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News Item10/30/2020 8:27 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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On this side of "The Pond" the documentary In His Image does a wonderful job of revealing how Christ liberates those caught up in transgender confusion. You can watch it for free.

Transgenderism is one of the many modern lies that should be easily debunked. Unfortunately those fools who profess to be wise are feeding these lies "hook, line, and sinker" to the ignorant and naive. We need some famous "woke" person to actually wake up and declare that the emperor named Transgenderism is wearing no clothes.

News Item10/28/2020 8:15 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Does not the Democrats' complaint sound familiar?

Matthew 8:29 - And behold, they cried out saying, "What to us and to you Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?"

News Item10/27/2020 10:14 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Unfortunately, there are many teen girls in high school experimenting with other teen girls and older girls in college. Blame this on "progressive" teachers and professors who hate God's standards for a civil society. When you step back and look at the broad view of society it is today's captive young women who are the spearhead of the adversaries attack to promote a culture of immorality, death of the innocents, and disrespect for authority.

News Item10/25/2020 8:49 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Anyone think Joe would throw Israel under the bus?

News Item10/25/2020 8:46 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Denomination - the face value of a banknote, coin, or postage stamp.

There are truly only two denominations. Which denomination are you?

And Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar the things of Caesar, and to God the things of God." And they were amazed at Him.

News Item10/21/2020 7:52 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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"Meritocracy?" More like barbarians at the gates.

This perpetuation of "White guilt" is totally ludicrous. This is true racial profiling on a massive scale. This is not a "turning of tables;" its a travesty of error and all institutions from schools, to work places, to government, and to religious institutions are buying in to this dangerous nonsense. Does anyone truly believe that those Whites who may truly harbor racist thoughts will just rollover and accept "White guilt, especially when they have not said or done anything racist? Of course not!

If I were to take you to many of my relatives homes (I'm Black) you will be treated respectfully. But, after you leave, there will be conversations about you that will cause even George Jefferson to blush.

My point is that perpetuation of "White guilt" will not only totally fail, but also exacerbate a problem that occurs in all races. The narrative should be dignity and respect for, not all races, but for all persons of all races; for we were made in the image of God.

And, this is important: Diversity sounds so hip and cool. But its not. Division and exclusion are at the root of it. Unity is what we must concentrate on and set our target for. And, true unity can only be found in the Body of Christ alone.

News Item10/21/2020 7:25 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities should just drop "Christian" from its title and instead add Satanic: The Council for Satanic Colleges.

News Item10/19/2020 1:00 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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The great tragedy here is not about him crowing about being the first openly gay student body president at Calvin University. The greater tragedy is that he was voted student body president at Calvin University by the student body. Its a smaller example how the man of sin will be elected as world premier by the sinful populous of the world.

News Item10/19/2020 12:55 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Revelation 2:9 - I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

They can identify and call themselves pro-life all they want, but the Lord who has eyes like a flame of fire see their hypocrisy. Times of testing like these will reveal and divide the professors of Christ from the confessors of Christ.

News Item10/14/2020 8:36 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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There is a pretty good chance that if I was to walk into a church I've never been to and sit down to attend their service for one visit I may not be remembered after a certain amount of time; especially if the church was large. But if Joe Biden and his entourage of body guards were to attend any church (no matter how large), and that church had Black congregants, they would have surely remembered. That visit might even make the local news.

Chances are it is Joe and not the church who is having trouble with their memories; or probably a trouble with telling the truth.

News Item10/13/2020 9:12 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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If scientists would start to mount a campaign to publicly declare that human life begins at conception then I might begin to believe their campaign of publicly declaring that Coronavirus is the primary cause of death of over 200,000 Americans (and counting); and even begin to believe that humans are the biggest catalyst of global climate change (not withstanding it will still occur if we all moved to the moon).

News Item10/11/2020 7:40 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Christians don't profess, we confess and agree with God.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

News Item10/11/2020 7:37 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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The best way to keep critical information from young people on how to live these days is to put it in a book.

News Item10/10/2020 11:56 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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"Tribunal Court?" What is this, the Dark Ages?

News Item10/10/2020 9:02 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Fathers, mothers, doctors, teachers, and now attorneys have all turned against children. However, they fail to realize that children have an Avenger.

Matthew 18:10 See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I say to you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.

News Item10/10/2020 8:56 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. The lack of proper discernment (judging) is what has gotten young people to be duped into embracing Socialism being taught in the guise of the social "gospel." And of course, there is no other Gospel but the Gospel of Truth concerning Jesus the Christ, the Son of God. And, discernment within the Body is a primary task of the Church. If we don't get it right now we will be unfit to judge after our glorification.

1 Corinthians 6 1 How dare one of you, having a problem with another, go to law under the unrighteous, and not rather under the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? If the world will be judged by you, are you not good enough to judge small trifles? 3 Do you not know that we will judge the angels? How much more may we judge things that pertain to this life? 4 If you have trials of worldly matters, take those who are least esteemed in the congregation and make them judges. 5 This I say to your shame. Is there really no wise man among you? What, no one at all who can judge between brother and brother? 6 But one brother goes to law against another, and that under the unbelievers?

News Item10/9/2020 7:04 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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I pray that God has raised ACB in the manner of Deborah (judge and prophetess) or Priscilla (wife, tent-maker, hostess of house fellowships, and corrector of Apostle Apollos). Even better, the Proverbs 31 wife and mother:
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
27 She looks well to the ways of her household,
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,
and let her works praise her in the gates.

News Item10/7/2020 1:03 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Another "Amen" brother. I would tweak the statement concerning "unintended pregnancies" and say that there is no such thing. Its like saying that a gun goes off by itself when I put my finger on the trigger; it was "unintended". I remember the euphemism from the 60's and 70's "Let's make a baby." Sex is the natural means of procreation.

News Item10/7/2020 8:00 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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The "Reverend" William Barber is a loud-mouthed heretic. 2 Peter 2:13 - The harm they will suffer is the wages of their wickedness. They consider it a pleasure to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deception as they feast with you.

News Item10/7/2020 7:56 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Wrong!!! Child sacrifice is practiced in every nation and in every corner of the globe. It is called "Abortion."
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