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News Item3/4/13 9:57 AM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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Start buying bibles from the trinitatian bible society. They only offer the kjv but at least they are printed mostly in the U.K.

Sermon1/8/13 1:29 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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The Use and Abuse of Social Media
Pastor Steven Dilday
“ Great Sermon! ”
i don't use facebook for many of the reasons listed here in this sermon but i was still thoroughly convicted about my own shortcomings regarding Christian communication...then the phone rang. thankyou for a great lesson, it really made me think and consider some things regarding speech I never considered before. I see i have such a long way to go in this area and im still really confused on where to draw the line of acceptable speech. i trust the sanctifying grace of the Lord Jesus to help me. one thing i want to add is that I recently did a study this week about Anne Hutchinson and I think that the principle problems and situations addressed in this sermon were very similar to what happened so long ago in Puritan New England. one persons unruly speech led to so much division and strife and heresy. May the Lord bless his church and may he grant his people repentance, revival and reformation.

News Item1/8/13 10:44 AM
km  Find all comments by km
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why do we even believe this is a real photo of a robot on Mars? How do we really know a rover is even on Mars? it could just as easily be a photo of someone's Arizona backyard. The whole space program is a ploy to keep people from focusing on the serious problem we all face right here on our own planet, namely SIN. Beware of oppositions of science falsely so called, and be sure to question any new "discoveries" they make. we live in an age of intense fakery used to deceive and coerce the minds and opinions of people. Remember all the cave-man talk a few years ago that was exposed as incorrect or outright fraudulent. Be careful how you see and hear and dont allow yourself to be manipulated. Peace to all.

News Item11/30/12 1:03 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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you are right, i mispoke, rick warren is not "the antichrist" but he is a mouthpiece for "the antichrist" and he does represent the spirit of antichrist in his blaspemies. sorry for the confusion but my point was to express how terribly deceptive he and others like him are and how terribly decieved the posters are at the christian post. peace.
Dopey wrote:
Part of your last sentence which I have quoted, I believe is wrong. How can Rick Warren be "the antichrist" when there are many antichrists?:
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.-- 1 John 2:18 KJV
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.-- 2 John 1:7 KJV
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

News Item11/28/12 10:39 AM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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this article is shocking even coming from rick warren. what is even more disturbing is to read the comments from the posters at thechristianpost. i am amazed at the way modern "christians" think. their comments are truly twisted and shocking. btw some people do refer to themselves as protestant and are thankful for what that word means and Jesus dod NOT tolerate any sinful behavior contrary to his blasphemous assertion. rick warren is the antichrist, may the LORD rebuke him.

Sermon2/11/12 1:17 PM
KM | va  Find all comments by KM
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“ excellent ”
very helpful in properly understanding the law and its relation to sin and grace

News Item1/30/12 9:18 AM
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Mike wrote:
How is it less hypocritical for Muslims to hide Muslim homosexuality while condemning it publicly, while acting turned off by what you call Christian hypocrisy? Are you defining "Christian" properly, or as Muslims do, not distinguishing between followers of Jesus Christ, and pew warming followers of the culture?
dear Mike, i dont believe it is less hypocritical for Muslims to hide homosexuality, while acting turned off by what i call Christian hypocrisy. i believe hypocrisy is hypocrisy whether it comes from Christians or Muslims. the difference is that we as blood-bought children of God should not give the lost world an occasion to blaspheme the gospel of Christ. we must live to a higher standard. i define Christian as all those who profess Christ and are saved through grace alone through faith alone. i cant see whats in their hearts if they are a true believer or false convert. i only want to exhort all my brethren to a more obedient faith in Christ, in line with the statutes, principles and precepts of God's word. God bless.

News Item1/28/12 2:00 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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Russ wrote:
One thing most Americans aren't aware of is the rampant homosexuality that pervades the middle east Islamic countries. They may say one thing, but when Thursday comes around they practice something altogether different. You would be surprised what you see through night vision and thermal scopes
i agree that this may be true. i believe there is an underground flow of homosexuality in most societies. however the key word is "underground" and not openly public and commended as we see here. for example in islamic societies it is a shame to even speak of such things much less joke about it which unfortunately i see happen often among Christians. Islam is a false religion, Muslims need Christ, however they really are turned off by Christian hypocrisy. we also say one thing and do another. i speak this by experience as my inlaws are all Muslim and i lived with them in there country for over a year. my brothers in law are not closet homosexuals, they are just lost. we need to show them Christ by a changed life not only by words and not by comparing our morality with theirs because in many ways they exceed the righteous lifestyles of many professing Christians. my point is that we need to accept the challenge to live up to our calling in Christ

News Item1/28/12 6:49 AM
km | Va  Find all comments by km
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very sad that a spanking is considered abuse but if a police officer tazes a child that is considered reasonable force.

News Item1/27/12 9:48 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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San Jose John wrote:
Well...we're giving radical Islam yet another reason to hate us, and providing yet another reason for people like me to be increasingly ashamed of their own country.
The other day I heard a liberal on TV give a list of 7 or 8 items supported by Islam that were supposed to be "bad". 3 of those items were actually NOT bad but GOOD, from an orthodox Christian and original-traditional American perspective. Such is the deteriorating condition of national and cultural unity in this once great nation.
you are totally right about that. some Christians are offended at the Muslim lifestyle yet many of the things Muslims do or dont do is exactly how we should be behaving according to the scriptures.
and i think some Christians attack them because of envy and pride, they dont want to be challenged to live according to Bible. we give the enemy much reason to blaspheme and thats a terrible shame that grieves me everyday. we need to humbly repent and live a life worthy of our calling, not because works save us but because we are saved we should live to glorify our Father in heaven and live blamelessly before men. we made room for this perversion because we stopped living like salt and light. may God have mercy.

News Item1/21/12 9:12 AM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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mr. santorum is to be commended on his stand against birth control. however he can not be seen to respect life while in a warmongering spirit calls for more carnage and blood shed across the globe. that is "not ok" to quote mr. santorum. apart from that i would like us all to remember that mr. santorum is a catholic and follows popery which can be seen as no different (and in many ways worse) than the evil religion of mr. romney who i might add is also to be commended for his regection of bc. i would remind us all that true muslims also do not practice bc. lets be fair. we cannot vote for immoral people who reject Christ, rather through popery or mormonism, ect. i most certianly hope neither mr. santorum, romney or gingrich gets the nomination. maybe dr. paul is a freemason. i dont know for sure (i cant vote for a freemason either), but at least he is not for more wars. lets have mercy and vote for peace not war. and if you think none are worthy of the vote then do the right thing and dont vote. its never wrong to withhold your vote then there is no worthy option. do not vote for the best of two evils. may God richly bless.

News Item12/18/11 7:41 AM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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this is why we should not make images of Christ. it encourages the world to blaspheme and it causes irreverence of his glory.

Sermon9/24/11 12:52 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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“ Great Sermon! ”
dear pastor, thankyou for telling the truth. may Christ richly bless you and your flock.

Sermon9/22/11 11:07 AM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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“ sadly intriguing ”
I just learned about this guy this week. Mr. bell is a soft atheist. he is angry with God. he has neutralized the just and holy God of the Bible because he is too cowardly to outright admit that he doesnt really believe in God. if we go by his line of understanding we might as well embrace fatalism; let us eat drink and be merry for tommorow we die and by the way love wins. we might as well just do whatever we will bc it doesnt matter anyway. i could say more but thats enough.

Sermon8/25/11 4:31 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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“ i was really blessed by this ”
oh how i need to be more humble and meek. oh how i wish i would examine myself more. more the Lord bless my brethren and myself with a right view of ourselves. and oh how we would seek to emulate Christ and his meekness, gentlness, humility. i really needed to hear this, thanks.

News Item6/26/11 1:33 PM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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puritan quote "ignorance is the mother of error"
i see a great imbalance here. one half hates all things Islam because they are ignorant of the facts. the other half embraces all things Islam because they are ignorant of the facts.
let us be Christ like and pray for these lost souls. let us set a good example for them of true holiness so that they will see Christ in us. lets be wise and cautious not to spread false statements or overgeneralizations of them or their way of life. they are lost yes. they need Christ yes. so let us not shun them or hold them in contempt but let us love them with the pure love of Christ. let us get our own lives in order, repent of our worldliness and then we can teach sinners in the way. a lot of ways they live their lives is the way we should be living. why because the Quran says so? no, because Christ says so in his word. let us follow the Bible in Spirit and in truth better than they outwardly follow the Quran. we need to repent because we are causing them to blaspheme the Lord when we reject biblical truth and they call us out on it. let us be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. they are not all terrorists. actually most of them fear terrorism as much as you or me. do you know a Muslim? do you pray for him and his family? let us be merciful.

Sermon6/1/11 10:57 AM
km | va  Find all comments by km
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“ Great Sermon! ”
thankyou for this thorough well laid out presentation. i would like to make one correction or side note if i may. Muslims do not pray towards mecca because it is mohammeds birth place (if they do it would be a secondary reason) they pray towards mecca because it is the site of the kabba which is their most holy shrine. they believe it was built by abraham and ishmael (of course it was not)and it was the site where mohammed cast out the false idols and "re"instituted monotheism. i would also like to note tha the name Allah is not in and of itself a bad name. it is a contraction of al illah in arabic and means simply "the God". the Islamic "Allah" is not the God we know, however please be aware that Arabic Christians also use this name for God and this is how it occurs in the Arabic Bible (Van Dyke). to tell a muslim "Allah is Satan is confusing to them because in essence you are saying "God is Satan". it is better to specify the Allah of the Koran is Satan and the Allah of the Bible is Jesus Christ. this will have much more impact. anyways thankyou again, God Bless

Sermon5/2/11 4:51 PM
km | usa  Find all comments by km
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That We Should Be Holy
Hanserd Knollys
“ i was really blessed by this ”
honestly this sermon startled me. either this pastor was way off the mark or most modern day Christians have no idea what it means to be a true Christian. i say this in regards to myself as well. i hope the good Lord will continue to convict me of the things that are lacking in me and that he will continue to sanctify me. this message also prompts me to pray more ernestly for my erring brethren and discourages any haughtiness or highmindedness i am otherwise prone to. may Christ have mercy on his Church and bring us revival and reformation.

Sermon12/27/10 11:35 PM
K.M. | Minnesota  Contact via emailFind all comments by K.M.
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“ One great discussion! ”
These comments are so right on! So true! The Roman counterfeit wants YOU! -K.

Sermon11/7/09 1:35 PM
KM  Contact via emailFind all comments by KM
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Family Sins - 1
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great sermon explaining a fairly common old-testament story (the Dinah controversy) and how one person's sins affect us all.
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