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News Item4/29/11 12:01 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Title should instead say: "1 in 4 children in U.S. raised by a single parent AND government". As the American family dissolves, the state takes up the slack.

News Item4/26/11 1:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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With gold now at $1500 per ounce, we all have one more reason to "head for the hills".

News Item4/26/11 1:02 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Even though John Stossel is OK with homosexuals and drugs, I really like the way he fearlessly and non-sentimentally goes after anyone and everyone. Especially the inconsistent, the hypocritical, and those who are guilty of outsmarting themselves to the hurt of themselves and others.

If only the rest of the MSM--or even some of them--were more like him.

News Item4/25/11 11:51 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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'The debt limit has been raised ten times over the past decade. Obama voted against Bush's debt-limit increase in 2006 as a senator, accusing Bush of "a leadership failure." Obama recently apologized for "making what is a political vote as opposed to doing what was important for the country."'

Interesting. I recently watched a YouTube video where John Stossel was being interviewed. Stossel's answer to the final question was chilling. He said he has very little confidence in a government which keeps growing and growing regardless of who's in charge (Democrat or Republican), and all the while, the Press just sits there and cheers it on.

So much for so-called "checks and balances". Even the Press now seems to be captive to our eventual destruction.

News Item4/25/11 11:35 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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CAS wrote:
Martin Lloyd Jones argued just the other way in that he took issue with the familarity of the newer versions in addressing God as you.
"One curious effect long-term exposure to KJV and its language has on many Christians I've known (including myself) is that when they pray they use the KJV language (i.e. addressing God as "Thee" and "Thou", etc.) but use everyday English at all other times."
Thanks for that.

I love Martin Lloyd Jones. Wish I had been aware of his take on using "thou" vs. "you" to address God back then. I later heard my bro-in-law's position on this issue repeated by Hank Hannegraff, who's Bible Answerman show he listenes to frequently.

News Item4/23/11 12:50 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Scott McMahan wrote:
Okay, other than the usual KJV-Only responses (you guys are just a tiny bit predictable), did anyone wonder about the blasphemous pun in the title? Did some liberal news editor choose this to see if they'd get a rise out of Christians, or did it not occur to anyone at MSNBC that trivializing the cross might possibly not be a good idea and offend someone who actually believes the cross is the means of salvation? I expect it's the latter, and these MSNBC people probably don't know anything about Christianity other than the cross is some kind of jewelry.
I caught the pun, Scott, but refrained from commenting on it because it was too lame to be worthy of any response.

It's true that most see the cross as being Christ's ultimate failure/end when it's actually a picture of how incredibly horrible our sins are in the eyes of God--that such and awful spectacle would be required for full atonement of sinners.

News Item4/23/11 12:35 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
What is the percentage of people who say they speak Elizabethan English when pushing the AV many more than actually do.
One curious effect long-term exposure to KJV and its language has on many Christians I've known (including myself) is that when they pray they use the KJV language (i.e. addressing God as "Thee" and "Thou", etc.) but use everyday English at all other times.

I was actually Chriticized once by my brother-in-law who told me that to address God in such a "pretentions" and "presumtous" way, as he called it, was OFFENSIVE to GOD, and that I needed to stop praying that way or God would be angry with me.

I quit praying that way mainly to accomodate him (weaker brother?) but have not problem with anyone else who wants to pray that way.

News Item4/22/11 11:58 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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IMO the KJV is still the best version for scripture memorization. Nearly all of the many hundreds of bible passages I've memorized over the years have been in KJV.

There's also just something about the formal nature of the particular English used in the KVJ that lends the same considerable gravity to its texts as it does to Shakespeare's, helping me memorize the former and understand the latter (which helped me pass my English Lit classes).

For reading, the ESV is pretty good but I only use it because it's the one most widely used by my church (OPC).

News Item4/22/11 11:31 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I wonder if the $120m includes the appreciation in value of the licences of all their radio stations, many of which were aquired many years ago when they were worth much less (I'm told). FR could sell some of its stations for additional liquidity if they wished to.

It's amazing how much some people can change. Back in the 1980s, Harold Camping was one of my heros, along with Al Gore (who, believe it or not, used to be a conservative pro-life Democrat!).

News Item4/21/11 11:55 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christ Himself had to pay a HUGE price for the sins of His people. Had He not done so, we'd all end up in Hell. Isn't that basically the same as capitalism--which fundamentally involves the making of an exchange? What "clash" are they talking about? I don't see any clash at all.

News Item4/19/11 4:39 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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New in Focus wrote:
'Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life' by John Brown of Wamphrey
Never heard of him until now. I'll look up his works (I notice Amazon carrys some of his works). Thanks.

News Item4/19/11 12:53 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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HDI wrote:
Theologian Quiz:
Circle the answer corresponding to the theologian who agreed with the [URL=]]]Apostles' Creed[/URL] that Jesus descended into Hell:
(1.) Martin Luther.
(2.) John Calvin.
(3.) Augustine of Hippo.
(4.) All of the above.
No idea.

Being not much of a reader, myself, I tend to spend what little energy I have for books studying the Bible rather than studying what theologeons have written--which I understand as being MY loss, since many of these most blessed men, I'm sure have much God-given goodness/wisdom/etc. to impart to those of us who still struggle in the flesh.

News Item4/19/11 11:25 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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John UK wrote:
Hell seems to be holding ground of departed spirits who are awaiting judgment before being cast into a lake of fire; this is the eternal punishment of sinners from which there is no getting out.
I was taught this as well by one of my Sunday school teachers way back when. Soul-sleep for the unsaved (Psalm 115:17-18, Heb 9:27), not the saved (2 Cor 5:8). With the curious exception of the Rich Man in Hell (Luke 16:23), I know of no Biblical example of concious unsaved existance between physical death and final resurrection/judgement of the unsaved.

@HDI The correct answer is (C.), Christ's soul went to Heaven, along with one of the two thieves he was crucified with (Luke 23:43)

News Item4/13/11 11:58 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Haconby wrote:
"Satan has another message for you: Don’t go to Bay Area Fellowship."
Is this one of these subtle double negatives which Satan uses?
That was my first thought, too.

Is Satan using reverse-psychology here?

My best Christian mentors always advised me to give Satan as little attention as possible. This "church" is doing just the opposite of this advice. If they're giving Satan this much attention, they're probably already, unkowingly, under his power.

News Item4/11/11 12:30 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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TIS wrote:
Therefore, for the sake of the family, for the sake of the Church and for the sake of the Gospel, mustn't Evangelical leaders preach against contraception, abortion & sterilization?
I'm with you on all of that as long as the causes of such are also preached against, which is often much harder to do.

The family I grew up in enjoyed far more of this world's goods than they otherwise would've had they not chosen to limit the size of their family through birth control. My folks EASILY could've afforded to have 2 or 3 more kids but, fearing the privation they experienced during The Great Depression, they saw themselves as being "responsible" by utilizing the then (1960) newly-approved birth control pill and other similar means to make sure I and my 3 siblings had much more during our upbringing than they did during theirs. Sounds pretty noble, huh?

My parents definitely were not gay but they sure were worldly, in a self-justifying sense. Or maybe they just spiritually outsmarted themselves.

News Item4/11/11 11:18 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Years ago one of my pastors taught me that "the sin of Sodom" was actually worldliness and materialism, which usually preceeds the more blatatntly corrupt sins like homosexuality in most societies like ours.

BOTH sins helped bring down Sodom, so when some "historian" tries to tell me "homosexuality" caused Rome's downfall", I know he's either doing so to the exclusion of other factors...or he's a member of Fred Phelps' church!

News Item4/8/11 12:36 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Some pop music probably does cause depression. Some is probably depressing to begin with while other causes emotional highs and unrealizable expectations which later cause the person to (emotionally) crash. Finally too much or too little of "good" pop music might cause depression.

I agree with Scott McMahan.

This is a non-story.

News Item4/8/11 12:19 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
"– we have a recent episode of MSNBC’s Hardball with one-time Democratic operative Chuck Todd standing-in for host Chris Matthews."
Or a Democrat, Jim. Especially one standing in for a guy who said he felt a thrill go up his leg when he heard an Obama speech.
It's called denial.

Not unlike the feelings a mother tends to have for her juvenial delinquent child--or some Christians have for the liberal-side of politics.

I have a friend who's a born-again, pro-life, gun-nut; but who continues to vote liberal secular Democrat because he's "sensitive" (for lack of a better word) to their general message.

It's often very frustrating trying to reason with him.

News Item4/7/11 11:29 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Which is more remarkable? A book with theological unity written by one man over a period of several years or a book with at least as much theological unity written by 40 different men at different times over a period of 2000 years?

Then again, if I'm already biased against the Bible AND I don't want to be killed by non-placatable fanatics I might be tempted to say that the former is superior. Depends on how much I love my life vs. how much I love the truth.

News Item4/5/11 1:18 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
sickening, isn't it?
Children of God for life has been fighting to educate the public on the uses of the aborted baby industry.
Many vaccines have been made with aborted baby fetal cell lines.
Here's their reference list so you can compare which one is aborted fetal cell based or not:
a virus is not a stand alone organism, it needs a host. To develop a vaccine, a host infected animal cell must be used. sometimes it is monkey, or aborted fetal cell, etc.
Here's a thoughtful article:

When you mention it like that, we're not so far removed from the dispicable Nazi practice of using remains (hair, teeth, etc.) of exterminated Jews during WWII. Of course the slightest mention of this correlation to anyone in our present, so-called "enlightened" liberal society will surely infuriate them.

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