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News Item8/14/18 2:02 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, they are. There is a great similarity between Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour Party and Senator Bernie Sanders, the Socialist agitator and Democrat primary candidate for President (until he was defeated in that position by Hilary Clinton, who as we all know lost the actual main election for President).

The Democratic Party in the US has since lurched in a very leftwards slide since then, as has our Labour Party here in Britain, though not without controversy.

The other fascinating and confusing thing is that the colours are opposite on the two different sides of the Atlantic. In Britain red is for Sociakism, the Labour Party and blue is for the Conservatives. In the US, red is for the “Conservative” Republicans (though like our Conservative Party here they seem to be gearing somewhat to the left), and blue is for the Democrats, who are indeed going through a sharp Socialistic revolution).

How confusing things can be in politics!!!

News Item8/13/18 4:40 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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My belief is that this company is being cynical and hypocritical. They are making money from abortionists who are presumably selling the remains of these unborn babies for disposal.

It matters not whether they use cremation, or have a full blown burial service, they are still profiting from this wicked and devilish trade.

I have no doubt the SS officers who manned similar facilities at the concentration camps in Germany, Poland, Austria and other places and were arrested after the war by the Allied forces came up with the same sort of miserable excuses.

News Item8/13/18 4:20 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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1 small error I made in my previouscommunication on this thread. Marcion the early church heretic was even earlier, that is late 1st century to early 2nd century, not late 2nd century to early 3rd century as I stated previously.

It does show how quickly error spread into the early church, even while some of the apostles were still alive.

It demonstrated that as it says , I believe in the book of Ecclesiastes, yes, in the Old Testament, “there is nothing new under the sun.” I think I got that right!!!

News Item8/13/18 4:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I wasn’t able to read the article as the link took me to an unrelated article about teachers, but the danger with these autonomous independent churches is that of a pastor usurping his authority and overriding elders, deacons and members to enforce his will or even to carry out fraudulent schemes, like this pastor and his wife, or obtain a luxurious lifestyle at the expense of the church members.

Any church must have a solid statement of faith, and a proper legally drawn up constitution with a plural eldership, to which pastors, who are also elders are accountable, and there must also be recourse to the whole church membership, when very major decisions, such as the disposal of the building, or major building projects are to be made. All new pastors would have to be in full agreement with both the statement of faith and the constitution of the church, and the oversight of the plural elders before they could be appointed.

It is also not wise or good for the pastor to be the church treasurer, but this office should be carried out by the godliest and wisest church elder, a man of faith, but one who is also accountable to the plural eldership.

News Item8/13/18 3:54 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Of course the modern abortion and euthanasia industry is old time paganism, but dressed in a more subtle clinical guise.

Abortionists ( and euthanasia doctors) may not necessarily bow down before hideous statues or pictures, attend a temple with riotous feasts, and literally put a baby on a literal altar in the arms of a literal idol with a literal fire in its belly, and they may even be atheistical, but they are indeed continuing the legacy of the ancient priests and priestesses of Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Molech and the other Canaanite and Babylonian gods and goddesses that demanded such sacrifice.

Their zeal for their cause, aided by their political, media, academic and liberal “religious” allies is actually very like a zealous “faith”, and has a false religious element to it.

As born again Christians, we must stand against these people as much did the OT prophets and those Israelite kings who did make a stand for righteousness.

News Item8/13/18 3:40 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, Andy Stanley, and many other “neo-evangelical” pastors like him, as well as the now deceased liberal theological professors of the now dying mainstream Protestant denominations, inspired by that ancient heretic, Marcion, in the late 2nd and early 3rd century, who caused havoc in the early church until he was finally defeated by the orthodox early church fathers, have tossed out the Old Testament, as it doesn’t suit their post-modern 21st century preoccupations and political correctness.

However, we are told firmly that the Word of the Lord will endure for ever, and our Lord Himself, and the Apostles quoted exclusively from the Old Testament, which was the Bible in their day.

If we throw out the Old Testament, including Creation and the Law, which does not save us, but looks forward to Christ, and condemns us for sin, but points us to the One who can save us, we are totally spiritually bankrupt, and we call our Lord and the Apostles liars. However, the Lord clearly says “Let God be true and every man a liar”!!! Pastor Stanley and those like him need to be very careful, as they not only lead others astray, but are in direct disobedience to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, as well as endangering the flock that is entrusted to them.

News Item8/12/18 2:46 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The thing is that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and all your corrupt leftist media, as well as our own British BBC, completely “forgot” on purpose to report was that this man was the son of a notorious radical Islamic convert imam in Brooklyn, New York, who is well known in Islamic and liberal government circles, linked up with people like Linda Sarsour, and that the imam’s son was actually training these kids, ( while half starving them in this squalid compound), to be jihadists.

Nothing will be mentioned about this by your media, which will either ignore this story as much as possible, or spin some false narrative about “right wing extremism” and “illegal homeschooling”, as a this is much more up their line, and can be twisted to attack their “real enemies”, right wing fundamentalists, whom they hate with a passion!!!

News Item8/12/18 1:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Wayfarer Pilgrim, I will continue to pray for you, your family, including your son’s wife and children.

In some ways this is much worse than if your son had actually died (that is in the Lord), as we would know where he had gone. This however is a deception of the enemy who has taken your son and sought to twist him into some new person that he isn’t.

I really pray that this man will be delivered from his demonic deception. It does tragically seem as if somehow he was got at by agents of the enemy who engineered his temporary disappearance until he could “come out” in his new deception.

May God richly bless you and your wife and family, as well as your son’s wife and family.

As to that wicked Governor of Pennsylvania, who has founded an LGBT Commission in his state out of taxpayer’s money to basically persecute Christians and advance this wicked agenda in his state, the Lord will deal with him in His own time.

News Item8/11/18 8:25 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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5). All entertainment and seeker sensitive methods, Emergent Church type doctrines, and neo-evangelical compromise should be thrown out of the church immediately.

6). The fallen pastor should not just allowed to get away with it in retirement, but should be formally excommunicated.

That is what all churches in this situation should do as share minimum.

News Item8/11/18 7:56 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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1). It may well be better if such a vast church actually split up into much smaller more local and independent churches all with their own pastors, elders, deacons and members.

2). To be truly scriptural all women should be removed from any kind of leadership as pastors, elders or deacons, though women can be used in a variety of other ways, and are useful for safeguarding purposes for ministry to little children and women, though should be responsible to the male eldership.

3). The eldership should be truly plural, and pastors, who, of course are also elders should be fully responsible and accountable to the other elders.

4). All churches should return to a good solid diet of solid and doctrinal consecutive expository preaching of the Word of God, combined with challenging evangelistic preaching, and reverent worship, without pandering to the world.

News Item8/11/18 12:43 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This was a terrible tragedy waiting to happen.

It was good that the two new senior pastors and the whole board of elders resigned.

The remedy for Willow Creek, which I do not think they will take, will involve a number of vital steps, but apart from new elders and new senior pastors I fear little else will be done!!!

News Item8/7/18 2:37 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Here in Britain, after the successful trial of a right wing anti-Muslim extremist, who ran down some Muslims that were coming out of a mosque, and killed an elderly man, who was actually unwell and had fainted, we see this “takiyya” in action.

I deplore what this man did, of course, and apparently the imam of the mosque did rescue this man from immediate murder at the hands of his congregation until the police arrived and were able to arrest the anti-Muslim extremist for murder, and the imam became quite a hero.

He has now published an article in a leading newspaper condemning “Islamophobia”, and demanding the government do more to oppose it, and stressing of course, “the peaceful nature of Islam”.

However, despite all this, we should not be deceived, and while opposing violence against Muslims, we should still declare clearly that Islam is itself a violent religion, and teaches violence, and it is totally opposed to any notion of democracy, and particularly, it is totally opposed to the Christian Gospel and to the Lord Jesus Christ.

News Item8/7/18 2:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Of course it is wrong to hate individual Muslims, or to do violence to them. We should not use their methods. We should love them and share the Gospel with them, wherever possible.

However, as born again Christians, we should hate the actual religion of Islam for what it does to people, and the deception that it causes, and recognise that while many individual Muslims wish to live a quiet life, and genuinely live at peace with their neighbours, they are not actually following their religion faithfully, if that is the case.

The Toronto imam actually let the cat out of the bag, as he obviously believed and preached what real Islam teaches.

It is interesting that immediately after this sermon by the imam, the local Muslim authorities involved themselves in a “takiyya” (sanctified lying to deceive the unbelievers), which is permitted and even commanded in Islam, and were of course aided by their duped and unwitting allies of the secular Left.

News Item8/6/18 10:00 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must indeed pray for this brave doctor and all like him who speak out for common sense and for morality, let alone biblical principles.

In this mad world, it is increasingly clear that a medical professional who states what was obvious for thousands of years that gender cannot be changed, that unnecessarily drugging and medication of adults, and even more particularly children, and surgery that takes away perfectly healthy body parts, or medical suppression of natural bodily functions such as puberty is abusive, is going to be disciplined and removed from the profession that he or she loves and serves so well.

Meanwhile, people with genuine medical conditions continue to be denied essential medical treatment on grounds of cost, such as under active thyroid patients, who are denied the simple medication that they need to replace the hormone that their body is not producing. This is nothing short of scandalous!!

News Item8/6/18 4:09 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The whole seeker sensitive movement which both Willow Creek under Bill Hybels and Saddleback under Rick Warren pioneered is a totally spiritually bankrupt concept anyway.

In any case good solid plural eldership and full accountability of pastors would have prevented this whole unseemly situation.

We must pray for pastors and their wives and families, and weigh up everything that is said and done by scripture alone.

News Item8/5/18 11:17 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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When the previous Hindu Kingdom of Nepal collapsed in tragic circumstances, with the Crown Prince murdering his parents and siblings, being killed himself, and then the former King’s brother making a hash of the kingdom as the last monarch, no doubt the Christians in Nepal felt that the resulting new Republic would be secular in basis, and throw off the Hindu past.

This has obviously proved not to be the case and the new republic has turned out to be as oppressive as the old Hindu Kingdom if not worse. We must indeed pray for the Christians in this troubled mountain state.

News Item8/5/18 10:14 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though I don’t quite agree with the previous commentator that the US flag, or for that matter presumably any other national flag is the symbol of Baal, I do actually agree with him that a state or national flag shouldn’t be flown in a church or a place of worship.

All born again Christians have two citizenships, or 3 in the case of dual nationals of 2 worldly countries. We are to Pray for our secular leaders, pay our taxes, obey those laws that are not opposed to our faith and God’s Word, and we should not take up arms in rebellion against our government.

However, we have a higher citizenship, that of our Lord, Saviour, Priest and King, the Lord Jesus Christ, based in Heaven, and that is our higher loyalty. Our churches should reflect that, and we are not there to promote a particular secular state, but the Lord Jesus Christ, and His and Our Heavenly Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us.

In Britain, apart from some Anglican churches, we do not generally fly the British flag, whereas it seems to be the custom that US churches always display theUS flag in their sanctuaries. I rather wish they didn’t do this, and also no church service should sing national patriotic songs, though we should pray regularly for our head of state and government.

News Item8/5/18 9:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Another problem is the emotion charged “spiritual formation” programmes increasingly being used in “Christian” colleges, universities, Bible Colleges, seminaries, as well as in “Christian” societies in secular HE establishments, not based on the Bible or on God’s Word, but on emotion, feelings, emptying one’s mind, repetition of Christianised mantras, etc., and also the “kumbaya” mentality of getting along with other religions, and lifestyles without confronting them, even leading to a subtle, and sometimes not so subtle Universalism.

These also lead to a “One World Church” idea, which ultimately will lead to the eventual leadership of the Pope in Rome and the Catholic Church over this “One World Church”, which will eventually include all the other religions as well!!!

News Item8/5/18 6:44 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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One huge problem with the SBC, as far as I understand it, as well as the right wing political affiliation being actively preached in many of the churches, (now changing to a left wing affiliation because of this new “social justice” swing and takeover happening now), was that the leadership of the SBC never properly dealt with the curse of Freemasonry, which I understand is rife in the membership and the leadership of many SBC churches, but swept it under the carpet.

I also believe that there has been a very mechanistic Finney-style “salvation” process of altar calls, walking the aisle and 14 year old church member’s children almost automatically “making a decision” and being baptised as “believers”, and then promptly rebelling against the faith in the upper reaches of high school or in college or university when exposed to Lineralism and evolutionary theory.

Some of these kids haven’t totally rebelled or gone atheistic, but have picked up enough left wing rubbish from HE to return to SBC churches, to infect them, and take over the leadership.

News Item8/3/18 11:02 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Penned, No God has not finished with the Jews, whatever you may say or other people who may believe in Replacement Theology. There are Messianic Jews who have placed their full trust in Yeshua Ha’Maschiach, Jesus the Messiah, and they are as shocked at the so called “Gay Pride”, as any of us.

The Orthodox Jews also hate it and have threatened violence to disrupt the parades at Tel Aviv and particularly in Jerusalem.

Paul the Apostle made it quite clear that God is going to deal with the Jewish root, as well as the Gentile branches grafted on, in Romans 9 to 11, and he also said that the Gospel was to be preached to the Jew first, and then to the Gentile, and that should be the pattern today.

The Puritans also believed that in the last days, there would be a great harvest amongst the Jewish people, and campaigned for Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Priotector, the one who executed King Charles I, to allow the Jews to return legally to Britain, for the first time since 1290, when king Edward I had expelled them.

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