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News Item3/5/14 1:47 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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Does the Church of Rome believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is truly man? If the Eternal Son of God was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the Virgin Mary and was born of her, yet without sin, then why do they teach that Mary herself was immaculately conceived? Why would that be necessary to establish the humanity of Christ? Does it in fact do the very opposite?

News Item1/2/14 5:57 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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so, Rudy Giuliani is to the left of Jim from Lincoln???

News Item3/22/13 4:28 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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jpw wrote:
Greatness comes from obedience to God, not national pride. A nation obedient to God, that loves truth and justice will be good because God is good.
point taken, so, do you have anything positive to say about America, or any other nation, seeing no nation exist that would meet your definition of greatness and men by nature are in rebellion to God?

News Item3/22/13 10:25 AM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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jpw wrote:
they are openly drugging him, even said they drugged him to get the truth out of him. witnesses saw other things going on that day. this is not the america I once knew.
been looking at a history of your posts, just wondering do you have anything positive to say about America?

News Item10/29/09 1:56 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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Neil wrote:
A surprising but fair question. See Prov. 11:13, 20:19. Secrecy implies privacy.
Thank you. Those are good references.

I generally agree that employers know far too much about their employees, though if I were to work for a Christian employer, I suppose I wouldn't mind so much. As it is, for now I work for one of the companies on this list.

It seems to me that these big companies have all been co-opted by the same means that the same people used to take over nearly all the colleges and universities. First, they protested to get media coverage; next, the colleges / companies permit a token representative of the aggrieved group into some position; then that person gets more on board with them; then they move up through the ranks till they get a toehold in the board room; then it's all over. Once a small percentage of the colleges / companies has been taken over, the rest fall through media pressure.

We're now at the stage where the 'minority' parties have become the majority in power, and the actual majority is being squeezed out by the less numerous but more powerful activists. Next comes the (actual, real, physical) persecution of those who disagree, I think.

News Item10/29/09 1:24 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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Neil wrote:
My private life is not my employer's business - he doesn't need to know who my wife is or how many children I have in order for me to work for him.
Is privacy a Biblical concept?

News Item10/8/09 12:02 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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Whatever happened to preaching the gospel in season and out of season?

News Item4/3/09 2:31 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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DJC49 wrote:
A] Refer to 1Cor 7:15
Your friend was abandoned. She's not "bound."
B] Uh ... hem, haw ... when was divorce an issue in the counseling?
A) She re-married a man who had never been married. He was denied leadership in a church because of his wife's former marriage. Sad, because they are mature Christians.

B) I really didn't want to know the details of this situation. Our pastor told us what I posted, and that is all I know. His point was that lives are messy, and solutions to problems are not as simple as we would want them to be, even when using Scripture as our directive. Afterthought: the couple had become Christians and wanted to know what to do about their relationship. I guess divorce was a considered option.

News Item4/3/09 1:52 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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itsaboutheremnant wrote:
Yes DJC quite right it is ok to marry again if you are widowed but not OK to kill your spouse to obtaing the satus of widower not to remarry after divorce
Hahaha. . I had thought that thought when reading an earlier post. . .

Ok, here's a true story. A friend, 21 yrs. old at the time, husband left her, she waits, he marries another. She's a Christian, is she to continue waiting? Is she to live the rest of her life single? Is she free to re-marry based on scripture?

And, for a thornier issue. . .true story. A pastor had a couple in his church who came to him for counseling. They had been married for years; however, the wife had been a man before he became a woman and the wife in the relationship. How's that for a sticky situation. Do they divorce? What do they do? I'm glad I don't have to deal with that, but some pastor may have to.

News Item4/3/09 1:21 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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Neil wrote:
Q: "Wonder why, it only says 'wife' and not 'husband'?"
A: If you're referring to Rom. 7:1-3 or 1 Cor 7:39, consider that the marriage bond is bilateral (1 Cor. 7:2-4) & penalties for breaking it apply to both sexes (Lev. 20:10), so there is no need for Paul to be pedantic there & describe the case for the opposite sex - it is implied.
What you say is true, but I wonder if the deeper meaning is that the "wife" as in O.T. and representative of the positional relationship of Israel with God, and the "bride" or "wife" in the N.T., as representative of the Church and the positional relationship to Christ, is the greater meaning of the illustration. In almost every other directive in Scripture, it is given to the male, but, in this case, to the woman, or more correctly, the wife.

Given that God, Himself, could never be unfaithful, and divorce Himself of His elect; however, the "wife" or "Israel" of the O.T. was terribly unfaithful, and the "wife" or "Church" of the N.T. was/has been/is unfaithful as a body as described in Revelation.
Just wondering.

News Item4/3/09 11:35 AM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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DJC49 wrote:
Check: 1Cor 7:8,9,39,40.
Remarriage upon the death of a spouse is sanctioned.
So, what provision is made for the person who is remarried, but not as a widow? Does this affect that person's eternal destiny? Just a second look at those verses draws my attention to the mention of the "wife" being bound by law as long as her husband lives.
Wonder why, it only says "wife" and not "husband"?

News Item4/3/09 10:52 AM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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itsaboutheremnant wrote:
yes i dont read any allowance for remarriage in OT or new
So, would this be the only sin not covered by the blood of Christ?

Ahhh....maybe, THIS is the unpardonable sin that we aren't quite sure about.

News Item3/22/09 4:35 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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so, how do you present this gospel of election to a lost sinner?

News Item9/30/08 2:35 PM
Just Wondering | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Just Wondering
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I know this is slightly off the subject, but I know there will be catholics on this site that will comment on this story. Below is a site that shows the different prayers to Mary. Do any of you catholics agree with praying these prayers to Mary?

News Item6/4/08 10:11 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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Why argue and take sides with either party? Neither McCain nor Obama are born again Christians. Those who are born again really have much praying to do, we have NO candidate to choose from, nor have we had in past elections. The time has come for the body of Christ to pray much, stand firm in the faith, and preach the gospel, in season or out of season {we should have been doing this all along, but sadly, many have fallen into a 'lukewarm' state}.

Survey4/11/08 10:36 PM
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How did you come to Christ? What is your testimony?

Survey4/11/08 10:20 PM
just wondering  Find all comments by just wondering
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NT- Why did you not respond to the passages referring to repentance, being born again, and being saved by God's grace? Have you been broken over your sins? Have you confessed to God your iniquities and fled from them?
Jesus teaches in Matt. 5:28, "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart". God's word does not contradict, Paul says we are to flee from sexual immorality. Sexual sin is very serious, you would know that if you belonged to Christ. I urge you to repent of your sexual sins, and cry out to God to save you. Be reconciled to God, for the sake of your very soul.

Survey4/11/08 9:46 PM
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News Item3/21/08 12:17 PM
Just Wondering  Find all comments by Just Wondering
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What in the world is DRS talking about in his comments? How can he even suggest that we could ever be pessimistic about the things he mentioned in his negative context knowing the wonderful sovereignty of God doctrine that Brother John taught us in the Institutes? Sometimes I believe that people who make comments like this are merely Arminian wannabes who are willfully confusing the truth that it is God that has ordained these things after the counsel of his own will and we are so happy that he has such wisdom. It almost seems like DRS is suggesting that God would have acted differently towards us if we had of acted differently towards him in this 911 fiasco and the other calamities that he mentioned. Does he know how important it is to make our comments conform to our stated doctrines? Is it time for us to have a reeducation in our beloved reformed churches and reteach the doctrines of Grace?

I am surprised by rhetoric such as this. It almost sounds like this man is saying that God has a wonderful plan for your life if you'll only let him in and our actions will somehow change the actions of God. This sounds much too close to "freewill" of man and puts a condition of obedience on man for the favor of God.
I hope some of my brothers will also express concern about this!

Survey2/18/08 11:37 PM
Just Wondering  Find all comments by Just Wondering
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I would like to know if you would consider accepting a Survey that deals with whether or not John Calvin taught universal atonement or particular atonement. I just listened to a 5-point famous Calvinist theologian admit that after some research he discovered that John Calvin did not make any reference to particular atonement.

I would like to everyone else's opinion on it and there is not a thread where this can be discussed.

I am a plus member, but I do not want to waste my time creating a survey that will probably not be accepted.

Thanks for the consideration.

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