Well, DJC49, what a VERY Christian way to treat someone whose crime is to debate from a different perspective from you.

Your committment to your definition of "seed" is the problem here. You have decided that God CANNOT create a "seed" (specifically one half of a seed namely the egg), without the help of the sinner donor. You are the one who is demoting the Lord from Sovereign and Creator. Not me!

Remember my previous question below on the male sperm part of God creating the body of Christ. WHO created that part in your estimation? Somebody had too. So the female egg, the part which YOU teach is the "sole" contributor to the body of Chist, - (because the other participant was of spiritual origin) which came from the sinner/donor was sanctified at conception?

Is that your version DJC49?

News Item10/2/08 5:32 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
I invite anyone and everyone to go to their webpages and read for themselves and SEE if Morris, Taylor, and Payne are not advocating for Christ having obtained His human nature without ANY contribution whatsoever from the genetics of Mary.
Definition of Adam the first human being. God created his body and spirit.

Definition of second Adam Jesus, Son of God. God created His body and the spiritual part is eternal therfore did not require God's creating.

DJC49 definition of Christ Incarnate. God created His body, but required an existing egg from a sinner donor, to make Him human???
The reason for this, apparently, is that God/man would not accept that sinners were really saved without the donor egg, by the aforesaid sinner.

Sorry DJC49, to preclude God at this point and then say "HE can't" unless there is a mortal contribution, just ain't kosher, as they say.

News Item10/2/08 4:56 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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" California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially approved an assisted suicide measure ...."

The Terminator!!!

News Item10/2/08 4:49 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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thinking thought,
"and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."

"Excellent Scriptural reference, *thinking*.
The verse you cited [1John 4:3 KJV] specifically targets the Gnostic/Docetic teachings of the apostle John's time who said that Christ did not have an actual physical body. He only SEEMED to have had one. According to them, the physical was evil and the spiritual was good."

Now hands up all those who suggested, implied or said that Jesus did not have flesh covering His bones.

Sun must be very hot in Florida just now.

News Item10/2/08 2:43 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
There HAS TO BE -- MUST BE -- linkage!
No linkage, no redemption.
Why do you think that Christ had to be birthed into the Adamic race? You, Scholium, have a funny notion that Christ could have popped into existence fully-formed (as was Adam) in some remote location, walked on to the scene, able to sacrifice Himself for our redemption.
Now ... Have you ever wondered why God did not choose to save one fallen angel?
That's right.
There was NO way that an "angelic Christ" could have been knit into the race of angels BECAUSE .....

By contrast, humans come into being through procreation. There's a chain. And there's an ENTRY POINT where a "Christ" can enter into becoming "one of us." Now I'm going to shock you here, Scholium, so hold on ...
In a very real sense, the whole of Humanity, from Adam onward until the last born human, is ONE organism! Yup. One MANKIND living within a continuum of life through space/time. And BECAUSE mankind is such, Christ is ABLE to break into the chain and obtain salvation for those "parts" of the Organism who would believe.
I know I'm going to catch a LOT of flak for this

Ah now this is a scarecrow isn't it

Whoops I mean a strawman

News Item10/2/08 11:40 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
But what this gains in Christ being "genetically pure" loses in Christ's ability to save ANYONE of the Adamic race! Christ HAD to be ONE OF US yet w/o sin.
Thus God is handicapped by the very flesh HE created. Without the link to mortal flesh, the vehicle of sin, God cannot save.

Gal 5:17 For the flesh LUSTETH against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are CONTRARY the one to the other: so that ye CANNOT do the things that ye would."

Beware of those who insist and proclaim - "That which God cannot do."

News Item10/2/08 10:29 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
MORE texts from Scripture PROVING that Jesus Christ was indeed biologically connected to David:
Otherwise, the basis of DJC49 arguement is, salvation is not possible, - God or no God there has to be a connection to the flesh.
This is as risky as salvation by works.

Anything to place an obligation upon the creature and correspondingly diminish the sovereigty of the Lord.

14 And the Word was *MADE* flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

*MADE* = Greek - to cause to be generate, come into being.

DJC49 - Who is it who can create out of nothing? Is this still true in your book?

News Item10/1/08 4:19 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
are you saying that Jesus Christ was never a baby since he had no earthly father?

Would you like to start with Genesis 3:15 and go from there?

1) Jesus was once baby!

2) Gen 3:15 - does not prove a biological connection necessity.

I was wondering
If salvation in Christ is essentially based upon the biological connection to Mary, (woman)! - Then who saved the poor old male of the species?

If you suggest that the Holy Spirit "represents" the male in this conception, does this mean HE does not represent the female?

BTW whilst we are at this "scientific" point in the discussion, do you think there was a "physical" sperm used by the Spirit; - if so, then who put it there and why could they not also place the female egg there at the same instance?

News Item10/1/08 3:04 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
Who says?
Eh perhaps because it is usual to have a man and a woman to make a baby. Is it different in Florida?

DJC49 wrote:
BUT it does NOT connect Christ with the Adamic race and THAT is the point entirely! There MUST be an ACTUAL interconnection and NOT just a "legal" connection. Christ MUST be "one of us"
Who says?

Where in Scripture do you find that it is absolutely essential for there to be a biological connection to Mary, to enable God to save the elect?

I've come across salvation by works - But never salvation by egg?

News Item10/1/08 9:43 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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DJC49 wrote:
If Mary was just an incubator for a created flesh, Jesus could have still been considered a genuine human being (Adam was a created man that did not have a human mother but yet he was still completely human), BUT -- and this is a HUGE "BUT!" -- He would NOT have been part of the ADAMIC RACE
Nor a human father either.

To be a part of the Adamic race you argue for a generate biological connection to Mary.
Yet Jesus was "conceived" of the Holy Spirit. "....conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."Matt 1:20.

*Conceived* =
"1080. gennao ghen-nah'-o from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate:--bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring."

The Adamic race generates from both Adam and Eve (man and woman) to claim membership. Not of one gender only.

To conceive of the flesh is sperm plus egg, - this results in a member of the human race.

The first Adam was created by divine generation.
The second Adam (Jesus incarnate) was created by divine generation, as Matt 1.20 states.

This takes nothing from the humanity of either Adam.

News Item9/27/08 6:06 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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"Spc. Dustin Chalker, a combat medic with an engineering battalion....."

In the real battle he fights for the enemy.

25. But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

38.The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
40. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

Tares (weeds) don't just stand there and blow in the wind, the enemy, the devil, plants them to serve on the other side.

News Item9/20/08 3:47 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
because the AV lacks perspecuity,

FOUR centuries of use by the Holy Spirit as His sword proves this statement of yours to be wrong Jim.

News Item9/19/08 3:05 PM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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kenny wrote:
Everyone is born with a tendency to commit certain sins but that is the crux of the whole argument.......

That's the point. When you call these people homosexual or gay, you are making an excuse for their behavior because they were 'born that way'....

"commit certain sins" - Thats an interestng point you make??

As for your second point above, may I change the wording slightly.

""That's the point. When you call these people **SINNERS**, you are making an excuse for their behavior because they were 'born that way'.""

Provides a different perspective don't you think?

As I pointed out below I do agree with you from a Christian perspective we are to teach the Laws and Precepts of God which condemn all sin.

If we could ban all sin then we might be more sucessful with the sinners, coming to the Law of God and obeying.
But this is the reason for us being "strangers" on earth, and walking the narrow path.
Our task today is the same old task of preaching the way, the truth and the life to all who are our neighbours, regardless of their "certain sins."

News Item9/19/08 8:29 AM
Scholium  Find all comments by Scholium
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kenny wrote:
Oxymoron: homo sexual.
By calling those who engage in sodomy 'homosexuals', you are giving credence to their argument that they are 'born that way'.
Whilst I agree with your statement generally, I would add that
"they are born that way" In that they are born sinners.
The terminology of use as homosexual is simply identification.
Whereas all are born sinners but the majority don't do the act, just
as the majority don't murder, rape etc.
Like adulterers and rapists they choose the sin because the natural
estate of man is in the dominion of sin. When the sinner is truly
converted then they come out from under that dominion, - still sinners
but directed by the grace and the Spirit, to fight against iniquity,
sin and transgression.

*Gal 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.*
= Note here the implication of a lack of choice. Thus we should not seek to suggest a weakening of the power and dominion of the sinful estate of man, simply by his decision process. Sin controls man. Rom 7:18 "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing" etc....

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