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News Item4/4/11 12:31 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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LGBT is definitely winning the day--especially with the younger folks, and the foundations of basic human identity are crumbling before the eyes of my generation.

Last week I was prompted to update my on-line medical insurance forms. One of the questions they asked me was my sex. Never before (until now) have I ever been given more than 2 choices (Male or Female), but this time I was given 5 choices: Male, Female, Transgender male to female, Transgender female to male, and Other.

I still have a hard time believing that our civilization is actually disintegrating as fast as it is, but the evidence is unfolding right before us.

Good news, of course, is that this almost certainly means that Christ is coming back VERY soon.

News Item4/1/11 11:53 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Poly Tykes wrote:
"Senate Democrats countered Tuesday with a hearing of their own — this one focusing on protecting the civil rights of Muslims."
Typical Democrats - Anything to fulfil the antiChristian agenda.
I tend to think Democrats and even many Republicans these days are more concerned about getting re-elected, which requires solid, consistent, and big/growing voting blocks (like the Hispanics and Muslims).

News Item4/1/11 11:41 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Good discussion.

I tend to ignore the Apocrypha books since neither Jesus nor any of the inspired apostles ever refer to any of them.

Then again, I'm pretty sure there are a few Old Testament books (like Esther?) that even Jesus and the inspired apostles never quoted from, yet they are considered part of the 66-book cannon of scripture.

News Item3/30/11 11:53 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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A great way to get an idea of just how much our culture has changed (deteriorated) is to compare the remakes of popular old movies with their original versions/prequels/TV-series.

You can see this when you compare the disney films Fantasia and Fantasia 2000. Each movie contains a scene involving one big, climactic struggle between "good" and "evil". In Fantasia (released in the 1940s) this struggle is between a decidedly satanic-looking villian and a church with its "saints". In Fantasia 2000 (released in the 1990s) the same struggle is between completely pagan/new-age entities of fire and vegitation (Gaiah?). In each film "good" eventually triumphs, but the idea of what "good" actually is and is represented by couldn't be more different, reflecting the different moral states of our nation at the time each of these films was released.

I grew up watching cartoons where some male characters exhibited efeminate behavior from time to time, but today with homosexuality so much on the rise I could easily expect to see sexually deviant cartoon characters become mainstream. Even for kids.

News Item3/29/11 4:59 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
John, I remember the CB craze too. Radio Shack shifted to home computers after that profitable fad expired. I'm sure professional truckers were grateful.
I hadn't thought about the truckers, but I do remember trying to enjoy radio/TV programs only to have them suddenly interrupted by EM interferrence or multipaths from chattering CB users, even after the FCC increased the number of available CB channels from 23 to 64(?). THAT was annoying!

Neil wrote:
I like your term "personal reality show." It calls to mind Christoper Lasch's plausible thesis in his 1979 book "The Culture of Narcissism."
People were talking about the so-called "ME decade" back in 1979. I guess it's still going on. I should read more. that sounds like a good book.

News Item3/29/11 1:39 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Dull? But Neil, don't you want to know what someone had for breakfast?
I'm told Twitter is a better place to find out about such EXCITING events as what a person just ate. Thanks to Twitter, everyone can be the star of their own personal reality show!

I almost forgot that for a brief time in the 1970s, CB radios searved much the same purpose for many people that social networking and internet chat now provide.

News Item3/29/11 11:35 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Wow. All my generation had growing up was the TV and the HiFi, which were temptation enough to keep many of us kids inside when we could've been enjoying a nice day, playing outside.

Today's kids have TONS of gadgets and software in addition to TV programming which can be abused and over-used.

News Item3/28/11 2:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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On first reading of jpw's post, I thought he might be referencing the fact that modern Americans seem to be so afraid of things like second-hand-smoke, global warming, and significant amounts of nuclear radiation traveling all the way from Japan's stricken reactors to Hawaii and the Western US coast. But when he used the word "childish", that got me thinking about modern American culture as a whole, and I reacted to that in my post.

News Item3/28/11 2:01 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
I am beginning to see Americans as the most childish people in the world. Lollipop lollipop, oooh lolly lolly lolly.
Probably true. Looking back at my own life I can see how I was given so much more that I never earned (by parents, government, etc.) than those in other lands do. This tends to make and keep people immature. America is a great place for diciplined self-starters to get ahead. Otherwise you eventually get programmed to look for free goodies and handouts to the point of actually thinking that you deserve them.

News Item3/21/11 11:51 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Do these idiots--I mean, "scholars"--ever read the Bible? If they do they sure seem to have a pretty low regard for it and what it says.

Baal, not Yahweh, was married to Asherah.

Jeremiah 3:14 says:

Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am MARRIED unto YOU (i.e. ISRAEL/JUDAH): and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: (etc.).

Yahweh was married to Israel/Judah, not Asherah.

News Item3/17/11 8:03 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Several years ago one of the churches in our presbytery fired their organist when they found out he was homosexual. Soon afterwards that church experienced fierce retaliation from the gay community for their action, which is chronicled in a book called When the Wicked Seize a City (available on

Hopefully Chrystal Cathedral will be spared such strife for its similar bold stand.

News Item3/9/11 4:45 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I read somewhere that over 40% of abortions last year were performed on African-American fetuses (i.e. unborn babies).

This is astounding considering that some of the birth-control pioneers of the early 20th century were actually trying to limit the numbers of blacks and other so-called "inferior" peoples this way.

And yet I'm told Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and many other African-Americans today are significanly pro-choice--essentially playing into the hands of the very eugenicists they often decry.


News Item3/9/11 4:32 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Well, having spurned the "good cop" (i.e. Christianity), Western homosexuals and their sympathizers will sooner or later have to deal with the "bad cop" (i.e. Islam) which is rapidly waxing in power and numbers throughout Europe.

Unless by some miracle these immigrant Muslims can be sufficiently liberalized, as their Christian predicessors were, things are going to get VERY nasty over there for those of the so-called "alternative lifestyle" persuasion.

News Item3/7/11 7:27 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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The Framework view of Creation is very strong in our denomination, especially among many of our more scholarly members who find it to be very appealing.

I personally had never heard of nor imagined anything other than the 6-day Biblical view of creation until the late 1980s, when Dr. Hugh Ross visited the conservative evangelical Bible church I was attending at the time. What struck me was, at the time, he seemed to assert that the Noaic flood was LOCAL and not world-wide (!). I was confused but many in the same audience seemed to be very impressed with Dr. Ross's reasonings.

From then on I've been getting this vibe that "smarter" Christians acknowledge an old earth while the "dumber" Christians still believe in that old 6-day nonsense which I still hold to.

Very troubling.

News Item3/7/11 7:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Not suprised.

The PCUSA has been drifting for quite a while.

The PCUSA in Northern California that my parents used to attend had a woman pastor on staff as far back as the early 1980s.

My brother, who more or less abandoned Biblical Christianity in favor of social and environmental justice, actually enjoyed some of the sermons which were preached there because they were so liberal and world-centered. Much to the chagrin of my mom who invited him to her church in an attempt to get him to recommit his life to Christ and attend church on a more consistent basis.

It was like taking a patient to a hospital in hopes of getting him cured, but instead he gets an additional dose of the disease that he already has.


News Item3/4/11 5:39 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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There's also a YouTube video of Rev. Baucham being interviewed and then ridiculed by hosts of a local news program for his negative opinions regarding Sarah Palin and similar women who aggressively persue careers and leadership roles outside the home and family, where he asserts their true/primary responsibilities are.

So I guess that makes him sexist as well as a bigot, homophobe, and/or whatever other slander worldings might want to apply to this mighty and wonderful servant of God.

News Item3/3/11 11:19 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Looking at the folks from Westboro Baptist one would think their message is that homosexuality is the only sin there is, since they never seem to complain about any of the many other sins people commit.

I think Mike's got it right here. The "log" in the "eye" of Westboro Baptists is apparently SO big that they only see and preach against the most obvious of sins. Homosexuality, in this case.

News Item2/28/11 11:19 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Rap is so worldly and filty (at least what little of it I've heard) that by the time one removes enough of these elements to make it acceptible for worship, It wouldn't be rap any more, and some other name would have to be ascribed to it because it would sound so differently from rap.

News Item2/25/11 11:15 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Not a new problem but still and interesting one, which may be easier to solve today as long as everyone has access to the same technology and schools are able and willing to deal with the effects of all this emerging technology.

Back in the 1970s, my junior high math teacher actually composed two separate tests during midterms. One for students who owned calculators and one for those who didn't. The latter often couldn't afford to buy a calculator as they were still expensive back then but were becoming more and more accessible.

News Item2/21/11 11:23 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Agree with all 3 posters here regarding a conspicuous lack of discernment on the part of these folks, who seem to automatically ascribe all their "good" experiences to the activities of God's kingdom rather than Satan's. Especially since the Bible tells us how incredibly deceptive Satan and his kingdom are.
(2 Cor. 11:14-15).

Maybe the boy overheard information regarding his still-born sister years earlier but later on forgot how he learned of it, unintentionally replacing the lost memory with a fabricated one. Human mind does this from time to time.

It's also possible that he could've been informed supernaturally by a demon, like the one(s) inhabiting the little girl who gave the apostle Paul such a hard time in Acts 16:16-19.

For those interested in near-death experiences, I'm told that Ramesh Ponnuru recently wrote a good book that tries to help explain them.

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