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News Item8/3/18 3:16 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The Prosperity Gospel has been a curse in many of the churches in the West, and imported wholesale into Africa, South East Asia, and South America, to the spiritual destruction of many.

Meanwhile in many countries all over the world, where there is strong persecution of Christians, the faithful assemblies, churches, house meetings and in some very severe cases such as North Korea, family churches and individuals meeting secretly in basements, caves and in forest places using whispered hymns and hand written copied pages from illegal Bibles carry on without reference to the heresies of the Prosperity Gospel, but instead taking up their cross daily and following the Lord Jesus Christ in their daily sufferings.

News Item8/3/18 2:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is very strange, as many past popes were very enthusiastic about applying the death penalty through their Inquisition, though technically condemned evangelical believers and “heretics” were actually handed over to the secular authorities for the actual carrying out of the death penalty, though bishops, priests, monks and other religious were present at the public execution.

In Britain, the EU and other Western countries, we now have to keep terrorists and other wicked criminals in expensive high security prisons, and it is in’t even a proper whole life sentence on most cases.

I still controversially believe that the only response to such horrendous crimes as committed by ISIS terrorists, serial murderers, and even such people as paedophiles should be the death penalty, though things should have the full process of law and all prisoners should be treated humanely, but in spartan conditions.

The Puritans and Methodists often went in to prisons, to preach the gospel to condemned prisoners, and some were genuinely converted and went to their execution trusting in Christ, and accepting their sentence, but rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ.

News Item8/2/18 3:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper

News Item8/2/18 3:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Psalm 1 v 3 - whatsoever he forth shall prosper.

News Item8/2/18 3:46 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Oh, Wayfarer from Lubbock, Texas, I will certainly pray for you, your wife, your other children, your daughter-in-law, and your grandchildren, and also for your deceived and errant son, and for his repentance and deliverance from this awful wicked lifestyle.

Your daughter-in-law and grandchildren, while loving your son, must not accept his Transgender state, whatever pressure they are put under to conform, and all of you must pray and stand together against this, while endeavouring to show “tough love” to this deceived man.

His new allies in the LGBT / Transgender crowd will no doubt try to make things as difficult as possible in this process, and unfortunately he may even find so called “Christian” religionists who will support and affirm him in his rebellion against the Creator who made him male at conception.

However, dear Wayfarer, as you trust and cry out to God, He will indeed as it says in Psalm 1, make you a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he forth shall prosper.

News Item8/2/18 3:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Part of this is using the excuse of dealing with the multitude of prosperity health and wealth churches, with flamboyant “man of God” witchdoctor substitute pastors that are a blight and a curse in many parts of Africa.

Tragically this clampdown, while no doubt closing many of these awful churches, that will be no great loss, will also be used by the government to close down good, solid evangelical and doctrinally sound churches, particularly in poor districts, where pastors do not have the opportunity or money to go to a recognised Bible College or Theological Seminary, and the local people do not have the money to
build an expensive building that will meet all the required building code regulations.

The emphasis on formal theological training, combined with presumably evolutionary science and technology is also extremely worrying. It is this kind of theological training, that was used by the enemy to bring in so much apostasy and disbelief, that killed off the main Protestant denominations in the West over a hundred years ago.

News Item8/2/18 3:17 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is, of course, the thin end of the wedge, and the whole idea is to infiltrate good solid evangelical churches from within, undermine the scriptures and substitute them with feelings, and bring in LGBT and Transgender into them, and bring previously staunch solid evangelical churches in line with the one word church agenda, to bring them in to the apostasy that had already captured the main line Protestant denominations a century or so ago.

News Item8/2/18 3:12 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Obviously President Ramaphosa wishes to do the same for his country of South Africa as Robert Mugabe his neighbour did to Zimbabwe and Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicholas Madura did and are doing to Venezuela, and Hamas have done to the Gaza Strip when Israel left and took all their settlements out and bring it to its knees in bankruptcy.

This is nothing less than legalised theft on a big scale, and the ANC mobs that seize the farms and kill the farmers in what they regard as vengeance for the apartheid years have no idea how to farm, and probably no desire to do it either.

News Item7/29/18 8:52 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As I said on the other thread about the nuns who had been abused, the Church of England has had its own problems with a senior bishop, a former Bishop of Gloucester, though he had to resign after one year. Before that he had been a more junior non-diocesan bishop for several years, and unusually for the Anglican Church, he was a monastic, in a community he founded with his brother, (the latter is not implicated at all in any scandal).

The whole thing was covered up greviously, including by the then Archbishop of Canterbury, the Prince of Wales, and several senior churchmen, and only recently was this former Bishop totally unmasked, successfully prosecuted, defrocked and sent to prison.

Tragically, we can only trust in the Lord and His Word and not men, and we are saved only by faith and not works, and not rituals, sacraments or anything else.

News Item7/29/18 8:37 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, the Church of England, which does not insist on celibacy for its ministers, and where a majority of them are married, had had its own scandal with a former, now defrocked Bishop, who has gone to prison for his crimes.

Unusually for Anglican orders, he was actually a monastic, but was covered up for even when he was unmasked in a previous conviction for which he was not imprisoned, and was even at the time been translated from a relatively junior bishopric to a more senior bishopric, although he was forced to resign this after only one year.

The current Archbishop of Canterbury at that time, Lord Carey, several other senior churchmen, and even the Prince of Wales campaigned for him, and the latter even gave him a house on one of his estates.

Since then all these and more revelations have surfaced, and there has been a tremendous backlash, and because he covered things up, and did not discipline him, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey now retired, was forced to resign as an honorary assistant bishop in the diocese of Oxford, although he is still allowed to function as a minister in his local parish church where he lives in retirement.

News Item7/24/18 3:58 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Perhaps the US authorities need to hastily investigate this, and possibly arrest the Cardinal quickly, before the Vatican has time to whisk him off to the Vatican City in Rome, and then secretively on to some remote Italian monastery where he will end his days, free from any thought of ending them in a US prison!!

News Item7/21/18 3:14 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These poor twins!! They either have the male chromosome, in which they are a boy, and nothing can change that, or they have a female chromosome, and they are a girl, and nothing can change that. This was given not at birth but at conception. This strange couple (the parents I am talking about here), either have two biological girls, or two biological boys, or one biological girl and one biological boy, whether they like it or not.

Here in Britain, our “Conservative” government under PM Mrs May is committed to this madness, and to a 70 point plan for courting the LGBT / Transgender community, and the devolved governments of Scotland and Wales, and the leftist U.K. Opposition parties (Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green, Scots and Welsh Nationalists), are even more committed to this, as are the liberal and ecumenical churches.

News Item7/17/18 3:43 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We see recently in the news here that a respected medical doctor who had worked for 20 years in the NHS, Britain’s much vaunted universal health care system, was accepted for training by the Department of Work and Pensions, to work for a private company employed by them to assess disability claims for benefits.

When, during his training, he stated clearly that he could not use “preferred pronouns” for transsexuals and as a medical professional he could not go along with this kind of thing, he was summarily dismissed as “unfit to work” for the DWP, or to assess disability claims for benefit.

I don’t know if he is an evangelical Christian, (the Christian Institute in Newcastle, England has the full details on their website), but this dear man as a fully trained and competent doctor knew that a man may put on lipstick and a dress, or a woman may wear man’s clothes and cropped hair, they may both take the opposite hormones, and they may have surgery (may, butchery) to remove perfectly healthy body parts, but their chromosomes do not change, and in fact cannot change.

News Item7/16/18 3:37 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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peace and security, and deceiving the nations.

News Item7/16/18 3:36 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Britain had to crash out of the predecessor to the euro, with a terrible recession, called the Exchange Rate Mechanism, where countries had their own currencies but all locked together.

Countries who did not like certain EU decisions, and had a referendum or a popular decision against a proposed EU plan, were often bullied and blackmailed into another vote with dire threats of job losses and disastrous consequences, so generally the second time around they voted “the right way”, that is they would go along with the plan. Smaller countries were pushed into accepting the disastrous Euro single currency, which is basically the old German Deutschmark stripped of its national decorations, on a one size fits all basis, and it has bankrupted Greece, and smaller nations that broke away from the old Soviet Union did not have their new national currencies for very long before they went in to the euro.

Now we in Britain are being bullied, and our half hearted PM Mrs May, is bending to Europe fast. The Remain forces wish us to have a second referendum so that the first, which is the real desire of the British people can be countermanded, and the EU can pull us back in.

I am sure that the Antichrist ruler will step out of all this chaos, and first become the ruler of the EU, promisin

News Item7/16/18 3:24 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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When I voted as a young man about to go to college in 1975 to join what was then called the Common Market, which I thought was merely a trade alliance, (though we had to change our old currency of £, shillings and pence to a decimal one of pounds and pence to join originally!!), I thought it would keep the left at bay, and it would enable ease of travel, but that it was cooperative and almost voluntary in nature.

Actually that was never the intention of either the deceptive Prime Minister, Mr Edward Heath, that we had at the time, many of his allies and civil servants that surrounded him, not indeed of the founders and leaders of this “Common Market”.

It became painfully obvious over the years, that these people intended nothing less than a massive superstate, basically a “United States of Europe”, with one currency, one effective government, a completely toothless European Parliament that cannot even initiate legislation, no borders within it, and laws and rules about every aspect of life.

The Common Market soon became the European Economic Community, then the European Community, then finally the European Union. Britain had to crash out with a terrible recession of the predecessor of the euro, which was the Exchange Rate Mechanism, where countries ad their own currencie

News Item7/14/18 12:05 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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My suspicion is that the Rwandan Government is seeking to use the appalling theology of many of the fringe prosperity doctrine churches which are rife in Africa, as an excuse to regulate all religion and bring in a registration system.

While this is bad for genuinely evangelical and gospel preaching biblical churches, it should clean up the multifarious sham churches and hyper-faith health wealth assemblies where you must tithe to the pastors (“the man of God”, so called) to make them rich, and also a lot of syncretisation part “Christian” part African traditional “churches” and assemblies that proliferate in so many countries in Africa.

News Item7/14/18 6:42 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically both the head of this medical Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and the head of the Royal College of Midwives, the two professional medical bodies that deal with matters of pregnancy and child birth, without any proper vote of their members, but by their own dictates, ( the Midwifery chief had, I think, some previous involvement with abortion providers), have come out strongly for abortion and almost sought to enforce it on their members.

The infamous method referred to here is of course the two stage non-surgical “morning after” medical abortion pill, which can actually be issued not only by a doctor, but even a “nurse practitioner”, a kind of very senior nurse, and even after a consultation, and some health questions to the woman involved, by a pharmacist, and a girl over 16, or even in some cases an under age girl
under the care of a school nurse, can be issued with this without parental knowledge or consent and with complete confidentiality from them!!!

News Item7/14/18 4:51 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This proves one thing. The atheistic FFRF and their allies at ACLU, and other similar organisations are actually unconstitutional themselves, as are the judges of the US Supreme Court, because they have illegally instituted a state religion, that of atheistic secular humanism, contrary to the US Constitution and the 1st Amendment, and there was total freedom of religion in the public as well as the private sphere for about 150 years of the existence of the USA, until in the 1960’s and later these unconstitutional groups started their nefarious and I would say illegal activities to install a new state religion enforced by law in the USA.

News Item7/14/18 1:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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If this doctor had been a Muslim, nothing would have been said, he would have been taken on quietly with gritted teeth by the authorities, as Muslims are usually automatically (though unofficially) exempt from such PC laws.

Having said that, the Muslim Mayor of Greater London, Sadiq Khan, came out in full support of the recent LGBT Gay Pride events in London last weekend.

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