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News Item10/17/16 9:14 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Pastor Jon wrote:
Or don't
Are you suggesting that Christians should not vote??

s c wrote:
We're under judgment either way. The candidates well represent who we are as a nation: the self-consumed playboy and the "liberated" woman.
Don't over spiritualize this –– Donald Trump is leaps and bounds above Hillary Clinton –– he will move us back toward some semblance of sanity –– i.e. –– ENFORCING immigration laws , REESTABLISHING US AS A NATION WITH BORDERS , COMBATING the influx of heroin and methamphetamine coming across the border , ELIMINATING sanctuary cities , APPOINTING TRUE CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES TO THE SUPREME COURT , REPEALING Obamacare , creating a viable environment for corporations to come back home and put "millions" of Americans back to work (NO MORE COMMUNIST CHINA CRUD) , put coal miners BACK TO WORK by cutting back on Obama's/Clinton's unrealistic regulations , PROTECTING RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS , ELIMINATING the 1954 Johnson Amendment , etc... (SO MUCH MORE)




News Item10/15/16 7:38 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Homosexuals don't want to face the "Truth" about themselves ––– their whole existence is based upon one BIG LIE ––– JUST PLAIN PITIFUL ––– It's all about the perversion of the heart ––– It always has been and always will be about dysfunctionally twisted sexual behavior and their "CHOICE" to live in that lifestyle

They all need our prayers

News Item10/14/16 1:25 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Ignominious Emirakan / Reverse

I honestly do not believe that America is the nation being referenced in Revelation chapter 17 and 18 –––– in my personal opinion Pastor Adams is way off the mark –––– I am really not sure that America will be a participant involved in prophecy and the end times ... I'm not sure why that is … just looking at the way things are today here in this country with the Clinton Machine (all of the lies, deception evasiveness, cheating, treasonous pay-to-play, obstruction of justice ... HELL IS IN THE MIX), left-wing mainstream media KOWTOWING to Hillary's orders to drive the News Cycle in her favor, "OUR" Justice Department colluding with the Clinton Consortium ... DAMN IT ALL TO HELL ... it just reeks of similarities to Hitlers Nazi Fascist Party and their control (the way they duped the German people and brought them to ruin) –––– It's hard to say what chain of events will take place … it could be that America will be enthralled in a revolution while things are taking place on the world stage …

PS: You can only lie, cheat and steal from people for so long – sooner or later good people will come to their senses and stand up as one against tyrannical rule

If people really love America will they protect and preserve It???

News Item10/13/16 5:14 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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All the WikiLeaks email releases are giving people a peek behind the veil of Hillary Clinton's real thoughts/feelings about Americans ––– she puts on one mask when she's speaking to her supporters –––– she takes off the public-mask when she's behind the scenes speaking with her fellow radical comrades in her camp ––– and yet another mask when she is speaking to the elites who give large sums of money to the Clinton foundation (purchasing future favors –– nothing is sacred everything is for sale – even America and our Freedom)...

And still Jim Lincoln is tirelessly acting as Lying Crooked HELLary Clinton's personal advocate here on …

I am truly worried about our country and I fear the worst is yet to come if the Clinton Machine gains access to the White House/Presidency

Radicals are working overtime to overthrow this country ––– our political process is being undermined on every level ––– America has never been in greater danger from within than we are now

If Donald Trump becomes our next president it is my sincere hope that he will begin the process of auditing our government to see just how egregious the infractions are that these CROOKS in Washington have committed against "WE THE PEOPLE"

News Item10/12/16 6:08 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Mike wrote:
Reagan was a much nicer man than Trump, but he nonetheless easily put the liberals in perspective:
"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so"

News Item10/12/16 5:39 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Australia plans indefinite detention for terrorists? ––

News Item10/12/16 4:13 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Mike/New York ––––––

Jim Lincoln ––– By any chance have you given millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation??? –– IF NOT –– DON'T FOOL YOURSELF –– HELLary Clinton doesn't give "two hoots and a holler" about you or anyone like you ––– she and her elitist backers just look at you and others as gullible little fools who are helping them move closer to their endgame … (the destruction of a Nation Founded Upon GOD GIVEN RIGHTS AND THE TRUE PRINCIPLED FREEDOMS FOUND THEREIN)

"ABSOLUTES" are a real hinderance to progressive radicals like Obama, HELLary and all the leftist cronies in their camp … that's why their wheels of change are always aimed at rolling over True Religion … that which is not compatible with their twisted destructive vision (to systematically dismantle America, our Sovereignty and our Constitution) must be stamped out

Doesn't it get tiresome being Hellary's surrogate Jim??

The truth be told it's not just Obama and Hillary Clinton –– it's the majority of both Democrats and Republicans in Washington, DC who have succumbed to corruption on every level and have SOLD OUT AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE –– IN ALL HONESTY THEY ARE ALL GUILTY OF "HIGH TREASON" –– DISGRACEFUL

How much more will good people take???

News Item10/12/16 7:31 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Here you go Jim ––– this is what Hillary Clinton really thinks about immigration –– (from one of her emails):

"The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half a chance (Jews, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks and Roma, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances."

The left-wing media is in the tank for Hillary Clinton so you just keep on posting links to all her cronies

You and I both know Hillary Clinton is a FRAUD

News Item10/12/16 6:29 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The Methodist Church has welcomed unrepentant homosexuals into their midst –– and they even have practicing homosexuals in the clergy –––– there are quite a number of denominations that have moved away from the Truth of the Gospel trying to accommodate that for which there is no accommodation when it comes to God's Word –– I really don't know how it is that God's people have allowed things to come to this point

We are all sinners –– but we come to the Cross with repentant hearts seeking change IN, OF AND THROUGH OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS - THE CHRIST ––– No where in God's Word are we told to come as we are and stay as we are

Remember what Peter said in Acts 2: 38? –––
Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Something to think about

News Item10/12/16 6:00 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Authentic journalism is dead

News programs today are filled with a bunch of blabber heads expressing their own views and opinions ––– and far too many have moved into the realm of "talk-show" news where they just sit and talk about how they feel concerning the headlines

One person I have noticed on FoxNews –– Megan Kelly –– is far too full of herself –– and I honestly feel deep down she is a liberal lost in a world of mostly conservatives at FoxNews –– it just seems she tries to hard –– it's like she thinks it's all about her –– trying too hard to be too perfect –– she should just dial it back a notch or two – or maybe even three

News Item10/12/16 1:38 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim Lincoln –– don't you get tired of standing up for a no good liar like Hillary Clinton?

Corruption has consumed our government –– we are in big trouble folks

The DOJ warns the Clinton machine via email –– β€œDOJ folks inform me there is a status hearing in this case this morning, so we could have a window into the judge's thinking about this proposed production schedule as quickly as today.” ––– Can anyone say criminal collusion and the BETRAYAL of the American people???

WikiLeaks has released even more incriminating emails that expose Hillary Clinton for the lying no good dirty low down stinking communistic criminal insider she really is ––– Anyone who stands with Hillary Clinton is clueless or just does not love America

News Item10/12/16 1:12 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The left wing-nut media will be pulling out all the stops to help Hillary Clinton step into the White House ––– radicals are attempting to hijack America once again and if they get away with it this time shame on us

News Item10/12/16 12:31 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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"We believe the candidacy of Donald J. Trump has given voice to a movement that affirms racist elements in white culture β€” both explicit and implicit," reads the petition in part.

This is absurd ––– "Stupidity" gone to seed

Christians best STAND UP –– it's a clear no-brainer between Hillary and Trump –– Clinton is all about open borders, suppressing Christianity, the placement of radical activists on the Supreme Court, …

THIS IS AN EXTREMELY CRITICAL TIME FOR AMERICA ––– If Christians fail to get out and vote Hillary will be elected and America will never be the same again… THE PLACEMENT OF SUPREME COURT JUSTICES (POSSIBLY 4 OVER THE NEXT 4 YEARS) WILL AFFECT THIS NATION FOR THE NEXT 40 TO 50 YEARS … Hillary Clinton will undermine the U S Constitution and our already diminished freedoms will come under assault as never before … she will champion partial-birth abortion and she'll use taxpayer dollars to fund all abortions … She and all her Elitist Insider Cronies will tear this country apart and move us further toward the likes of a Third World Country with more and more of the citizenry becoming dependent upon government … her vision for this country has nothing to do with "THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE"

Christians MUST VOTE


News Item10/5/16 10:00 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Welcome to the twisted hypocritical world of left-wing radical's ––– they will do anything and everything to aid Hillary Clinton in her attempt to fool America

America – – how dare you consider the facts – – Don't you believe your lying eyes – – – all you need to know is what we tell you –––– This is the Communistic Democratic Motto ––

YEP –– THE DELETERIOUSLY ILLINFORMED ARE SUCKERED BY LIBERALS every time –––– Are you gonna believe your lying eyes or what we tell you??? ––– Unfortunately there are far too many clueless individuals who believe everything the leftists tell them ––– it just seems that they are incapable of clear critical thinking

News Item10/5/16 8:55 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Hillary is all about destroying the Constitution and crushing Christianity –– it's all about whittling away at our Freedom –– Liberals have their narrative and they want their vision of America to become the new reality (Communistic government rule intruding into every aspect of the lives of citizens)

Leftist radicals want to vilify all those who disagree with them –– they want to set groups of people (blacks, hispanics, women, etc...) against one another –– and that includes vilifying the rich …

The rich fund big businesses that employee large numbers –––– Many Companies have abandoned America due to whacked-out government oversight, excessive taxation, out of control regulations, Labor Unions, etc... and those that remain are being pummeled by the aforementioned!!!

People just don't get it ––– It's all about distraction, misdirection and the lack of focus on the part of those who fall into the category of low information voter's (The Clueless) ... the Democratic (Socialist) party wants to divide and separate people with lies and trickery –– just playing their same old political shell-game...

People need to remember that the rich can afford to move and they will take their money with them ––– So, know of any poor people capable of employing Americans???

News Item10/3/16 5:45 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Obama will continue his onslaught against the safeguards that have been built-in to our Constitution ––– and you better believe he will be emboldened even more as his exit from office draws nigh⚠️

News Item10/3/16 3:44 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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GSMontana wrote:
Hillary spoke at a church in Charlotte NC yesterday fanning the flames of racial tension and seeking votes. I wonder if the IRS would police that churches support of Hillary or only focus on churches that support Republicans. Considering the IRS has penchant for going after conservatives, I'm gonna go with the latter.
________________________ EXACTLY!!!

Hillary Clinton is in Toledo, Ohio today talking to her gullible constituents –– and boy is she ever running her mouth –– spewing all her lies and twisted propaganda... –– GOD HELP US!!!

HELLary Clinton is one BIG MESS OF TROUBLE America can do without!!! –– she is pulling out all the stops, selling a bill of goods she can never deliver on to anyone and everyone dimwitted enough to take her seriously

God help us if the Crazed Clinton Criminal Consortium (with all their crooked cronies) end up in the White House –– they will fleece America…

You better believe the corruption and scandals that plague Hillary and Bill Clinton today are nothing compared to what her administration will usher in … they are outrageously overbold, out of control, outlaw obstructionists who are above the laws that govern us commoners

People best wake up!!!

News Item10/2/16 11:27 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Have any of you heard anything about the small box and wires under Hillary's red pant suit jacket seen in pictures at the first presidential debate??? –– It was either a communication device or an instrument that sends electrical impulses to aid in alleviating symptoms of Advanced Parkinson’s disease.

If it was a listening device that would explain the wires or antenna device connected up her back to give the box grater receptivity. ––– I am really surprised people are not asking more questions about this ––––– ––––– whatever it was it's just another thing they are covering up ––– par for the course when dealing with the Clintons –– Liar, Liar, Liar pant suit on fire

News Item10/2/16 10:15 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Obama is pitiful ––– it will be nice to get this idiot out of the White House

News Item10/1/16 12:19 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I don't even consider all Trump supporters troglodytes, though of course some are prime candidates to be members of the KKK

WOW........that's beyond unreasonable ––– you are being callously absurd

Maybe liberals (the socialist minded/leaning) are afflicted with fuzzy thinking syndrome due to the lack of oxygen way up there on their high horse

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